Pre-Trip May The Force Be With Us...

May The Force Be With Us

…because I am going to need all the help I can get!

I know, I know, I took forever to finish my Sept 18 TR and now it feels like this trip is right around the corner!


The Who:

Come on… you should know us by now.


Me aka mom – who takes 10 months to finish writing a trip report.


Ross aka Grumpy aka the Croc-less wonder. My wonderful Mickey ears wearing, husband of 27 years who I want to kill after spending a week 24/7 with him. (He spent a decent portion of this trip snoozing.)


Hope aka The Hopester – my baby girl who is now what Disney Dining considers an adult. Diagnosed with Autism and Sensory stuff, but has come so far.

Look how little she was...


And now - my Disney adult. lol


Julia aka Sissy. My 17 year old daughter – I don’t know how that happened. She was 6 the first time she went to Disney and now she is 17 and is a beautiful young lady and I can’t stand it!


Can I go back to when she wore Tinkerbell wings constantly?




The When:

September 5th – September 21st We are splurging with another long trip. I managed to sign Julia up for a couple of late sprint classes at college, so she can get away with missing the beginning of September, but this may be it for us, as far as September trips go. 😢

The Where:

September 5th – 7th AoA – LM room

September 7th – 21st POP

The Shenanigans:

Well, we are already dealing with 2 issues that could make for some good trip report drama. Would you expect any less from us?


Well-Known Member

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Can’t wait to hear all about your trip, it’s getting so close! You guys will have the best time. And maybe we will be hearing about some more Ross shenanigans lol. That is our usual time to go, but with Hawaii this year unfortunately we couldn’t make it work. But fingers crossed you guys will be back next September, and we can plan a meet up!


Well-Known Member
May The Force Be With Us

…because I am going to need all the help I can get!

I know, I know, I took forever to finish my Sept 18 TR and now it feels like this trip is right around the corner!

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The Who:

Come on… you should know us by now.

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Me aka mom – who takes 10 months to finish writing a trip report.

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Ross aka Grumpy aka the Croc-less wonder. My wonderful Mickey ears wearing, husband of 27 years who I want to kill after spending a week 24/7 with him. (He spent a decent portion of this trip snoozing.)

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Hope aka The Hopester – my baby girl who is now what Disney Dining considers an adult. Diagnosed with Autism and Sensory stuff, but has come so far.

Look how little she was...

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And now - my Disney adult. lol

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Julia aka Sissy. My 17 year old daughter – I don’t know how that happened. She was 6 the first time she went to Disney and now she is 17 and is a beautiful young lady and I can’t stand it!

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Can I go back to when she wore Tinkerbell wings constantly?

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The When:

September 5th – September 21st We are splurging with another long trip. I managed to sign Julia up for a couple of late sprint classes at college, so she can get away with missing the beginning of September, but this may be it for us, as far as September trips go. 😢

The Where:

September 5th – 7th AoA – LM room

September 7th – 21st POP

The Shenanigans:

Well, we are already dealing with 2 issues that could make for some good trip report drama. Would you expect any less from us?
Look into the fall minimesters and just have her do the second minimester instead of the first , if she does one summer semester and the later fall minimester she will be free for a September trip.

Figment Forever

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There is still “hope” for Hope - I am on vacation with my 14 year old DD and she brought her favorite stuffed animal on the trip; when I walked by her bed this morning she was clutching it like when she was a toddler 🙂. It was nice to see my little girl is still in there...
Yes - I hope so. Even Julia still loves her stuffs from when she was little.

I bought myself a pair of croc flip flops this summer, I like them, but my back gets all angry when I wear them... booo! I'll just keep them for short wears, like to/from the pool!
Truth be told, I think that crocs are uncomfortable, yet Hope loves them!

Yay!!!! So excited to read another trip report about your fun family! Happy for Julia! Seems like he treats her great and they get along well! I hope the four of you have a fantastic, magical trip!
Thanks so much for following along with us!

Can’t wait to hear all about your trip, it’s getting so close! You guys will have the best time. And maybe we will be hearing about some more Ross shenanigans lol. That is our usual time to go, but with Hawaii this year unfortunately we couldn’t make it work. But fingers crossed you guys will be back next September, and we can plan a meet up!
I loved reading about your Hawaiian adventure! I've always wanted to go to Hawaii one day and now I know if I make it there - I know where I want to stay! lol It would be awesome to meet up one day!

Wow, Hope looks like a beautiful young woman here!! It's amazing how much they grow in a year!!
Thank you !! Yes , they grow too fast.

Look into the fall minimesters and just have her do the second minimester instead of the first , if she does one summer semester and the later fall minimester she will be free for a September trip.
She is doing a couple of them this fall, but they do not have many to offer. But we will defiantly keep checking them. I would love to keep our September trip going.

Figment Forever

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The countdown continues...


