Magical Moment of the Day


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Magical moments happen all the time at WDW but sometimes even the cast members get all teary eyed over some of them. I thought I'd start a thread on some magical moments I've witnessed. Feel free to pipe in with yours.

A family comes into the Judge's Tent to see Mickey. As it happens, they are the last family before Mickey goes off for a quick bite of cheese. So, when it was their turn, they were the only ones in the room. One small boy in the family wouldn't go near Mickey. He didn't throw a fit, he just wouldn't leave the entrance door. He was quite polite: "no thank you", said hi to Mickey from afar, but wanted no part of being near him. When offered a sticker by Mickey, he politely said (in a scared little voice): could you please give it to my mom? Well, after many minutes of trying by Mickey, the Character Attendant and myself, he finally came close enough to give Mickey a high 5. Then he stood just close enough so we could get a photo. And then when mom asked, he gave Mickey a hug, but it was a big ole bear hug. Well that was it, Mom, Mickey, the Character Attendant and I were all in tears.

More to come tomorrow.


New Member
Last year I was in AK with just my 5 year old and 7 year old after my mom took the 2 year old to the hotel for a nap. We went to Dinoland to go on the playground area since both kids could do it together. My son then wanted to go on Primeval Whirl, but I couldn't go since the 5 year old wasn't tall enough. This was the first trip he really started trying the roller coasters, and was afraid to go by himself.
I walked up to the CM there, and asked her if he was allowed to go by himself. She said yes, and he got in line. He got in and out of line a couple of times. A different CM, noticing this, came up to him, walked him through the line until they found a couple with another boy his age and asked them if they would ride with my son. They agreed, and he went with them.
After he got off, the CM came up to him, gave him a hug, some small dinosaur figures and stickers and told him he was really brave. It totally made his day. Those dinosaurs are sitting proudly on his shelf right now!


Well-Known Member
Having been a CM for some of the YOAMD, I was lucky enough to hand out multiple Magical Moments a day. I worked at MK at the ice cream and popcorn stands throughout the park.

The reactions from some of the parents are greater than those of the kids, and I know I'm on more than one vacation home video handing over a Mickey Ears ice cream, or an Itzakadoozie, or a box of popcorn to some cute little kid. It seems like the parents are used to the kids interacting with the characters, it's part of what they expect and pay for, but for 'regular' CMs, it's a surprise - a welcome one. I've seen Custodial CMs stop what they're doing to kneel down and talk to a kid about the pins they're wearing or a ride they're standing in front of, I've seen Merchandise CM's playing games with the kids in the shops, and I've even seen management in their business casual clothing with those trash grabbers stop what they're doing to interact with a family, or to help take a picture, or whatever they can do to make a visit more magical.

And that's what I think this YOAMD is about: not just making all these sanctioned Magical Moments, sleepovers in Cindy's Castle, free trips and such. It's like it woke up every CM to how important each little interaction with the guest is and made it easier for us to spread more smiles.


Well-Known Member
Magical moments happen all the time at WDW but sometimes even the cast members get all teary eyed over some of them. I thought I'd start a thread on some magical moments I've witnessed. Feel free to pipe in with yours.

A family comes into the Judge's Tent to see Mickey. As it happens, they are the last family before Mickey goes off for a quick bite of cheese. So, when it was their turn, they were the only ones in the room. One small boy in the family wouldn't go near Mickey. He didn't throw a fit, he just wouldn't leave the entrance door. He was quite polite: "no thank you", said hi to Mickey from afar, but wanted no part of being near him. When offered a sticker by Mickey, he politely said (in a scared little voice): could you please give it to my mom? Well, after many minutes of trying by Mickey, the Character Attendant and myself, he finally came close enough to give Mickey a high 5. Then he stood just close enough so we could get a photo. And then when mom asked, he gave Mickey a hug, but it was a big ole bear hug. Well that was it, Mom, Mickey, the Character Attendant and I were all in tears.

More to come tomorrow.

that's a great story!


Well-Known Member
I'll share mine, with pictures!!! DH and I were on our honeymoon in 2003. We were first at the gate of MGM Studios. My DH kept on complaining that we were always the first at the gate and having to wait an hour for it to be open. Well, we chatted up with a very nice CM (can't remember his name, unforunatly.) He walked away for a bit and then said that we chosen to open the park! We were first to arrive, and we got some nice pictures of that, and we "officially" opened the ride. That made our day.






