"Mean" Cast Members


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I don't think Merlin is neccessarily one of the yuckey folks - you've never called and said "I need an A.D.R for.." right? (Who came up with that? Disney has never used that term!)

Possbily one of the people who doesn't want to think there are CM's who loath his existence though. It's sorta not magical. There are CMs who do, despite whatever sort of person the guest is.


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mousermerf said:
So Donald Kirkpatrick is always right?

Edit to add:

Moreso, you've based you beleifs on someone else's beliefs which you were taught were right - probably in business school - and now use to justify your programs?

Did you ever question it...?

What if your program simply worked and didn't need stats to back it up?

Well once again, you're making assumptions. No, I did not recommend that book to you because I think the author is someone who is "always right". The book will educate you on what I was talking about, so that you can make an intelligent argument the next time (if ever) you are in a debate or discussion about it. At this stage, I realize I have an unfair advantage because I know what I'm talking about and I'm using terms that are unfamiliar to you. If you were an expert physicist (physics being something that I know absolutely nothing about) and you used a term that sounded funny to me because I'd never heard it before, it would be unfair of you to expect an intelligent debate from me without first trying to educate me on what the term meant. Make sense?


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robynchic said:
So, getting back to the original thread...

Merlin, have you REALLY ever worked for Walt Disney World? I know there are at LEAST 5 CMs that have spoken on this thread. We all know what the others are talking about.
You obviously don't know what we're talking about. We are trained to grin and bear it. But when we've taken too much ________ from too many people, we crack. You don't completely fall apart. But there's a little crack, where things start leaking out. We are trained to ALWAYS be smiling (unless you work in the Haunted Mansion). We are trained to ALWAYS have good body language. And sometimes, we can't take it anymore.

And I maintain my belief that you're one of the nasty people we talk about in the break rooms, and while smiling at you, think "G-d, what I would give to let them have a piece of my mind..." You are one of the people with the grossly unrealistic expectations that make us the hostile people we are.

If you can find where I made the claim that I ever worked at WDW, I'll pay for your next trip. I never said I worked there. I said that I used to work for the Disney Store. And let me be clear here (which I thought I was, but maybe not enough)... I'm not claiming to be able to understand how horrible it is to deal with the awful, hateful, cruel-hearted guests that so many on this thread (yourself in particular) are complaining about. The point I've been trying to make is that if this situation is as pervasive as so many people make it out to be, then there are truly some spectacular CMs who deal with it quite well. I have been in some pretty awful guest situations myself (ever worked for a casino by the way??), and the way everyone's describing the guests at WDW, it sounds like it's 10 times worse than anything I've ever had to deal with. Now my gut tells me that people are exaggerating a bit. But even if they're not, it sounds like they're in the wrong job.

But I tend to think that's true of ANY job. If there is an aspect to it that is so horrible that it causes you to "lose it" on other people, then you shouldn't be in that job. You say you love your job. If that's true, then the mean guests really shouldn't get to you that much. But it sounds like they do. So much so, that you think it's justifiable for a CM to be rude to a guest. That, to me, is a problem.


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*pokes Merlin*

Ever been purposely run-over, pushed, shoved, bitten, bled on, thrown up on, and then sprayed with hydrolic fluid in the same day?

PS: It was 90+ degrees and raining too.


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mousermerf said:
*pokes Merlin*

Ever been purposely run-over, pushed, shoved, bitten, bled on, thrown up on, and then sprayed with hydrolic fluid in the same day?

PS: It was 90+ degrees and raining too.

Can't say that I have. But, I've been trash-compacted, set ablaze, drowned in cat urine, tarred and feathered and then tickled relentlessly! To me, the only sensible response was to snap at an innocent bystander. Oh, and this all happened within 19 minutes! :lol:


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Merlin said:
Can't say that I have. But, I've been trash-compacted, set ablaze, drowned in cat urine, tarred and feathered and then tickled relentlessly! To me, the only sensible response was to snap at an innocent bystander. Oh, and this all happened within 19 minutes! :lol:

Were you on Fear Factor?


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Merlin said:
Can't say that I have. But, I've been trash-compacted, set ablaze, drowned in cat urine, tarred and feathered and then tickled relentlessly! To me, the only sensible response was to snap at an innocent bystander. Oh, and this all happened within 19 minutes! :lol:

Tar and feathers are not DCBC - I win!


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I'd like to interject at this point to add:

People suck.

It's true, all people do. Everyone has craptastic qualities, but sometimes they have better than craptistic qualities too. So, being people, guests and CMs both suck too.

You cannot control other people - despite what the inside cover of an Disneyland AP apparently instructs - but you can control yourself. That will determine how well you sleep at night (that - and wether or not your prescription for Lunesta has been filled).


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ConstanceIrene said:
Wow! I never realized how many CMs abhor the guests. This is an enlightening thread.

It was certainly an eye opener for me too. Kinda scary actually. There seems to be some deep hatred on the part of some CMs.


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Merlin said:
It was certainly an eye opener for me too. Kinda scary actually. There seems to be some deep hatred on the part of some CMs.

You didn't realize this when they started giving out Beverly for "free" at Ice Station Cool?


New Member
We're not saying we abhor guests. We're sounding off about the guests that treat US badly. If you treat us well, you make our day. But the people that don't treat us so well...we have a less-than-outstanding day because of them. I could give many examples of people that have ruined my day- and I could give two examples of people that have made my day for every one that's ruined it.


Original Poster
Well I just got off of work and it wasn't so bad as the night before with irrate guests. Just the usual guests who do not listen.


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mousermerf said:
You cannot control other people - despite what the inside cover of an Disneyland AP apparently instructs - but you can control yourself. That will determine how well you sleep at night (that - and wether or not your prescription for Lunesta has been filled).

Mousermerf, you just regained my respect with this latter part of your post (the first part of it still kinda frightens me a little). Granted, earning MY respect may not be exactly like winning the lottery or anything, but you got it nonetheless. In the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (okay, so you've probably figured out, I like to read), the first habit is "be proactive". There is a concept in this section that is essentially how I live my life. It is called the "circle of influence versus the circle of concern". In a nutshell, it's about recognizing the things in your life that you CAN control and focusing on those. One of those things is your own attitude. Attitude is an internal process that happens within one's own brain and cannot be controlled by anyone else (not even under hypnosis). Therefore, it's a lame excuse to say, "I snapped at that guest because Disney expects too much of me, the guests are demanding and I'm standing in the hot sun all day."

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