May or August: When to go?


New Member
I am in the works of saving for a surprise vacation for my DH next year, and the only decision I have left to make is what month to visit. My first choice would be to go in September which we have found to be our favorite time to visit, however, my job and grad school schedule has left me with almost no flexibility. I have narrowed my choices down to the week in May immediately following Mother's Day or the second or third week in August (to celebrate grad school graduation). We've been to WDW twice in May and loved the weather and the slower crowds, but have never been in August. I've gotten the impression that going later in August is better crowdwise, but this could be a myth. I know it will be hotter in August, but we don't mind the heat and humidity too much. Just looking for opinions from others who may have gone at either of these times.


Well-Known Member
My vote is for one of the first two weeks of May and here is why:

1) Spring Break is over so the crowds lighten a bit

2) The heat isnt horrendous and the humidity is mild

3) It rarely rains, and if it does it just a sprinkle

4) Wait times in Stand by lines were minimal. I was just there last week and only had a 35 min wait at Soarin
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New Member
We have gone recently in Late Nov. and Early July so take this for what it is worth as neither are in the time frame you are looking at. I would say go in May as the weather is better. Not as stiffling hot, less chance of running into a hurricane. As far as crowds, I was looking at late August next year for the crowds as well. It seems to be the best time crowd-wise in the summer (the only time I can go as a teacher). But that is because some school districts in the south head back to school then. In May, as far as I know, most school districts in the country are still in school so the crowds in early May should be less than in late August.
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A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
If you can get there in May, definitely go for it. Both the heat and the crowds will be lower than later in the summer, and you shouldn't have any Spring Break crowds to deal with.....
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Well-Known Member
We have never done May and its sounds from these posts that May is the winner! We were there mid August (15-23) last year and will be there again this year (14-22 for bounce back trip). It is very hot and rains most afternoons. Crowds are Ok..we are use to Spring Break, Thanksgiving and Christmas (stopped taking kids out of school when they hit middle school) so we are use to HIGH crowd levels so mid August was not bad at all. Only due August if you are truly ok with HEAT..otherwise May would be better. Good luck keeping the surprise..i know i could not do it!!! Tired with the kids for the upcoming trip and only made it 2 weeks with the younger (she still home) and 4 months with the college kid!!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
May would get my vote, the number one reason for me would just be the heat. I was there labor day last year and I got some heat exhaustion. Just too hot.
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Well-Known Member
May. August is hot, and if it wasn't for my son's 5th birthday in late August, we'd probably never go in August again. Then again any time at Disney World is a great time, regardless of weather, or tourist groups.
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May and August are the months that we've visited during the most and my vote goes for May!
Obviously August is hotter, but it always seemed like in all our August trips, we received so much rain! They weren't the daily thunderstorms either; they were steady rain and cloudy skies for 3-4 days of the 7 day trip. The heat I can deal with, the rain not so much.
Have fun and happy planning! :wave:
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If it was my vote, I would go with May. Me and my family always go May and Oct, find the weather and crowds to be great. I can like you know about August this year, as we are going the second week of August this year. We are make three trips this year because of Summer Nightisc and WWOHP.
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
I am in the works of saving for a surprise vacation for my DH next year, and the only decision I have left to make is what month to visit. My first choice would be to go in September which we have found to be our favorite time to visit, however, my job and grad school schedule has left me with almost no flexibility. I have narrowed my choices down to the week in May immediately following Mother's Day or the second or third week in August (to celebrate grad school graduation). We've been to WDW twice in May and loved the weather and the slower crowds, but have never been in August. I've gotten the impression that going later in August is better crowdwise, but this could be a myth. I know it will be hotter in August, but we don't mind the heat and humidity too much. Just looking for opinions from others who may have gone at either of these times.

May for sure! August is hot hot hot and busy busy busy. If you go early enough in May, you'll get a break from Spring Breakers but before school gets out. Just watch out for the grad parties and stuff. Oh - and the tour groups won't be there yet!!! :wave:
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New Member
Original Poster
Wow! The responses have been great! I can't believe the support May has gotten. The only downside of May is that I will have to take a week of work unpaid (I'm a substitute teacher), but I will just have to factor that into my savings. After I thought more about it, I am leaning towards May because my husband and I will be celebrating our 5 yr anniversary that week, (which happens to be today :kiss:) and what better place to do it at than WDW.
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