Magic Kingdom evening Extra Magic Hours attraction line-up to change next week


Premium Member
I don't understand this. You say this ride at DAK does not have enough staff to run safely, and two people have died because of it. So why hasn't this ride been shut down? I know Disney supposedly has an army of robot sharks for lawyers, but they still have to follow the basic workplace safety laws in this country, right? Or have they increased staffing on said ride to safe levels?
Here is a pretty good article describing the issues that resulted in the 2 deaths. The first occurred when a worker was hit by a ride car in the loading zone and knocked off the platform. After the incident they extended the platform and installed sensors to shut down the ride when someone is working in the loading zone. The 2nd death occurred during wet testing of the ride. A mechanic was struck by the ride vehicle and knocked from the track and hit his head. After the incident they installed additional gate sensors and installed an automated wet testing system. No mention of being cited for anything to do with lack of staffing. Doesn't sound like either incident would be a risk to the public, but I bet there is not a long line of people looking to transfer to maintenance for this ride. It's a real shame for the victims and their families. Let's hope the changes implemented will prevent further issues.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pretty good article describing the issues that resulted in the 2 deaths. The first occurred when a worker was hit by a ride car in the loading zone and knocked off the platform. After the incident they extended the platform and installed sensors to shut down the ride when someone is working in the loading zone. The 2nd death occurred during wet testing of the ride. A mechanic was struck by the ride vehicle and knocked from the track and hit his head. After the incident they installed additional gate sensors and installed an automated wet testing system. No mention of being cited for anything to do with lack of staffing. Doesn't sound like either incident would be a risk to the public, but I bet there is not a long line of people looking to transfer to maintenance for this ride. It's a real shame for the victims and their families. Let's hope the changes implemented will prevent further issues.

Thank you, I appreciate this quick and informative response.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pretty good article describing the issues that resulted in the 2 deaths. The first occurred when a worker was hit by a ride car in the loading zone and knocked off the platform. After the incident they extended the platform and installed sensors to shut down the ride when someone is working in the loading zone. The 2nd death occurred during wet testing of the ride. A mechanic was struck by the ride vehicle and knocked from the track and hit his head. After the incident they installed additional gate sensors and installed an automated wet testing system. No mention of being cited for anything to do with lack of staffing. Doesn't sound like either incident would be a risk to the public, but I bet there is not a long line of people looking to transfer to maintenance for this ride. It's a real shame for the victims and their families. Let's hope the changes implemented will prevent further issues.

The part they don't mention was the Op's CM position was Unload/Load/Tower operator, she was loading people and checking the lap bars and also operating the tower dispatching vehicles. After she dispatched a Ride Vehicle, she saw a problem with a lap bar and went to check it, her costume got stuck in the RV and basically she was dragged by the RV off the end of the platform and hit her head. If there was an additional person there operating the tower, they would have hit the E-Stop. After the incident, they added more people to operate the ride safely.


Well-Known Member
Lee, I have to correct you on this topic. You've mentioned a few things about the DL incidents that are in direct contradiction with the CalOSHA findings.

The connector bar broke in the accident - not prior. The retaining bolts were not secured as they were supposed to be on the train, which lead to the upstop assembly coming off, and ultimately part of the axle assembly dropping down and colliding with infrastructure in the track (brake blocks) which ultimately caused the derailment.

The supervisor who signed off on the attraction that day was actually a Disney employee, not a contractor - tho the report did find that Disney allowed outside contractors to sign off on the work of other contractors.

For people interested in reading the state's report.. a copy is here

There is another site that actually has all the photos after the accident as well.. but I don't have that link handy. It's pretty amazing actually (no gore photos)

Here the instigating factor was not material failure at the cleat - but rather the operation of the ship while docking. Disney was not cited for lack of upkeep on the cleat - but rather the operation and training (lack of).

I've heard published reports about the ropes used as well (from David K.) but I do not recall reports about the cleat's upkeep being the contributing cause, nor does that gel with CalOSHA's own citings.

Edit: I see the source of both the rope and wood rot angles appear to be from the lawsuit that followed the accident.

Yes ... but when all was said and done, who was responsible? Who was negligent?

TWDC and its employees.

Isn't that the key here, really?

