Management about to change Expedition Everest

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I have lost the will to live reading that thread its like an anorak convention, having figured out how to use the fastpass system and being able to be organised I cant see it having much of an impact on me so ya boo sucks.:drevil:


Active Member
Disney wont

Disney would not do this. stacking stinks.

Just go to great adventure and see what stacking can do to a good roller coaster.

This would compeltely make the rides experience worse and adding one more train can actually decrease capacity.

I thought people didnt want their parks to become like six flags parks?

It does not matter if they are waiting in the station for a train to come. All it takes is say a restraint not closing or something like that and you have a mness on your hands.

I am hoping disney does not do this. Trust me go to a six flags park and see what something lik this can do.(KK at gadv runs at max 4 trains bun runs much smoother with 2 or 3)


Just go to great adventure and see what stacking can do to a good roller coaster.

(KK at gadv runs at max 4 trains bun runs much smoother with 2 or 3)

Having spent a great deal of time at Great Adventure I'm not really sure what you mean. They don't have major stacking problems.

And Kingda Ka is a bad example for this considering any backup wouldn't be true stacking, it would be an inability to leave the station.


Active Member

Bob Go to great adventure in the summer. You are always stuck waiting for them to send a train out sitting in the brakes behind the station.

Some times with Nitro when they run all 3 trains there are two trains wating to unload and can't because they are waiting for the third train to leave the station. (I got stuck on superman for 10 minutes hanging because the ride ops were slow)

IF Expedition everest adds a another train and the ops say miss a restraint or something like that this ride can come to a grinding hault (i mean time wise not error wise)

Its bad enough (well at least I think) that the coaster is short, if they slow the lift down it could seriously hurt the rides quality also.

IF this rumour is true they have to have AWESOME ride ops that can go supper fast so that all five trains don't get stuck.


Bob Go to great adventure in the summer. You are always stuck waiting for them to send a train out sitting in the brakes behind the station.

Some times with Nitro when they run all 3 trains there are two trains wating to unload and can't because they are waiting for the third train to leave the station. (I got stuck on superman for 10 minutes hanging because the ride ops were slow)

I've been there many many many times in the summer. And from my experances there at times there is bad stacking yes, but your dealing with people, stuff can happen. But most of the time the rides are stacking some of the time, pulling right in others. so they are getting some of the increased benifit of having that extra train on. If you've ever been on Nitro on a busy day with 2 train operation, that's a painfull wait.

If Nitro is stacking like that then the train in the station would have been sitting there for a little over 3 mins without being sent, so there is a major problem with that staff.

About 80% of superman's problems aren't the staff going slow, it's becaues of an issue with radio communication.


Well-Known Member
Are we talking about 5 trains during peak times or all the time? With 5 trains across 6 potential stopping areas with one area (before the yeti encounter) as undesirable, it's going to have to run very smoothly for the change not to be noticeable. ISTC, you may have cited fastpass as the main reason behind this change, but it has to be a change to the riders per hour in order to increase fast pass. if it means 1.5 extra rides per hour (approximately 50 guests per hour) and they all go to fastpass, then it makes some sense.

I can't access youtube right now for a ride video, but can someone determine the pacing from one of these videos (without the wait before the yeti room).
We'd be looking for time between load and going backwards, then the time between going backwards and going forward, then going forward and the break run after the yeti, then the break run to unload.


Perhaps I missed it...but is anyone disputing that the train will stop before the Yeti room when another train is added? Or is that a for sure gonna happen with the an extra train?

Watching that video really makes me hope that they do not make you stop there!!! Its retarded! sort of ruins the fast climax of the ride.


Well-Known Member
As a result of the y-axis transverse and timing through the block station at yeti junction A we can determine the height of the Epcot wand. By using the squared hypotenuse of the wand height we can then determine the depth of Bay Lake using the delta Pi formula. Based upon these numbers we can extrapolate the data of additional EE riders for a 5th train. Therfore the correct answer is most assuredly seven additional passengers per day :lookaroun

Seriously though, amid all of this discussion I did come to realize that if there was not a benefit to adding a 5th train - WDW wouldn't spend the time or money to do it. At best, we are guessing at the numbers as I did when I previously stated that capacity would be reduced. This marks the first time I have been wrong since the last time I was wrong, very dicouraging. Fact is - we don't know for sure - only the guys with the real numbers and data do.


Well-Known Member
Seriously though, amid all of this discussion I did come to realize that if there was not a benefit to adding a 5th train - WDW wouldn't spend the time or money to do it. At best, we are guessing at the numbers as I did when I previously stated that capacity would be reduced. This marks the first time I have been wrong since the last time I was wrong, very dicouraging. Fact is - we don't know for sure - only the guys with the real numbers and data do.

Exactly. And, let's be honest. Disney is frugal. I take that back. Disney is cheap. They will do things for as little money as possible--as well they should. I probably would do the same if I routinely spent $100,000,000 on a single attraction. I cannot see Disney doing something without properly researching the issue, and I am fairly confident that any issue that some fan boys who know almost nothing about how Expedition Everest REALLY works (watching the timing of trains being released does not make you an Everest expert). I have faith that the folks who actually built the ride and actually programmed it know more than any of us, and if they think they can make the lines move faster, I say cheers to their health.