So it seems SWGE has forced another tweak into our plans... but actually for the better perhaps. I was seriously considering the extra, extra magic hours for our first day there, but I know that the kids would find it most difficult. I don't know who would be more grumpy, the Autistic kid or the teenager? lol

But when Oga's opened up reservations, I was able to get one for each of our Studios days - but not until the afternoon. So I'm thinking that if the park or SWGE should hit capacity, we would still be allowed in, so that takes some pressure off. So right now the pressure seems to be whether I'd prefer a Hyperdrive Punch It or a Jabba's Juice. Depending on the crowds, I may opt for the Jedi Mind Trick. Just saying...

Of course, Ross thinks it's ridiculous that I made a reservation for a "drink" place that does not yet participate in the DDP. (I think it's awesome.) I am hoping that I can get away with only buying a couple of drinks and not everybody needs to purchase, but we will make do. The regular drinks seem fun and not too costly - for Disney speaking. But I will have to dream about making a light saber or droid on a future trip.

In packing news...

We have all gathered our Disney gear together.


Hope has tried on all of her gowns.


Sadly, Pocahontas is too small for her! :( I am trying to find the same one in a larger size, but so far no luck. She doesn't like the newer version, but she may have to give in.

In "the boy" news. He invited Julia to one of his sister's wedding today. I brought her to have her hair done up. She wasn't too happy, until it was done and then she liked it. Now I know why I never booked BBB for her. 🤪




I think this is the first "event" where she is part of a "couple", without us there. My baby girl. I'm dying.


Oh - Hope and I betrayed Disney and went to see the new Dora movie. I thought I was so done with Dora - but Hope really wanted to see it. I gave her the choice between Dora and The Lion King and Dora won out.



It was completely ridiculous, but somewhat funny. She liked it, so that was all that mattered.

Okay - time to go sort out toiletries to pack. We are house sitting for my brother next week and then we have State Fair and then DISNEY!!! Oh my gosh! It feels like it's so close!


Well-Known Member
aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww...Julia looks lovely! The wedding must have been a fun experience for Julia! Glad you and Hope had a special day! Man, I'm glad Hope enjoys all her Disney dresses. That's such a magical part of being a kid!


Well-Known Member
The countdown continues...

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So it seems SWGE has forced another tweak into our plans... but actually for the better perhaps. I was seriously considering the extra, extra magic hours for our first day there, but I know that the kids would find it most difficult. I don't know who would be more grumpy, the Autistic kid or the teenager? lol

But when Oga's opened up reservations, I was able to get one for each of our Studios days - but not until the afternoon. So I'm thinking that if the park or SWGE should hit capacity, we would still be allowed in, so that takes some pressure off. So right now the pressure seems to be whether I'd prefer a Hyperdrive Punch It or a Jabba's Juice. Depending on the crowds, I may opt for the Jedi Mind Trick. Just saying...

Of course, Ross thinks it's ridiculous that I made a reservation for a "drink" place that does not yet participate in the DDP. (I think it's awesome.) I am hoping that I can get away with only buying a couple of drinks and not everybody needs to purchase, but we will make do. The regular drinks seem fun and not too costly - for Disney speaking. But I will have to dream about making a light saber or droid on a future trip.

In packing news...

We have all gathered our Disney gear together.

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Hope has tried on all of her gowns.

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Sadly, Pocahontas is too small for her! :( I am trying to find the same one in a larger size, but so far no luck. She doesn't like the newer version, but she may have to give in.

In "the boy" news. He invited Julia to one of his sister's wedding today. I brought her to have her hair done up. She wasn't too happy, until it was done and then she liked it. Now I know why I never booked BBB for her. 🤪

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I think this is the first "event" where she is part of a "couple", without us there. My baby girl. I'm dying.

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Oh - Hope and I betrayed Disney and went to see the new Dora movie. I thought I was so done with Dora - but Hope really wanted to see it. I gave her the choice between Dora and The Lion King and Dora won out.

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It was completely ridiculous, but somewhat funny. She liked it, so that was all that mattered.

Okay - time to go sort out toiletries to pack. We are house sitting for my brother next week and then we have State Fair and then DISNEY!!! Oh my gosh! It feels like it's so close!
Julia looks so grown up!!! Can't get over it !

Figment Forever

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I thought Dora looked kinda cute. I'll have to watch it when it comes out on video.

35 days for us...

So excited that we will get to meet up!

Yes - us too!!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww...Julia looks lovely! The wedding must have been a fun experience for Julia! Glad you and Hope had a special day! Man, I'm glad Hope enjoys all her Disney dresses. That's such a magical part of being a kid!

Thank you - she had a good time. She felt a little awkward because when she got there, she realized the bridesmaids were wearing lavender - so she was embarrassed. But thankfully no one seemed to care.

Julia looks so grown up!!! Can't get over it !

I know. I can't take it!!

