Making Magic with MJ


New Member
BTW I got my DD's medicine today in the mail.:sohappy:

YAY!!!! FINALLY!!!! lol... :D

I think so. :(

I'm not really too concered though, because my mom used to get chronic migraines, and the Dr. ruled no issue, other than migraines. I'm hoping I have the same type of thing. If it persists, I probably will tell the Dr.

awww... maybe your new glasses are pressing on your temples... where do you get your headaches? (temples, base of your neck, right behind your eyes...etc)


Active Member
awww... maybe your new glasses are pressing on your temples... where do you get your headaches? (temples, base of your neck, right behind your eyes...etc)
They don't really press against the temple. But they do press behind the ear.

The headaches differ.
Sometimes they are behind the eyes, sometimes the top of the head, sometimes the base of neck, really differs.

Actually, to tell you the truth, ***knocks on wood*** I'm feeling a little better.


Well-Known Member
They are probably more or less frequent now, but I have always had headaches.
But strees is defintley a factor to take into consideration. Very stressed this past week.
If they continue, go get those glasses checked - it's entirely possible that they've made a mistake in your prescription...

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