Live-Action ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’


Well-Known Member
Lemme get this straight. She thinks the man in the animated *fairy tale* behaves in a way that isn’t socially acceptable for men to behave in contemporary times? Traditionally actors had some degree of awareness for how movies and narratives function, but…uh, does she understand a fairy tale takes liberties with action and plotting because, y’know, it’s a fantasy-based fairy tale?
She views the original film as a product of its own time:

The original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so. There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird. Weird.​

Unlike some here, I don’t interpret these words as demonstrating a particular animus towards the film itself, but a more general unease with past attitudes as she understands them.

I will mention again that she is 22 years old and (to my mind at least) speaking in a manner fairly typical of someone her age. My views are certainly more nuanced and considered now than they were twenty years ago.


Premium Member
She views the original film as a product of its own time:

The original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so. There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird. Weird.​

Unlike some here, I don’t interpret these words as demonstrating a particular animus towards the film itself, but a more general unease with past attitudes as she understands them.

I will mention again that she is 22 years old and (to my mind at least) speaking in a manner fairly typical of someone her age. My views are certainly more nuanced and considered now than they were twenty years ago.
Wait is this the only clip you've seen?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Nobody cares about her comments in a vacuum, they care that her comments clearly indicate what kind of film this is going to be.

I don't care what Rachel Zegler thinks about Snow White (1937) but her comments ABOUT Snow White (1937) tell me that Snow White (2024) is going to suck.
You haven’t seen it. There’s no trailer. Not even a teaser. There’s been one photo of her in costume, as far as I know. But you already know it’s going to suck.



Well-Known Member
We've been discussing Miss Zegler and her rather odd and damaging public commentary on the upcoming Snow White film for a week or two here. Plus further discussions over in the Hollywood Strike thread when she stepped in it (again) last week with commentary to Entertainment Tonight at a strike media event hosted by SAG-AFTRA.

But it's not just us. Today the London tabloids are now covering it.

Even "branding experts" are weighing in on her now. This is probably impossible to do during a strike when she can not be paid for services by Disney, but someone has got to get her to clam up immediately. I have hoped her mom might step in, if her agent's backbone doesn't exist.

"There was a time when Disney actors were media trained and were thoughtful about the impact of their words, whilst sticking to key messaging about the films, but it seems with this total rewrite of Snow White, picturing her as a "boss girl" has gone to the heads of their stars."


Well-Known Member
Lemme get this straight. She thinks the man in the animated *fairy tale* behaves in a way that isn’t socially acceptable for men to behave in contemporary times? Traditionally actors had have some degree of awareness for how movies and narratives function, but…uh, does she understand a fairy tale takes liberties with action and plotting because, y’know, it’s a fantasy-based fairy tale?
I think she thinks Snow White is not properly portrayed in the original classic.
We've been discussing Miss Zegler and her rather odd and damaging public commentary on the upcoming Snow White film for a week or two here. Plus further discussions over in the Hollywood Strike thread when she stepped in it (again) last week with commentary to Entertainment Tonight at a strike media event hosted by SAG-AFTRA.

But it's not just us. Today the London tabloids are now covering it.

Even "branding experts" are weighing in on her now. This is probably impossible to do during a strike when she can not be paid for services by Disney, but someone has got to get her to clam up immediately. I have hoped her mom might step in, if her agent's backbone doesn't exist.

"There was a time when Disney actors were media trained and were thoughtful about the impact of their words, whilst sticking to key messaging about the films, but it seems with this total rewrite of Snow White, picturing her as a "boss girl" has gone to the heads of their stars."
Zeglier backlash could ruin Snow White 2023?

It looks like the movie is bad enough on its own.


Well-Known Member
I will mention again that she is 22 years old and (to my mind at least) speaking in a manner fairly typical of someone her age. My views are certainly more nuanced and considered now than they were twenty years ago.

You are giving her a pass because she is 22? She is an adult and is being paid professionally to make those statements.

Until her latest gaffe, the "18 Hours In A Dress" elitist statement last week at the SAG-AFTRA media event, all of her statements on Snow White had been at official and major Disney media events. She was being paid to be there, she had to have been given Talking Points and vetted statements by Disney media reps to make about Snow White. It was the only reason she was there, to do PR for the movie.

Which actually is scarier to consider... These aren't Miss Zegler's own clumsy thoughts, but are the official Talking Points given to her by Disney media managers and studio execs. And if true, that doesn't bode well for the tone and tenor of the upcoming Snow White movie.

It would actually be more comforting to think the statements over the past year from Miss Zegler were just the result of a daffy college girl who had a White Claw or two in the Anaheim Convention Center green room before she went out to the media event and started going off script about Snow White. :oops:

EDIT: I just checked. Rachel Zegler never attended college, so she's not a "college girl". She did earn a high school diploma in 2019.

