Trip Report LIVE - We're Andy's toys and we're going to play!

Hello again.
Well this trip has taken its time to come around. I'm sure you can all relate to that. The endless countdown that doesn't seem to get any smaller and all your friends going off to Disney while you're stuck at home. For those of you still there I feel your pain,


My turn has finally come and you get to share it with me, that is if you want to? Albeit in a virtual format.

I debated long and hard on whether to do another live report given all the time it took last year but I have decided I am going to try to give it a go again. I should be updating at the end of every day or in the mornings but everything depends on free WI fi. Fingers crossed.

For those of you who didn't read my last report (where were you?) here's a bit of background

Me Tracey
My husband Chris


Disney mad, every comment in my life relates back to Disney. I've been travelling to Disney every November since 2000 (I went in Nov 1996 for the first time and then in Nov 1998 then May 1999) and then every year in November since.
Disney is a huge part of my life, I'm addicted and everyone thinks I'm mad (one of a kind, and a wee bit crazy) but I don't care - I love it and always will.
Chris isn't as mad as me (but that would be pretty impossible anyway) and pretends that he does it for me but I have those photos with the glint in his eye so who is he trying to kid?!

So here we are our 19th trip and I still get the excitement and butterflies in my stomach at the though of actually going back again. I will rack up 280 nights spent in POR during this trip and am aiming for 365 - a whole year of my life spent in Disney! That's my ambition and I think it's a pretty good one to have although Chris tells me not to admit that to anyone outside of this forum!

We've never had the same holiday even though we've been going back year after year, somehow each trip is different. I guess everyone on here can kind of relate to that too

So what's the plan?
We travel on Thursday 5th November from Gatwick at 1pm a later flight than we normally take but it was the only Virgin Atlantic flight out on this day. We are staying for 15 nights at our beloved Port Orleans Riverside - POR
We have Disney Dining plan so our meals are taken care of - we normally come home with loads to spare.
We have a 14 day Disney pass so our first day will be at Universal (as we are staying 15 nights and have to go to Magic Kingdom the day we leave)
We have BOG (be our guest for any non Disney abbreviation friends reading - Lianne at work! (not a toilet reference as some of my non Disney friends thought when I told them!) - this is a restaurant themed on Beauty and the Beast, my favourite film) booked for 2 lunches but apart from that these 15 days are all mine to absorb as much Disney as possible to keep me going another year.
And of course there will be ice cream every day (something I have to do while on holiday and will definitely feature A LOT in this report - as it did in the last one too!) and hopefully a few WDW Magic meet ups along the way. There are quite a few of us there so I am sure we will be running into each other.

My brother Mark and his wife Claire were meant to join us on this trip however, Claire was told in July that she had to be at a meeting on 13th Nov and her company said they would pay for travel costs etc to get her there. This would have meant loosing a week of their holiday though in terms of travel time etc. We all looked at travel dates to move but it wasn't possible so they have re booked for 2016 so will be joining us then. I was so looking forward to showing them the full on Disney experience of staying on site etc but it just wasn't meant to be (this time!) I was really disappointed not to have them join us, but it won't spoil our fun. I think they will feel the pain more than us!

And just in case you want to follow along @coachwnh and @prfctlyximprct (for helping me with Disney blues in the past) @LisaBelle thanks for your message earlier this week and hopefully this report will help pass the days until your Feb trip (keep up the training) - @Minnesota disney fan who contacted me direct and we have shared email and Facebook messages since about May this year (looking forward to meeting you in person on 12th Nov in Magic Kingdom) @Zipitidoda so you can enjoy more of my gorillapod shots which you enjoyed from my last trip report @PrincessOfDisneyworld who actually read my last trip report 3 times, (I am still touched you enjoyed it that much) and @Tiggertoo56 who read my report twice and this time last year was in Disney - I hope this helps re live some memories.
And obviously welcome to any previous or new readers - you are all more than welcome

So, I am at home sorting out the last bits and Chris is still in London and we want to leave for the airport in 2 hours for our overnight stay in a hotel before our long 9 1/2 hour ish flight tomorrow to "Our laughing place"
I've pinched myself and it hurt so it's actually happening! Zip a dee do dah
See you on the other side........

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh....... We're finally off. (Well nearly!)


