Man falls out of balcony at CR - New post

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yensid2005 said:
(color=black)I have been searching the internet since I returned home yesterday afternoon for any info on this. The thread here is the only information of any kind that I was able to find.(/color)
(color=black)< O : p </O:p(/color)

(color=black)First I would publicly like to convey my condolences to the family of the deceased individual.(/color)(color=black)<O : p</O : p(/color)

(color=black)My family and I witnessed this event. It traumatized us all, very disturbing. We ended up leaving Monday morning (instead of finishing up the week) due to the difficulty of dealing with this.(/color)
(color=black)<O : p</O : p(/color)

(color=black)He definitely did not "fall" out of the balcony; the railings are too high for that.(/color)
<O : p </ O : p(/color)

(color=black)The correct timeframe for this "incident" is approx. (/color)<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com(img) /><st1:time Hour=(/img)(color=black)3:30am(/color)</st1:time>(color=black) Sunday morning.(/color)

(color=black)We were in the room directly below the room were the "incident" occured.There was an altercation in the room that lasted approx. an hour and a half. Up until the very end, we thought it was children running and jumping in another room. (/color)
(color=blac)< O : p</ O : p(/color)

(color=black)I was interviewed by 1 Disney security staff member and three police officers. The last officer that interviewed me was a homicide investigator. When I questioned him about what happened, he replied to me that it was only a "death investigation", nothing more. My main reason for asking him was my fear for the safety of myself and my family. The other occupant of that room was a very large man, well over six feet tall and I would guess to be about 300lbs. He new who we were and what room we were in. I didn't want him showing up at our room wanting to discuss any grievances he might have with me.(/color)

(color=black)What I don't understand is how Disney is able to keep an "altercation" that resulted in a death from becoming a story in the news???(/color)

(color=black)On a much lesser scale, we have been guests at the CR for the past 12 years. After this happened, I felt as though we became "invisible" to them. No one would acknowledge what happened. I think they were glad to see us go. I don't think I will ever return to this hotel again.(/color)



Well-Known Member
bucklmd said:
This thread should be re-titled. CSI:WDWMagic.
yeah where the heck is gill grisom when you need him?? lol..

well if this is all a terrible joke maybe disney themselves should receive an email about it....not that they would admit or deny anything....but still


Le Meh
Premium Member
I did not see that anyone else asked the question so I will...Did anyone do the math?

Monorail Driver confirmed that the jumper/pushee came from 8th floor. Take away the 8th floor balcony and the ground floor that has no balcony and thats 6 balconies. Yensid commented that the balconies stick out approximatley 2 feet as you go down. So the math would be:

6 balconies X 2 feet = 12 feet. Which means that the individual that jumped or was pushed was projected in excess of 12 feet after leaving the 8th floor balcony? My thought would be that he would have been caught by one of the lower level balconies before hitting the ground....just a thought.

My next comment. Would we be talking about this if it had happened at the Motel 6 in downtown Orlando. I think not.

Pix E. Dust

hakunamatata said:
So the math would be:

6 balconies X 2 feet = 12 feet. Which means that the individual that jumped or was pushed was projected in excess of 12 feet after leaving the 8th floor balcony? My thought would be that he would have been caught by one of the lower level balconies before hitting the ground....just a thought.

That's some wonky physics if I ever did see wonky physics!

Yensid, I just wanted to send you some words of support. I understand how traumatic such an event would be and I also understand why finding more information would help you to cope. I wish you and your family the best as you deal with the aftermath of such an event.
hakunamatata said:
I did not see that anyone else asked the question so I will...Did anyone do the math?

Monorail Driver confirmed that the jumper/pushee came from 8th floor. Take away the 8th floor balcony and the ground floor that has no balcony and thats 6 balconies. Yensid commented that the balconies stick out approximatley 2 feet as you go down. So the math would be:

6 balconies X 2 feet = 12 feet. Which means that the individual that jumped or was pushed was projected in excess of 12 feet after leaving the 8th floor balcony? My thought would be that he would have been caught by one of the lower level balconies before hitting the ground....just a thought.

My next comment. Would we be talking about this if it had happened at the Motel 6 in downtown Orlando. I think not.

there are balconies on floor 5 and up on the MK side and floor 4 and up on the bay lake side.


New Member
Enough Already!!! If it did happen, lets stop being so insensitive to the people who witnessed it and all this second guessing. And if it didnt happen stop egging them on.

This post is getting tired.


New Member
If I could add a couple comments... :lookaroun

I use Firefox. I see the smilies. I think we may have established the smilies as a browser issue. Anybody using Firefox who does NOT see smilies? Any IE users who DO see smilies? Ok, next...

Having processed crime scene photos for local and state law enforcement agencies for nearly 10 years, I can confirm that there is a great deal of "deaths" that do not get reported in the media. Especially those "deaths" that are a result of one taking their own life. This has nothing to do with Disney as much as in respect to the families.

I have had a family member take his own life and I was thankful I could not find any information on the internet about it.

And finally, with the amount of Urban Legands that exist with Disney, we are entitled to be skeptics. As much as we all wish only truths were posted, this is a rumor mill. And when someone makes such a sensational claim, it will spark sensational doubt. I don't think there is any personal ill feelings but rather an attempt to keep only truths presented. We're talking about someone losing their life at a place we are all very passionate about. I don't think any of us want a story like this to be true, regardless of where it's happening.

And so some of us would be more excepting if we were to see this story in say Newsweek, for then we can assume it's truth. It's the media and if you can't trust the media, who can you trust? :lookaroun And some of us are content with just hearing it from more than one annonomouse person on a Disney forum.

Thanks yensid2005 for if nothing more, generating yet another passionate thread... :)


New Member
barnum42 said:
Nothing to be afraid of. It's a matter of perspecitve - in the great theme of things this board is frequented by a relatively small percentage of the human race. Your life will not be ruined if somone on here disagrees with you. Stick you oar in and join the fun :wave:

You're too cute...I'm jumping in and ready to paddle! ;) Watch out!!!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
brich said:
And finally, with the amount of Urban Legands that exist with Disney, we are entitled to be skeptics. As much as we all wish only truths were posted, this is a rumor mill. And when someone makes such a sensational claim, it will spark sensational doubt. I don't think there is any personal ill feelings but rather an attempt to keep only truths presented. We're talking about someone losing their life at a place we are all very passionate about. I don't think any of us want a story like this to be true, regardless of where it's happening.

I think that is a great point and also a great place to end this thread.
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