MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick note before bed (those yams smell so good and my Spirited green bean casserole is to die for ...that special ingredient? Know any missing fanbois?) ...but Miceage actually got very large chunks of this story wrong ... Hey, @KevinYee you might want to tell Dusty and Company they way overextrapolated this one and it's gonna hurt their cred.

Parts were right, but large parts -- like DL's 60th being off are flat out inaccurate.

I will post more as time and the holiday allow. But folks need to take a deep breath, even if NGE is pure evil, it hasn,t frozen all projects everywhere indefinitely. Not true.

Oh, and thanks to @WDWFigment for being the only one in the Twitverse classy enough to acknowledge that I broke the news on Shanghai's developmental menu, even after flying back from his second Asian parks escapade this year ... He better post his thoughts in my Spirited thread!!!

now back to baking and bed ...
So, of course, we are hoping for good news for DLR. So there are some lumps in the gravy that Miceage made, and served up. Spill some gravy man, What didn't make it to the table?


Well-Known Member
I can say that my biggest complaint with the respect to MM+ is the MyDisneyExperience APP and where/when it is used. It has now replaced Flash Photography. Seriously people? Get off your f'ing phone for the 4 minute ride. I had a woman in front of me the whole time on Pirates messing with the MyDisney App, same thing on Muppetvision, Bugs Life, Tower ... Soarin' ... it's getting a little out of control, and they need to change their speil to include cellphones.


Well-Known Member
That's not true at all. From Al's alleged 'hatred' to your understanding of major CAP EX spending for P&R at Disney.

In this case, it is very plausible the BoD's simply said 'enough is enough' over the NGE billion dollar boondoggle and told Iger that certain numbers had to be met. Those overruns very easily could take hundreds of millions of dollars in Anaheim projects and make it disappear ... you know, like MAGIC!!!
This is probably the likeliest scenario. And rather than cut his losses on My Magic+, it looks like Iger is doubling down on it.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
" You like your Magic Band?......You can keep your Magic Band!".......hehehehehe Only 5% of people have cancelled their vacations....LOL Magic Bands will save you time and money....HAHAHA. People who didn't have Magic Bands (weather they like or not) will get a Magic Band. Wait till the program is fully rolled out....everyone will love it.......

I can't tell if you're joking or not...
How will MagicBands save you money?


Well-Known Member
The worst decision any company can make is to assume their customers are dumb.
There was a time when Disney looked at this and said, "Our customers don't know what they want, but if we create some magical they will love it." For decades this approach was successful and there was no reason to believe it wouldn't continue to be so. It was reinforced most recently by The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Cars Land. Now, they look at this quote and said, "How can we deceive our guests into paying more and getting less." This is reinforced by cuts everywhere that coincide with price increases and a new plan that attempts to sell people on quicker access to attractions that don't generate waits.


Well-Known Member
Some Spirited Perspective:
Again, all of you apologists, defenders of mediocrity, Pixie Dusters etc ... you really are helping destroy Walt's Legacy and his company's.

People who enjoy Disney and have no complaints are not the problem. I agree that Disney is a company with issues, and these reports spell it out in astounding detail, but it's not the fault of anyone but those in power at Disney. Disney doesn't really differentiate from the praise of the apathetic to the screams of the angry. They do what they feel will make the best bet for the bottom line, usually to the outrage of people who tap away at keyboards pretending their anger will do anything.


Well-Known Member
People who enjoy Disney and have no complaints are not the problem. I agree that Disney is a company with issues, and these reports spell it out in astounding detail, but it's not the fault of anyone but those in power at Disney. Disney doesn't really differentiate from the praise of the apathetic to the screams of the angry. They do what they feel will make the best bet for the bottom line, usually to the outrage of people who tap away at keyboards pretending their anger will do anything.
You all eat up the free-dining value prop. Disney has learned that people will chase perceived value over adding real value now.


Well-Known Member
Star Wars project isn't canceled. Bob Iger made it very clear to Imagineering that when it comes to SW Land that "nothing stops this train"

Iger did just deny JJ's request for more time on SW7 because there were too many other "things" in motion that were going to "synergize" with it ... speculation was SW Land.


Well-Known Member
. You all eat up the free-dining value prop. Disney has learned that people will chase perceived value over adding real value now.

I have never used Free Dining or any similar "value" ever. Not room discounts, not dining, not buy one get one free. Full price has been paid on every trip. And I too want more new things that aren't glorified ticket media and phone apps. I am not worshiping at the idol of Walter E here, folks. I just think WDW1974's snarky rhetoric is just plain unneeded. Be upset about MM+ or NGE, Be upset it's taking several decades to build the "kiddie" coaster.
Be upset all you want, you have the right to be. Don't crap over those who choose to find some enjoyment in the walls of WDW.


Well-Known Member
"You all"

I have never used Free Dining or any similar "value" ever. Not room discounts, not dining, not buy one get one free. Full price has been paid on every trip. And I too want more new things that aren't glorified ticket media and phone apps. I am not worshiping at the idol of Walter E here, folks. I just think WDW1974's snarky rhetoric is just plain unneeded. Be upset about MM+ or NGE, Be upset it's taking several decades to build the "kiddie" coaster.
Be upset all you want, you have the right to be. Don't crap over those who choose to find some enjoyment in the walls of WDW.

Well that's pretty foolish too.


