Well-Known Member
This makes no sense. We have no indication what the guy's intent was either way. So they could have prevented something bad from happening.
It's such a weird set of goal post considering the best outcomes is for the bad thing to never get started, not containment once it has.
I think it's a matter of common sense. Most people are unlikely to do anything bad and nothing seriously bad happened (he could have fired away right there if he wanted to do something bad). He comes across as a thrill seeker to me, who was trying to see how much he could get away with.
Given it's against policy, which he knew about, I'm sure, they were right to enforce it, but it's nothing to brag about, in my opinion. The media attention comes across as silly to me.
You're right that preventing things is good, my problem here is people are slipping through the line all the time without being checked. What's to stop a terrorist from hiding a gun with his child, who is unlikely to be randomly selected by current standards? It's unlikely for a child to have one, but it could happen since they'd simply be doing what they're told by people they trust. People are crazy and I don't think anything should ever be ruled out.
The security process at Disney is flawed and they need to select everyone that way no guest is in the park with a gun or any other weapon. For all we know, while Disney security was watching this guy five people slipped through since they weren't randomly selected. Nothing happened, but why take the risk? Money?