Well-Known Member
or, less crazily, expand the dang place. Soak up those ridiculous crowds into, now this will sound nuts but hear me out, NEW MIND BLOWING ATTRACTIONS. Give the guests something to do besides camp out on MS for an hour waiting to watch 15 minutes of fireworks. And something to do after the Fireworks so not everyone stampedes to the exits.
Also, you are very on point regarding the other parks. Invest in the other 3 parks, give guests a reason to spend an evening in, say, DHS instead of park hopping to the MK and over stuffing the park after dark.
Great idea in theory, but I don't know that it's a practical solution. This is a huge issue even on moderately busy days. Two issues, both ultimately of Disney's own making: first, much like the meet-and-greet monster they created, decades of ads have subtly suggested you're a failure as a parent if your kids don't watch Wishes from directly in front of the Castle. Second, MSUSA wasn't built for the number of guests the park gets. Not even taking into account double-wide strollers for kids up to 10 and ECVs.
A new Fantasmic is not going to make guests skip Wishes. And opening late is not going to make they stay (Fourth of July, I'm like why would people leave right away? Do they not see this crowd headed toward the exit? But there 80% of them go.) Tourists don't think rationally.
While I'm cautiously optimistic this will open up viewing areas and facilitate movement without making the park look like a parking lot or an amphitheater, not sure what good it does once everyone is outside the park. Second ferry dock will help a little with the initial surge, but still going to need the rat maze for the monorails.