Magic Kingdom takes control of seating


Well-Known Member
In a word, yes. I don't see any problem with it at all. When you get to the restaurant, have your family get a table. Why do 4 people need to stand in line to place an order?
That doesn't work. The only time they would be implementing this policy is when there aren't enough tables for every group with food, and every group in the queue. If there were enough tables for that, the policy would be pointless so it's not in effect then. So the two choices are:

1. Everyone with food gets a table. No one without food gets a table.
2. Some people with food, and some people without food, hold tables. Other people, including people who already have food, don't get tables.

Given those two choices, why do you think 2 is the overall better policy?


New Member
I'm really liking the simple yet possibly very helpful steps to improve customers experiences as the parks continue to stay popular over a majority of the year. In addition to this, the attempt to regulate character meet 'n greets as they start to continue their growth in popularity. While everyone would enjoy random interactions with characters, it's a sad reality that now even this activity must be planned! Bravo for the seating idea, it's used at the local Bobby Flay's and keeps things running!


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
That doesn't work. The only time they would be implementing this policy is when there aren't enough tables for every group with food, and every group in the queue. If there were enough tables for that, the policy would be pointless so it's not in effect then. So the two choices are:

1. Everyone with food gets a table. No one without food gets a table.
2. Some people with food, and some people without food, hold tables. Other people, including people who already have food, don't get tables.

Given those two choices, why do you think 2 is the overall better policy?

Sorry, but I've got to agree here. Yes, the kids in the line may be cumbersome, but with one adult placing the order and the other watching the kids it should work out fine. Having this system in place will allow people to get in and out a lot quicker. Yes, it's a means for Disney to ensure a greater turnover in their restaurants (thus potentially increasing their profits), but it also is a way for them to control crowds during the silly season that is the hollidays.....


New Member
Why not have them stand in line with you? They stand in line with you for everything else. The only reason we seperate for counter service now is to make sure we get a table. This new system eliminates that.

We have a 7yo, 4yo, and a 6 month old and the thing I like about it is that with having my wife and older son in line, you don't have to worry about how you're going to carry multiple trays back to the table.

It's totally different. For rides, you are all participating. When ordering food, it's not necessary to have the whole family there. We separate for two reasons: 1.) to get a table (which I guess is downright evil according to most of you) and 2.) to be courteous to others and not needlessly clog up the lines with all of us. What a bunch of whiners . . . "ooh, I can't find a seat" . . . "its too crowded" . . . geez !


I general I think its a good idea for the busy times mainly for the table issue, but I can't imagine the space between the cashier and the food counter with everyone who would be waiting for their food if EVERYONE was in the food line.

That area always seems so crowded even with just one or two people per order and the food never comes out quick enough (and this is during the slower times when we travel). How would you fit several families in that area between the cashier and the counter???


Well-Known Member
It's totally different. For rides, you are all participating. When ordering food, it's not necessary to have the whole family there. We separate for two reasons: 1.) to get a table (which I guess is downright evil according to most of you) and 2.) to be courteous to others and not needlessly clog up the lines with all of us. What a bunch of whiners . . . "ooh, I can't find a seat" . . . "its too crowded" . . . geez !
And now it is no longer necessary for you family to go waiting around so as to stake out a table. Neither of your two reasons had to do with an inability of children to wait in line and the first was about the issue this system is seeking to address.

The presence of children in the line at a counter service restaurant does not, unlike at most attractions, increase the wait of those behind you as it is still entirely possible for one member of the family to order for the whole family. A large line that moves at a certain speed will appear faster to other guests than a significantly shorter line that moves at the same speed. So in a way, your children clogging up the lines helps makes guests happier.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad someone is taking charge. 2 weeks ago at TDS we went to Pizza Planet and had to sit outside in the rain as we ate because people were just walking inside and sitting down.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
In a word, yes. I don't see any problem with it at all. When you get to the restaurant, have your family get a table. Why do 4 people need to stand in line to place an order?

Because you are NOT at a sit down restaurant.

If you want a guaranteed table to sit at while people bring your food to you, you should go to a full service restaurant.

I think people just need to plan this out a little more and quit ya fussin'!


Well-Known Member
I look at this a bit differently, apparently.

Now, my wife and I no longer have to split up and have one order food with our son (big enough to carry a tray or to help - he's 11), and the other find us a table. Now, we can just get our food and not have to wander all over looking for a table to sit at.

To the CM's that have posted on this thread - Thanks for the information! It makes sense that this would only happen during the busier times.

pooh bear's mom

New Member
coralling pecos bill's

My very first post on this site!:sohappy: I think the new seating is a GREAT idea. We ate there last July and relaxing would be the last word I would use to describe it. It was barely enjoyable. Knowing that I won't have to throw an elbow to get a seat takes a lot of the stress out of the situation. But the backless seats stink! Oh well, I would rather have a sore back at Disney World that a happy back anywhere else.:D


Well-Known Member
Care to elaborate? What is it that you want that isnt served there?
Not to speak for him, but I would venture it is not necessarily the variety that needs to expand, but the actual physical locations to get food.

Right now there are two good size QSR locations not being used at all (Noodle Station, Veranda). While neither of them would be the guest eating machine that Pecos and Cosmic Ray's are, in my opinion, it would be like adding 2 more Columbia Harbor Houses.


Well-Known Member
Not to speak for him, but I would venture it is not necessarily the variety that needs to expand, but the actual physical locations to get food.

