Marvel coming to WDW?!?!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
"Presentable" is not an acceptable standard for a Disney park. It's show ready or it's not. Spirit has made it clear this park won't be show ready come June. That's disgraceful given this is Disney's grand coming out party in Mainland China.
"Welcome to our new park, We wish to present you our new Disney levels of presentation and operations by giving you an unfinished park that barely has been painted and hardly half works at a full price, DONT YOU LOVE AMERICAN CAPITALIST?"


Well-Known Member
I am so confused.
Can someone shed some light on why they would think to do this at all?
Like, did a group of Disney Importants sit in a room and spin a wheel and whatever it landed on, that's what they attack?
Why ToT? Is it not being trafficked enough and they think this will revive it? It cannot be the CBS issue.

I'm trying to find some kind of rational reasoning and I can't arrive at any kind of conclusion.
Or maybe the fact that I'm trying to be rational is the problem....
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is right next to where the Marvel land is set to go in Disney's California Adventure. A second attraction makes the land seem bigger. Forcing in Florida helps to spread costs and (this is just what I think) gets something in Florida before Avengers: Infinity Wars' marketing starts up.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Here's the truth on 2 points. 1) I haven't read ahead in the thread to see other's reactions and 2) I actively try not to pre-judge how any idea may work out when I don't have knowledge of the details. Now, here's the truth on a third point. My initial reaction to this was very simple. I thought, "This is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever read."

ToT is the best thing in the Studios. How hard can it be to make a separate GotG attraction?
clearly that costs money.. and money can get between Iger's precious bonus.


Well-Known Member
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is right next to where the Marvel land is set to go in Disney's California Adventure. A second attraction makes the land seem bigger. Forcing in Florida helps to spread costs and (this is just what I think) gets something in Florida before Avengers: Infinity Wars' marketing starts up.


Well-Known Member
The truly sad thing about this is that there's already an awful, unpopular attraction ripe for removal (Stitch's Great Escape) that would provide an absolutely perfect location for a GotG attraction. But the higher-ups are so intent on replacing/retheming non-IP attractions with IPs that they're blind to the idea of replacing failed past attempts of doing this.
I don't love the idea of Marvel in Tomorrowland, but a walk through the Collector's facility replacing Stitch could be cool. Either way though it would be underwhelming.

No Name

Well-Known Member
This appears like it could be very comparable to the whole situation of Frozen replacing Maelstrom, right? The reaction on here is somewhat the same to both. But it's really not comparable at all.

When Disney thinks about these decisions, they should be thinking about how it will affect each guest. Not just us on here, not just returning guests, not just new guests, but all types of people.

Maelstrom was not the highlight of anyone's trip. It wasn't a heavily advertised, headliner attraction that even the majority of guests rode. Sure, it was a good ride, but the Frozen ride could be just as good. Quality is not the issue here. The changing of theme and "toonification" of world showcase is what got many people on the internet up in arms, but the average guest, though they may be disappointed, will not care as much about that. People I know have a "yeah that sucks" reaction, but this isn't something that really gets under their skin. The biggest negative of Frozenstrom is the break in theme that each guest will unconsciously feel.

But this Tower of Terror thing is more severe, because returning guests will very consciously feel the pain. It'll bring a "what?!, no... that's terrible!" type of reaction. Something so amazing that brought so many memories in the past... gone? Something will feel missing. Even riding it once, you instantly love it because it's such a great ride, such a memory. And average people return to WDW not just to ride new things, but to relive such fond memories from previous trips.

Even people who have never visited will be disappointed. Tower of Terror is such a renowned ride that almost everyone has heard of it. It is the prime example of a drop tower. When someone's friend talks about their recent trip, usually this ride comes up, and so it potentially draws that someone to WDW. People want to experience what they've heard so much about. I am seriously not exaggerating this. ToT, Space Mountain, Everest, and a few others are the most talked about WDW rides in the regular world. These type of things put WDW over Universal for first-timers.

Overall, the average guest does not know they care about theme. They do not see Frozenstrom the same way we do. However, nearly every guest cares about memories. Nearly every guest cares about riding something they love or have heard so much about. That's what makes this different, and more immediately harmful to the average guest, than Frozenstrom.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe I deserve to be flogged, but I kind of can get behind the proposal (for DCA only), if it is executed well.

Which Disney attractions that has undergone a similar re-theming, gives you confidence that "it will be executed well"?

Under New Management? Stitch? Figment? Test Track?

