MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
This is where Disney fails to understand anything regarding guest spending... So a family budgets $1000 to spend at WDW and puts the money on the band... Do you actually think the guests will love using the band to pay so much that now magically they spent $2000? No.. They will still only spend that budgeted money... Money they were going to more than likely spend anyway...
They do not need them to spend $2,000, they are estimating $1,150 to 1,200. Is it possible, sure, if you are sent deals, based on your proximity in the park. Let's say you are heading over to Pirates and you get a text (or whatever) saying, for the next 15 minutes,you can get 4 dole whips for the price of 3. . . I think targeted, time sensitive, marketing deals will become a staple of the program.


Well-Known Member
That's total B.S. about him not liking the parks. Like almost immediately after getting the job as CEO, he approved Splash Mountain. Someone who hated the parks would not approve such an expensive E-ticket right away like that!

Fun fact: Eisner is one of the the only Disney executive I have ever spied "shopping" the parks without an entourage. It was 1988, and he stopped by my restaurant, bought food, and asked tourist-level questions. I knew who he was immediately but didn't let on. He was there checking on the quality of the Show, the food, the Cast Members. He was my boss's boss's boss's boss's boss, but mostly I was thinking: good. Here's someone who cares to walk with the public. Walt did that all the time.

Another of the few execs I've seen do this: Jim Macphee. I was a Guest for that one, so I talked to him and took a photo :)

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Fun fact: Eisner is one of the the only Disney executive I have ever spied "shopping" the parks without an entourage. It was 1988, and he stopped by my restaurant, bought food, and asked tourist-level questions. I knew who he was immediately but didn't let on. He was there checking on the quality of the Show, the food, the Cast Members. He was my boss's boss's boss's boss's boss, but mostly I was thinking: good. Here's someone who cares to walk with the public. Walt did that all the time.

Another of the few execs I've seen do this: Jim Macphee. I was a Guest for that one, so I talked to him and took a photo :)

My opinion of Eisner has gone up a notch. Thanks for the great story!

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Hmm..seems odd someone still on the WDI/Disney payroll would publicly post a comment like this.

I have enjoyed Jason's books....some good reads, particularly 'The Disney Mountains'.

His "Screenplay by Disney" is a good read too. Although I disagree with him about Robin Hood. There's nothing wrong with anthropomorphic animals in clothes. Mickey wears clothes, for crying out loud... :D

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Thought i would share a MM- story here...seems a appropriate place.

Just had a co-worker friend return home from a honeymoon visit to WDW about two weeks ago...when all the Corporate folks were there.
She stayed off-property, but visited with her brother and friends who stayed on-property.
Her brother and friends used the Magicbands, she of course was not able to due to staying off-site.

I wanted to hear her opinion on MM-, as i knew she likely experienced some aspect of it or at least had the opportunity to see her brother and his friends using it.

Her first reaction when i asked about it?
Face contortions and a loud "Oh man, IT SUCKS!" was what she shouted out in response.
I pressed for details...wanted to know WHY she had these hostile feelings about this new 'service'.

It was interesting to hear her response.

The #1 reason she did not like it was it made her feel like a 'second class citizen'. A 'lesser Guest'.
A quote when she was venting :
"Before, when you were there ( at the Park ) you were a equal to everyone else. You got your FPs in the same way as everyone else...everyone had a fair shot.
Now with this, you have to reserve in advance. Who the **** knows what they are going to want to do or ride months before you visit..?
What the hell kind of vacation is THAT..?"

Yes, her irritation there is likely because she stayed off-property and felt a little 'left out' of a perceived advantage on-property Guests had.
That was her choice, but even if she stayed on-site she felt annoyed that she would have been 'forced' to reserve things she wanted to do well in advance.
The structure of that was a turn off to her.
As she stated, how is that a 'vacation' experience?

And this leads into her #2 reason for not being keen on MM- , the concept of having to reserve FP options in advance.
Although she did use the still present paper FPs, when this goes bye-bye next year there will be no alternative.
Her brother and friends, who stayed on-property, had the bands.
She noted how insanely long the FP lines were...which she thought was surprising since FP lanes are supposed to be 'faster'.

She also mentioned how she saw the Corporate folks many times during her visit...mostly standing around observing Guests using the bands in the FP+ lanes.
If i was her, i would have walked over and expressed my displeasure with the 'service'...or voice concerns....but hindsight is always 20/20.

Basically, every concern or issue that has been already discussed on this Forum was touched on with her response.
I could only smile, and then tell her she pretty much hit on everything Park fans have been miffed about in relation to this crazy concept.

I thought ya'all might enjoy hearing her tale.

She is now quite turned off about visiting in the future after this experience.

I told her to go to Disneyland instead.

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Well-Known Member
According to early projections Frozen is projected to surpass expectations and will have a bigger opening 5 day start than Tangled. Tangled opened at the same time in 2010. I'm sure Mr. Iger is very pleased

That's good to hear. It is a very good movie with very good music. Well done. The Mickey and pals black and white to color short before the movie is creative too


Well-Known Member
Who the **** knows what they are going to want to do or ride months before you visit..?
What the hell kind of vacation is THAT..?"

She also mentioned how she saw the Corporate folks many times during her visit...mostly standing around observing Guests using the bands in the FP+ lanes.

Two really good points ... place me in the I dont want to plan my rides 60 days in advance camp, dining as well for that matter.

Second, until now I hadn't made the connection but a lot of Managers and Suits were manning the second magic band kiosk on the attraction, the one that is right before you board the ride ... this was the greatest mystery of all to me ... why do you scan your bands twice? Once at the entrance, and again steps before you board the ride, seemed really redundant.

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