MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Yay one less person crowding Disney parks!!! But you are welcome back aboard whenever you want :) lol anybody else see the Transformers ride get stuck and Rip ride rockit yeah I think I'll stick with Disney MM+ screw ups and all...Star Wars being on hold doesn't mean much they will want plenty of theme park presence when that movie comes out in 2015
How does one translate to the other?


Well-Known Member
How does one translate to the other?
Because people overreact and think that because something is on hold that omg Star Wars might not get built now for a long long time, when it will more than likely get done the same time they were going to get it done in the first place...if Disney sees a money maker that will attract new and old guests to the parks they will build whenever they want IMO


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Because people overreact and think that because something is on hold that omg Star Wars might not get built now for a long long time, when it will more than likely get done the same time they were going to get it done in the first place...if Disney sees a money maker that will attract new and old guests to the parks they will build whenever they want IMO
A film making money does not necessarily translate into new additions for the parks. Mild difference between raking in profits from and surrounding a film as opposed to investing the time and resources to build and maintain a new attraction.....


Premium Member
So explain to me what else they would be tracking them for

Here is post from WDW1974 that talks a little about tracking.


From this it appears that they want to collect very accurate tracking data on guests. This could be very useful in a retail situation especially if it's tied to demographic information. Using this data you could analyse exactly how people move through a store and how long they stop to look at each display.


Well-Known Member
Here is post from WDW1974 that talks a little about tracking.


From this it appears that they want to collect very accurate tracking data on guests. This could be very useful in a retail situation especially if it's tied to demographic information. Using this data you could analyse exactly how people move through a store and how long they stop to look at each display.

I would take all of that with a grain of salt...especially from mr wdw mm+ and Disney is the root of all evil

Again these are RFID chips that require sensors. In order to track how long you spend at a "display" each display would have to have an RFID sensor and then you'd have to get into how powerful it would need to be and not inferring with the next display etc.

I can certainly see them gathering big data on demographics on what parks how long what ride and when and purchases etc but nothing specific to an individual (like google does to us).

Whly anyone is nervous about Disney gathering information on us while we are in THEIR parks I have no idea. They could easily be doing that today using different methods


Premium Member
I would take all of that with a grain of salt...especially from mr wdw mm+ and Disney is the root of all evil

Again these are RFID chips that require sensors. In order to track how long you spend at a "display" each display would have to have an RFID sensor and then you'd have to get into how powerful it would need to be and not inferring with the next display etc.

I can certainly see them gathering big data on demographics on what parks how long what ride and when and purchases etc but nothing specific to an individual (like google does to us).

Whly anyone is nervous about Disney gathering information on us while we are in THEIR parks I have no idea. They could easily be doing that today using different methods

What he has posted sounds very plausible and it's direct reporting of what he has heard not opinion, so I am willing to accept it.

Actually, a sensor is not required on each display. With the active RFID in the bands, and a number of receivers you can triangulate the position of the tag with pretty good accuracy. Here is a link to an open software/hardware project that has been doing this since 2006:


Personally I am not trying to argue whether this is a good or bad thing, just trying to show what it possible.


Well-Known Member
Again these are RFID chips that require sensors. In order to track how long you spend at a "display" each display would have to have an RFID sensor and then you'd have to get into how powerful it would need to be and not inferring with the next display etc.
Why not go read the FCC filings on the MagicBand? They're not just passive RFID like the cards.


Premium Member
Yay one less person crowding Disney parks!!! But you are welcome back aboard whenever you want :) lol anybody else see the Transformers ride get stuck and Rip ride rockit yeah I think I'll stick with Disney MM+ screw ups and all...Star Wars being on hold doesn't mean much they will want plenty of theme park presence when that movie comes out in 2015

Can we have one thread around here that doesn't turn into a "tastes great, less filling" argument about WDW vs Universal. That goes for both sides. There is already an active why WDW is better than Universal thread and any number of WDW bashing threads talking about how Universal does no wrong.


Premium Member
I believe any location 'tracking' would be done with long-range Bluetooth technology (not RFID) that is also built into the MagicBands but not included in a card. This has been confirmed by Tom Staggs in various interviews and presentations he has given on the technology. A high level technical description of it, along with video of a tech focused interview he gave at the All Things D conference earlier this year.


