Loaded gun found on Animal Kingdom ride

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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, just owning a gun means nothing. If you're not trained, let alone intelligent (like this guy) - you don't deserve one in the first place. While defending yourself (or others) is a noble idea; a crowded theme park is not the place for cowboys. Way too high a chance for collateral damage.


Well-Known Member
What are you going to even use a gun for in a theme park?
Assuming for a moment that it was allowed, you would use it to protect yourself or your family in the unlikely event of a tragedy.

Shall we cast our minds back to horrible events at cinemas, schools etc. what if this gun had got into the wrong hands (as It easily could have apparently) and someone had actually hurt or even killed someone in the park, I'm pretty sure everyone would be up in arms that a)it happened in the park b) someone brought it into the park and c) disney let someone bring it into the park.
If you are going to "what if" the problem to death then "what if there were responsible, trained, conceal carry holders in schools and cinemas?"

That back and forth can go on all day.

Responsible user or not... Taking a gun into a family theme park is not responsible - and highly uncalled for.
It is against Disney policy and as it is private property, they set the policy there. So it's not responsible from the standpoint that he violated a policy and possibly broke a law. However, the location, by nature of the type of location does not dictate the level of responsibility.

Whilst I'd hate to see airport security added to my disney day out, it makes you wonder if current searches are enough. It always has taken a tragedy to wake people up - sadly!
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin​


Well-Known Member
Perhaps, but I pray we never have to find out if they have.
Me, too!

But it would be irresponsible of them to not be prepared for such an event. Any smart person knows it could happen and that Disney is a desirable target for an evil-minded person.

The guys who work on things like this should be prepared for it all the time.

I don't pretend to have strategic knowledge. I don't even like to think about stuff like that.

But I hope and pray Disney has employed smart, strong people who do have that kind of knowledge, can think it through...and are prepared for it.

Now I really don't want to think about it. Much rather do my nails. :)


Active Member
This thread should probably be closed, or else it will turn political real quick.
That, or get the popcorn ready...

To be honest, I'm kind of offended that a topic on Gay Day's that was filled with people discussing how fun happy and normal they are, with ZERO political discussion at all, no name calling or anything offensive in anyway, was closed after pages for fear it might turn that way.

But here we have a topic where serious injury could happen to guests, and lots of back and forth has taken place, on peoples rights, and yet the thread remains open.

Likely my mention of Gay Days will mean my post will be removed, or it will now lock the thread. Either way, kind of hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
You are incorrect - "careless" display of a firearm is actually a crime in Florida (misdemeanor). It's one of the most commonly prosecuted gun laws in the state. And I can't think of anything more careless than this.

So is stealing a golf cart at EPCOT :)


Well-Known Member
Paranoia is what fuels the concept of that owning a gun somehow makes you safe.

Some of us are quite comfortable with our "paranoia" of safety, thank you very much.

Please don't start this. It's not necessary to start insulting people for their beliefs. It's just petty and childish.
This is an open discussion where everybody is entitled to their opinions, but is it necessary to insult others for their beliefs?


Well-Known Member
I'm all for allowing people the right to bare arms but my lord maybe the things you have to do in order to qualify for that right should be a little stricter! I'm sorry but someone who is too stupid to realize that a) you shouldn't bring a loaded weapon into a theme park (or at the very least onto a ride) and b) bag check is to ensure there is nothing dangerous being brought into the park, should not be given a gun permit.This guy is quoted as saying he didn't mention it at bag check because he assumed they were just looking for explosives. o_O

The reason so many people are up in arms over gun laws right now is because the minority of absolutely irresponsible and completely stupid gun owners out there continue to make decisions that result in tragedy or situations where tragedy was very possible. As they say... one bad apple ruins the bunch. As long as we have people who don't make good decisions with the rights they are given, people will start to question if we should have those rights at all.

Between the dry ice bomb at DL yesterday and now this I see bag check being a lot more thorough going forward and there being a list of things you are no longer allowed to bring into the parks with you. If it keeps my family safe from these complete and total morons then so be it... I'll wait patiently in line.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I'm kind of offended that a topic on Gay Day's that was filled with people discussing how fun happy and normal they are, with ZERO political discussion at all, no name calling or anything offensive in anyway, was closed after pages for fear it might turn that way.

But here we have a topic where serious injury could happen to guests, and lots of back and forth has taken place, on peoples rights, and yet the thread remains open.

Likely my mention of Gay Days will mean my post will be removed, or it will now lock the thread. Either way, kind of hypocritical.
Just do a forum search on Gay Days and let me know how almost every single thread turns out.

This has remained surprisingly civil and nonpolitical so far.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but someone who is too stupid to realize that a) you shouldn't bring a loaded weapon into a theme park (or at the very least onto a ride) and b) bag check is to ensure there is nothing dangerous being brought into the park, should not be given a gun permit.This guy is quoted as saying he didn't mention it at bag check because he assumed they were just looking for explosives.
He should lose his CCW permit for not having his firearm secured.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, the rapture, and all other scenarios that are unlikely to come to pass.
All attacks are unlikely until they happen.

I am not paranoid, thank you very much. I just am prepared for stuff. All kinds of stuff. Well, as prepared as I can be.

I also have one of those little hammers in my car to break the window in case I drive into water. I'm not paranoid. I just know that it could happen and do my best to prepare.

Nothing wrong with being as prepared as you can be to deal with whatever life throws at you.

Also nothing wrong with not preparing. :)


Well-Known Member
Some of us are quite comfortable with our "paranoia" of safety, thank you very much.

Please don't start this. It's not necessary to start insulting people for their beliefs. It's just petty and childish.
This is an open discussion where everybody is entitled to their opinions, but is it necessary to insult others for their beliefs?

There's a big difference between "paranoia" and "caution". I think in chosing "paranoia", Dave did not mean to insult those who simply want protection in case of an emergency.


Well-Known Member
now I know how those tracks in Everest got torn up... dry ice (like in Disneyland)... obviously it wasn't the yeti, he can't move! lol


Well-Known Member
I think taking this guy's permit away (or instituting a tiered "three strikes and you're out" system) is the best solution. You're trusted until you screw up. It can happen once, maybe twice - but after that - you're DONE. Obviously further infractions would involve criminal charges (the least of which not being illegal posession of a firearm). Sadly, with firearms it usually only takes ONE screwup to be... Bad news.

As with anything... finding a way to laugh is a good thing so I love posts like this!

Maybe he had planned to put the Yeti out of his Disco misery? :D
Or be all like Yosemite Sam with "Dance, Yeti!" <bang, bang, bang>

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