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's just a thought exercise with not a lot of value, more like armchair Imagineering. At some point, in Disney's history I would have thought differently about the possibility of imagining a well executed re-theme. Just like its getting harder and harder to have confidence in the management team, I'm finding it hard to have confidence that Imagineering is still what we think it is, as a result of the last X number of years of bad decisions made by the management team. I know most people aren't "there" yet when it comes to Imagineering. There may still be an A team, but the A team can't be everywhere. It feels like a coping mechanism to believe "maybe it won't be that bad, maybe it will be executed well." Presents a "path forward" other than heart-crushing. I was part of Disney fandom when the Save Toad campaign was going on, and participating, like we do here in this forum, with the guy running it. I feel like I've been burned too many times before to give Disney benefit of the doubt now.


Well-Known Member
Just a brief Sunday afternoon post to clarify.

First, not rumor. This is currently the plan for Anaheim and Orlando. Anaheim is where this generated from after the major E-Ticket coaster got (temporarily?) shelved due to Shanghai's issues. It has been clarified to me that this is a Bob Chapek project and comes from his desire to get Marvel product in the parks as quickly as possible.

This is not blue sky. It is in the development pipeline.

Nothing is a done deal until it happens (that means that SDL might not open, but I sorta think it will) but this is looking extremely likely in CA. and Disney wants it in Florida as well to split the costs and make it appear they are adding actual attractions like Universal and Sea World etc.

The only issue on the FL end is WDW has balked at the costs and would rather a temporary overlay and DCA needs a permanent major Marvel attraction until the now Captain America themed mega-coaster (not RnRC clone any longer) gets budgeted and slotted for build.

This project could happen in one resort alone, but it is highly unlikely. If everything stays on course, DCA's ToT will close in January and reopen by May or June. WDW's would likely follow not long after.
Please Spirit, I can't take anymore :hungover:
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Well-Known Member
Which Disney attractions that has undergone a similar re-theming, gives you confidence that "it will be executed well"?

Under New Management? Stitch? Figment? Test Track?
I'd say Test Track was improved by the Tronification, even with the interactive elements that barely work. The realistic autotesting facility scored by some 90s-xtreme cacophony soundtrack and dull administrators just weren't that interesting and the idea of focusing around design is sound, even though again, the interactive stuff with designing your vehicles isn't all that well implemented.


Active Member
Some day a book is going to be written on this project ... and I don't mean a Disney coffee table one either.

Could the mess in Shanghai be just a few chapters in a much larger book titled The Implosion of One Man's Dream: The Fall of Disney Parks & Resorts? Shanghai is way over budget and still won't be completed by the June opening date, which means many more millions could be dumped into that project. There's the possibility of millions being spent on bonehead ideas like a ToT GotG re-skin that, in my opinion, won't increase revenue, but could actually hurt revenue. Continuous cuts (which seem to be making their way into more and more aspects of the parks and resorts) while at the same time increasing prices might take a bite out of demand. Billions being budgeted for DHS renovations, etc., etc., etc. Could P&R be over leveraging themselves while possibly reducing demand that could end up being the perfect storm that takes it down?

I know that sounds extreme, but when when all we seem to be hearing about lately is how disconnected the executives seem to be from their business, it sounds reasonable to me that a series of bad decisions in the near future could be problematic.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy, and the soundtrack is fantastic. I am betting this happens by May 2017 to coincide with the new movie. I'm curious to see how they do it. Rock and Roller Coaster makes more sense to me, but maybe they will overlay both attractions, and create a themed land out of it.

Maybe there is a huge tower structure in Guardians 2?!


Well-Known Member
Which Disney attractions that has undergone a similar re-theming, gives you confidence that "it will be executed well"?

Under New Management? Stitch? Figment? Test Track?

Fair enough! Although most of those are Eisner era redo's, so it's a bit hard to honestly say these days.

Test Track and Star Tours are more recent ones that I feel have actually been an improvement (some may disagree). Soarin' is one I'm quite optimistic about, the land has already been very successfully rethemed at DCA. Monsters Inc. definitely was an improvement over SuperStar Limo (frankly, anything would be). Phantom Manor and Tokyo's ToT are technically two that qualify as the same ride with different themes that work quite well.

I guess my point is DCA's ToT isn't that well executed (or placed) to begin with. In terms of temporary overlays though, DLR has quite a few other good examples. Even the recent invasion of IP on a classic, Hyperspace Mountain, is tastefully done.

Again, before anyone hunts me down, I'm by no means advocating a change in Florida. I just think it's very different scenario in DCA.

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