Live from the Epcot Center


Oh Meyla Weyla
Past the bathroom? That wold be outside and backstage :eek:

Yeah I know, but last time I was back there, there wasn't much to see. I thought maybe they could head the line that way to keep the congestion down in the Land. I know they won't, I was just dreamin' :lol:


Active Member
At Epcot Center now (on Living with the Land to be exact).

Food Rocks - 135 min.
Horizons - 120 min.
World of Motion - 110 min.
Spaceship Earth - 45 min.
The Living Seas - 25 min.
Journey Into Imagination - 15 min.
Living with the Land - 10 min.
Universe of Energy - 10 min.
I bet 20,000 leagues has a big wait time too!!:lol:


Yeah, and you know it's a lie because wouldn't you be on LISTEN TO the land instead of LIVING WITH the land?

I knew there was a different name... could not remember it for the life of me when I was on the ride though. :lol:

I hope everyone realizes those were real wait times, just with original names. :lookaroun It'd be awesome if those were real though. :lol:


Active Member
Wow, would someone post if they see that Soarin' hits 300 mins? That is something I've not seen being that I've never been on NYE. Thanks.

I have seen Soarin at 300 minutes once.. It was during my birthday vacation in june 29th - juy 3rd)2006.. It would have been my first time riding it.. but I could think of more things to do with 5 hours of my life


Active Member
At Epcot Center now (on Living with the Land to be exact).

Food Rocks - 135 min.
Horizons - 120 min.
World of Motion - 110 min.
Spaceship Earth - 45 min.
The Living Seas - 25 min.
Journey Into Imagination - 15 min.
Living with the Land - 10 min.
Universe of Energy - 10 min.

But what about Captain Eo?


Park History nut
Premium Member
But what about Captain Eo?
The Magic Eye Theatre had a hell of a day. Makin' Memories went 101, the main theatre laser fell off alignment and the in theatre smoke machines both emptied into the auditorium all at once.

Hence the JII queue jumped from 15 minutes to 90 - just like it used to be regularly....


Why would Disney allow a 5 hour line? I would think that they would at some point do only Fastpass returns. 5 hours, that line has to be back out through the food court...

I would imagine they have to for capacity reasons. Just imagine.... if they virtually closed down Soarin', that would be a five-hours-worth-amount-of-people going elsewhere in the park. And I do believe less things open means less people Disney is allowed to let through the gates.


New Member
At Epcot Center now (on Living with the Land to be exact).

Food Rocks - 135 min.
Horizons - 120 min.
World of Motion - 110 min.
Spaceship Earth - 45 min.
The Living Seas - 25 min.
Journey Into Imagination - 15 min.
Living with the Land - 10 min.
Universe of Energy - 10 min.

If only I could wait this long and see these again. Any word on Cranium Command's wait?

Little Green Men

Well-Known Member
At Epcot Center now (on Living with the Land to be exact).

Food Rocks - 135 min.
Horizons - 120 min.
World of Motion - 110 min.
Spaceship Earth - 45 min.
The Living Seas - 25 min.
Journey Into Imagination - 15 min.
Living with the Land - 10 min.
Universe of Energy - 10 min.


Active Member
At Epcot Center now (on Living with the Land to be exact).

Food Rocks - 135 min.
Horizons - 120 min.
World of Motion - 110 min.
Spaceship Earth - 45 min.
The Living Seas - 25 min.
Journey Into Imagination - 15 min.
Living with the Land - 10 min.
Universe of Energy - 10 min.

Hey! What about Backstage Magic at EPCOT Computer Central in CommuniCore East?!


I left, not worth it.

It's gonna be the same fireworks as last year and all the CMs are realy run down and in couldn't-care-less mood.

SSE died midday, sent all their people to Energy, and that promptly broke down too.

Line for Canada was all the way up to the shops.

Serously, not worth it.
Well there was a specific reason for that...
I worked a 16 hour day that day, only to get chewed out for it being crowded, and having people fight with me during SWIRL traffic management. Once it started raining and SSE broke down I was getting ready to go home sick because I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't think I sat down for 5 hours today. Soarin' was outrageous and we had to put it out the "blow off" area backstage. We opened those doors by the bathrooms and had planters to funnel people back into the park. Managers said we were at 89,000 people and it was Epcot's 3rd busiest day ever...


These people waiting in these 5 hour lines are completely insane. I understand that some people really love Soarin', but it's a 4 1/2 minute show and certainly not worth waiting over 5 hours for!

NO RIDE is worth a 5 hour wait and it astounds me that so many hundreds and thousands of people are cool with waiting in those lines!

Also I went to Soarin' and there was a two hour wait when I got to the first "gate". I would have gone off to do something else but they handed me a "timer" card and I felt it was my duty to help others to know the actual wait time.

Wouldn't be worth it to me! As a guest, it's not your job to "work" while on vacation so if it's inconvenient you shouldn't feel bad about handing it back to them or just giving it to the people behind you in the line. :animwink:

At Epcot Center now (on Living with the Land to be exact).

Food Rocks - 135 min.
Horizons - 120 min.
World of Motion - 110 min.
Spaceship Earth - 45 min.
The Living Seas - 25 min.
Journey Into Imagination - 15 min.
Living with the Land - 10 min.
Universe of Energy - 10 min.

Cute. :lol:

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