Agree to a point but this is where I think the other big issue might be. The more I see what is happening in the United States the one thing that separates your country from mine (Canada and the only one I can speak to) is the culture of fear. I am not suggesting for a moment that Canada and the US are in the same boat- we're not. The States is a super power and has a much bigger target on their back however I do believe that between the media on one hand and the right wing extremists that have hijacked the GOP that the level of fear is unwarranted.
We had a national election last summer where the incumbent Conservative Party of Canada was facing off with a very formidable Liberal party push. The Conservatives attempted to run our simple 11 week election process (that's about 4 weeks longer than normal) by stressing fear of the "unknown" (Muslims) and by fear mongering. I am a conservative voter by nature however I know myself and many others like me voted against this. The Liberal party promoted a strong sense of security but tied it to inclusiveness and acceptance of all people. I like to think we are very good at this in Canada. I think that might be a primary difference.
If you listen to Trump or any of the GOP leaders today they are constantly pushing an agenda of fear. Yes we need to vigilant- every country can be susceptible to tyranny but is that a real fear? Is that something that will happen over night? especially in a great country like America that has an incredible history of democracy? I don't believe so. I think this attitude and thought process has permeated down to the "every man" and continues to stir up the racial and social problems that haven't been completely solved and this leads to criminal behaviour which in the States means someone starts shooting. For the life of me I don't understand why there are 88 guns/hundred people in the States (per the latest information) and I don't understand why people feel the need to be armed everywhere they go. The only explanation I can come up with is fear.
I suspect it is very hard for us to understand each other coming from very different cultures. Not trying to argue- just saying it doesn't make sense to me or the vast majority of Canadians for example.