LucasLand Blue Sky Rumor @ DHS


Well-Known Member
With just me and my wife, we are done dak by 3 or 4 pm. Now that we have a daughter, we will be in dak longer because we skip dinoland, camp mouse, other m&gs and the bug's life show. There are some rides she won't be able to ride, but the same is said about my wife that doesn't like coasters.

My kids can kill an hour or so in Dinoland. Camp Minnie Mickey is really just Festival of the Lion King and meet and greets. We can get meet and greets anywhere.

On our last trip, we didn't even find it worth are time to hop over to DAK for 1/2 a day. If we'd have gone, we'd have ridden the safari, seen a show probably FotLK) and played in the playground for a while. We'd probably make some time at the animal exhibits. But that would just be padding things out to feel good about having stayed a half a day.

Let me know if you actually do spend MORE time there when you take your daughter. I think you may be surprised how little there is to do for young kids there.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that the ride system for hunny hunt cost alot to develop and implement, so that could be a reason that tdo would not want to use it instead of Omnimovers. I look at the ride system and theme being more of a draw than just a franchise slapped into a ride. Most of the rides and attractions that are the most popular are original, they aren't themed.

In terms of building a quality attraction, the theme is almost irrelevent. In terms of selling the attraction in a marketing campaign and associated merchandise, it is very significant. Even an attraction like Haunted Mansion that has rabid fans that buy merchandise doesn't approach the merchandise sold for Cars, Star Wars and most importantly Harry Potter.


Active Member
We've gone with young kids a couple of times, though its been a few years.

We usually find enough to do. We'll do:
- safari
- everest (ride swap for the youngest)
- kali (ride swap again)
- festival of the lion king
- nemo show
- it's tough to be a bug
- africa animal walk
- asia animal walk
- conservation station
- flights on wonder bird show
- the boneyard (fossil dig area)
- tricera top spin
- we'll wander around dinoland
- we'll see the parade

Add in breakfast & lunch and that's a good day for us.

We generally don't skip rides that are age appropriate. As I look at it, pretty much any Disney ride is better than the rides I have back home :)

I think we're a fairly typical family that visits WDW every few years. I mention this because I suspect the strategic planners in TDO spend a lot of time thinking about families like ours and come to the conclusion that "there is plenty to do".


Well-Known Member
We've gone with young kids a couple of times, though its been a few years.

We usually find enough to do. We'll do:
- safari
- everest (ride swap for the youngest)
- kali (ride swap again)
- festival of the lion king
- nemo show
- it's tough to be a bug
- africa animal walk
- asia animal walk
- conservation station
- flights on wonder bird show
- the boneyard (fossil dig area)
- tricera top spin
- we'll wander around dinoland
- we'll see the parade

Add in breakfast & lunch and that's a good day for us.

We generally don't skip rides that are age appropriate. As I look at it, pretty much any Disney ride is better than the rides I have back home :)

I think we're a fairly typical family that visits WDW every few years. I mention this because I suspect the strategic planners in TDO spend a lot of time thinking about families like ours and come to the conclusion that "there is plenty to do".

I agree with you as to how DAK can be called a 1 day park. And it certainly is as you have described. But I think they should set the bar a bit higher and offfer enough so that it is a 1 day park for every audience. To do that they would need a Mysterious Island type land or perhaps a land based on the AC/S.E.A.

I have even suggested here they do a South America land and have two or three attractions based on Indiana Jones. The existing train would tie in perfectly. Add an animal trail and restaurants/shops and Potter would be begging for mercy. :lol:


Well-Known Member
My kids can kill an hour or so in Dinoland. Camp Minnie Mickey is really just Festival of the Lion King and meet and greets. We can get meet and greets anywhere.

On our last trip, we didn't even find it worth are time to hop over to DAK for 1/2 a day. If we'd have gone, we'd have ridden the safari, seen a show probably FotLK) and played in the playground for a while. We'd probably make some time at the animal exhibits. But that would just be padding things out to feel good about having stayed a half a day.

Let me know if you actually do spend MORE time there when you take your daughter. I think you may be surprised how little there is to do for young kids there.

Well that is why I have a DW, on site baby sitter. :p

There are some rides that our daughter would not be able to ride on, but the same is with my dw. She doesn't like coasters, so EE wouldn't be a problem.

With dak being open until 5 or 6, I think we can get close to that time with visiting more lands and also visting a TS instead of a CS. Still though, 5 or 6 is early when others parks are open until 9 or midnight or 3am.


