Man falls out of balcony at CR - New post

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Well-Known Member
TheOneVader said:
Supposedly (I say supposedly because I use Avant Browser, which uses IE's engine), Firefox is better at HTML generation than IE, meaning the "problems" on Firefox occur because IE is doing it wrong. That's just wha tI heard, nothing for personal experience. I would like to switch to Firefox, and have tried many a time, but it's a lot different than what I'm used to so I never end up switching.
I'm not sure whether IE or firefox is rendering/generating source correctly. If you look at the source for the page in IE and the source in Firefox.. it appears that Firefox is correct. The IE source shows an malformed O tag around the image links for the tongue emoticon. Maybe the bulletin board software does something wonky for an IE browser.


New Member
TimeTrip said:
I'm not sure whether IE or firefox is rendering/generating source correctly. If you look at the source for the page in IE and the source in Firefox.. it appears that Firefox is correct. The IE source shows an malformed O tag around the image links for the tongue emoticon. Maybe the bulletin board software does something wonky for an IE browser.
Excellent point!


Well-Known Member
TheOneVader said:
Supposedly (I say supposedly because I use Avant Browser, which uses IE's engine), Firefox is better at HTML generation than IE, meaning the "problems" on Firefox occur because IE is doing it wrong.

This is EXACTLY the case.

But, in spite of lazy coders who code for IE specificly and not the entire WWW as it should be, I'll settle for seeing a few errant smiley faces since with FireFox I get :

Zero spyware
Zero popups
Zero browser hijacks
Tabbed browsing
Non-bloated interface/code

Just the tabbed browsing would be enough - is it a wonder MS is copying the feature for IE7? How nice it is to open up the index of threads here, open a dozen or more threads, then casually click through them without opening/closing windows or constantly using the "back" button. Tabbed browsing has changed the way I look at the Internet.

With Mozilla/FireFox and a firewall, I've been running on the same PC for over a year and had no slowdown or any other computer issues. Before, when I used Exploiter (the most hacked, vulnerable program on the planet - unarguably) I'd have to wipe my hard drive every few months and start over.

Sure, since M$ won't let you remove it on infrequent occsions (every few weeks) I have to boot it up to see a site properly, but those sites have bad coding anyway - using IE-specific "tricks" is sloppy programming, the whole point of the www is to make information universally, uniformly available - not to make it accessable only to people who use a specific browser. It's just laziness - because most people use IE it's just easier - but in the long run it's just going to make their sites less visited.

That said, I have never had a problem with this site until the "smiley" incident, and that's certainly not even a drop in the bucket of what it would take for me to change back.

How's that for a pleasant change of topic? LOL.

AEfx :)


MrNonacho said:
Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "fact" when referring to this case.

Unless several guests and cast members are pulling a fantastic hoax, someone lost their life. This kind of discussion just doesn't seem right to me.

And the story just isn't plausible to me. Call me cynical, but a death (especially one as dramatic as this) would make it way into legitimate news sources.

Also, if the original poster wanted more information on it, why not just contact the 3 police officers whom he gave his statement to? I'm sure they could fill in small details for him.

Another thing.. why did he create an alias on another site saying... "I have posted here for years. I created a new identity because I don't want my main identity assosiated with this."

Sorry, I need more proof.


yensid2005 said:
To all the people who posted with the kind thoughts.. Thank You.. I sincerely appreciate every one of them.

To all the people that posted with the "less than kind thoughts".. Thank You also. I can certainly understand why this is viewed by so many in such a skeptical light.

The remark about grevience counseling... Everyone in my family was traumatized by this to a certain extent. In our small community this would be big news. I expected to read about this in the paper and my questions would be answered. I was surprised when I couldn't find any info on it. If you think I need a councelor.. you are entitled to your opinion.

Someone posted I saw myself in the mirror eating a snack.. you are close. I overeat and weigh 250lbs

The remark about me looking for a comp... I only stated that I believe that the CR could have done some small gesture to acknowledge the impact on my family and our vacation. No one from the hotel ever did or said anythiong to us to try to help us deal with anything related to this event. I still stand by my statement that it was handled poorly by the hotel in regards to us. Complete strangers on this board are showing sympathy when the hotel showed none.

