Management about to change Expedition Everest


Active Member
Again, that doesn't make sense, that would mean that the next train couldn't dispatch from the station untill the train prior is in the shadow room.
A train is cleared from dispatch once the track at the top of the mountain flips back into the position that allows trains from the lift hill to advance to the peak. NOT when the train stops at the yeti shadow. There is not enough ammount of track inside the mountain that would allow the train to bring its own self to a complete stop and then send it forword again with enough force to reach the "flip" track piece at the top of the mountain (physics). So for review:
  • clear to dispatch for 1st lift hill when:*
    • flip "peak" track at top is in position to allow trains from the lift hill
    • no trains between load and peak braking
    • cast member verifies that the train is completely loaded (seated and locked) and that there are no obstructions for the train.
  • clear to dispatch in reverse from peak when:
    • flip "peak" track has completed flip to send train in reverse
    • flip "shadow" track has completed flip to allow train in reverse
    • no trains between peak and shadow room
  • clear to dispatch out of mountain when:
    • flip "shadow" track has completed flip to send train on foreword path
    • no trains between mountain and brakes after helix
  • clear to dispatch into yeti room when:
    • no trains between after-helix-brakes and brakes before unload
  • clear to dispatch to unload when:
    • no train in unload
  • clear to dispatch to load
    • when no train in load
    • cast member verifies train in unload is empty and clear of obstructions
*-The train may be cleared for dispatch after the train before it has cleared the 2nd lift hill.


As for the other rides, if the stacking is causing wear and tear, yea, you're supposed to take a car off. If Space Mountain stacked all the time, the ride would be even more of a mess. A ride is only supposed to cascade a few times in a day, not every hour. And the amazing super-powered Everest lifts and lift-chains aren't designed to always be starting and stopping all the time. Again, Everest is still going to be safe. Just don't be surprised if it's going to be down alot more from now often.

Most of the rides I listed stack a lot of the time, at least once every hour.

Chain lifts can be used for that, they are designed to start and stop, it just causes more wear and tear. Reguardless, the chain lifts shouldn't be needed, there are enough blocks after that to handle 5 trains.


*-The train may be cleared for dispatch after the train before it has cleared the 2nd lift hill.

I'm well aware of how a block system works. That line right there is my point. You had said "a chain lift cannot be used to control a block section." But it is, that's what allows you to send it after the train prior clears the hill.

actully, there's no way to squish in more Dispatches in an hour. Because of show timing, it's still going to be the same number of dispatch windows. Just another train full of people on the track.)

Show timing should be controled by green sensors along the track, much the same way most ride photo systems work. If they are not then that was probebly the stupidest ride construction possible.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Most of the rides I listed stack a lot of the time, at least once every hour.

Chain lifts can be used for that, they are designed to start and stop, it just causes more wear and tear. Reguardless, the chain lifts shouldn't be needed, there are enough blocks after that to handle 5 trains.
Yea, but the only ride that kind of works like Everest in terms of brake zones and timing is Space Mountain. The rides like Test Track and pooh just stop when they get so close to the next car or before a certain point and can stop pretty much anywhere, and the other rides are boat rides, that just stack up at the end of the ride. Splash mountain just works of gates closing at the waterfalls and lifts up stopping if the line of boats at the end stack up to much. Everest's system and large super-speed chain lifts are a very diffrent kind of beast from those' other rides. I see what you're saying though, it's just that it dosen't really apply the same way to Everest.


Yea, but the only ride that kind of works like Everest in terms of brake zones and timing is Space Mountain. The rides like Test Track and pooh just stop when they get so close to the next car or before a certain point and can stop pretty much anywhere, and the other rides are boat rides, that just stack up at the end of the ride. Splash mountain just works of gates closing at the waterfalls and lifts up stopping if the line of boats at the end stack up to much. Everest's system and large super-speed chain lifts are a very diffrent kind of beast from those' other rides. I see what you're saying though, it's just that it dosen't really apply the same way to Everest.

I'm not even sure why this whole chainlift thing is being argued. Yes it's a block, but in the event of stacking since it's the first thing you encounter, stacking would occur there last. IE, unless there is an e-stop then it would stack there anyway.

If all trains were on and they were to stack, it would probebly be load station, unload station, wait station, just after helix, and shadow room. leaving a buffer of broken track prior to the chain lift being used as a block. And that assumes there aren't two wait station blocks.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm not even sure why this whole chainlift thing is being argued. Yes it's a block, but in the event of stacking since it's the first thing you encounter, stacking would occur there last. IE, unless there is an e-stop then it would stack there anyway.