Julia has become a beautiful young lady. I love the up-do with the nice accent of color. :inlove:

She's had it blue since last winter - she loves it. She

Ugh, I can't believe Julia is grown up enough for a boy and Hope is now a Disney adult!! All the kids need to stay little forever! I was just shopping for school clothes for SJ and was having the hardest time because he is moving from toddler to boys sizes. :cry::cry:

They all grow too fast!!

Julia looks lovely! I hope she had fun at the wedding. Glad you and Hope had a fun afternoon.

Thank you! It was nice to have a "mommy & Hope" movie day!

Julia looks so beautiful! I think the up do came out awesome! Looking forward to your trip!

Thanks so much!! She looks so beautiful when she dresses up, unfortunately, she hates doing it! She doesn't even really like to wear make-up!

Figment Forever

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well here we are in the teens!!!


It's going so fast now! We leave in 2 days for NYS Fair... and by the time we get back, we will have a week to go!

It's about this time when I start to become a mega germaphobe. I begin pumping all of us full of immunity busters and such and try to keep everyone safe. This is also the time when calamity strikes. One year, Julia fell at the playground 2 days before we left and she had to be checked for a concussion. Another year, she fell on the ice rink and hurt her knee. So you guys get the idea.

Well, apparently it was Hope's turn to create drama. We thought she was stung by a bee last Saturday - but I didn't realize until last Monday when we were down the shore! Hope has such a high tolerance for pain - and she didn't tell me something bit her. The challenge of having an Autistic child - you ned to play detective and accept you may never get the "whole" story.

Anyway, I saw her starting to limp Sunday night and stupid me thought it was her new Crocs!!!!! It wasn't until Tuesday morning that she mentioned being stung!

On Tuesday we visited Urgent Care in NJ and the doctor put her on antibiotics because it was becoming infected. I brought her to her doctor when we returned home on Thursday, but she was on vacation, so they had us see a NP. Big mistake - she did nothing! By Saturday I showed Hope's foot to my friend who is a doctor and he diagnosed her with "Cellulitis with Central Necrosis" possibly caused by a brown spider bite. Umm... can you say flesh eating bacteria!!!!!! OMG!!!!

I brought her back to the doctor (and I saw the doctor this time) who concurred. Thankfully, she drained it, cultured it, and put her on 2 weeks of a much stronger antibiotic. She was furious that the NP didn't take care of it on Thursday. Today was the first day I saw improvement. I said many prayers of thanks in church today!

So thankfully, Hope is on the mend and not contagious AND... I am hoping this concludes the calamity for our pre-trip report 2019!

Here are some pictures of her foot. I'm going to try to hide them for those of you who may be grossed out.



Well-Known Member
Well here we are in the teens!!!

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It's going so fast now! We leave in 2 days for NYS Fair... and by the time we get back, we will have a week to go!

It's about this time when I start to become a mega germaphobe. I begin pumping all of us full of immunity busters and such and try to keep everyone safe. This is also the time when calamity strikes. One year, Julia fell at the playground 2 days before we left and she had to be checked for a concussion. Another year, she fell on the ice rink and hurt her knee. So you guys get the idea.

Well, apparently it was Hope's turn to create drama. We thought she was stung by a bee last Saturday - but I didn't realize until last Monday when we were down the shore! Hope has such a high tolerance for pain - and she didn't tell me something bit her. The challenge of having an Autistic child - you ned to play detective and accept you may never get the "whole" story.

Anyway, I saw her starting to limp Sunday night and stupid me thought it was her new Crocs!!!!! It wasn't until Tuesday morning that she mentioned being stung!

On Tuesday we visited Urgent Care in NJ and the doctor put her on antibiotics because it was becoming infected. I brought her to her doctor when we returned home on Thursday, but she was on vacation, so they had us see a NP. Big mistake - she did nothing! By Saturday I showed Hope's foot to my friend who is a doctor and he diagnosed her with "Cellulitis with Central Necrosis" possibly caused by a brown spider bite. Umm... can you say flesh eating bacteria!!!!!! OMG!!!!

I brought her back to the doctor (and I saw the doctor this time) who concurred. Thankfully, she drained it, cultured it, and put her on 2 weeks of a much stronger antibiotic. She was furious that the NP didn't take care of it on Thursday. Today was the first day I saw improvement. I said many prayers of thanks in church today!

So thankfully, Hope is on the mend and not contagious AND... I am hoping this concludes the calamity for our pre-trip report 2019!

Here are some pictures of her foot. I'm going to try to hide them for those of you who may be grossed out.

Oh my goodness!! Her foot looked horrible!! I hope she is on the mend. Thank goodness you kept on it!

Figment Forever

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Julia’s up do is beautiful! I hope she had a great time!
Thank so much! Yes - she did have a good time!

Oh my goodness!! Her foot looked horrible!! I hope she is on the mend. Thank goodness you kept on it!
I'm so thankful for my friend who took the time to check it out for me - and angry I wasn't more on top of it. It's so hard when your kiddo can't clearly articulate what is going on health wise!

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