Magical Moment of the Day


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Arrived at work yesterday to find that they decided to keep the MK open for an extra hour and add a second Spectromagic Parade.

The second parade was pretty light in crowds, so I was actually able to see the street level characters walking around, not just the tops of their heads. Peter Pan was walking by right at this time and noticed a boy dressed as Peter Pan. Peter went right over to him and asked the boy for a "low five". Peter timed it perfectly because the second the boy gave Peter 5, Peter's lights changed from white to green. Peter took a second to be sure the boy knew his "5" had caused the color to change. Then Peter was off. The boy was amazed and excited that he had done the magic. Way to go Peter.


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I hope I am not doing this wrong. Is it better to revive an old thread with a new story or to start a new thread on the same topic?

While working Main St, one of my fellow cast members was walking around checking on all of us (do you need water, batteries, etc.). He asked if I needed anything, I said that if by chance he ran into Prince Charming, he could send him my way. Right then, a very good looking, very well built guest came up to me, shook my hand and said "Hi, my name is Prince Charming. You asked for me?" Then he walked away. My fellow cast member and I LOVED it. How about that; guests making magical moments for cast members. What a cool place.


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I just thought of one from when I was working at Boat Dock at AK. I was not on at the moment, but about to go back out when Tigger came off (he needed to work the kinks out of his tail;) ). A guest had given him a letter he had written himself as Tigger was going off. I do not remember what was wrong with the guest, but he had challenges. Anyway. Tigger was so touched by the letter that he quickly wrote one himself and asked me to give it to the guest. I found the guest with his parents and gave the letter to him. His mom was very moved, and the young man's face lit up when he saw the letter that Tigger wrote for him.


New Member
On a bus ride from Magic Kingdom to The MGM Studios one time, I was with a really good friend of mine. We ended up sitting parallel to 2 brothers. One was about 13 or so, and the younger looked about 8 (their family was sitting on the other side of the bus). The older one gave the younger one a bag of dried fruits and asked him if he wanted any. The kids smile was huge when he said yes. And for the next 5 minutes or so, he pulled out piece by piece and would organize 5 or so on his leg...and then pop each one in his mouth. My friend and i couldn't stop chuckling, and i guess the kid noticed? He pulled out a piece of dried fruit, and placed it on my friends leg and said "there you go." Her smile shot through the roof...the biggest i ever saw it, maybe a bit overemphasized? Heh, I proceeded to play along though, and frown when i saw her with the dried fruit, and he said "no, don't worry! You can have one too." And gives me one too, and i overexxagerate a huuuge smile.

Then i proceed to telling him "you know, you have quite the gift. My friend usually NEVER smiles so largely." Haha, when i told him that he started turning a little red and giving a smirk. And to make it not so awkward for the little kid, my friend tells him "You know, i bet you can't smile bigger than me!" and the boy makes a face that seems as if he was saying "wana bet?" So my friend made a game out of it, and on the count of three, they both shot really large smiles, the little boy and her. Needless to say i got to be the judge and tell the little boy that he beat her by a mile and a half! And man, was he proud!

But, then we were almost at MGM, and she asks the two kids (specifically the smaller one), if it was their first time here. And the older one responds saying that it's the younger one's first time. Well, it just so happened that we snagged two "First time visitor" buttons from Guest Relations earlier that day? So I gave him mine and said "here you go then kid, I think this was meant for you then." And he loved it, a lot actually. And we ended up giving the other one to his older brother so big bro could match with the little one (you know how much that means for the younger kid). Haha, and the best part is when out of nowhere, you hear his mother in the sweetest voice across the aisle shouting "say thank yoooou!" Which he made sure to do. And then the bus parked, and we were there, and the little boy popped out the phrase "but what if i won't see you again?" (Ohhh man, this little kid was good with lines). So we assured him not to worry, as long as he goes to see Fantasmic that night, we'll be there. And me being the biggest sappy nerd in the world ended it with "We'll see you real soon!"

And when the family got off the bus, I snuck my friend a high five and a "goooood job". Things like this is what we live for, it really is.


