Man falls out of balcony at CR - New post

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Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Could the OP have been a lurker previously, and decided to check the forum to see if something about the incident had been posted? It does seem odd that Disney didn't offer some form of guest recovery for the OP.


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diddy_mouse said:
i saw the smilies in the original post as well as when it was quoted...

its a truly sad event that happened and i am sorry for anyone to have witnessed it, but i'm getting a fishy vibe from the post (maybe its just me)

Nope, its not just you. Thats why I asked what the parameters for the search were. There is nothing to be found on the net about this.


New Member
yensid2005 said:
My family and I witnessed this event. It traumatized us all, very disturbing. We ended up leaving Monday morning (instead of finishing up the week) due to the difficulty of dealing with this.
Witnessed as in saw it happen? Like at approx 3:30am? I guess because the noise kept you up? :eek:

yensid2005 said:
We were in the room directly below the room were the "incident" occured.There was an altercation in the room that lasted approx. an hour and a half. Up until the very end, we thought it was children running and jumping in another room. The other occupant of that room was a very large man, well over six feet tall and I would guess to be about 300lbs. He new who we were and what room we were in. I didn't want him showing up at our room wanting to discuss any grievances he might have with me.
So you knew what the occupants of the room above you looked like? Both of them?
You didn't want him showing up at your room because the Police decided to leave him in his room and not take him for questioning? And you think that maybe this big guy would have just made the rounds to all the surrounding rooms and scare a little quiet into everyone? :lookaroun

Just a few questions that's all. Then I can decide if the story is legit to me... :veryconfu


Active Member
Why has this new member not come back to defend their story. I dont know why someone would make up the story like this but it has to many holes for me to believe.


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tigsmom, Sorry, I don't see any smileys in my post. I am not that familiar with this particular board. Perhaps I posted smiley's that others can see but I am not aware of???

Sorry, It wasn't intentional.


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monorail driver, Thank you for validating this for me. I have found virtually nothing else anywhere on-line about it.

tigsmom, I frequent another Disney board. I was directed here from someone on that board.


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tigsmom, regarding the smiley's. I am cutting and pasting out of a word document, for spell checking purposes, on some post's, not this one. Could that have anything to do with the smiley's? They are not intentional and I feel bad that they are somehow making their way into my post's. I am not computer savy enough to figure what I am doing wrong that is causing the smiley's.


New Member
So, according to your original post, it happened at 3:30 after an hour and a half long altercation. So from 2am until 3:30, you just sat there and listened to fighting which was loud enough to keep you awake apparently without calling the front desk to complain about the noise? Much more tolerant than most people would be, I imagine.

And then you just happened to be looking out of your window during the half a second it would take for the body to pass by your window? And were actually able to see something even though it was pitch black outside?

Things just don't seem to be adding up here. ???


Yensid2005 - Did you lurk on the "other" board? Seems you just joined there as well..

"Given the very serious nature of this topic, I am more than a little hesitant to post this, but I am searching for any info on a death that occurred at the CR Saturday evening/Sunday morning. We were located on the 7th floor in the tower and there was an altercation in a room on the 8th floor. I am not sure how many people were in the room when the "incident" happened, but I believe there were only two. At approx. 3:30am a man either fell/jumped or was pushed from the room balcony on the 8th floor. The authorities were called and he was pronounced dead. Me and my family were there and we witnessed these events. Disney erected a small "tent" around the body and the investigation continued until approx. 8:00 or 9:00 am before the body was finally removed. As you can imagine, this very much traumatized us and we stayed one more day, but we couldn't escape the memory of the events that we witnessed. Then we checked out Monday morning cutting our vacation short. Does any one have any info concerning this? I purchased the Orlando sentinel Monday morning, and I was shocked that there was no mention of this in the paper! I am now home and I tried to search the internet with my limited ability, but I have found no mention of any death at the CR! If anyone has any information regarding this, Please help me "fill in the blanks". Why was this not in the paper? Thank You"


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jayhastings74, The way the Cr tower is constructed each balcony below "sticks out" approx maybe 2 feet??? We were on the balcony in an effort to "pinpoint" the source of all the comtion so that I could go down to the lobby to complain. In this case, it was very easy to see who was in the room above and also very easy for him to see us. I am only repeating here "part's" of what i told the police. It is all true. There are many different shapes and sizes at Disney. This guy was HUGE and I was afraid.

