Man falls out of balcony at CR - New post

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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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barnum42 said:
The symbols that create the tongue smiley are ":" and "d" next to each other. Word must stick an invisible version of this in the text.

Personally I use the spell check plug in for Firefox. Saves the trouble of messing about with Word.
They aren't invisible least they weren't on my end when it happened but if you have a lot of text and you aren't looking for them you will never notice them. I usually got them when I forgot to capitalize a proper noun and grammar check automatically corrected it.


Premium Member
It's a fact that someone fell to their death at the Contemporary. It's not the first time it's happened and it will not be the last.

I have to say I am surprised at how this event is being discussed here.


MrNonacho said:
It's a fact that someone fell to their death at the Contemporary. It's not the first time it's happened and it will not be the last.

I have to say I am surprised at how this event is being discussed here.

Curious... where is it shown to be a fact? Perhaps I missed something. (Please cite a credible, realiable, verifiable source). :)


Well-Known Member
yensid2005 said:
tigsmom, Sorry, I don't see any smileys in my post. I am not that familiar with this particular board. Perhaps I posted smiley's that others can see but I am not aware of???

Sorry, It wasn't intentional.

Don't worry about the smilies, they don't show on IE (so you won't see them) and have nothing to do with this board.
I read your post from the other board you belong to that was posted here. I wish you had posted the same thing here as many questions were answered because that post was more detailed.
tigsmom, I frequent another Disney board. I was directed here from someone on that board.
Again, I wish you had posted that orginally also, it would have avoided confusion.
If I offended you by asking for your search parameters I'm sorry as that was not my intention. You posted -

I have been searching the internet since I returned home yesterday afternoon for any info on this. The thread here is the only information of any kind that I was able to find.

I was wondering where you found the thread as it does not show up anywhere. If you had told us you were directed here I think it would have been clearer.

Since it has been ruled a suicide there is a good chance that is the end of it.


New Member
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Monorail driver, Thank you for taking the time to post to this. A man and a child actually waved to me from I think a balcony on the 9th floor. Was that you?


New Member
Chances are, it was probably not - but I'll check with my other family members. Since the accident, we avoided getting too close to the balcony...since it freaked others in my room out...for obvious reasons.


New Member
While i think that this would make a great episode of CSI, i am not putting too much stock in this as being reality. ;)


Premium Member
Ziggie said:
Curious... where is it shown to be a fact? Perhaps I missed something. (Please cite a credible, realiable, verifiable source). :)

Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "fact" when referring to this case.

Unless several guests and cast members are pulling a fantastic hoax, someone lost their life. This kind of discussion just doesn't seem right to me.


Well-Known Member
Sorcerer1 said:
While i think that this would make a great episode of CSI, i am not putting too much stock in this as being reality. ;)

It is very much reality. People that I used to work with were working the nite that this happened. I can assure you they wouldn't think it would make a good episode of CSI.


Well-Known Member
For those who obviously missed my earlier post, the suicide, though None of the details in this thread was confirmed to me a couple hours back by Orlando Channel 9, WFTV. (407)841-9000. Select the newstip option if you care to chat with the newsroom.

Anybody who cares to check on this, rather than just argue in the forum might also try:

Channel 2, WESH
Channel 6, WKMG
Orlando Sentinel

None of them, apparently out of deference to families report suicides.


Well-Known Member
I just want to say to the op, that maybe all the noise came from the bigger man trying to "talk" the other man from hurting himself. Maybe he was trying to commit suicide and his friend was trying to prevent him from doing so. I think maybe the op is looking for stuff on it to help him and his family to work thru the trauma of seeing such a thing. Maybe if there is an explanation for what happen then he can explain it to his son and they can talk about it. I hope everything works out for you and your family. :)

I too see no smilies, but if Tigsmom and Barnum say they are there then I believe them.


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To all the people who posted with the kind thoughts.. Thank You.. I sincerely appreciate every one of them.

To all the people that posted with the "less than kind thoughts".. Thank You also. I can certainly understand why this is viewed by so many in such a skeptical light.

The remark about grevience counseling... Everyone in my family was traumatized by this to a certain extent. In our small community this would be big news. I expected to read about this in the paper and my questions would be answered. I was surprised when I couldn't find any info on it. If you think I need a councelor.. you are entitled to your opinion.