Some one questioned why I wasn't responding soon enough and someone else insinuated that I was devoting to much time posting on this. There is no doubt that I have spent more time than I probably should have here today. I called work and informed them that I came home early. I will be returning to work tomorrow. I doubt I will have much time to devote to this after today.

I almost forgot to thank the person who called the news station. Thank You.. you were a big help.

Last but not least.. I haven't been using word for spellcheck.. I hope that the smiley's are gone. I can certainly see how they could be confusing in a post like this.

Yes, I do believe you need a counselor or therapist. What kind of answers are you looking for? And on a message board of all places? Call the police officers you spoke to. If they feel you need to know more, they'll tell you. You are truly coming off as more nosey than anything else (jmo).

The remark about me looking for a comp... I only stated that I believe that the CR could have done some small gesture to acknowledge the impact on my family and our vacation. No one from the hotel ever did or said anythiong to us to try to help us deal with anything related to this event. I still stand by my statement that it was handled poorly by the hotel in regards to us. Complete strangers on this board are showing sympathy when the hotel showed none.

I can't believe you feel as if you're an injured party. Good Lord. Didn't you say they gave you a free nights stay? Get over it already, move on.


Well-Known Member
Ziggie said:
And the story just isn't plausible to me. Call me cynical, but a death (especially one as dramatic as this) would make it way into legitimate news sources.

...Sorry, I need more proof.

Before you continue to make a donkey out of yourself, review the ENTIRE thread.

This has been independently confirmed by several members - also read the other thread that appeared days ago regarding this.

The only thing people doubted in this thread was if the original poster was involved or not, NOT did it happen or didn't it.

Regardless, I doubt the OP cares if you need "more proof" or not. It did happen, and it isn't terribly uncommon.

May I constructively suggest that you gather all the facts in a thread, instead of just replying to earlier posts without reading it in it's entirety?



AEfx said:
Before you continue to make a donkey out of yourself, review the ENTIRE thread.

This has been independently confirmed by several members - also read the other thread that appeared days ago regarding this.

The only thing people doubted in this thread was if the original poster was involved or not, NOT did it happen or didn't it.

Regardless, I doubt the OP cares if you need "more proof" or not. It did happen, and it isn't terribly uncommon.

May I constructively suggest that you gather all the facts in a thread, instead of just replying to earlier posts without reading it in it's entirety?


Ah, but look who's being a donkey himself :wave: Reread my posts. Did I not say much earlier that I would not believe the story unless it was from a credible, realiable, verifiable news source?

You can quote Mickey Mouse if you like. I'm still not buying the story. Have a nice evening!


Well-Known Member
Ziggie said:
And the story just isn't plausible to me. Call me cynical, but a death (especially one as dramatic as this) would make it way into legitimate news sources.
Hi, cynical! Most of the times, suicides are usually not reported by mainstream media unless: involves a celeb or sports star, or there are other victims, like a murder/suicide, or an event that can be caught in the act by a news team at the scene (remember, a scoop is a scoop).

Ziggie said:
Also, if the original poster wanted more information on it, why not just contact the 3 police officers whom he gave his statement to? I'm sure they could fill in small details for him.
Bad investigative practice. One never gives information to witnesses. It could taint any further questioning and compromise the credibility of any additional witness statements.


no2apprentice said:
Hi, cynical! Most of the times, suicides are usually not reported by mainstream media unless: involves a celeb or sports star, or there are other victims, like a murder/suicide, or an event that can be caught in the act by a news team at the scene (remember, a scoop is a scoop).

Bad investigative practice. One never gives information to witnesses. It could taint any further questioning and compromise the credibility of any additional witness statements.

*Most of the times* might be the operative phrase here. Anyway, I won't repeat myself again. You all know where I stand on the story.

I'm checking out of this topic.


New Member
I think that we may have forgotten something.. In the past, Disney has been notorious for not making accidents/deaths at the park public. If this would have been on TV all over the place, Walt Disney World would be portrayed as not being "magical". This could give the resorts a bad reputation. Millions of people stay at the resorts each year looking for a magical, safe time. They go to WDW to get away from all the death and crime. I could see people making the choice to not go to WDW or stay in the resorts knowing that this happens....


Active Member
tigsmom said:
May I ask what your search parameters were? I cannot find anything listed on Google (or anywhere else) that mentions this.