Well-Known Member
"You all"

I have never used Free Dining or any similar "value" ever. Not room discounts, not dining, not buy one get one free. Full price has been paid on every trip. And I too want more new things that aren't glorified ticket media and phone apps. I am not worshiping at the idol of Walter E here, folks. I just think WDW1974's snarky rhetoric is just plain unneeded. Be upset about MM+ or NGE, Be upset it's taking several decades to build the "kiddie" coaster.
Be upset all you want, you have the right to be. Don't crap over those who choose to find some enjoyment in the walls of WDW.
You apparently have no intention of being one of the "cool" kids do you? I'll even bet that you like Walmart. :happy:


Well-Known Member
This is probably the likeliest scenario. And rather than cut his losses on My Magic+, it looks like Iger is doubling down on it.

This is the concept that doesn't makes sense to me. If MM+ is cost so much and not showing returns, why would the company make the decision to cut alternative investments in the parks and continue to funnel money to MM+? I realize that there is some element of "too big to fail" in MM+ but if it is as problematic as the article states, surely we are at a point where the BoDs say "enough is enough; figure out how to make it work on a smaller budget or cut features". Sure, that would mean they are even les likely to achieve the financial goals they wanted with MM+ but at some point it's just a sunk cost and you have to make do with it. There's no reason they can't just go with MM+ and the MBs for now being used for charging/room entry/park entry and they can try to add functionality to the system later once the first part is running well.

But why would the attitude be "this insn't working the way we want, let's cut money from different P&R aspects that might provide alternative benefits"? (Particularly ironic because one the big issus with FP+ at WDW is a lack of rides, so cutting the building of new rides is only going to exacerbate the problems while building attractions might actually help MM+ in the future). If the parks at WDW are really having problems (shrinking attendence, lower merch sales, resort unoccupancy) as insiders here have mentioned while DCA has had increased attendence and revenue as a result of Cars Land, how could they be so naive as to stop the thing that "works".

I can understand a temporary funding of attractions in order to make the balance sheets improve in the next quarter or two. I don't think this means that they won't be greenlighting new attractions for years.


Well-Known Member
So how does stopping all current and near future attraction development help to recuperate money lost from MM+? I would think that attendance is down quite a bit (or not growing near as fast as other parks) in DHS and EPCOT which means a lot less revenue. spending money to open attractions in empty spaces can only generate revenue well beyond the cost of building the attraction. if just one attraction increases guest attendance in DHS, for example, 1 %, that more than makes up for the cost of the attraction with increased food and merchandise sales. This is why the article doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't sound like a decision a CEO of a multi billion dollar company would make. businesses make bad investments all the time. but that doesn't stop them from investing. it just shifts their investments away from what didn't work.


Well-Known Member
I think people need to go back and re-read what was written.

Do not confuse "on hold" with cancelled.

Looking in from my POV from one large corporate structure from another, holds are common when large capital investments have begun to spiral.

Like @flynnibus mentioned earlier... it is akin to a traveling freeze, hiring freeze, office budget freeze. Simply a "let's pause, deep dive the issue, figure it out and fix it"

Does this mean that all those projects are canceled? no.

Does this mean we could eventually see delays? possibly.

but right now it is important to just recognize that internally MM+ is causing a lot of issues at the very top levels all the way down to front line Cast Members.

For those living in central Florida... if you are in middle to upper management in a technical field you probably have already been contacted by WDW recruiting promising some insane salaries to jump on board... and no one is.


Well-Known Member
I think people need to go back and re-read what was written.

Do not confuse "on hold" with cancelled.

Looking in from my POV from one large corporate structure from another, holds are common when large capital investments have begun to spiral.

Like @flynnibus mentioned earlier... it is akin to a traveling freeze, hiring freeze, office budget freeze. Simply a "let's pause, deep dive the issue, figure it out and fix it"

Does this mean that all those projects are canceled? no.

Does this mean we could eventually see delays? possibly.

but right now it is important to just recognize that internally MM+ is causing a lot of issues at the very top levels all the way down to front line Cast Members.

For those living in central Florida... if you are in middle to upper management in a technical field you probably have already been contacted by WDW recruiting promising some insane salaries to jump on board... and no one is.
Correct, folks also need to go back and read some further insights which had come to light. Per what can only be assumed to be reliable sources of @WDW1974 , a good portion of the article was speculative. Though that means some of it, could be a great deal, who knows today, was accurate. Exactly what will be held or cancelled is guess work today. Seems questionable what at WDW will be impacted is the biggest question and that other parks are less impacted by the insane cost overruns of MDE.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I see... Iger goes to Florida and someone has the intestinal fortitude to tell him that this is going to take a lot longer then expected to be in full working order.

Iger heads back to California filled with simulated indignation. How was he supposed to know how bad things were? Why didn't his "people' tell him the mess it was in? What do they expect me to do, spend time in the parks, talk with people, get my suit all dirty with common people grime?

Seeing that there is a major set of buttocks that need covering, he has a tiny tantrum, shuts down all spending until he, by god, gets to the bottom of this mess. Look at me, I'm a leader he yells out. Heads will roll.

In the meantime, a few heads have bobbed up and down signifying approval of the bosses actions because, after all there is a lot more then two cheeks to be protected here, and business goes on as usual. No extra money is forthcoming for new attractions which is fortunate because they didn't really intend to spend any anyway until after Christmas bonuses were passed out. Now they have an excuse, other then they are too cheap to spend. Now we have a NextGen mess to clean up first.

Iger goes back to his steel walled office, locks the door and spends some quality time figuring out how much of his Disney stock to convert to cash and deposit in his Swiss account. Life goes on as normal. And he lives happily ever after. BTW, that weird noise you hear is Walt Disney spinning in his grave.
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