(Oh, and I do mean to continue our private discussion ... just haven't had much time!):)


Well-Known Member
Come on now, Raven! Seriously? I would like to which dept. that is happening at!!

Me too.

The Raven seems to have changed its tune quite a bit of late ... and stopped humming about anything of substance, almost like someone at WDW told him his job was on the line.

But editorializing aside, if they really have too many clearly inept, lazy folks working on the attractions, I'd like to know it and who's in charge because I may be able to use my 'influence' behind the scenes ... although I doubt Bob and Willow and I will be discussing it if I see them next month!


Premium Member
Yes ... but when all was said and done, who was responsible? Who was negligent?

TWDC and its employees.

Yup. and that's what we are trying to illustrate to some others. It's the environment and conditions that the management had created that pushed people to making these types of mistakes, and made it so such mistakes could cost innocent people their lives.

Much like the Challenger disaster.. while it was the O ring that failed that actually triggered the accident, it was the NASA work environment and leadership that ultimately allowed the accident to happen.

The whole 'run it till it breaks..' mentality. I would love to hear how people would defend the company if someone actually got hurt before they made the emergency shutdown of Space Mountain. But hey, yeah, lets blame that situation on the workers too.. :rolleyes:

(Oh, and I do mean to continue our private discussion ... just haven't had much time!):)

I've been vacationing so I've been away :)


OV 104
Premium Member
Much like the Challenger disaster.. while it was the O ring that failed that actually triggered the accident, it was the NASA work environment and leadership that ultimately allowed the accident to happen.

Exactly! Probably the most relevant illustration possible for this scenario. The pressure and want for positive publicity and notoriety for the mission and teacher on-board killed the lot of them. The launch board decided to go ahead with the launch regardless of the engineers stating that it is TOO COLD for launch with that oring. The cold temperatures coupled with the rapid rise in temps experienced during launch doomed it. NEVER should have happened like that. Sorry, you hit a subject I spend a TON of time on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for bringing some reality to the round table where we discuss fantasy. It is a much needed gust of fresh air. And is always appreciated.

Never knew a Raven could do all that.


If that's the case, then why cut Splash from EMH? Just have the excessively-staffed maintenace team do the work during third shift like always.

Maintenence is most likely not the culprit here. The last several times I stayed at MK late, Splash had no line. It could simply be an "operating cost" issue.

So why isn't the work getting done then? Honest question.

Maintenance only does what they are told to do. The blame comes from higher up.

The Raven seems to have changed its tune quite a bit of late ... and stopped humming about anything of substance, almost like someone at WDW told him his job was on the line.

:rolleyes: Please...The only reason why I haven't posted much lately is because of comments like this.


Well-Known Member
Maintenence is most likely not the culprit here. The last several times I stayed at MK late, Splash had no line. It could simply be an "operating cost" issue.

Hmm ... I wonder who first said it was simply a move to save money by cutting (WDW Co's current business model)?

Maintenance only does what they are told to do. The blame comes from higher up.

Hmm ... I wonder who always says this and gets shouted down by clueless management apologists?


Well-Known Member
Come on, Raven. You didn't answer my question!! What dept did you see that happening at?

Raven seems to like throwing out statements, but never backs them up with facts!!

I don't understand either. I've asked for some clarification and Raven has stopped talking again. Apparently, the mere suggestion that his employer could be putting heat on him is why he won't post, not that that may be an actuality ...Instead of Raven, I wish the bimbo whining on CSPAN right now would shut her yap ... maybe it is time to move to Amsterdam?


Well-Known Member
Whether the maintainence deptartment is overstaffed or under staffed the end result is the same, right? Or am I missing something?

Option 1: The department is overstaffed THEREFORE cutting Splash is directly a cost saving device.

Option 2: The department is understaffed as a cost saving device THEREFORE to make up for understaffing they are forced to cut Splash.

Either way cutting Splash is about cost, so whether the department is overstaffed or understaffed it's moot, right?


Well-Known Member
Which maintenance dept? Or is that the way you back it up with facts? Same thing as saying I saw a custodial doing it so it must be the same all over property?

Its obviously that he is talking about Tokyo's maintenance dept. Considering TWDC like mentioning them to make their quarterlies appear better than they really are.

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