EDIT 2: This just got so much better. While she has never enrolled in college, Miss Zegler did say in an interview once that she "felt filming Shazam! was like freshman year of college". Yes, those two things are exactly like each other. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Last edited:


Premium Member
I think she thinks Snow White is not properly portrayed in the original classic.

Zeglier backlash could ruin Snow White 2023?

It looks like the movie is bad enough on its own.
I just saw the trailers and you can’t tell much from them. Seems to be a good cast and director and Greta Gerwig is a writer. What makes you think it will be bad?

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
We've been discussing Miss Zegler and her rather odd and damaging public commentary on the upcoming Snow White film for a week or two here. Plus further discussions over in the Hollywood Strike thread when she stepped in it (again) last week with commentary to Entertainment Tonight at a strike media event hosted by SAG-AFTRA.

But it's not just us. Today the London tabloids are now covering it.

Even "branding experts" are weighing in on her now. This is probably impossible to do during a strike when she can not be paid for services by Disney, but someone has got to get her to clam up immediately. I have hoped her mom might step in, if her agent's backbone doesn't exist.

"There was a time when Disney actors were media trained and were thoughtful about the impact of their words, whilst sticking to key messaging about the films, but it seems with this total rewrite of Snow White, picturing her as a "boss girl" has gone to the heads of their stars."
Where did she say she “hated” Snow White?

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
You are giving her a pass because she is 22? She is an adult and is being paid professionally to make those statements.

Until her latest gaffe, the "18 Hours In A Dress" elitist statement last week at the SAG-AFTRA media event, all of her statements on Snow White had been at official and major Disney media events. She was being paid to be there, she had to have been given Talking Points and vetted statements by Disney media reps to make about Snow White. It was the only reason she was there, to do PR for the movie.

Which actually is scarier to consider... These aren't Miss Zegler's own clumsy thoughts, but are the official Talking Points given to her by Disney media managers and studio execs. And if true, that doesn't bode well for the tone and tenor of the upcoming Snow White movie.

It would actually be more comforting to think the statements over the past year from Miss Zegler were just the result of a daffy college girl who had a White Claw or two in the Anaheim Convention Center green room before she went out to the media event and started going off script about Snow White. :oops:

EDIT: I just checked. Rachel Zegler never attended college, so she's not a "college girl". She did earn a high school diploma in 2019.

EDIT 2: This just got so much better. While she has never enrolled in college, Miss Zegler did say in an interview once that she "felt filming Shazam! was like freshman year of college". Yes, those two things are exactly like each other. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Brie Larson, Rachel Ziegler, Iman Vellani - man, the targets of your hate are so random. I can’t possibly find any unifying trait.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
You seem romantic.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you think a "strong woman" is one who is more interested in leadership than love is gross and exactly the problem we're talking about.

Old feminism: Women and men are equal. Yes! Cool! Right on!

New feminism: Women and men are the same. No. Stupid. Denies all reality of biology and evolutionary psychology.

Girls are not just boys in dresses.


Well-Known Member
Brie Larson, Rachel Ziegler, Iman Vellani - man, the targets of your hate are so random. I can’t possibly find any unifying trait.

I don't know who Brie Larson is to be honest, but the Iman Vellani name is familiar because it's an unusual name and I remember I found her character to be really annoying in that Marvel trailer I watched after we talked about last week sometime, in some thread here. Rachel Zegler is new to me, but I obviously know who she is now. She's made a real name for herself lately, the poor dear.

But "hate"? I have no hate for those people. I found Iman Vellani's character to be really annoying in that trailer, and I think Rachel Zegler is writing the book on how to destroy your big budget corporate movie with self-inflicted bad PR six months before it comes out. 🤣

But "hate"? Nope. Not even close to any sort of real emotion on those three folks from me, other than a few chuckles and cringes.


Well-Known Member
You are giving her a pass because she is 22?
It’s not a question of giving her a pass, but of keeping things in perspective. Some of you are holding her to a higher standard than you did the former president! She’s a young person who made some (in my view) simplistic comments about an old film; it really isn’t a big deal in the whole scheme of things.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Announcement it’s heading straight to Disney+ in 3…..2…..1…..
It wouldn't surprise me in the least, if once the trailer drops, and if it is the poop storm we think it might be. We see an announcement that it's releasing on D+. But hey, maybe the expectations for this are SO low, that when the trailer comes out everyone says "hey that's not so bad!"

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Whoever Disney had managing Halle Bailey's excellent PR for Little Mermaid needs to move over to the Snow White account ASAP. ;)

I mean, Iman Vellani has been an exceptional example of crafting a widely appealing PR persona, charming even cynical comic nerds with her seemingly genuine enthusiasm for Marvel, and your comment was that she's terrible because she isn't sexy enough.

Here's a hint: the reason Vellani and Larson and Ziegler and Bailey are noise machine targets is because the current moral panic is spurred largely by the fact that young people, and particularly young women, are not voting "properly" and that isn't changing as they get older.

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