Right now there are two good size QSR locations not being used at all (Noodle Station, Veranda). While neither of them would be the guest eating machine that Pecos and Cosmic Ray's are, in my opinion, it would be like adding 2 more Columbia Harbor Houses.
Correct. The menus will need common elements so as to properly disperse crowds. I might not like saying it, but adding burgers and chicken fingers to the menu at the Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station would probably increase purchases and make the location more viable.


New Member
Are they making any changes to the cashier stations and the enter/exits there? It is hard enough to manage those narrow lines with one adult and their food but let's add a lots of hungry restless young children who are offering no real help to the food ordering process and make the lines more crowded! Because that's what you want is a 4 year old knocking your tray from underneath as he's throwing a fit, "but I want CHICKEN FINGERS!" And a family waiting at the table for 5 mintues while one from the party gets the food is as entitled to the table as someone standing there with a tray...they are going to have food in a matter of minutes. Do you really think that you are going to be done in 5 minutes?!?

I am fine with keeping people out that are just coming in from the heat and taking table space. But I don't see why the seating CM can't seat the rest of the family and let one person go's all the same difference, right? and it keeps the line manageable. Watch them go to the line if your worried they aren't legit. I really don't like the idea of having to manage my 6 and 4 YO in line while I am trying to order and carry does not sound relaxing to me. I understand that this is done at peak times and what the intent is but all the same, I plan to avoid those counter service restaurants with the new seating program. It just doesn't sound like it will work well for our guys can have our table, we won't be adding to your crowd. :)


New Member
And now it is no longer necessary for you family to go waiting around so as to stake out a table. Neither of your two reasons had to do with an inability of children to wait in line and the first was about the issue this system is seeking to address.

The presence of children in the line at a counter service restaurant does not, unlike at most attractions, increase the wait of those behind you as it is still entirely possible for one member of the family to order for the whole family. A large line that moves at a certain speed will appear faster to other guests than a significantly shorter line that moves at the same speed. So in a way, your children clogging up the lines helps makes guests happier.

The children and/or multiple family members in line does not increase the wait time . . . never suggested it did. But what it does do is clog up the physical space which there is often not enough of at the counter service sites. If every family of 5 has to wait in line together, the lines will be out the door.

I for one am just tired of the "nanny environment" that we all seem to constantly live in now. We've all had trouble finding tables and have all had to deal with crowds. That's to be expected from WDW; suck it up and stop complaining.


Well-Known Member
1: Terrible, Terrible full time practice because our parks lack good spots to just chill in the Air Conditioning and catch a break. Just because they aren't hungry should not mean they can't grab a table and relax for a little bit.

2: Peak Peak Peak Times implementation? That's alright, since It's best to avoid those times at all costs.

3: The REAL thing I don't like...They replaced those chairs!?!?!?


Seriously though, from an Imagineering point of view it's those great unique things that give installations individuality that separate Disney Theme Park restaurants from normal restaurants, like period specific seating. Those little things are very important...

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Correct. The menus will need common elements so as to properly disperse crowds. I might not like saying it, but adding burgers and chicken fingers to the menu at the Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station would probably increase purchases and make the location more viable.

Oh, you mean like it used to have, along with the soup, salad, and pizza offerings? I still can't comprehend what Disney was thinking when they changed the TL Terrace to just that noodle place. Why not just add the noodles to the menu in addition to the burgers, chicken, and pizza? They really did ruin one of the better eating locations at the MK with the Noodle Station. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Because you are NOT at a sit down restaurant.

If you want a guaranteed table to sit at while people bring your food to you, you should go to a full service restaurant.

I think people just need to plan this out a little more and quit ya fussin'!

I'm not "fussin'" at all. It appears to be the ones worried about getting a table to be "fussin'".

If people don't want to deal with family style situations, then Disney isn't the place for them. Think of it - Ever take your kids to McDonalds? Do you all have to get in line to place your order?

I'm not in the least bit worried about getting a table. We always eat early to avoid afternoon rushes and have never had a problem finding a table.

The problem is, the amount of space you have to move in those counter service lines is too cramped as is. I can't fathom how bad it will be adding strollers and literally, 3 or 4 times as many people to the mix.

I'm sorry. I just think it's absurd to think that in a place that is literally all about families, that they would expect those families to all stand in line to order food. Parents with little kids still on bottles or baby food. Sorry, gotta stand in line until Daddy finishes getting the food for everyone else? It just sounds silly.


New Member
Oh, you mean like it used to have, along with the soup, salad, and pizza offerings? I still can't comprehend what Disney was thinking when they changed the TL Terrace to just that noodle place. Why not just add the noodles to the menu in addition to the burgers, chicken, and pizza? They really did ruin one of the better eating locations at the MK with the Noodle Station. :brick:

That would make too much sense.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it would be a good idea to keep a few staples on the menu for a place like Tomorrowland Terrace. Then add a few other options to keep it more interesting than the typical burgers/nuggets/fries you get everywhere else in the MK. People would eat there if the food was good. But sadly the offerings as the noodle station were too "exotic" I guess, for visitors.

MK especially has gradually dumbed down the menus over the past few years and gotten rid of some of the variety of items. Pinnochio Village House now basically serves pizza and chicken nuggets only -- they got rid of the turkey panini and italian combo sandwich over a year ago (and the Figaro fries!!!). Columbia Harbor House and Peco's Bill's menus have shrunk also. Believe me, when I'm at WDW I love to have a burger and fries or chicken nuggets, but I don't want to eat that all week. A little more variety would help.

Of course, management isn't into this idea, because they'd rather herd you through one location and slop gruel on your plate - the profit margin is much higher!!

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