Well-Known Member
Following along now on my lunch break!! You look like you're having an amazing time!!! Feeling like I'm there and not at work so thank you so much for sharing!!


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Original Poster
Sounds like you are enjoying the visit - keep up the icecream pics! Will follow along until the end of the report.:)

Looks like you sat on the same step as we did last year at Diagon Alley. Seuss trolley ride is so much fun too!

Think I've been slacking a bit this year with ice c exams which is very unusual given its been so hot.

Awesome pictures!! You have lots of fun days ahead! We will be there this Saturday for a day trip :)

I wish I could come for day trips you're so lucky!

Looks like you are having a wonderful time so far!!!

We are, you know what it's like now! You get the bug and you're addicted.

Following along now on my lunch break!! You look like you're having an amazing time!!! Feeling like I'm there and not at work so thank you so much for sharing!!
And I have to throw in that it's amazing the guest services at your home away from home! What a wonderful memory for them to leave those messages!!!

Hoping I am easing some of those Disney blues, it's trip reports that get me through too.
And those calls meant so much, I have a full video, just looking at the phone in our room so I can keep them!
We are off to "Oarin" later so you will be with us :)


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Monday 9th November

So we were up early this morning and on our way to Animal Kingdom. We have fast passes tonight for Epcot so we have just popped back for an hour to update before going back out again.

We were. There just as the park opened.

Customary tree of life picture


We went straight to the safari - just for info Hyenas have just been added, apparently a new addition 5 days ago. Sorry no pictures as I was on the wrong side :(






then we went to Expedition Everest.



Now those of you who read my last TR will recall last year was the first year I had ever done this ride as I don't like going backwards but I took the plunge and did it! And loved it! And then wondered why I hadn't done it before, so I have some catching up to do!

By the time we got off the ride the wait time was at 30 mins so we took the plunge and went single riders.


And managed to get this picture

We got off and then went round and round again, making 5 times in total (and in a row on this ride)
My nephew would be proud of me!!!,


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Also Chris got this shot (which his quite proud of)


After this it was time for ice cream at my favourite ice cream truck in Animal Kingdom


Sorry forgot the photo before I started! :oops:


We did some wandering around taking everything in and then headed back onto the safari.

Then it was gorillapod time!
Here are a couple of shots



It has been another hot day so we grabbed a lemon ice as we left


When we got in the car at 3.45 pm the temperature gauge showed 92 degrees, it's clouded over this afternoon but it's still hot.

We've just spent the last hour in our room, and now we are headed back out to Epcot as we have a Soarin fast pass and all being well we will be watching Illuminations from our favourite spot on the sloping bit as you enter world showcase from the main entrance.


Well-Known Member
I love the Safari! No matter how many times you go, it's always different. I don't do roller coasters at all, but I did EE once just to see how it was and I won't be going back lol. My wife loves it, but I have no issues waiting for her. I'm glad your trip is going great so far!!


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Amazing photos on Everest!! Good job Chris!

We are headed back to Epcot after spending the day there, but we will be in WS at the concert before going to dinner at the Swan. Tomorrow we'll be at Studios.

We are headed to the studios tomorrow too so might see you

Love the EE pictures! Looks like a great time so far.

Having a blast coach!

You are a girl after my own heart. Ice cream followed by lemon ice, we are one in the same. :)

I think if we were both in Disney at the same time there would be trouble :)

I love the Safari! No matter how many times you go, it's always different. I don't do roller coasters at all, but I did EE once just to see how it was and I won't be going back lol. My wife loves it, but I have no issues waiting for her. I'm glad your trip is going great so far!!

We did it twice today and it was different both times.
And I love EE now and wished I'd been on it sooner, I don't tend to be able to do all roller coasters like Chris does, but this is fine - but 5 times in a row was a bit too much. I won't be doing it again in a hurry.
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Monday 9th November cont

We headed to Epcot and straight onto Spaceship earth - this was the first ride for us when we started coming to Disney 19 years ago so it always holds a special place in our heart.

From here we went to club cool to try the Beverly - we've not had this either since our first trip and that sip tonight reminded us why!