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I would take all of that with a grain of salt...especially from mr wdw mm+ and Disney is the root of all evil

Again these are RFID chips that require sensors. In order to track how long you spend at a "display" each display would have to have an RFID sensor and then you'd have to get into how powerful it would need to be and not inferring with the next display etc.

I can certainly see them gathering big data on demographics on what parks how long what ride and when and purchases etc but nothing specific to an individual (like google does to us).

Whly anyone is nervous about Disney gathering information on us while we are in THEIR parks I have no idea. They could easily be doing that today using different methods
they silently mark our butts with UV light tatoos when we sit in their themed bathroom's loos!!! (to track us down LOL!)

so.. the magicbands are actually always active?

I believe any location 'tracking' would be done with long-range Bluetooth technology (not RFID) that is also built into the MagicBands but not included in a card. This has been confirmed by Tom Staggs in various interviews and presentations he has given on the technology. A high level technical description of it, along with video of a tech focused interview he gave at the All Things D conference earlier this year.


Doesnt Bluetooth as a max range of like.. 20meters?
Also.. if they are tracking 20,000 ppl.. wouldn't there be a frequency saturation?


Premium Member
I really like the general concepts & idea of what youre doing - You control your whole trip through a smartphone app or logging online. Its rather brilliant, when it works. The issue is, it doesnt always work. Instead of doing any of this in house, theyre trying to integrate multiple components programmed through multiple contractors.

Now not all of this is managements idea to outsource the entire thing..... a lot of the guests who have problems, a percentage of them can be attributed to user error - That being, they didnt set up anything before they left. Why that is? Dunno, either the user just didnt .... or no one told them to.

I've made this observation many, many times: For a multi-billion dollar entertainment and communication giant, they do a horrible job of actually communicating information to its guests.
This is a great post. Really summarizes what I think are 2 major problems with this whole boondoggle:

1) Disney sucks at IT related stuff, especially anything web based. Just go to any of their websites for proof.
2) Disney has so far failed miserably in communicating with customers the what, why, when and how of the system.

Number 1 has little hope of being fixed any time soon. You would think with Jobs on the BOD back in the day he could have had some positive influence on all things techie that TWDC got involved with. No such luck.

Number 2 could be written off to just being in testing phase I guess. I tested the system 2 weeks ago. I knew exactly what to expect from reading this site. Kudos to Steve for starting the section on my magic+ and the bands. I had checked in online, customized my bands and made my FP selection as soon as they were available around 60 days before my trip. My first communication from Disney that I was part of the testing was about 2 weeks before my trip. There were basic instructions but no real details or substance. If it wasn't for this site I don't know if I would have figured out exactly what I needed to do. I had very few problems with the bands or FP+ on my trip but I was prepared and planned ahead. When I was checking in the guy next to me was asked if he knew about the magic bands and FP+. He had no clue. They broke out the grey bands for him but he seemed really confused like a deer in headlights.


Well-Known Member
I just can't understand why everyone is so concerned about DISNEY knowing things about where we are while we are IN THEIR PARKS?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are in the minority. Most of the people who complain the most still visit WDW frequently. More frequently than me. They either still enjoy going to the parks or they are really dumb and love to waste their money on something they don't even like. Most are in the first category, very few in the second (you know who you are:cautious:). I think for the most part those who point out flaws and talk about issues probably still have a great time the majority of their time spent at WDW.

To me it's like being a sports fan. I can watch every Eagles game religiously and still be critical of the team, the coaches or the ownership.

This might be my favorite post on this thread thus far. Very well stated, and I too am an Eagles fan so I know EXACTLY what you are referring to about being fanatical about something, but constantly complaining about it. Hopefully I won't be exemplifying that after the Cardinals game today!

However, we shouldn't be talking about this anyway. We are teetering on a WDW vs Uni argument again. That is an argument that can never be won because in the end, it is personal preference, period.

As far as the magic bands are concerned, I am on the fence about them. Yes they are convenient in some ways, but I believe they discourage spontenaety. Also, I don't know if I will be willing to ever purchase park hoppers again. And that sucks cause I always liked them. The bundling of fast pass choices also stinks. But again, this is still in beta phase testing so we will see.

Anyway, go Eagles!! You better not suck today. How's that for loyalty?

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