Now if they could only speed up the Soarin' about loading and unloading when it is still in the air? If JetBlue can clean up the cabin when its planes are still in the air (or stuck on the tarmac for a few hours), Disney can load and unload Soarin' right around the Los Angeles scene, when guests really start to wonder why everything is in some state several thousand miles away.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have faith that the folks who actually built the ride and actually programmed it know more than any of us, and if they think they can make the lines move faster, I say cheers to their health.
Actully this thing isn't being handled by Vekoma or WDI. It's being done by a department called Ride and Show Engineering. They are the ones that are called to do work and adjustments to rides when WDW dosen't want to call in the designers. (And let me you tell you, I don't think Joe Rhode would care for this. I heard he was quite upset they built that new wooden gate by the Single Riders line. I'd be too if nobody told me they put a new gate in.)


Active Member
I can't access youtube right now for a ride video, but can someone determine the pacing from one of these videos (without the wait before the yeti room).
We'd be looking for time between load and going backwards, then the time between going backwards and going forward, then going forward and the break run after the yeti, then the break run to unload.
The ride currently runs 2 minutes and 55 seconds. Throw in 60 seconds loading and we have 3 minutes and 55 seconds. So that would be three cars in the ride while one car loads.

I do recall from when I rode it that there was always some waiting for a car to get to the station. Adding a 5th car would eliminate that waiting. Three cars in the ride, one car loading while one car waits or unloads(unloading is in a different place then loading, isn't it? Can't remember).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I do recall from when I rode it that there was always some waiting for a car to get to the station. Adding a 5th car would eliminate that waiting. Three cars in the ride, one car loading while one car waits or unloads(unloading is in a different place then loading, isn't it? Can't remember).
As it runs now, it's a train at Load and Unload, a train going down the mountain, and a train about to come into Broken Trestle. That's about where the trains would be if everything's running right.


New Member
Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland Paris can run with 5 trains but routinely uses the 4 train configuration because of stacking issues that can shut down the ride for 45 minutes; thus, lowering the capacity. Research data can show that it's possible to increase capacity by adding a 5th train but the reality of loading and unloading a train cannot be seen in those data. The right decision about the 5th train can only be made with proper communication between Ops and Engineering. I think it is great that Disney tries ways to improve capacity even if it turns out to be a bad move.


Active Member
Not that I am doubting what the original poster has said about the 5th train, it does make some sense and there are facts to backup the claim, but you have said that you have checked with your sources several times to back up your information. What/Who is your source??? And please don't say anything along the lines of, "a CM at ____ ride/show/food stand told me." After reading through this thread, I cannot find any metion about the sources behind your claims (as I said before, not that I doubt them, I just find it a tad bit extreme for no obvious sources that I can find quickly).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not that I am doubting what the original poster has said about the 5th train, it does make some sense and there are facts to backup the claim, but you have said that you have checked with your sources several times to back up your information. What/Who is your source??? And please don't say anything along the lines of, "a CM at ____ ride/show/food stand told me." After reading through this thread, I cannot find any metion about the sources behind your claims (as I said before, not that I doubt them, I just find it a tad bit extreme for no obvious sources that I can find quickly).
It's from my friends at Everest. I gurantee you it's not from a bus driver.
But the fifth gate IS on it's way, from what I hear.


Well-Known Member
Ok, the ride runs 2:55 + 1 minute for loading that puts it at 4 minutes. If loading takes 60 seconds, and that is the longest "stage" of the ride cycle than the trains are going to be spaced 60 seconds apart... with 5 trains, the total ride cycle time has to be 5 minutes. If the ride is 2:55, Load is 1 minute and unload is 1 minute that makes 5 trains a little more realistic: 4:55 for the total ride through time. Now that it's kind of broken down like that, it seems realistic that the total ride through time wasn't much shorter than that. That makes adding the 5th train somewhat logical, with the only risk of stacking being if it takes longer than 60 seconds to load the train. That's where the ride needs to create the extra holds. The scenario should ideally play out like this.

Say it's bumped to 90 seconds for one loading session, that means a train stays at load for 90 seconds and unload for 90 seconds, that's not a problem. One train now has 90 seconds to go up the two lifthills and make it to the mangled track before reversing, before it had 60 seconds. Another train has 90 seconds to go backwards and into the yeti shadow room, before it had 60 seconds. And a 3rd train has 90 seconds to go down the big drop through the mountain, through the helices back into the mountain where it can stop both before and after the yeti to take up that 90 seconds of time.


Well-Known Member
This is the nuttiest thread that I have read in a long while. None of us are experts. In other threads I often hear six flags slammed for not running at full capacity. Now Disney is attacked for trying to increase capacity. If the ride goes down, they will stop doing it. Noboby wants "E-Stops". This is a sophisticated attraction with multiple brake zones. On normal coasters, ride time is variable only by the lift time and minor variables in the brakes, length of time open, and air temp. On EE, you have the two switch area as well. Why shouldn't Disney maximize capacity? With a popular attraction, they would be nuts to NOT maximize capacity. This thread was started by someone with an opinion, and ALSO an agenda! I just don't know what it is.


Well-Known Member
I'll add this to my list of reasons why I don't like Fastpass. :brick:

Is it any wonder that of all the people who don't like fastpass, it is someone named "Slowjack"?

Fastpass is great from my point of view; I hate slowly plodding forward in a line with no foreseeable end. I use fastpass all the time while the uneducated stand in line watching the rest of us zip past them. Oh well, Slowjack is entitled to his opinion, but I assume that those of us who know how to use fastpass have much better vacations because of it.

I hope the predictions of problems at Everest are unfounded. I have confidence in the imagineers at Disney to do this right, and I assume they have thoroughly thought this through.

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