From here we headed to The seas with Nemo but on the way I saw Joe and Ashley from see ya reel soon!
Well us English folk are not that forward, but do you know what, what are the chances of actually running into them? We were in a park with people everywhere and they were walking right towards me. :)
I had to go and speak to them or else I would probably regret it - big time!
So i just went on over and said hi, we chatted for a while, they are so lovely - probably a younger version of Chris and I.
This made my night and afterwards I just couldn't stop smiling.
They just keep me going all year until my next trip. Their dedication to getting the videos done is fab for people like me.
And apparently it takes 5 or 6 times the video length in terms of editing. Wow.
@Doc Disney - sorry I know you want to meet them too (I will keep my fingers crossed for you)


With all the excitement of actually meeting them we went for a stroll around world showcase and then came back to do Soarin.

We then headed back to watch the fireworks in my favourite spot - but that wasn't meant to be!
It's now fast pass viewing :(

So we had to stand behind the railings and watch from there!

Love these fireworks though and it's even better watching them when it's warm outside!




Tomorrow we are spending the day at Hollywood studios.



Well-Known Member
Monday 9th November

We got off and then went round and round again, making 5 times in total (and in a row on this ride)
My nephew would be proud of me!!!,

I was nervous about Everest the first time, too but I really loved it and there was no line as it was close to park closing so we went again and again and again! We only went four times in a row and after the third, I felt a little queasy because of the g-force but the fact there was no line basically compelled me to go again! I'm hopeful I get on it at least 3 times in one day this trip! Not in a row but in the day!

Glad you are having a wonderful time! I love keeping up with your TR! I'm definitely going to have to try the ice cream at Amandapur!


Well-Known Member
Looks like another great day! So sorry you lost your spot to fast plus:(. I've never heard of see ya real soon I just watched one of their videos and will watch more when I get a chance. There now you've taught me something new 2 days in a row!

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Tracey, I'm with you on EE. I hate going backwards on a ride. I do ride it once every trip,, and swear I will never ride it again each time. Of course, the next time I am right there in line with Roger. I'm amazed you rode it that many times in a row. Way to go.
I wanted to tell you I'm taking my computer in to get fixed while we are gone, leaving in an hour, so I cannot get any more emails after that. See you soon!!!

Oh, I don't have a smart phone, so no emails their either.....


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I was nervous about Everest the first time, too but I really loved it and there was no line as it was close to park closing so we went again and again and again! We only went four times in a row and after the third, I felt a little queasy because of the g-force but the fact there was no line basically compelled me to go again! I'm hopeful I get on it at least 3 times in one day this trip! Not in a row but in the day!

Glad you are having a wonderful time! I love keeping up with your TR! I'm definitely going to have to try the ice cream at Amandapur!

5 times in a row was too much for me but I am trying to make up for lost time. I don't think I would do that many in a row again.

I love Illuminations and you got some nice pictures of it! You two look to be having a great time!
Looking forward to hearing about Hollywood Studios tomorrow.

We love illuminations too and we are having fun and making sure we take it all in. Thanks for following along.

Looks like another great day! So sorry you lost your spot to fast plus:(. I've never heard of see ya real soon I just watched one of their videos and will watch more when I get a chance. There now you've taught me something new 2 days in a row!

Yes I was disappointed to have lost my illuminations spot but I'll now have to work on getting another one, and I wonder if you will learn anything new from today's update?

Thats so awesome!! I'm so jealous! I can only hope I run into them in the day and a half we will both be there :) Great trip so far! I will continue to follow along until I leave :)

It was quite sureal to actually see them , imagine all the people here and there they were. And not that you want to be a stalker but I am sure they I'll be at Magic Kingdom on their last day to ride the carrousel.

Great report!

Things I love the most (so far).

JAWS picture
MK Opening Show
"ANDY" on shoe
riding EE 5 times in a row

Thanks, my "Andy" has all but gone - so much for permanent ink!

You look to be having a great time. Looking forward to see what Tuesday brings!!

Loving it, but let's face it who doesn't?

Really like the pic with Joe and Ashley. Like many here, I've spent hours watching their videos. Are they as interesting in person as they are on their video blogs?

They are such nice people, they said they do get stopped up to a dozen times a day, they asked us about Euro Disney, spoke about our trip etc, we just stood there chatting like we were old friends.
It was nice to thank them for doing the reports as it really does keep me going. Chris finds Asley quite annoying sometimes in the videos but he thought they were both really nice people too.
It has been a highlight of my trip (along with my call from the managers at this hotel) - we've certainly got a few memories with more to come I'm sure :)

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