If all trains were on and they were to stack, it would probebly be load station, unload station, wait station, just after helix, and shadow room. leaving a buffer of broken track prior to the chain lift being used as a block. And that assumes there aren't two wait station blocks.
Oh, I'm not talking about if there's a train stopped there, I'm saying that the chain lift having to stop so much if there's a train there or not. Any amout of stopping so much isn't good for it because it's such a custum chain lift. If you've ever been at load during a breakdown or cascade, you'd see the neat sight of the chains re-starting. They move super-fast and I'm just saying that it's really going to wear the system down if it has to do that every hour. And I'm sorry if this has come across as an argument, I'm just trying to add my sum total of knowledge about the ride to add to the discussion and why it's really not such a good idea.


Oh, I'm not talking about if there's a train stopped there, I'm saying that the chain lift having to stop so much if there's a train there or not. Any amout of stopping so much isn't good for it because it's such a custum chain lift. If you've ever been at load during a breakdown or cascade, you'd see the neat sight of the chains re-starting. They move super-fast and I'm just saying that it's really going to wear the system down if it has to do that every hour. And I'm sorry if this has come across as an argument, I'm just trying to add my sum total of knowledge about the ride to add to the discussion and why it's really not such a good idea.

If they start to stack there is no reason why the chains should stop. The only reason for it to stop is if there was a train in the next block. It would stop with a train at the top so it doesn't enter an occupied block. And I didn't mean argue in the angry sense. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Boy this thread has gotten as detailed as some of those on RRC. The ride has more than enough blocks to run 5 trains. It is all about effeciency and the guest factor. I have rarely seen Everest get stacked with 4 trains running. Usually the train in unload is done being unloaded way before the load train leaves the station. When ever you run more trains the chance for cascading is higher but as long as you have a properly trained and effecient crew then the chances lower.


Well-Known Member
Well is this something that they hope to implement and continue throughout our whole lifetimes, or is this just like a semi/test change that will take place for a few months than revert back to its old self.

I dont think I like this idea, and how exactly does this allow them to give out more fastpasses?


Well is this something that they hope to implement and continue throughout our whole lifetimes, or is this just like a semi/test change that will take place for a few months than revert back to its old self.

I dont think I like this idea, and how exactly does this allow them to give out more fastpasses?

Nothing is ever set in stone, it would depend on how it went.

The idea is the extra train will kill the down time between trains, adding extra riders per hour, and those riders would be fastpass riders.

Personly, my vote is get rid of fastpass all together. Make everyone stand in the same line, but that line will move twice as fast.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is ever set in stone, it would depend on how it went.

The idea is the extra train will kill the down time between trains, adding extra riders per hour, and those riders would be fastpass riders.

Personly, my vote is get rid of fastpass all together. Make everyone stand in the same line, but that line will move twice as fast.

While yea, the line would move faster without fastpasses, these things are very useful, you really have to know how to work em.

For emh, when the line for everest goes farther back then it does in the day, it moves much quicker cuz there arent any fastpasses.


While yea, the line would move faster without fastpasses, these things are very useful, you really have to know how to work em.

For emh, when the line for everest goes farther back then it does in the day, it moves much quicker cuz there arent any fastpasses.

Oh, I admit if you use them to their full advantage they do work great for you (if you only ride the rides you have fastpasses and slower rides). But I think for the average guest, they would be far better off without it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I admit if you use them to their full advantage they do work great for you (if you only ride the rides you have fastpasses and slower rides). But I think for the average guest, they would be far better off without it.
We should get rid of a benefit to the intelligent guests because the dumb ones can't figure out that you can indeed skip to the front of the line? I don't think so. There have been many nice things in society that have been removed due to stupid people being stupid, and I don't think we need to add Fastpass to that list. Rides like Everest would have very long wait times with or without Fastpass, but at least with Fastpass, I get to ride it more than once or twice a vacation.


Well-Known Member
Stacking doesn't seem to have an effect on the endings of those other attractions though. It actually adds to something like POTC and IASW. At Everest, I think that it would take away from the finale. I don't think it would be the end of the world, but I think it's a different type of situation than the others you mentioned.
I would actually somewhat disagree. Not that I don't on some level enjoy more time spent in PotC, but it always feels...I dunno, unprofessional that I am always in a long queue of boats at the end, especially since I go during the off-season in the fall. Being constantly jostled by boats from behind also tends to take me out of the moment. But I do agree it would be much worse hitting a brake zone in the middle of Everest.


We should get rid of a benefit to the intelligent guests because the dumb ones can't figure out that you can indeed skip to the front of the line? I don't think so. There have been many nice things in society that have been removed due to stupid people being stupid, and I don't think we need to add Fastpass to that list. Rides like Everest would have very long wait times with or without Fastpass, but at least with Fastpass, I get to ride it more than once or twice a vacation.

