Meanest Attraction?


Well-Known Member
no CM has been rude to my family and i just tired tourists that were extremely rude and caused a yelling match with my brother and i. for what its worth i think we won. lol... hmm thats all.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Worst CM experience was getting on the railroad in Frontierland 2 years ago. Had my son in our stroller, got to the entrance, and realized the regular entrance was a long narrow stairway, and there was an exit ramp next to it. Without paying much attention, I just drove the stroller up the exit ramp. Got to the top only to have a CM tell me to turn around, go back down the ramp, fold the stroller and come up the stairs. Apparently, while those in a wheelchair are permitted to use the ramp, those with a stroller are not.

When I stopped to take my son out of the stroller and hand him to my wife before turning around to roll the stroller back down the ramp, the CM muttered something about guests who can't read and don't listen to her.

At that point, I folded the stoller, opened the handicapped gate and walked into the holding area to join my wife and son.


On our first visit back in 2004 we had just purchased a Mickey balloon while waiting for the parade on Main Street, and after turning our backs just long enough to buy popcorn for my DD...someone either swiped the balloon off the stroller or it came loose and floated away. In any case we immediately went back to the CM we purchased the balloon from literally less than 5 minutes ago with my DD in tears...we asked the CM if she could please replace the balloon and she rudely stated that we would have to go to city hall and ask for a replacement voucher:veryconfu With us needing to stake out our parade spot we never did get to fill out that voucher...instead we purchased another balloon from a different CM.


New Member
I think the most stand-offish and "meanest" (if we are using that word) are the CM's at Dinosaur, which is my favorite ride. I almost always ask to sit up front and I don't mind waiting a LONG time if that's what it takes. I have been on this ride probably about 75 times or more and I cannot remember one time when a CM was at all happy about this. I even said a few times, "I don't care how long I have to wait, it's ok".

Ces't la vie....I still love it anyway and I still ask to sit in front :)



For the most part I cannot complain about any of the CM's. I can tell you I've been disappointed with a couple of the bus drivers. In one incident leaving Hoop d doo our party split up and kids and wives took a bus directly back to POFQ while the guys waited go retrieve our cars up front. The bus had mostly families on it but had a group of young adults who apparently were enjoying the alcoholic beverages and using very inappropriate language. The driver chose to ignore it and when someone asked him to address it - he handed the bus mike to my wife and told her to tell them to cool it. She mentioned there were young kids on the bus could you please refrain from using inappropriate language. Well then these idiots wanted to fight with the family folks and started arguing. The bus driver dropped them off at the resort and left them to be taunted by these idiots. The more mature group stayed together and went to the lobby and complained at the desk but nothing happened. I felt the driver should have called ahead just to have security out there in case something did happen.

Another incident was with a packed bus and an older fella was starting to have a heart attack. Fortunately we had a nurse on the bus, but the driver didn't know what to do. He could not get the bus into the gate we told him to back up and re-approach (it worked), another passenger had to talk with dispatch because they could not understand the driver. It was bad, but with a few good Samaritans on board the ambulance was able to get there in time and we were told the next morning he was fine.


New Member
i have never experienced a rude/mean cast member in wdw but in dlp we were there in the summer and they had soft openings for crushs rollercoaster so my husband and four year old son went and asked about it she then replied its for annual passes but if you wait to the side for a few minutes ill get you on because the park wasnt very busy they waited for twenty minutes as each minute went by our son got more and more excited about the ride then the cast member was very rude to my husband telling him to go away while other people who didnt have a wristband or show anything else get on the ride all they had to do was have a very loud moan about it my son was devestated after being told to wait to go on then turned away after waiting nicely:fork:


Well-Known Member
Because my son was not tall enough to ride Primeval Whirl, we had to do the parent swap. When we went to reenter the jerk hesitated & then sent us to the regular line. Once we noticed we exited back out and he said oh sorry you should go that way. No big deal... until the dream team passed us heading out. They had just finished giving away a dream fast pass to everyone in line there. It was like the punk did it on purpose. :mad:


New Member
I can only think of 2 and for as many trips as I've been on, that's not bad.

The waitress we had a Chef Mickeys. Man, that lady was having herself a bad day and took it out on us.

And once when we were getting on Everest. I asked if we could wait and sit in the front and the lady yelled "You'll sit where I put you!" :eek:

Well, that made me feel stupid. I felt bad for asking because it was busy and I figured it wasn't a good time to ask for special seats. I just chalked it up to me being the problem. I kind of understood and I was embarrassed.

Then we got off the ride. The manager (?) asked if I was the one that got yelled at and I thought 'Fantastic, I'm going to Disney jail' but I did admit I was the idiot that asked to sit in the front when it was busy.

