Marvel coming to WDW?!?!


Well-Known Member
Can't they just ruin RnRC at DHS instead? Who cares about Aerosmith anyway, make it a GoTG roller coaster and be done. This is just a bad, bad idea. I know you are just the messenger but this just plain sucks.
They could tie both rides together, the flex theatre and the BatB theatre (dark ride). How much would it actually cost to re theme ToT? That's the one ride that gets my attention of all the ground breaking things they achieved with this attraction.
Also, the did the Star Wars theme on RNRC during the special SW event.


Well-Known Member
With all the garbage that Disney pulls on guests, I really wish I could just say "screw it" and decide not to go anymore, but I can't do that. I just have too many memories there with my family that even if this horrendous idea actually happens, I will likely go back. I know I can't be the only one who feels this way.


Well-Known Member
Who will start Save Disney this time? They're going off the god damn deep end with this crap.
Problem is there's no Disney to rally around this time. Roy and Diane have been dead for years and its not like their kids or grandkids are prominent figures in the company or the fan community.

And I'm not sure if there's anybody else in a position of power and symbolism that could initiate something like that again. Unless if Eisner decides to show up sporting an eyepatch, forehead shrapnel and scars, we're on our own.


Well-Known Member
Just a brief Sunday afternoon post to clarify.

First, not rumor. This is currently the plan for Anaheim and Orlando. Anaheim is where this generated from after the major E-Ticket coaster got (temporarily?) shelved due to Shanghai's issues. It has been clarified to me that this is a Bob Chapek project and comes from his desire to get Marvel product in the parks as quickly as possible.

This is not blue sky. It is in the development pipeline.

Nothing is a done deal until it happens (that means that SDL might not open, but I sorta think it will) but this is looking extremely likely in CA. and Disney wants it in Florida as well to split the costs and make it appear they are adding actual attractions like Universal and Sea World etc.

The only issue on the FL end is WDW has balked at the costs and would rather a temporary overlay and DCA needs a permanent major Marvel attraction until the now Captain America themed mega-coaster (not RnRC clone any longer) gets budgeted and slotted for build.

This project could happen in one resort alone, but it is highly unlikely. If everything stays on course, DCA's ToT will close in January and reopen by May or June. WDW's would likely follow not long after.

Okay, so you got Chapek who wants Marvel in the parks ASAP. Understood. And, quite frankly, I think it is long overdue for them to be developing actual Marvel attractions for the parks -- that doesn't mean that they should be quick or cheap.

As is pretty clear now, the plan for DCA would be to convert ToT which works really well given that is on the edge of its current land and will be adjacent to the future Marvel development (whenever it happens). I can see Chapek pushing for it and WDI and TDA going along with it, as there's a certain logic. And honestly I don't get the sense that ToT is quite as beloved or iconic in California.

But it certainly doesn't sound like a done deal for Florida from what you are saying. And we rarely see TDO spend money on attractions that they should, let alone do so on unneeded projects. I'm willing to bet that the outcome will be one of two things:
1. WDW gets something small like a M&G/dance party with maybe a temporary cheap overlay of ToT to promote Guardians Vol 2 (see the Star Wars overlay they did for RnR recently).
2. TDO funds a re-theme to GotG but for a different ride -- say, Stich or maybe RnR if they really deem that DHS needs the hype.

I honestly just see TDO balking at spending the money and time to change ToT. Especially when that park has so many other issues that need money more/first.


Well-Known Member
It's really getting that bad. Won't be long now........

"Cinderella Castle getting replaced with (insert latest greatest IP here)"

Thankfully I will have jumped ship long before then.
That will be the very last thing and a sign that the company has fully gone through @ford91exploder 's worst dystopian nightmares.
Here I was thinking a few days ago that P&R was starting to get back on its feet again after that dreadful era of roughly 2001-2012-ish. I was really looking forward to being able to experience Rivers of Light, Avatar, and Star Wars in the future. So what if Frozen happened? I would just avoid that section of the park. This legitimately makes me want to boycott DIS. Star Wars VII was good, but it's the last Disney movie I'll pay for now because I just cannot financially support this madhouse.
Hopefully Chappie's reign does not kill as many people as Paul Pressler's did.
I have a feeling people will really die because of the Parks' poor management (I cannot imagine what would be happening if they still had the Skyride). D--n couldn't they have just improved HKDL more and made it a world-class destination for people across China like Disneyland and Universal Orlando are and Disney World's "supposed" to be, instead of building Shanghai, which will be Paris x5?

EDIT: @RandySavage posted this Ideal Buildout in October of what a Hong Kong second gate could look like. Would never happen, because it's mostly IP-free.
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Well-Known Member
so glad I dodged the "maybe I should buy DVC" bullet in 2014.

Wow, I could have written those exact words. The idea seemed really appealing a scant two years ago and I came very close to pulling the trigger on a resale. That flirtation is dead and gone now. I'm not at all saying there isn't still plenty of good at WDW--I hope for the best for the AK expansion and Studios revamp, and I will probably go once in the next 3-4 years, just to see what's going on, but there are so many factors snowballing that tell me things are not going in the right direction in many ways. I hope someone manages to inject some sanity and vision, but that just doesn't seem to be where any of the megacorp world is heading anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
I do agree with other posters that there are great reasons to visit Orlando in 2016 but my brand new hubby will not go until WDW does more at Animal Kingdom, his favorite park and that means Pandora. He totally wants to do Kong and Mako and anything new at the other Orlando. We will go when value exceeds expense. I wish a lot of others would use this model. Plus, he hates being there for the opening of anything so the demand goes down and he does not have a huge wait in line. We may have to change 2018 to 2019 or 2020.


Well-Known Member
The source of the Splash in Splash Mountain story seems to be Jason Surrell. And it just makes no sense. The name Splash Mountain came later and why would Eisner want to hype a hit created by the "failure" he was replacing?


Premium Member
I could see this happening at DCA, but I wonder if the execs aren't paying attention to how different the TOT versions are, maybe that will save it, as their planned sharing of things could be a lot more expensive possibly when it comes to DHS....(one can only hope)

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