MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
[quote="raymusiccity, post: 5815880, member: 70651"Ariel's Grotto has the presence and eye for detail than many 'attractions' do at Uni.
Many attractions at Uni have the presence and eye for detail than many of those at Disney. Both have their high and low points when it comes to details and "presence".[/quote]

No worries. I was just addressing the earlier contention that 'Meet & Greets' shouldn't be considered 'Attractions'.


Well-Known Member
MiceAge updates, especially when they were written by Al Lutz, have a long history of being highly accurate. As someone who has read his updates since the mid 1990s(!), I can assure you 95% + percent of what is reported can usually be confirmed later as fact. There is no one who has (had?) the sources and reputation of Al Lutz and crew, particularly with DL info.

The update is not a posting by some new blogwhore from the midwest looking for hits, but a respected, reputable source of Disney Parks information for almost two decades.

Take it for what you will.

I'm the same camp. I've been reading Lutz (and now his successors) for 20 years. Articles consistently quoted inside sources, after which they were targets for flame throwing and recipients of support, depending on who you read. Almost always they ended up being factual. Al had (has) the best sources of anyone. Right now people inside WDC are really mad.

Al is often credited (correctly IMHO) as one of the key drivers in forcing Disney to face their problems with the DLR in the 90s. He posted pictures constantly of issues at DL, and drove the suits crazy. People forget these days that DL was in horrible shape for awhile (far worse than WDW is currently) and for awhile we really couldn't hear anything "right" about resort.

Usually if I read it on Miceage, I am very open minded about the accuracy of the info.


Well-Known Member
I recommend a visit to Disneyland Resort for those thinking about going back to WDW in the next couple of years.
Do yourself a favor, and invest in DL right now instead. Lots happening out there these days.
Go back to WDW in a few years when their might actually be some exciting NEW addiitons to make it worth your while.

Agreed. But it's been a tough day out here in sunny Southern California (breezy, cloudless and 74 degrees in Anaheim today). This Miceage update from Al Lutz and "the gang" at Micechat is a kick in the shins for us out here. There was a lot heading our way in Anaheim, on top of the current fabulousness we already have, but now it seems the mess in Orlando has put all that in jeopardy.

My occasional trips to WDW over the years, mainly only because of Epcot, are on thin ice in the future due to MyMagic+. And now to think this Jay Rasulo nightmare is also impacting Disneyland 2,500 miles away? It makes me sick. :mad:


Well-Known Member
People are mad but this isn't the end of the world. WDC has reversed course before and will again. The last 60 years is filled with projects that have been promised and never materialized. If attendance trends worsen they will change again. The miceage stuff makes total sense from a business perspective. Iger realized that MM money was being tossed into a big hole and nothing was coming back. The expected shifts in spending had not materialized. He got angry and put a hold on stuff until he can see through the haze. He has shown the ability to manage the growth of WDC and has made a ton of good strategic decisions along the way. Stock price is through the roof. He will see the forest through the trees eventually.

They feel like PR can coast for a bit and are willing to let it do so. We don't like it. But I can promise that as soon as attendance significantly shifts and competitors really begin to benefit, that the money will get turned on again. And in Orlando, as soon as Universal Studios and IOA passes up attendance at the three non MK parks, you can bet stuff will happen. And it won't take 4 years to build a teeny roller coaster.

All of that said, eventually MM will pay dividends. People will spend more. It will return on the investment. 5 years from now WDC will be seen as a visionary in the industry again with this stuff. It's crap now and has bugs on bugs, but it is a solid strategy. Just wildly more expensive then anticipated, but isn't any huge idea that is cutting edge?

But for right now the Miceage article sounds and feels exactly correct. It cost too much and other stuff suffers because at the end of the day the BOD expects income growth every single year.


Well-Known Member
All of that said, eventually MM will pay dividends. People will spend more. It will return on the investment. 5 years from now WDC will be seen as a visionary in the industry again with this stuff. It's crap now and has bugs on bugs, but it is a solid strategy. Just wildly more expensive then anticipated, but isn't any huge idea that is cutting edge?

It's not a solid strategy. It's an inherently flawed strategy that puts the onus on the guest to work harder than ever for the privilege of paying more than ever for a product that's staler than ever. It was doomed from day one, and will remain doomed until Disney decides to actually work their business instead of milk it.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member

Quite disappointing but not at all surprising considering the insane amount of money being invested in this MM- business.
Not surprised, but still disheartening that my fears about capex being pulled from other projects/sources to feed into this unfortunate folly seems to be coming to pass.

A pity that other projects and Parks will be effected by this blemish on the horizon....but, maybe ...in some way, this might have a happy ending?

Uh .....yeah, about that.......

