Trip Report LIVE - We're Andy's toys and we're going to play!

Hello again.
Well this trip has taken its time to come around. I'm sure you can all relate to that. The endless countdown that doesn't seem to get any smaller and all your friends going off to Disney while you're stuck at home. For those of you still there I feel your pain,


My turn has finally come and you get to share it with me, that is if you want to? Albeit in a virtual format.

I debated long and hard on whether to do another live report given all the time it took last year but I have decided I am going to try to give it a go again. I should be updating at the end of every day or in the mornings but everything depends on free WI fi. Fingers crossed.

For those of you who didn't read my last report (where were you?) here's a bit of background

Me Tracey
My husband Chris


Disney mad, every comment in my life relates back to Disney. I've been travelling to Disney every November since 2000 (I went in Nov 1996 for the first time and then in Nov 1998 then May 1999) and then every year in November since.
Disney is a huge part of my life, I'm addicted and everyone thinks I'm mad (one of a kind, and a wee bit crazy) but I don't care - I love it and always will.
Chris isn't as mad as me (but that would be pretty impossible anyway) and pretends that he does it for me but I have those photos with the glint in his eye so who is he trying to kid?!

So here we are our 19th trip and I still get the excitement and butterflies in my stomach at the though of actually going back again. I will rack up 280 nights spent in POR during this trip and am aiming for 365 - a whole year of my life spent in Disney! That's my ambition and I think it's a pretty good one to have although Chris tells me not to admit that to anyone outside of this forum!

We've never had the same holiday even though we've been going back year after year, somehow each trip is different. I guess everyone on here can kind of relate to that too

So what's the plan?
We travel on Thursday 5th November from Gatwick at 1pm a later flight than we normally take but it was the only Virgin Atlantic flight out on this day. We are staying for 15 nights at our beloved Port Orleans Riverside - POR
We have Disney Dining plan so our meals are taken care of - we normally come home with loads to spare.
We have a 14 day Disney pass so our first day will be at Universal (as we are staying 15 nights and have to go to Magic Kingdom the day we leave)
We have BOG (be our guest for any non Disney abbreviation friends reading - Lianne at work! (not a toilet reference as some of my non Disney friends thought when I told them!) - this is a restaurant themed on Beauty and the Beast, my favourite film) booked for 2 lunches but apart from that these 15 days are all mine to absorb as much Disney as possible to keep me going another year.
And of course there will be ice cream every day (something I have to do while on holiday and will definitely feature A LOT in this report - as it did in the last one too!) and hopefully a few WDW Magic meet ups along the way. There are quite a few of us there so I am sure we will be running into each other.

My brother Mark and his wife Claire were meant to join us on this trip however, Claire was told in July that she had to be at a meeting on 13th Nov and her company said they would pay for travel costs etc to get her there. This would have meant loosing a week of their holiday though in terms of travel time etc. We all looked at travel dates to move but it wasn't possible so they have re booked for 2016 so will be joining us then. I was so looking forward to showing them the full on Disney experience of staying on site etc but it just wasn't meant to be (this time!) I was really disappointed not to have them join us, but it won't spoil our fun. I think they will feel the pain more than us!

And just in case you want to follow along @coachwnh and @prfctlyximprct (for helping me with Disney blues in the past) @LisaBelle thanks for your message earlier this week and hopefully this report will help pass the days until your Feb trip (keep up the training) - @Minnesota disney fan who contacted me direct and we have shared email and Facebook messages since about May this year (looking forward to meeting you in person on 12th Nov in Magic Kingdom) @Zipitidoda so you can enjoy more of my gorillapod shots which you enjoyed from my last trip report @PrincessOfDisneyworld who actually read my last trip report 3 times, (I am still touched you enjoyed it that much) and @Tiggertoo56 who read my report twice and this time last year was in Disney - I hope this helps re live some memories.
And obviously welcome to any previous or new readers - you are all more than welcome

So, I am at home sorting out the last bits and Chris is still in London and we want to leave for the airport in 2 hours for our overnight stay in a hotel before our long 9 1/2 hour ish flight tomorrow to "Our laughing place"
I've pinched myself and it hurt so it's actually happening! Zip a dee do dah
See you on the other side........

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh....... We're finally off. (Well nearly!)


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Tuesday 10th November

Hey howdy, hey it's Hollywood Studios day.

So we were up and in the park ready for the TSMM walk!
The sooner they get the new tracks up and running on this ride the better.
Despite being in the park first think (at rope drop) we joined the queue and it was showing a 30 min wait.
This is now what the Andy on my trainers looks like (so much for permanent ink)


Here are our scores, now if anyone knows how I can get anything like 50k which seemed to be the highest of the month then please share!
I won - 1 nil to me. :)




From here we went to the little mermaid.
There was no rain at the beginning and no spots of water during the show.
When did that stop?
It was those little touches that add to the show.