Well-Known Member
In terms of building a quality attraction, the theme is almost irrelevent. In terms of selling the attraction in a marketing campaign and associated merchandise, it is very significant. Even an attraction like Haunted Mansion that has rabid fans that buy merchandise doesn't approach the merchandise sold for Cars, Star Wars and most importantly Harry Potter.

Well the merch opportunities for something like HM is going to be different than cars, star wars, or hp. potc is a better franchise to compare to cars, sw, or hp.

The theme of an attraction has to be one that won't be dated, changing an attraction after 5 years won't make sense if all it was is a themed shop with a ride thrown in.


Well-Known Member
True, E BV Drive will be busier with guests entering and exiting the hotel. I also think that with the limited space, that this hotel would be completely valet parking.

It would have to be. So close to the park, with valet parking - this is shaping up to be deluxe resort for sure.


Well-Known Member
Well the merch opportunities for something like HM is going to be different than cars, star wars, or hp. potc is a better franchise to compare to cars, sw, or hp.

The theme of an attraction has to be one that won't be dated, changing an attraction after 5 years won't make sense if all it was is a themed shop with a ride thrown in.

Right, but it seems that these franchiseless marquee attractions only come about when they really need it. Recent history has dictated that attractions have to have a tie in that can sell merchandise and appease the bean counters that the investment will pay off.

What they fail to realize is that investments in things like Everest also work. Everest resulted in AK's attendance increasing by close to 1.3 million from 05-07. Even if that # is only 1 million, at $60 a guest (well below the per day ticket, merchandise and food cost per guest), this attraction paid for itself in 2 1/2 years.

That's not quite how the math works, but the concept still stands. Marquee attractions benefit attendance. Sure they may not get the full boat with merchandise sales but it doesnt' make them bad investments.

This is the mindset that has everyone believing that Carsland will find it's way to DHS by the end of the decade. People are anticipating a significant boost to DCA's attendance starting in 2012 and 2013 and they'll also have the marketing component as well. Sure that attraction might be north of $300 million but if DCA has the same 1 million guest attendance boost it will pay for itself after 5 years.

A return to high quality and investment will prove that the parks have not matured, that they're still capable of growth, and that if you build it, they will come.


Well-Known Member
When Meg talks about IOA and wwhp being a draw for wdw, it is disheartening to see tdo wave the white flag.

When I hear people say how much WDW is benefiting from WWHP it makes me want to pull my hair out. It's actually taking more business away from WDW. Money is being spent elsewhere. Again, the majority of folks who travel to Orlando are going to Disney. Now, they're losing days of people's vacations and money they're spending on UNI merch. Not to mention locals who want to visit something new.

It used to be the philosophy at Disney that a day spent anywhere else was money WDW lost to someone else. And they did everything they could to keep people from going anywhere else. The fact they seem to be fine with people flocking to IOA says everything about what's wrong with WDW.

The fact it's Meg Crofton saying this is either out of pure laziness, delusion, or her justification to not do anything significant for WDW's parks.

This is why Disneylanders gloat :mad:


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter remains a juggernaut of a draw in Orlando, and I think that a Star Wars / Lucasland by itself would not be enough to shift the balance. Rather, a two-land expansion featuring some combination of Star Wars / Indiana Jones and Marvel Studios' Avengers or Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings would probably be needed to put DHS back on top. Since Universal will likely hang on to Marvel Superhero Island as long as possible, I wouldn't bet on those characters doing anything at DHS for at least 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter remains a juggernaut of a draw in Orlando, and I think that a Star Wars / Lucasland by itself would not be enough to shift the balance. Rather, a two-land expansion featuring some combination of Star Wars / Indiana Jones and Marvel Studios' Avengers or Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings would probably be needed to put DHS back on top. Since Universal will likely hang on to Marvel Superhero Island as long as possible, I wouldn't bet on those characters doing anything at DHS for at least 5 years.

Harry Potter is wildly successful, but it's by no means a juggernaut. Harry Potter has brought Islands of Adventure at or above their previous high in attendance, but they are still well short of any Disney park.

With that said, combatting Harry Potter is something we are all expecting. Unless the Marvel rights are bought out at IOA, we have to assume that Marvel isn't an option to combat Harry Potter. Couple that with the fact that the Superhero Island in IOA is no where near as popular as Harry Potter while having arguably the only ride in Orlando that's as good as Forbidden Journey.