P.S. I don't have time to cut and paste out of word. The bad spellimg and grammer are going to show and I hope it puts an end to the smiley's.


Yensid's responses from another board:

"I was awakened by the altercation that happened in the room. The vibrations literally "vibrated" the lamp fixture in my room... I know almost nothing about police protocol in these situations. I do know that the "tent" was gone by 8:00 or 9:00 am. At that time there was a white cloth still covering the spot were the body had been...FWIW I gave 2 verbal statements, 1 written statement and 1 recorded statement testifying to what I witnessed regarding this event. The last person that interviewed me was a homicide detective. I just can't believe that something such as this can happen on Disney property without any mention in the news. I am still looking for info. If this was a suicide, I don't believe that I will have to testify any further. If it was a homicide, I may be required to go back for a trial???"

"I have posted here for years. I created a new identity because I don't want my main identity assosiated with this. The other "surviving" male occupant of the room was much larger and stronger than me."

"I don't see how it could not be in the news either. That is part of the reason I am so mystified by this. There was a full ambulance crew there, Myself, at least four squad cars, Many Disney security people. I just don't get it."

"That is why I am so mystified by this. But I have found a thread on another board from another guest that was contacted by the police regarding this. It did happen. Maybe I should have taken pictures????"



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yello shoes, That is part of my concern. If it turns out to be a murder, I was told I will most likely have to return to Orlando to testify.


New Member
Does the facace of the Contemporary slope enough to, in essence, catch the body one or two floors down on someone elses balcony? Or is it more vertical than that. I can't recall from the times I've been in the building.


New Member
Yensid... i think your just somebody trying to grab a little attention for yourself... by saying you witnessed something ... now quit your lying and fess up with the truth ... the only 300 lbs man you saw was yourself in the mirror ... eating a early morning snack.


And one more...
"I don't hold the CR responsible for what happened. But, they do know we stay at the CR every year for 12 years. As far as I am concerned, they didn't do anything to help us at all. They insisted that we move to a different room (wich we gladly did) but after that there was no help moving rooms, no one asked us how we were doing, they didn't even help with the luggage transfer. I believe they could have done something small to try to help salvage our vacation, a fruit basket or maybe a dinner comped. They did nothing. No one even told us they were sorry for what happened. I was up all night with the police. My wife was up most of the night. I believe she did doze off at about 6:30 or so. My son slept through most of it, up until the time the police started to i assume "re-enact" everything above us in the room. That is what it sounded like to me. If they would have done any little gesture, we would have felt like they cared. They did nothing. When I checked out, there was a one night credit on our account for what they refered to as "an incident". I actually think they were happy to see us go. It was one more link to this death that was gone."

This upsets me. I am a believer that ____*t happens. I value a life more than to think of myself getting comped if I witness someone losing theirs. A free meal would be the last thing I would be thinking of. IMO, Disney is not responsible for what took place.


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brich, the noise actually first awakened me shortly before 2:00am.

My wife and he saw each other on the balcony at the time of the death. I saw him downstairs, he was sitting on the ground about 3 squad cars away from where i was giving a written statement to the police. We both got a good look at each other. I recognized him from seeing him in the elevator earlier. He is a very large "unique" looking individual with a mohawk. He is very hard to miss. At the time I wasn't sure what happened, I just knew that I didn't want him "looking me up". There was actually one more male involved. More normally proportioned, don't know how he "fit's in" with everything that happened. All I know is that he was sitting on the curb in the vicinity of the body and he looked very upset. He was definitley more distraught than I was. The police talked to him before they talked to me.

remember... no spell check.. please let me know if the smiley's go away.


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wdwfanatic, I am defending myself as fast as I can. I have other responsibilities to take care of other than this. I have been gone for almost 2 weeks. I have a lot to take care of at home.

I am desperatley hoping someone else can come forward and validate this. I don't have time to keep defending myself.

Monorail driver was questioned by the police. That should count for something?


Well-Known Member
yensid2005 said:
wdwfanatic, I am defending myself as fast as I can. I have other responsibilities to take care of other than this. I have been gone for almost 2 weeks. I have a lot to take care of at home.

I am desperatley hoping someone else can come forward and validate this. I don't have time to keep defending myself.

Monorail driver was questioned by the police. That should count for something?
What exactly are you trying to validate?
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