Then we went to one mans dream.
I wanted to see this just in case it disappears before our next trip.
And no Walt at the end, instead a preview of the new Disney movie, the good dinosaur. :( :roleyes:

By this point it was 10.30 and I wanted ice cream!
But the ice cream place was shut :mad: why? Surely people want ice cream for breakfast?


So there was only one thing that would get me over this disappointment - the other love of my life the Beast!



When this finished there was good new - the ice cream place was open, so time for the brownie sundae - yum
Chris had an apple something.........


We ate our ice creams as we walked to Indy - there have been slight changes to this show too, it is another we wanted to see - just in case it's not here next year!



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After Indy we heads to LMA, last year we missed this show as we left it late and then it wasn't on the day we visited so we had decided to do it early on during this trip.

On he way I stopped for frozen lemonade.


Chris was commenting throughout that they drive like I do!
Can you tell he thinks I drive too fast?


After this we stopped for lunch.
I thought I saw @Tiggerish but wasn't 100% sure and didn't want to disturb you as you were eating lunch (was it you?)

Then we took some gorillapod shots! (The first one is a selfie!)




Then we spotted the citizens of hollywood on the way to TOT
Chris loves these guys


Then I was time to go back to TSMM for our fast pass

2-0 to me - I won again.



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I had to give Gertie a kis, just in case she isn't here next year!
She has provided us with many an ice cream over the years


Then it was time for more gorillapod shots. All quite sensible photos for us!




And so ended our day at Hollywood studios

We didn't stay for the lights as I had hoped that I would be able to get a cogsworth in the shop next to beauty and the beast, but they didn't have one.
So we headed to the World of Disney to see if we could get him there as before I had left home I had see him online and was desperate to get one.

They didn't have one either. I managed (by luck) to get one of the managers who firstly let me use his phone to try to order one though the new app (you can't downloaded if you are not in the US and as it turns out if you are in the US but live outside of the US it won't let you download either)
That didn't work!

So he rang the Magic Kingdom and ordered me one - I paid for it there and then over the phone and it's coming tomorrow direct to the resort. :D

So if any of you want one it looks like the only place to get them in the whole of Disney is in the Magic Kingdom shop next to Gastons tavern.
I will share a photo with you all tomorrow of my most recent purchase to add to my collection. I can't wait to have it in my hands.

I brought less clothes just so I can get him back in my suitcase to keep the lumiere I already have company.

So another successful day which was finished with a somewhat melted ice cream.


Tomorrow Universal again - we have a 14 day ticket which cost over £100 each so we will get a text least 2 days out if it so at least we feel like it's not been wasted.

Thanks for reading


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I am so jealous you met Joe and Ashley!! I love their videos!!! Watch them religiously every Wednesday. I think I would be so shy if I met them, so glad you worked up the courage to go say hello!! What an awesome trip so far!!

To be honest I am normally like that but I saw them and my legs walked and my voice said hello before my brain engaged!

It happened so quick I looked up and they were virtually next to me - I am so glad I did say hi though, if I wouldn't have I would have been punishing myself and going over and over why I didn't say anything.

It was such a great meet, I loved it, I have still been talking about it today, of all the people etc, it must have been fate :D


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I'm with you! ice cream for breakfast, especially on holiday!!! One Man's Dream is a wonderful experience and I'm sad to see it go. LOVE THE GERTIE KISS! I will try that on my upcoming trip! Every time we walk by GERTIE in the late afternoon she is never open for ice cream. Odd.

There is never a bad time for ice cream.
We will be sad if she goes too, that's why we took a few photos. She wasn't open today for ice cream but we've had quite a few there over the years......

Look forward to seeing you Gertie kiss photo!


Well-Known Member
How exciting to meet Joe and Ashley!! Definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Your ice creams look so delicious. I am going to have to adopt your ice cream every day rule when my sister and I are there in February. The gorilla pod photos are so much fun. Loving every minute of your report!!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I had lunch at Backlot Express.If the redhead you saw was wearing a tiara, it was definitely me. Have to say that your Citizens of Hollywood photos look very familiar, so I think we may have been near each other a couple times.

I was keeping my eyes peeled for blondes with mirrored shades, and the one one I saw someone who fit the description, she had a definite US accent so it wasn't you.

Near miss--we'll make it a sure thing next year!!


Well-Known Member
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How exciting to meet Joe and Ashley!! Definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Your ice creams look so delicious. I am going to have to adopt your ice cream every day rule when my sister and I are there in February. The gorilla pod photos are so much fun. Loving every minute of your report!!!

I think meeting them was fate. They seem to be a younger version of Chris and I (not that much younger - obviously!)
I am lucky in that I have Chris and we are really good friends , have a great laugh and both love Disney (me more than him, but that's not difficult)

Ice cream is a must so do it! Although I think I am already half a stone heavier since getting here, but that won't stop me.

Thanks for following and I hope you are still training for your 5k!


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I had lunch at Backlot Express.If the redhead you saw was wearing a tiara, it was definitely me. Have to say that your Citizens of Hollywood photos look very familiar, so I think we may have been near each other a couple times.