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My wife and I honeymooned in WDW in December 2005. There were so many awesome things and the castmembers were awesome. It was one long magical moment. The one that really stands out for both of us. We were in the judges tent to get her picture with Mickey. The cast member attending the door held us back and let all the children go first. We thought this was etiquette to let the children first. When the last kid left the room, he said that Mickey and Minnie would like to congratulate you on your marriage and get a picture with you together. As a Disney fan, I know how impossible it is to get a picture with Mickey and Minnie. After a couple of pictures, we though that Daisy looked a little left out, so we invited her to join us. If you look at my profile pic, thats the magical moment.
When I first went to Disney when I was seven years old, I have collected autographs from characters out the wazoo. For the longest time, my mom, brother, and I couldn't find Timon to get his just so happened on about our seventh trip to Disney that we found Timon outside the Animal Kingdom signing autographs so we excitedly got into line. We got near the front and the cast member who was assisting Timon was talking to us and said that the family in front of us would be the last to greet Timon for the day. My Mom explained to the CM about how long we had waited over the years to find Timon, so the very nice CM walked over to Timon and whispered into his ear, and she let us get the autographs and pictures...quite simply one of the nicest/magical things that has happened to us at Disney.
Also, in 2000 we were standing near World Showcase Lagoon waiting for Illuminations when we got to talking to a cast member for a long while and left for a brief moment and brought back offical Disney certificates for both my brother and I (we were pretty young) to which can still be found in our scrapbook today.


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southern charm

Those of you from the south will appreciate this. While assisting a family in seeing their photos, I fell in love with their daughter who was 5, but behaved as if she was a 10 year old trying to be 21... and in a good way.

We went through the photos and the mama continually asked the daughter her opinion on things. The child was attentive and involved in the whole process. The dad, being a smart man, stood back and let the women run the show.:D

The girl would make comments on the photos: "Momma, I LOOOOVE that one. I LOVE it." "Momma, you look best in that one." When it came to a point where the mother and daughter didn't choose the same photo, each would express her opinion, but the daughter would go with Momma's decision. The daughter then patted Momma's arm and said: "It's fine momma, its fine, its fine, its fine." as they will do in the south.

While many parent make an attempt to get their children to say "Yes, ma'am", "No, sir", etc. and have to keep reminding their children to say this, this family must have trained her early. At no time did she ever forget to say ma'am to me.

Well, by the end of the transaction, I had fallen in love with this child. I gave her a set of the Tinkerbelle pins (keep one, give one away) and explained to her the significance of them. Momma was so touched that she filmed the whole thing.

At that moment, Aurora walked by (another magical moment post to follow this one). I pointed Aurora out to the girl who wanted to see her of course. I feared this was an appointment only meet and greet and informed the family of this. The girl again said: "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine". However, I told them it couldn't hurt to ask the person escorting Aurora if it was possible to see her for a moment. It turned out it was possible and this girl got to see another princess.

I always have good days like that when I have forgotten my name tag and have to be someone else for the day.

"Angie" had a great day that day.


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Who knew that Cinderella could come out in the park incognito? Read the above post. When Aurora came out for a semi private meet and greet in Exposition Hall, she was escorted by an aide; someone with blond hair, in business casual, and with silver shoes that were ballet slipper like.

The assistant looked so familiar and I tried to place her. While Aurora was speaking to the guests, I started a small conversation with her assistant and her assistant's voice was also quite familiar to me. Then it hit me. I was speaking to Cinderella! I mentioned that those were lovely silver shoes she had on. She said, they were almost as if she was wearing "slippers". Even without being in her ball gown and wig, she still carried herself with grace. Her tone and inflection and eloquence were all the same.

I didn't realize the princesses could head out incognito. Now I know.


Active Member
Another of our family magical moments happened in December of 2004. We arrived on December 26th and spent the day at Epcot. MK was open until midnight so we headed over there after Epcot. During the fireworks we got in line for a family fav, the Jungle Cruise. Because the fireworks were going off we were the only ones in line and then the only ones on our boat. Our skipper, alligator wrestler and swimming instructor Lorena started the cruise and started doing her script. When she realized we had ridden before and knew the jokes, she turned and asked, "who wants to drive the boat?" My brother, 41 at the time said "I do!" and jumped up to pilot the boat. We all took turns while Lorena pointed out some of the hidden Mickey's along the way and told us some stories about being a CM. When we arrived back at the dock she told the CM's we were riding again. Another family joined us and she asked if any of them wanted to drive the boat. We had a great time with her. We decided she was our CMoD (Cast Member of the Day). She then won the CMoT (Cast Member of the Trip) when the vacation was over. I wrote a letter to guest relations about her and the other CM's who made our trip great that year. I also included times, descriptions etc. since I learned from this site that sometimes they are not wearing their own name tags.

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