Well-Known Member
If disney really wanted to stop this nonsense from happening they should just throw every resource they have into these things rather than just settle.
If they begin taking these things all the way the more people might or willl hesitate to hire a lawyer and file that lawsuit because it will cost themselves mucho money.
That is the problem, it does not end up costing them more money.
There are plenty of lawyers out there that will take cases based on "we get no money unless you win". Many of whom get their clients based on an initial promise of a possible big payout.
They company they want to sue has deep pockets and a public image to consider, so they are more apt to settle.
An example (that was very close to home). An intial case was brought in the amount of $1,000,000 in damages (trauma, loss of function, mental anguish, loss of earning potential). Thier lawyers spent maybe 15 hours of their time on the case. The insurance company was sued, pushed back, and involved their lawyers. The person filing suit then settled, most likey on the advice of their lawyers, for $25,000. Thats right 2.5% of the original amount that was supposed to represent actual damages.
My guess is the law firm walked away with $5,000 to $10,000 of that money. Thats $300 to $600 an hour - not to shabby. Their client goes home with an extra $15,000 or so in their pocket. The insurance company looks at it as they could have spend $10,000 in legal fees to 'save' another $5,000 off that settlement (maybe more, maybe less)
There are cases where lawsuits are legitimate, but very often the initial amounts are inflated and the person brining the suit is doing so only because they have nothing to loose.
I have been in car accidents when not more than a day after the accident I has lawyers calling me out of the blue, asking was I hurt, and if I was, they might be able to get me "the compensation I was due". Nothing about if it was my fault, just the fact I was hurt was supposed to entitle me to compensation.