Marvel coming to WDW?!?!


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you put a consumer products guy in charge of parks. They have no idea of placemaking, theming or anything that goes into making a great park. If this happens it will make the Imagination redo seem like a masterpiece. The fact that people at WDI would even be pushing this idea shows you how far WDI has fallen. Just ugh!

Christian Fronckowiak

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I wish we had a more comprehensive list of unbuilt attractions, or attractions in their earliest form. Sites like the Neverland Files (extinct) and a slew of the most popular websites have the standard Western River Expedition-type unbuilt attractions, but never things like the featuring-Madison Splash Mountain or the Roger Rabbit-style Toon Tower Hotel (which, I'd probably be okay with, if ToT must ever be-rethemed/re-imagined).
I've never heard of the Roger Rabbit Tower of Terror, but it would have made sense with the original plan for Sunset Blvd having the Maroon Studios/WFRR mini land where RRC is now.
I remember a "classic Disney characters making a movie" themed version of ToT was planned for Toon Studio at WDSP. And the idea for Hotel Mel. Or the planned Geyser Mountain for DL's Frontierland.


Well-Known Member
This entire thread:



Well-Known Member
When I read this on Saturday I was just shocked and sick from the possibility of this happening. I get that things need to change and be updated to keep a park fresh but losing one of the greatest rides to retheme it to something else just to get that property in the park is stupid!

I got closing Snow White, I get closing Maelstrom, this is beyond stupid and really sad....

I hope brighter minds come in and knock the snot out of the people that came up with this but I am scared it won't happen. I am scared that one of the best rides ever will be destroyed to give us a the same ride but different story and never ever be the same!


A Long Time DVC Member
This...makes no sense. Disney has already closed half of DHS and Toy Story and Star Wars areas probably won't be done before 2020. And in the middle of that they're going to close ANOTHER attraction for a cheap overlay that absolutely does not need to be messed with.

You keep putting out the 2020 date for Star Wars Land. Have you heard actual dates or is this just Disney bashing. I have heard that maybe 2018 and for sure 2019.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I've never heard of the Roger Rabbit Tower of Terror, but it would have made sense with the original plan for Sunset Blvd having the Maroon Studios/WFRR mini land where RRC is now.
I remember a "classic Disney characters making a movie" themed version of ToT was planned for Toon Studio at WDSP. And the idea for Hotel Mel. Or the planned Geyser Mountain for DL's Frontierland.
I'd like to hear more about that San Francisco Earhquake ToT @WDW1974 mentioned for DCA. That sounds like it would've been much better than the cliff notes version of DHS's they have now.


Well-Known Member
Ok so setting aside for a minute how totally disgusting this idea is. Does anyone have any plausible ideas on how TOT at DHS could possibly be re-themed to GOTG? I mean I can usually concoct some crazy ideas (especially as I absolutely LOVED GOTG) but I just can't fathom anything from GOTG fitting into TOT. Unless we are talking a complete exterior redesign and complete overhaul of the ride system too, I mean you are better off at that point building a whole new attraction.


Well-Known Member
Let me ask @WDW1974 something that may have already been poised in this thread. (Sorry if I missed it).

Are we talking about a permanent change to TOT or could this be a "Haunted Mansion Holiday"/ "Hyperspace Mountain" overlay during the time the GOTG sequel hits the theatres? Once that promotion is over, it goes away.


Premium Member
Because the GMR isn't about specific movies but movie genres?

is DHS keeping the main Hollywood theme down the road? I guess being sponsored by Turner "Classic" movies makes sense since that whole ride is about classic movies except for the few things they threw in on the projection screen at the end. I just (personally) think while I like the ride, they could do a lot more to help it's appeal to some

...and wait... we can't expect Disney to keep with a theme can we? lol look at "tomorrow"land and "future" world ;)


Well-Known Member
I hope I'm wrong, but I have this weird, depressing sensation that Disney has learned to tune out outcries from the fanbase. Mr. Toad, the Court of Angels, Frozen in Norway - none of it ever made a difference. The fact that this Tower of Terror retheme would even be considered, much less implemented, is so monstrously tone-deaf, it suggests to me that whoever's in charge must be taking a rather perverse attitude towards criticism from the fanbase. Such things aren't all that uncommon psychologically.

It's like having a conversation with supporters of various politicians - the more you point out how egregiously, obviously evil/moronic/deceptive the politician is, the more they dig in their heels and cry that your protests just affirms their choice. When stubbornness, pride, and resentment so completely warp the brain, being opposed by "the right people" (meaning anybody who opposes you at all) isn't a problem, but a badge of honor.

I could be wrong, though. They did finally take down the awful hat from the Studios. They did restore the original Tiki room. But it feels like small potatoes compared to Frozen and now this. Sigh.

To be fair, the Frozen re-theme was fast tracked and never really quite had as much unanimous negativity as this particular decision has. So it could hit that proverbial tipping point of fan lash back that it would take to get them to rethink their decision. At least that is what I am hoping.

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