Well-Known Member
not very magical but i was in MK entering the potc ride and i had my pirate medallion on (b4 WDW made theres) so i felt and he said to me in that piraty voice "ye be cursed" and i looked at him like ""??? but then i was like "oh!!" haha:lol:


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2 in one day: Jasmine, Aladdin, Genie: Girls in their teens/20's:

The first girl walked up and was all a flutter about how she loved the move and grew up on it. She was in a band or chorus or one of those school things. Jasmine asked her if she could sing and could she sing "A Whole New World". The girl was quite embarassed, so Jasmine just started singing. The girl joined right in and the look on the girls face was magical. I was in tears.

Later that day, a girl and her fiance waited a really long time to see Jasmine, Aladdin & Genie. The trio come out at the top of every hour and hang out for about 40 minutes. Then they go back and rest for 20 while Genie does a set by himself. Well this couple waited the 20 minutes for the trio. When they came out, she broke down and was crying. She told Jasmine how much she loved her and the movie. She didn't stop crying the whole time. Her boyfriend said that if he knew she would be that emotional over the event, he would have had the camera ready. Luckily my camera was at the ready. It was so sweet.


Active Member
This happened to my brother and son a few years ago. It was Christmas time 1997 and in the group were my brother 33, son 11, cousin 17, cousin 19 and cousin's friend 19. They were riding Space and cheering our family Space Mountain cheer, "Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Weeeee, Hoooo!" (don't ask) for the whole ride. As they exited the CM said, "you guys were having too much fun" and told them to follow him. The 17 year old cousin was sure they were "in trouble". The CM brought them back to the front of Space, and told the croud waiting in queue that these people were going to get another ride on Space but they had to dance for it. The 5 of them danced, the croud cheered and they got put right back on Space.


i was at mk around crismas 2 years ago and me and my family where the last ones on splash mountain. there was no one else on the ride becouse everyone was leaving becouse the micky cristmas thing was starting. when we get to the gates we start talking to the girl who directs people onto the rides. sudenly the gates open and we walk forward but right when my foot leaves the ground the gate shuts. we think this is funny and ask the girl why she idid it while we are distracted the gates open another time. as before the shut right when we notice. this happens about 2 more times and the hole time we are laughing and messing with the cm. she finally says that it is not her and we look around and we see the cm who controls the gates just doubled over laughing. we finally get on the ride and have a story to tell. i love it when the cm's get into the fun. i think they knew we would think it was funny becouse we ran the lenght of the line runing pushing any yelling at each other. the funny thing is me and my cousin where the only kids the other three where my 30 something year old uncles


Active Member
My 4 year old son wanted to get a photo with Pooh so on our last day at opening we went to Mickey Toon Town. Toon Town opens later than the rest of the park so we had to wait behind a rope at the entrance near Mad Hatters ride. We didn't mind but it started to get awfully crowded. After a while a couple of characters came walking up to officially open Toon Town. When they started lowering the rope Pooh got swarmed with hugs... but it was like somehow Pooh new. He walked up to my son and took his hand. My son and Pooh marched all the way back to the town hall character greeting hand in hand, leading a huge group of children and adults. They marched through the line and into the "Pooh room" and the line formed behind them. My son head swelled up bigger than one of those characetrs. We got it all on video it made his trip and it's a moment my wife and I will never forget.


New Member
i have a couple the first one that made me cry a bit was when we first took our son to The World he was 22 months and hadn't really watched any Disney films we we sat by the railroad stop at the entrance to MK watching as the parade went by and my son with no propting blew a kiss to bell who was on her float and we looked up to see her catch it put it too her heart then blow him a kiss right back hes four now and still in love with her!!

