TheOneVader said:
Supposedly (I say supposedly because I use Avant Browser, which uses IE's engine), Firefox is better at HTML generation than IE, meaning the "problems" on Firefox occur because IE is doing it wrong.
This is EXACTLY the case.
But, in spite of lazy coders who code for IE specificly and not the entire WWW as it should be, I'll settle for seeing a few errant smiley faces since with FireFox I get :
Zero spyware
Zero popups
Zero browser hijacks
Tabbed browsing
Non-bloated interface/code
Just the tabbed browsing would be enough - is it a wonder MS is copying the feature for IE7? How nice it is to open up the index of threads here, open a dozen or more threads, then casually click through them without opening/closing windows or constantly using the "back" button. Tabbed browsing has changed the way I look at the Internet.
With Mozilla/FireFox and a firewall, I've been running on the same PC for over a year and had no slowdown or any other computer issues. Before, when I used Exploiter (the most hacked, vulnerable program on the planet - unarguably) I'd have to wipe my hard drive every few months and start over.
Sure, since M$ won't let you remove it on infrequent occsions (every few weeks) I have to boot it up to see a site properly, but those sites have bad coding anyway - using IE-specific "tricks" is sloppy programming, the whole point of the www is to make information universally, uniformly available - not to make it accessable only to people who use a specific browser. It's just laziness - because most people use IE it's just easier - but in the long run it's just going to make their sites less visited.
That said, I have never had a problem with this site until the "smiley" incident, and that's certainly not even a drop in the bucket of what it would take for me to change back.
How's that for a pleasant change of topic? LOL.