And whats with all the smilies in your post?

You know you turn the bend on 40 and your eye sight goes....I don't see any smilies.

I remember being in a criminal justice clas a long time ago and the professor metioning how good Disney was at keeping things close to the vest.


New Member
jcat2312 said:
I think that we may have forgotten something.. In the past, Disney has been notorious for not making accidents/deaths at the park public. If this would have been on TV all over the place, Walt Disney World would be portrayed as not being "magical". This could give the resorts a bad reputation. Millions of people stay at the resorts each year looking for a magical, safe time. They go to WDW to get away from all the death and crime. I could see people making the choice to not go to WDW or stay in the resorts knowing that this happens....
On the other hand, Disney could work this into a "Circle of Life" attraction. EPCOT has the WoL pavilion that deals with birth, growth, health and development. Perhaps they could expand into Wonders of Death as well.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, I've been reading this forum for a few years now and I'm pretty disappointed in the reactions of several members here. It's automatically guilty until proven innocent with everyone now - has it become that bad around here? If you don't think something is true or valid, why don't you do some research or wait until the original poster reponds again before slamming them regarding their story?

I couldn't tell you if the words out of their mouth are true or not but I can say that they received a pretty POOR reception from us. To me, that IS bad show


New Member
Glasgow said:
I have to say, I've been reading this forum for a few years now and I'm pretty disappointed in the reactions of several members here. It's automatically guilty until proven innocent with everyone now - has it become that bad around here? If you don't think something is true or valid, why don't you do some research or wait until the original poster reponds again before slamming them regarding their story?

I couldn't tell you if the words out of their mouth are true or not but I can say that they received a pretty POOR reception from us. To me, that IS bad show

Very good point...I think what has happened is people have stopped believing what people say in the "News and Rumors" section unless it comes from someone who works directly for Disney.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
jcat2312 said:
Very good point...I think what has happened is people have stopped believing what people say in the "News and Rumors" section unless it comes from someone who works directly for Disney.

ru·mor n.
1. A piece of unverified information of uncertain origin usually spread by word of mouth.
2. Unverified information received from another; hearsay.

Definition pulled from
Pasted into WORD then copied to WDWMAGIC , any smilies attached?


Well-Known Member
Ziggie said:
Ah, but look who's being a donkey himself :wave: Reread my posts. Did I not say much earlier that I would not believe the story unless it was from a credible, realiable, verifiable news source?

You can quote Mickey Mouse if you like. I'm still not buying the story. Have a nice evening!

My world is crushed. ;)

Suicides are not reported by the media unless it is a public figure or in the process of committing a crime (i.e. the person killed three people then turned the gun on themselves). If they were, our news woudl be full of them. They are not.

Several members have independently verified this - but I guess all of them are lying, huh? Well, I made two phone calls myself and confirmed it as well - but then again, I must be lying too.

If you only believe things the media tells you, then I feel very sorry for you.

Have a magical day.



Well-Known Member
Ziggie said:
*Most of the times* might be the operative phrase here. Anyway, I won't repeat myself again. You all know where I stand on the story.

I'm checking out of this topic.


Yes my lord, we will try to convince you better next time.

We all live to serve you.

Thank you for the warning that you will not repeat yourself again.

Please don't punish us. In fact, I have started a petition to ask Steve to rename this forum, "News and Rumors that we Can Prove to Ziggie".



Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Woody13 said:
On the other hand, Disney could work this into a "Circle of Life" attraction. EPCOT has the WoL pavilion that deals with birth, growth, health and development. Perhaps they could expand into Wonders of Death as well.

LMAO, nothing like a bit of humour to keep things in perspective.

Cause lets face it most of the time were all really saying, Im glad its not me. :dazzle:


New Member
KelsaBels said:
It's often scary to post on this board because of the responses I read. In reading page after page of posts to this person, I could not believe the sarcasm and rudeness people were putting out there.
Nothing to be afraid of. It's a matter of perspecitve - in the great theme of things this board is frequented by a relatively small percentage of the human race. Your life will not be ruined if somone on here disagrees with you. Stick you oar in and join the fun :wave:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
barnum42 said:
this board is frequented by a relatively small percentage of the human race.

And a few from outwith................................ :drevil:

But its nice when you get here
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