So do you avoid the side walk because at any moment someone could drive on it? I buckle my seatbelt when I drive my car, not because it is a law, but because I am preparing myself for a possible unavoidable disaster. Some people choose to carry a gun in the case they are confronted by someone who wishes to do harm to them with a deadly weapon. I am not saying that people should carry in a theme park because shooting in a crowd is a bad idea even if you're trying to stop someone with a gun. Very few people, even police could accurately shoot in that situation. I am saying that this country is one where random violence is not uncommon, if you do not wish to be victim of violence but still wish to go about your life, you should be able to protect yourself if the need arises. It is not your business if someone chooses that method of protection. I do not carry my gun ever, I don't go where I don't feel safe but i understand that some people do feel that need. I would gladly share a bus seat or a park bench with someone who did.
I would not share a bus seat or a park bench, and I would walk out of a restaurant.
Your sidewalk analogy is more appropriate for someone who won't leave the house without a gun (i.e. is afraid of everything.)
The chances of getting shot in life, depending on where you live and with whom you associate, are generally pretty low. The fear outweighs the reality.
Of course, that is changing, as more and more people are scared into carrying guns, or are doing it to prove a political point.
There may be some rational people who have a reason to be afraid and carry a gun to traditionally non-threatening places like restaurants and malls, but I suspect a lot are just irrationally afraid, convinced by the internet that everywhere is more dangerous than it is, and caught up in Tea Party nonsense and vigilantism. These are the people making things less safe, IMO, just as the people who are afraid to drive and go 50 miles an hour in the left lane of a 70 mph highway are the ones who cause accidents.
I can't live life afraid of everything. If you have faith, you don't have to (which is a big ironic point to me in that those who are loudest about guns right now are also loudest about their religion, yet don't exemplify it.)
That doesn't mean I'll walk into Compton as if it's the Hamptons. I just won't go to Compton. For people who live there, they may need a gun. I don't live there, and I don't want to turn my neighborhood into it, either.
The more people carry guns, the higher the probability of getting shot will go. The average person is not smart or skilled. They can barely drive cars successfully, but we're supposed to trust them with weapons...because their fear makes them honorable or something?
None of this squares.
Hunt. Keep a gun in your nightstand. Go to a firing range. But if you have to carry a gun through everyday functions like going shopping, I think therapy may be in order. Or deprogramming from right-wing propaganda.
And in a theme park? Or a theme park parking lot? Jeez, just stay home.