Lord of the Rings and more coming to DHS?


Well-Known Member
If true, kudos to Corless for getting the scoop, and kudos to Disney for acquiring rights to a significant property. At this point though, it sounds like this is very blue sky at best.


Well-Known Member
What exactly are you talking about with 'classism'?Love to know ...

Honestly, it's nothing personal, but I don't see how it's relevant providing anecdotal evidence of what type of person visits each park. I see comments about a "higher-class" clientele at UOR when I've seen quite the opposite, it just isn't true, both parks have mixed demos, just don't see the difference everyone else is seeing between the two. Also, I'm as liberal as they come, so I guess I wouldn't be part of "real 'murica".


Active Member
I truly believe that Universal would do better justice of a LOTR area than Disney could. The way that Universal did/doing Harry Potter is great. Also, is LOTR right for Disney itself? I love LOTR it's one of my favorite movie trilogies, but I wouldn't say it's entirely family friendly. Disney always pushes for that family friendly image in their parks or property.


Well-Known Member
I can NEVER see this happening. Ever. I love movies and enjoy the books (so many pages describing people walking) but as a theme park environment-no. Sorry. It's so dark and dreary. Orcs running around with swords. Giant eye in the sky. It's not the Disney image they have worked hard to create. It might get built somewhere but def not on Disney property. They have Star Wars, Avatar, Pixar, and Marvel. Focus on those. Besides, once this new trilogy is completed, what movies could be made?


Well-Known Member
if Disney pulls off what it showed with Avatar, LOTR could be epic

Agreed, but still wish Disney would take care of the properties it already owns first.

If we had a fully realized Pixar Place, Star Wars Land and heck, even a ToonTown at WDW, then I would be absolutely over-the-moon to see LOTR at WDW.

I just know there's nothing coming by way of a Pixar expansion, SW is going to be value-engineered, there's not much coming to upgrade EPCOT, and there's zero talk of a ToonTown being added anywhere on WDW property.

That doesn't make me too excited about Disney acquiring yet another property to take money away from all of these other things that, IMO, should take priority.


Well-Known Member
Cool. Can't leave out DC either. I know Six Flags and WB has those rights but I wish someone would do something of substance with them. BTW whatever happened to Bugs Bunny and Co.? Talk about letting IP rot!

DC was #5 on my list (right behind Marvel).

It's a complete shame Six Flags doesn't do more with DC. Taking off the shelf rides and painting them the color of a character and putting their logo out front really doesn't do it for me.

I have an old Superman comic book that has a section on an blue sky Superman theme park. It's a million times cooler than anything SF has done (and it would draw people from all over the world). It's a shame.

You're right, besides Potter, WB has no idea what to do with their IPs!

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
But at the end of the day you did say it is "my" list and your list does not represent the views of the general public. I hate to tell you but Star Wars is not nearly strong of a brand as it once was and you mena to tell me Star Trek has no place on "your" list? Wow.

BTW...putting Dreamworks on your list is like saying Disney or Universal. Pretty unfair comparison to any single IP.
That's pure BS, go to Walmart, there are TONS of Star Wars toys there right now! Star Wars is still Giant! Just saw a Verizon commercial using Star Wars IP today too

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
Well, I'll say people can like/dislike LOTR for any reason they want.

But, anyone who thinks the only good visuals are of New Zealand, that no good rides could possibly come of this (assuming anyone ever gets theme park rights) and that the films are just "hobbits running around mountains" just ain't worth arguing with.
Just imagine a ride based on an Ent


Well-Known Member
And Disney probably agrees with you. Hence why it could be a huge bargaining chip for Disney to get the Marvel rights back from Universal.

That doesn't make any sense.
Assuming both Disney and Universal are in a position to bid for the Tolkien rights, why would Disney want to buy the Tolkien rights if they're only planning on selling/trading them to Universal... who could have bought them if they wanted them.

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