Additional buzz has Lord of the Rings also finding it's way over to Islands of Adventure, so the assumption is that dialogue has already started between the two parties.

To me, the most logical franchises to respond to Harry Potter are Star Wars/Lucas and Cars. They sell merchandise and have concepts/attractions already in place for development.


Well-Known Member
The fact it's Meg Crofton saying this is either out of pure laziness, delusion, or her justification to not do anything significant for WDW's parks.

This is why Disneylanders gloat :mad:

Well, that's not the only reason. But that reason does make it on to the short list. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Sounds Dangerous really should be a modern audio effects show based on Star Wars or Indiana Jones, or even POTC franchise.

What?! And throw away all that brand equity they have built in now that Drew Carey is the host of The Price Is Right?!?

That's crazy talk! Sounds Dangerous is just fine as an homage to 15 year old technology and 1990's B List Celebrities. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Right, but it seems that these franchiseless marquee attractions only come about when they really need it. Recent history has dictated that attractions have to have a tie in that can sell merchandise and appease the bean counters that the investment will pay off.

What they fail to realize is that investments in things like Everest also work. Everest resulted in AK's attendance increasing by close to 1.3 million from 05-07. Even if that # is only 1 million, at $60 a guest (well below the per day ticket, merchandise and food cost per guest), this attraction paid for itself in 2 1/2 years.

That's not quite how the math works, but the concept still stands. Marquee attractions benefit attendance. Sure they may not get the full boat with merchandise sales but it doesnt' make them bad investments.

This is the mindset that has everyone believing that Carsland will find it's way to DHS by the end of the decade. People are anticipating a significant boost to DCA's attendance starting in 2012 and 2013 and they'll also have the marketing component as well. Sure that attraction might be north of $300 million but if DCA has the same 1 million guest attendance boost it will pay for itself after 5 years.

A return to high quality and investment will prove that the parks have not matured, that they're still capable of growth, and that if you build it, they will come.

I know what the bean counters want, that is a cheap ride with a store attached with plenty of merch. Which will result in wdw being a 6 flags rip off.

I really hope that dhs doesn't get a carsland clone, because it isn't creative to clone and it will put dhs at a disadvantage again. Each of the resorts around the world should have attractions and lands that are unique to that park, so that people will be enticed to visit other parks.

If the bean counters want to make money with merch and synergy, then disney should have accounting, wdi, parks, and movies develop rides that build interest in the parks, which will draw interest into a movie being made that will lead to more interest in the ride.


Well-Known Member
When I hear people say how much WDW is benefiting from WWHP it makes me want to pull my hair out. It's actually taking more business away from WDW. Money is being spent elsewhere. Again, the majority of folks who travel to Orlando are going to Disney. Now, they're losing days of people's vacations and money they're spending on UNI merch. Not to mention locals who want to visit something new.

It used to be the philosophy at Disney that a day spent anywhere else was money WDW lost to someone else. And they did everything they could to keep people from going anywhere else. The fact they seem to be fine with people flocking to IOA says everything about what's wrong with WDW.

The fact it's Meg Crofton saying this is either out of pure laziness, delusion, or her justification to not do anything significant for WDW's parks.

This is why Disneylanders gloat :mad:

Agreed. A day at universal is money lost on ticket sales, then food and drink sales, then merch sales that are impulsive.

I just don't understand why Meg answered the way she did. If anything, it would be an opportunity to boost about any new attractions.

"We have seen Uni able to boast an actual profit due to the hype of the HP franchise. Here at WDW, we are seeing interest and attendance gains with so and so being built for this year and the recently opened so and so. Our competition is able to bring a themed land close to disney standards, WDW still sets the golden standard for amusement parks in the world. With so and so opening soon, we are raising the bar again."

That should have been the response.


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter remains a juggernaut of a draw in Orlando, and I think that a Star Wars / Lucasland by itself would not be enough to shift the balance. Rather, a two-land expansion featuring some combination of Star Wars / Indiana Jones and Marvel Studios' Avengers or Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings would probably be needed to put DHS back on top. Since Universal will likely hang on to Marvel Superhero Island as long as possible, I wouldn't bet on those characters doing anything at DHS for at least 5 years.

LOTR would be a draw close to hp, with princessland being built, those two lands are the one two punch disney needs. A Star Wars land will put disney on top. Adding lotr and a star wars land would though land a price tag of 500 million.

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