Must. Buy. This. Shirt.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Finished reading that article. Talk about putting too many eggs in one's basket with MM+. Perhaps Iger shouldn't have bought both Marvel and Lucasfilm IPs as well. Lucasfilm at least already had a presence in the parks with Star Tours and Indy. That would've made more sense than Marvel, which can't even be used in WDW.

Most of the stuff that's cancelled is for DL from what I understood. Sad in of itself, but sadder still when you factor in that WDW didn't have much going on aside from DVC.

At this rate, I'm doubting that Avatarland will ever happen at WDW (not that I'm too upset about that one from the start of the odd choice when announced). Carsland mini at DHS, never happening. Basically enjoy what is because it's going to be what's existing now and less going forward. I wouldn't be too terribly suprised if Spirit's heads up about Imagination is only the start of closings.

I think a good lot of us saw this disaster coming with MM+. Maybe the stockholders can rebel and ask for Iger's ousting?


Resident Curmudgeon
The detail I'd like to know with regards to these long FP lines was asked on another thread. Is the line backed up all the way from ride load through the queue indoors, out past the FP return sign or is it a logjam at the first Magic Band sensor located under the sign and then the queue inside is not fully loaded? If it's fully loaded all the way inside and then out to where the photo was taken, WDWDad13's question makes a great deal of sense, why not just hop in the standby?

Because Standby is even LONGER and slower...


Resident Curmudgeon
Execs just realize now what we guests have realized for ages: NextGen and MM+ have been a grand waste of money

No I think they are doubling down on their bets, I've NEVER seen a project with such a UNLIMITED budget at TWDC and now everything else is scrubbed except for THIS??, Another poster surmised that US Govt somehow involved in this hot mess. with current actions it does make one wonder. Or its just sheer bloodymindedness on Iger's part either way the Guests are losing.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
No I think they are doubling down on their bets, I've NEVER seen a project with such a UNLIMITED budget at TWDC and now everything else is scrubbed except for THIS??, Another poster surmised that US Govt somehow involved in this hot mess. with current actions it does make one wonder. Or its just sheer bloodymindedness on Iger's part either way the Guests are losing.
Well, I think now that they've realized how much money they've wasted, they are in a damage control phase right now. Who knows what they are thinking


Well-Known Member
'Meet and Greets' sure seem like attractions to the crowds that constantly wait in line for them. When the princesses were taking up the Opera House as their main dwelling place, they always were more attention getting than the big cheese himself ! Ariel's Grotto has the presence and eye for detail than many 'attractions' do at Uni.
You should stop right there. Meet and greets are not springing up as attractions, they're replacing beloved attractions. The fact you bring this up screams pixie duster.


Well-Known Member
Haven't read through the entire thread, but one thing I don't fully get: why is this consistently being viewed as a "WDW problem". I realize that MM+ and FP+ and the MBs have been rolled out there -- and may never come to any other resort, though original plans were for it to be brought elsewhere -- but hasn't the project been spearheaded by Rasulo and other folks at P&R at Burbank? Have the TDO folks been campaigning to get MM+ et al? It always seemed to me that it was created and given to them and they just willingly accepted it, but I never got the sense that TDO where the ones pushing it forward.


One Little Spark...
I highly doubt they would attempt to cancel Avatar outright this far into the game. Yes, I know Disney has revealed concept art in the past without following through, but Avatar seems to be backed fully by Iger.
I think the bigger concern should be if they value-engineer this thing into the ground.
Chester and Hester's Avatar-o-rama!

Sounds awesome!


Well-Known Member
People are mad but this isn't the end of the world. WDC has reversed course before and will again. The last 60 years is filled with projects that have been promised and never materialized. If attendance trends worsen they will change again. The miceage stuff makes total sense from a business perspective. Iger realized that MM money was being tossed into a big hole and nothing was coming back. The expected shifts in spending had not materialized. He got angry and put a hold on stuff until he can see through the haze. He has shown the ability to manage the growth of WDC and has made a ton of good strategic decisions along the way. Stock price is through the roof. He will see the forest through the trees eventually.

They feel like PR can coast for a bit and are willing to let it do so. We don't like it. But I can promise that as soon as attendance significantly shifts and competitors really begin to benefit, that the money will get turned on again. And in Orlando, as soon as Universal Studios and IOA passes up attendance at the three non MK parks, you can bet stuff will happen. And it won't take 4 years to build a teeny roller coaster.

All of that said, eventually MM will pay dividends. People will spend more. It will return on the investment. 5 years from now WDC will be seen as a visionary in the industry again with this stuff. It's crap now and has bugs on bugs, but it is a solid strategy. Just wildly more expensive then anticipated, but isn't any huge idea that is cutting edge?

But for right now the Miceage article sounds and feels exactly correct. It cost too much and other stuff suffers because at the end of the day the BOD expects income growth every single year.
Lou is that you?

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