He shoved a small pile of fast passes in my hand and said he was sorry. I told him she probably just needed a coffee break and I understood.

She really was busy and was probably pretty stressed out. Along comes some ding-dong screwing up the system. I might have yelled too.

He was cool and insisted I take the fast passes.

Like he really had to twist my arm.


New Member
I can only think of 2 and for as many trips as I've been on, that's not bad.

The waitress we had a Chef Mickeys. Man, that lady was having herself a bad day and took it out on us.

And once when we were getting on Everest. I asked if we could wait and sit in the front and the lady yelled "You'll sit where I put you!" :eek:

Well, that made me feel stupid. I felt bad for asking because it was busy and I figured it wasn't a good time to ask for special seats. I just chalked it up to me being the problem. I kind of understood and I was embarrassed.

Then we got off the ride. The manager (?) asked if I was the one that got yelled at and I thought 'Fantastic, I'm going to Disney jail' but I did admit I was the idiot that asked to sit in the front when it was busy.

He shoved a small pile of fast passes in my hand and said he was sorry. I told him she probably just needed a coffee break and I understood.

She really was busy and was probably pretty stressed out. Along comes some ding-dong screwing up the system. I might have yelled too.

He was cool and insisted I take the fast passes.

Like he really had to twist my arm.

You have a great attitude, that makes being a CM enjoyable. She was still wrong to yell at you. A guest request should never be responded to by yelling or ordering around.

She could have answered a million better ways.


Well-Known Member
Asian countries than in other countries. It's much more ingrained in their societies than most. It's common to see Asian act very politely (even formally so) even to very close friends ..for example, Japanese teens bowing to each other to express thankfulness. That's one reason why it galled me to no end to see how some ignorant Americans treated those IASW CMs and how people act in places like the Asian pavillions. I sawe one idiot try to start a fight with Japanse Cms...he kept yelling of his voice "THis is America, dress like Americans, why do you J**Ps have to dress like you're in Japland?" Ummm..maybe because they are supposed to to be dressed that way in the "Japanese" pavillion??????. It also annoys mew when American kids go up to the Japanese and Chinese CM and say stupid things like "oing doing choing"..I live in a racist part of NJ and we have a lot of adopted Korean an Chinese students in my school and the whol oing doing choing thing is out of control here too.

What also annoys me is the lack of respect that some people have for anything around them...go into Mitsokoshi n the morning when it opens and again when it closes at looks like a tornado went through there. That's from wonderful tourists who think that it's ok to try on the $300 kimono that they don't intend to buy and throw it in a heap in the corner or leave the $70 wooden sandals on the floor in the moddle of the aisle for someone else to trip over and break. Or put their fingers thorugh the $5 paper fans and yell "look how cheap these thigs are made!"

Ugh reminds me of tho other night i was out to dinner with my girlfriend and there were some kids immitation the singers from the chinese restaurant from "the christmas story" I thought it was really tasteless and their parents didn't even stop them..

On an unrelated note its not just americans in epcot that act this way. With the value of the canadian dollar as high as it is, buffalo has recently become the shopping destination for all of southern ontario. Most of them are not rude but to avoid paying taxes on their purchase it is common for them to wear their new items home and leave their old clothes in the parking lot when they leave the mall. Aside from that it seems that they like to trash stores they are visiting but again thats not all the canadians and i appreciate the extra money they are bringing into our local economy.


Active Member
I love to joke and have fun but the "moms" yelling at us for the vegs., etc. at Prime Time Cafe made us quit going there a long time ago. the food is very good, though. Just dont like the atmosphere any more. SciFi is way nicer.......


Active Member
And once when we were getting on Everest. I asked if we could wait and sit in the front and the lady yelled "You'll sit where I put you!" :eek:

I don't care how busy it is, there's always time to say "Alright, wait right here." I work an attraction where, if I'm grouping, I have 12.6 seconds to group 16 people while at the same time enforcing height requirements, catching bags and informing the single riders line that they can not ride together. If someone wants the front, I just pull em to the side and have them wait till the next car. The only problems arise after people have been grouped, gates have been opened and then they pop the question.

I'll admit though, sometimes I wish I could just say "You'll sit where I put you!" Not that I ever will, though.


Well-Known Member
I've notice more guest's being rude to CM's than the other way around. So far, I've never had a problem.

I have to agree with you that the guests are being rude. we have had a few things happen with them ourselves. I wounder how they have been the past two weeks? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've stayed at the Port Orleans- French Quarter twice now and have found the older ferry boat captains who take guests to Downtown Disney to have a bit of an....extra crusty demeanor.