I was keeping my eyes peeled for blondes with mirrored shades, and the one one I saw someone who fit the description, she had a definite US accent so it wasn't you.

Near miss--we'll make it a sure thing next year!!

Oh no it was you!
I did wait outside for a bit just in case but then I thought I looked like a stalker!

Chris thinks we should all have a secret hand signal so that way we wouldn't feel like we couldn't approach each other.

Not sure when you are headed home?
We are at Universal tomorrow and then Magic Kingdom on Thursday.
And we are back next year on 5th Nov!


Well-Known Member
I think meeting them was fate. They seem to be a younger version of Chris and I (not that much younger - obviously!)
I am lucky in that I have Chris and we are really good friends , have a great laugh and both love Disney (me more than him, but that's not difficult)

Ice cream is a must so do it! Although I think I am already half a stone heavier since getting here, but that won't stop me.

Thanks for following and I hope you are still training for your 5k!

Yep, still training!! Haven't been as consistent as I'd like, but I am doing it. Need to work on distance. Times are improving. Under 100 days now :happy:!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're having a blast! I'm not courageous enough to do EE - it took me a couple of trips to do some of the others (maybe as I had a back issue which has been laid to rest since I changed jobs and don't have the stress I did before)..... Maybe next time!
So happy you managed to get the clock - can't wait to see the photos.
Keep the brill photos coming.:)


Well-Known Member
So glad you are having fun! Still can't believe I haven't seen you guys yet and I've seen Jiminy more than once!! I also got to meet Joe and Ashley on Friday! They were right next to me during the Flag Retreat!!! I was so happy! They even recorded a short video message for my Mom and sister since they weren't there to meet them! They were SO nice!!!!



Well-Known Member
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Looks like you're having a blast! I'm not courageous enough to do EE - it took me a couple of trips to do some of the others (maybe as I had a back issue which has been laid to rest since I changed jobs and don't have the stress I did before)..... Maybe next time!
So happy you managed to get the clock - can't wait to see the photos.
Keep the brill photos coming.:)

It does knock you about a bit so I would consider before you are the plunge. Went to get Cogsworth but he isn't here yet - but he should be tomorrow.
Will share the picture when I pick him up.

So glad you are having fun! Still can't believe I haven't seen you guys yet and I've seen Jiminy more than once!! I also got to meet Joe and Ashley on Friday! They were right next to me during the Flag Retreat!!! I was so happy! They even recorded a short video message for my Mom and sister since they weren't there to meet them! They were SO nice!!!!
View attachment 118869

Cant believe I haven't seen you yet either, really don't want another year to pass!
I am in MK tomorrow so look out for me and please say hi if you spot me.
Your pictures are great. I would have loved a better background as we saw them in the dark, but better to see them than not so I'll take what I can get. I guess there is still time to bump into them before they go home!


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Wednesday 11th November.

Today we have spent a full day at Universal. We were parked in Spider-Man 555.

I was curious as to any sounds made but couldn't hear anything.
When we were in King Kong you do hear him roar, but nothing today in Spider-Man unless we missed it!

We've done a bunch of rides today (I won't list everything as that would be boring)

We headed towards the night bus. If you read my last TR you will know the fun we had here last year - we also like to find spots to take pictures and then watch as everyone else then decides they want the same shot.
No matter how random places are people all tend to follow.
Here are few of today's random gorillapod shots.








And this is how fat I feel as I've eaten so much since I arrived - hopefully you can just about tell which one me.


Here is a random shot in Diagon alley


It was another hot day and I need no excuse for a frozen ice. This time we had some strawberry flavour too



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We then headed back to London to take the Hogwarts express.




Now just to point out - it looks busy but most queues were 30 mins at most.
Harry Potter and the forbidden journey was posting a 30 min wait so we did the single riders line, but when we got to the front there was no one there so we were seated together. I think the 30 mins was probably to take in all the queue things rather than how long the queue actually was.

Then it was ice cream time :)
Yum yum


Chris is a bit upset that his favourite ride currently looks like this, but he will have a new hulk to experience next year!


And then we got another lemon ice. (Well why not?!)


We'd spent a full day at Universal but we had fast passes for Epcot
We missed our character met and greet :( , but then all the batteries on the camera had died so we didn't panic too much.

We popped back to Riverside to eat and charge a battery before heading to Epcot.
Isn't this beautiful?


Soarin To tower.......


And then managed to get this shot of the fountains.


A quick update on Cogsworth.
I went to collect him from the hotel today but he wasn't there. Apparently he is still in the Magic Kingdom. Now I know I could have just waited until I am there tomorrow but as he is only available in one place I wanted to get him sooner rather Than later just in case. It did happen last year with a chip cup, once I saw loads and then they all seemed to disappear. I did get one but I don't think others were as lucky.
That couldn't happen to me with Cogsworth, I was taking no chances!

And so loads more memories were created today and tomorrow Chris is going to golf in the morning, and I am going to met @Minnesota disney fan in MK
More tomorrow.


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