Someone posted I saw myself in the mirror eating a snack.. you are close. I overeat and weigh 250lbs

The remark about me looking for a comp... I only stated that I believe that the CR could have done some small gesture to acknowledge the impact on my family and our vacation. No one from the hotel ever did or said anythiong to us to try to help us deal with anything related to this event. I still stand by my statement that it was handled poorly by the hotel in regards to us. Complete strangers on this board are showing sympathy when the hotel showed none.

Some one questioned why I wasn't responding soon enough and someone else insinuated that I was devoting to much time posting on this. There is no doubt that I have spent more time than I probably should have here today. I called work and informed them that I came home early. I will be returning to work tomorrow. I doubt I will have much time to devote to this after today.

I almost forgot to thank the person who called the news station. Thank You.. you were a big help.

Last but not least.. I haven't been using word for spellcheck.. I hope that the smiley's are gone. I can certainly see how they could be confusing in a post like this.


New Member
yensid2005 said:
Last but not least.. I haven't been using word for spellcheck.. I hope that the smiley's are gone. I can certainly see how they could be confusing in a post like this.
Afraid they are still there. Most weird. Maybe if you edit the post by deleting the breaks between the paragraphs and then putting them back? It may delete whatever code is throwing them up.


Is it me but if its an open investigation you request any witnesses not to discuss the incident with anyone else since i can and will taint the other witnesses. Sorry just something i learned in my fire investigations classes. let just face it i was the guy the fell and the magic of disney brought me back


Well-Known Member
This thread is a stellar example of the abhorrent behavior SOME (have to highlight SOME to prevent misunderstanding) of the more "established" members sometimes present. On behalf of those people who take posts here WAY to seriously, and who try to play "know it all", I aplogize to you yensid2005. Not everyone here is so rude to someone just because they are new; not all of us treat this place like a private clique.

I'm very sorry for what you and your family went through, and hope it doesn't ruin the experience of WDW for you in the future. I can't imagine being a part of something that traumatic at the World, and I'm sure the compassionate members of the board feel the same.

Just ignore the rude, nitpicky posts - you learn to do that after being here awhile.

And welcome to the boards. :)



New Member
AEfx...I just want to say I was very relieved to read what you wrote in your post. It's often scary to post on this board because of the responses I read. In reading page after page of posts to this person, I could not believe the sarcasm and rudeness people were putting out there. This is a tragedy and a trauma. To be on vacation and experience something like this is unimagineable, then to come here and look for support and answers and be treated so poorly is really sad. Thank goodness there are some people on the boards who are so great and balance out the negative.

Yensid 2005, I'm amazed you handled all the feedback so well. I'm so sorry to hear that your vacation turned out the way it did. My heart's with you and your family, and everyone who was part of this tragedy.


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We are the typical "Disney Crazy Family" We all know who we are. Always helping others plan WDW vacations. Going to disney every year.. Etc. At this point, we don't ever see ourselves returning. Maybe as time passes, We will change our minds.???
I can't see the smiley's, but I have a bad habit of "double spacing" after every sentance. Could that be causing the smiley's?

I don't think I double spaced in this post.


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KelsaBels & AEfx Thank you both for the kind words. But I will repeat, I can't blame anyone for being skeptical towards this post. What caught me "offguard" was the lack of information. I expected more people to be aware of what happened to help hold down the skepicism.

It's back to work for me tomorrow, That should give me plenty of other things to think about and let this tragedy go.


New Member
barnum42 said:
Afraid they are still there. Most weird. Maybe if you edit the post by deleting the breaks between the paragraphs and then putting them back? It may delete whatever code is throwing them up.
Let me see if I can help. As Steve has said, this board has been tested to work with IE. It is not tested to work with Mozilla FireFox. If you desire to use Firefox (here or elsewhere) be prepared for unusual performance. The Firefox Web browser has lots of known problems.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
Supposedly (I say supposedly because I use Avant Browser, which uses IE's engine), Firefox is better at HTML generation than IE, meaning the "problems" on Firefox occur because IE is doing it wrong. That's just wha tI heard, nothing for personal experience. I would like to switch to Firefox, and have tried many a time, but it's a lot different than what I'm used to so I never end up switching.
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