I noticed this in October. Once particularly "crusty" captain proceeded to complain viciously (for example, "I don't know why they let these idiots out here" to us all about all the guests enjoying the water craft activities (plus, she said, "Jeer-ardelli" instead of "Gear-ardelli," just a pet peeve :)).

Anyway, in my 30 or so trips, I've only had one really terrible encounter with a CM. In 2004, my family of 5 (all adults) went to WDW for Christmas after a rough fall (my brother's and my best friend died of cancer, then his mom a week later of a heart attack). We thought what we needed most was a trip to WDW. A Pooh CM attempted to load all 5 of us adults into one hunny pot (my brother and I were overweight, not obese, but still, even 5 "normal-sized" adults in one hunny pot? I don't know 'bout that).

We asked if we could ride in 2 pots and the CM turned to a CM who was earning her ears and while laughing said, "That's what we call a [finger quotes] 'healthy' family." We were really offended and it put a real damper on our day (although I tried not to let it stick with me as I had a dole whip the next day :)).

I will say that in October I noticed a particularly surly CM at RnRC. She didn't bark at me or anything, but while lining up in the levels waiting to enter the preshow she was screaming (no one was really talking loudly, so I didn't get the need for screaming :shrug:) "Move up, people. You need to listen to me or I won't let you proceed - moooovvveeee uuuuppppp!"

It was like, lady, the park just opened 2 hours ago. My guess is you're gonna have a long day :eek:. Perhaps she worked Fantasmic later and one of you guys encountered her :ROFLOL:(really though, I have a lot of sympathy for Fantasmic CMs. I know I couldn't deal with that onslaught of people every night).


New Member
After dozens of trips to WDW, thousands of contacts with CM's - all magical, I finally had an unpleasant encounter.

My DH and I were the last to be seated at the Sam Adams beer sampling. The person at the front of the queue herded us in, just as they were closing the queue. The facilitator was starting his presentation so we grabbed the first beer sample enabled seats, at the end of the row. That was our bad.

Beer lady came over and told us, loudly to fill all available seats. (remember we were last, the queue was closed and the facilitator was speaking)
Obeidiently, we moved 6 seats over to the next availables. The facilitator is waiting for all of us to get settled, as the current occupants of the row had spread out a little and 'encroached' on the placemats where we should be. All this stool shifting makes some noise, so now we have eyes on us. I have a big butt. DH has a similar butt. The people we moved next to- all had ample butts. The beer stools are made for tiny butts, or half of my butt. Sitting on my stool at my placemat nearly had me in my new best friends lap, held in place by my spouse. The facilitator starts up his presentation again, but I was so uncomfortable. It was hot, I was sweaty, I was worried I would have to give my phone number to the guy next door, and I just decided I had enough. So I gathered my backpack and I was just going to leave and wait for my DH outside. Then beer lady gets all appologetic and says to sit at the end- loudly. The presentation stops, the heads spin, and it was so quiet you could hear it's a small world playing from MK, and we were in EPCOT.

If it was such an issue before, why was it suddenly ok now?:cool:

Anyway, we were mortified, and just wanted to get the heck out of Dodge. Beer lady tried to stop us, but we just hustled by. I had frustration tears when we finally cleared the place.

I hope she wasn't really a CM and was just someone contracted by Sam Adams.

But this one event doesn't undo the hundreds of good things- Peter Pan blowing a kiss from his parade float, the locksmith opening the car door at midnight, the mousekeepers making all form of towel critters.

:sohappy:Disney's CM ARE the magic.:sohappy:


Active Member
I have only had a problem with one CM (I guess you would call her that because she sure didn't act like a nurse). Anyway, on our last trip in April I severly sprained/chipped a bone in my ankle and could barely walk. I did it on our first night at the winter/summerland golf course. The front desk of our resort (Pop) said they only had band-aids or they could call 911 for me. I decided to wait until the next morning because I knew they first -aid station at MK had a nurse on duty and i figured she could check it out for me and wrap it in an ace bandage etc. When I got to the first-aid station the nurse was nowhere to be found, the place was empty. I rang the desk bell like the sign says and then waited at least 10 minutes for her to appear, mind you , the park just opened a few minutes earlier. When she finally appeared she seemed really pi$$ed off. I told her what had happened and she then leaned over the half door/ counter thing and said in a snotty voice "wow, that looks really swollen, I wouldn't walk on it if I were you". :eek: I explained that I wasn't because I had rented one of those scooter things but could she just check it out and wrap it for me. Without saying another word she disappeared for a second got an ace bandage and handed it to me and said just stay off it.:eek: :eek: She then disappeared again without another word and never came back. I finally wrapped the ankle myself and left. She never asked if I wanted ice or ibuprofen, she never even came out from behind the counter. I couldn't believe it, what the heck kind of a nurse is that!

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