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yensid2005 said:(color=black)I have been searching the internet since I returned home yesterday afternoon for any info on this. The thread here is the only information of any kind that I was able to find.(/color)
(color=black)< O : p </O(/color)
(color=black)First I would publicly like to convey my condolences to the family of the deceased individual.(/color)(color=black)<O : p</O : p(/color)
(color=black)My family and I witnessed this event. It traumatized us all, very disturbing. We ended up leaving Monday morning (instead of finishing up the week) due to the difficulty of dealing with this.(/color)
(color=black)<O : p</O : p(/color)
(color=black)He definitely did not "fall" out of the balcony; the railings are too high for that.(/color)
<O : p </ O : p(/color)
(color=black)The correct timeframe for this "incident" is approx. (/color)<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com(img) /><st1:time Hour=(/img)(color=black)3:30am(/color)</st1:time>(color=black) Sunday morning.(/color)
(color=black)We were in the room directly below the room were the "incident" occured.There was an altercation in the room that lasted approx. an hour and a half. Up until the very end, we thought it was children running and jumping in another room. (/color)
(color=blac)< O : p</ O : p(/color)
(color=black)I was interviewed by 1 Disney security staff member and three police officers. The last officer that interviewed me was a homicide investigator. When I questioned him about what happened, he replied to me that it was only a "death investigation", nothing more. My main reason for asking him was my fear for the safety of myself and my family. The other occupant of that room was a very large man, well over six feet tall and I would guess to be about 300lbs. He new who we were and what room we were in. I didn't want him showing up at our room wanting to discuss any grievances he might have with me.(/color)
(color=black)What I don't understand is how Disney is able to keep an "altercation" that resulted in a death from becoming a story in the news???(/color)
(color=black)On a much lesser scale, we have been guests at the CR for the past 12 years. After this happened, I felt as though we became "invisible" to them. No one would acknowledge what happened. I think they were glad to see us go. I don't think I will ever return to this hotel again.(/color)