Main Street U.S.A. hub redevelopment at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
When I was in the USAF we where replacing an active runway one block at a time. The high early concrete curried so fast that within hours you could land a jet airliner on it. So if they are truly using high early 24 hours concrete, walking on it in 6-8 hours should not be a problem.

My father used to work for Florida Dept of Trans. He tells me stories from time to time about different things with our roadways.

Anyway, They used to use this fast cure concrete for patching potholes in concrete roads. It had a cure time of about 10 minutes. He said they could patch a road and drive on it in about 10 minutes. He was in management and had experience in many areas with roads and bridges.

Another fun fact. One of his co-workers came up with an idea during the hurricanes of 2004-2005. He started painting the exit number on the road by each interstate exit. It was such a good idea it was adopted state-wide. This is why you now see the exit number painted large and directly before an exit. This way if the exit signs are damaged you can still tell what exit it is. Apparently they had trouble during the storms and shortly after, identifying some exits as the signs were badly damages or blown away.


Well-Known Member

Walls are down in the inner area
I miss the red. Didn't Walt want red to mimic the red carpet for his guests?
I did too, but I'm going to give it a chance. It does look nice, I'll admit that, although like you I did like the red. As I've said before, it was different, it was unique. I also think that if they were going to make all of the other changes they have with the brass hardware and such, the color of the pavement had to change too, the red just wouldn't have matched. I think it was a necessity not just a choice.


Well-Known Member
I did too, but I'm going to give it a chance. It does look nice, I'll admit that, although like you I did like the red. As I've said before, it was different, it was unique. I also think that if they were going to make all of the other changes they have with the brass hardware and such, the color of the pavement had to change too, the red just wouldn't have matched. I think it was a necessity not just a choice.
Ok, I guess. I know change can be good and change is what is usually asked for/demanded/begged for/etc here, but my heart strings will still pine for the hub I knew as a kid. It's still hard to see the hub without trees. Now it's just seems totally transformed. Sometimes it seems it's the little things that have the biggest impact on memories and such.
Ok, I guess. I know change can be good and change is what is usually asked for/demanded/begged for/etc here, but my heart strings will still pine for the hub I knew as a kid. It's still hard to see the hub without trees. Now it's just seems totally transformed. Sometimes it seems it's the little things that have the biggest impact on memories and such.
I totally hear you. My earliest memories of the hub are pre-Partners with the two big trees and the topiary Mickey and Minnie. I remember it being so "park-like" in a literal sense. I also completely understand why they've evolved as they have, with larger crowds and demand being what it is. I guess the good thing is that while we can miss those times, we can still look back at them fondly having experienced them (as many won't), yet we can still appreciate what is now, and have that in our back pocket of memories. We won't agree with every change that's made, and that's just life, but for me as long as I'm experiencing it with those I care about, it's all good, and that's what Walt ultimately wanted anyway, right.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested to see how this light beige color holds up to the ungodly amount of people that walk over it daily. The red was way easier to hide dirt and grime on I'm sure. Granted, I think it looks nice in person now (light, airy, new, clean, etc...), so I hope it stays that way over time with traffic and cleaning. White public bathrooms look awesome when new as several years, not so much.

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