The second was we we came back in November 06 for my sons 4th bday his fav is peter pan and gang and peter and wendy made a huge fuss he had a band on his wrist with our phone numbers and hotel infromation in case he got lost peter noticed this and asked what it was for to which my son replied in case i get lost peter thought this was funny and tried to take to be a lost boy my son loved it:sohappy:


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In the princess room (ah the numerous magical moments that happen there) one night during Pirates and Princesses, the princess that night was Aurora, and during parties, the princes join them. So there were Aurora and Philip. A girl came in that was about 8 years old, but had the body control of an infant. They laid the girl on the "couch" and Prince Philip took a bunch of photos kissing her hand and her forehead as if she was sleeping beauty. It was Magical.


Well-Known Member
In the princess room (ah the numerous magical moments that happen there) one night during Pirates and Princesses, the princess that night was Aurora, and during parties, the princes join them. So there were Aurora and Philip. A girl came in that was about 8 years old, but had the body control of an infant. They laid the girl on the "couch" and Prince Philip took a bunch of photos kissing her hand and her forehead as if she was sleeping beauty. It was Magical.

Awwwww, that is so beautiful. You have the best stories Gorjus.


New Member
In the princess room (ah the numerous magical moments that happen there) one night during Pirates and Princesses, the princess that night was Aurora, and during parties, the princes join them. So there were Aurora and Philip. A girl came in that was about 8 years old, but had the body control of an infant. They laid the girl on the "couch" and Prince Philip took a bunch of photos kissing her hand and her forehead as if she was sleeping beauty. It was Magical.
Alright - that one made me tear up...

Thanks everyone for sharing!


Well-Known Member
One trip while passing thru Morocco, we stopped to browse in the Bazaar (gift shop) along the World Showcase lagoon. While my Wife & I were having a look see, my son (who was 7 at the time) picked up a set of the Moroccan drums & began playing with them. The CM that was working the shop picked up a set of drums herself which she began to play while singing a traditional Moroccan song. As she did so, she would signal for my son on when to play his & taught him the words along the way. Her voice was very soft & soothing; my son was entranced by the whole episode. She did this while other guests were browsing the shop & never took her attention away from him. Other guests just stopped & watched the two of them playing & singing together. When they finished, she complimented my son on how well he did. He never stopped talking about this the rest of the trip & he still talks about it today (He is now 10). It really was a special moment.:)


On one visit to Epcot, my DH and I went into the park through the International Gateway. We were there so early that we were the only ones in the park as we walked up to the rope drop area, which has a great view of SSE. It was a really neat feeling to have the park all to ourselves.

We've also had some really magical encounters with characters. We were once able to ride TMAoWTP with Pooh in the back seat. That was very cool. And there was one time that we got to ride the carousel with Chip and Dale and one of them, I always forget which is which, was being silly and trying to take off my wedding ring. I guess he was jealous! :lol:


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Well, this one was magical to me. I was working at the Camera Center at Downtown Disney and I felt a tug on my vest. I turned and a girl of about 10 calmly said "do you know where my mom is?" and then she started to fall apart and cry. I reassured her and had just started to ask her some questions when her mom came right over. For the first time since I've been at Disney, a parent did not start yelling at their child as if it were their fault. Mom said: You did such a good job sweetie. You did just what we talked about. Good for you. The girl was beside herself in tears but mom kept praising her for finding a cast member. Well, then I was in tears.

I understand why parents start yelling at their kids. They have been freaking out for a few minutes and are angry at themselves for not watching closer so they take it out on the child. But for goodness sake, think how the child felt all this time and then you yell at them. Now I know there are some snotty little kids who take off and never listen to directions, but if your child is freaking out, you should be calm.


New Member
Well, this one was magical to me. I was working at the Camera Center at Downtown Disney and I felt a tug on my vest. I turned and a girl of about 10 calmly said "do you know where my mom is?" and then she started to fall apart and cry. I reassured her and had just started to ask her some questions when her mom came right over. For the first time since I've been at Disney, a parent did not start yelling at their child as if it were their fault. Mom said: You did such a good job sweetie. You did just what we talked about. Good for you. The girl was beside herself in tears but mom kept praising her for finding a cast member. Well, then I was in tears.

I understand why parents start yelling at their kids. They have been freaking out for a few minutes and are angry at themselves for not watching closer so they take it out on the child. But for goodness sake, think how the child felt all this time and then you yell at them. Now I know there are some snotty little kids who take off and never listen to directions, but if your child is freaking out, you should be calm.
Ooo! That's a good one!:eek:

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