No, we should get rid of fastpass because it makes everyone, even the people with the passes wait longer to get on the ride. A side benifit is that the average guests get to expereance more in a day.

You hand out all those fast passes early in the day, those same people who are "virtualy" standing in line are also out doing other things, taking up place in other lines. In cases some people get return times far out, and after a while they can even get a second fastpass, leaving them to stand in 3 lines at once.

This overall causes all lines for everything to be longer. The fastpasss attractions are bloated because they have the two lines, and the non-fastpass lines are bloated with people who are also waiting in the virtual line, if fast pass didn't exist they would be in line for that ride instead.


Well-Known Member
I would actually somewhat disagree. Not that I don't on some level enjoy more time spent in PotC, but it always feels...I dunno, unprofessional that I am always in a long queue of boats at the end, especially since I go during the off-season in the fall. Being constantly jostled by boats from behind also tends to take me out of the moment. But I do agree it would be much worse hitting a brake zone in the middle of Everest.
yeah...sometimes the boats stack so much that they really are running too many boats (especially on Splash). They should remove some boats when that is the case, cuz there is no capacity gained by making guests wait for several minutes--it's the worst in the winter when it's not exactly hot out, and you are wet and they blow the a/c on you with "zip a dee doo dah" playing...THAT's magical! :)


Well-Known Member
I would actually somewhat disagree. Not that I don't on some level enjoy more time spent in PotC, but it always feels...I dunno, unprofessional that I am always in a long queue of boats at the end, especially since I go during the off-season in the fall. Being constantly jostled by boats from behind also tends to take me out of the moment. But I do agree it would be much worse hitting a brake zone in the middle of Everest.

Well I would have been with you up until the latest makeover. Now the stacking gives people extra time to watch the Depp AA at the end. I know what you're saying though.


Well-Known Member
We should get rid of a benefit to the intelligent guests because the dumb ones can't figure out that you can indeed skip to the front of the line? I don't think so. There have been many nice things in society that have been removed due to stupid people being stupid, and I don't think we need to add Fastpass to that list. Rides like Everest would have very long wait times with or without Fastpass, but at least with Fastpass, I get to ride it more than once or twice a vacation.
Not to get into the whole FP debate again, but the point is, if everyone took maximum advantage of it, then it would have zero net effect on guest's average wait times.
I also don't think it's just dumb people who can't take full advantage of FP. For one thing, even if you know it's there, it takes a while to figure out how to best use it (as I'm sure you know, it's not just a matter of getting the FP for the most popular have to know where FP has the most benefit). One of the reasons I don't like FP is that it means that to get the most out of my trip, I have to spend more time planning ahead and less time just having fun.


Well-Known Member
Not to get into the whole FP debate again, but the point is, if everyone took maximum advantage of it, then it would have zero net effect on guest's average wait times.
I also don't think it's just dumb people who can't take full advantage of FP. For one thing, even if you know it's there, it takes a while to figure out how to best use it (as I'm sure you know, it's not just a matter of getting the FP for the most popular have to know where FP has the most benefit). One of the reasons I don't like FP is that it means that to get the most out of my trip, I have to spend more time planning ahead and less time just having fun.
See that's where people are wrong. For one, there are many attractions that still have short wait times throughout the year--even with Fastpass. Now you can ride them instead of standing in line 2 hours for Splash (and I promise you Splash had 2-hour waits even before Fastpass). Plus, I'm sure you will agree that there are many magical things at Disney that do not involve waiting in line. Now, guests can spend more time with the characters, more time enjoying street entertainment or many of the shows, the shops, and the overall park atmosphere. Overall, I spend less time standing in place in line and more time enjoying myself in the parks. For example, now I can enjoy the World Showcase performers when I might have been in line for Test Track in past years (which also easily had 2-hour waits pre-Fastpass).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If they start to stack there is no reason why the chains should stop. The only reason for it to stop is if there was a train in the next block. It would stop with a train at the top so it doesn't enter an occupied block. And I didn't mean argue in the angry sense. :animwink:
Yea. That's actully the problem, and why the chain would stop. There'd be a train at unload, and a train at the hold area before unload, and because they're not having trains stop in the hold area before the Yeti like I stated, means that the trains at Shadow of the Yeti and Broken Trestle would stop, stopping the chain.

And I agree very much about Fastpass! The only rides that I think really work with the system is Splash Mountain and Test Track. The Fastpass system at Everest works only if the ride's running great! If you've been to Everest after a cascade or any other downtime, the Fastpass line stacks up and becomes almost as long as Standby. And then the Standby wait goes through the roof because of this! It's always a mess.

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