Live-Action ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
No, that was me. What I mean is what I think what triggered folks is seeing what the new movie is doing with the 7 dwarfs. It looks so ridiculous, it looks like a Saturday Night live skit.
We don’t know what they’re doing. We saw a picture of some stand-ins and outlets that are attacking Disney on any (or no) pretense for political reasons jumped in head first. The images don’t look great, but this project comes from the hottest film writer in America, so I’m willing to wait for a dang trailer.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
True Love after one meeting is part and parcel of the fairytale universe. By the logic of that universe, his love is real and his kiss is appropriate.
I’d say “the logic of that universe” in 1937. It’s an element that has been thoroughly deconstructed since then, most notably by films like Frozen, and would seem odd and underdeveloped in a modern film.

As I’m sure you know, a part of enjoying classic films is understanding them in their cultural context while not using that as an excuse to avoid critical analysis. Snow White is a masterpiece and one of my favorite films while also being a product of a set of bygone cultural assumptions.


Well-Known Member
We don’t know what they’re doing. We saw a picture of some stand-ins and outlets that are attacking Disney on any (or no) pretense for political reasons jumped in head first. The images don’t look great, but this project comes from the hottest film writer in America, so I’m willing to wait for a dang trailer.
Nothing political here. Maybe folks want to may want to make anything and everything political, but this is not it.

This is DEI and SEG maybe, but this is also not political, its about MONEY.


Well-Known Member
I’d say “the logic of that universe” in 1937. It’s an element that has been thoroughly deconstructed since then, most notably by films like Frozen, and would seem odd and underdeveloped in a modern film.

As I’m sure you know, a part of enjoying classic films is understanding them in their cultural context while not using that as an excuse to avoid critical analysis. Snow White is a masterpiece and one of my favorite films while also being a product of a set of bygone cultural assumptions.
I agree. My remarks pertained to the 1937 film, not to what we should expect of the remake.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
No, that was me. What I mean is what I think what triggered folks is seeing what the new movie is doing with the 7 dwarfs. It looks so ridiculous, it looks like a Saturday Night live skit.
Oh, I see. That was funny lol “Goodwill shoppers.” Good one!

I just don’t see a reason to get so upset over changes made to new adaptations. It happens all the time. I feel like folks should be used to it by now.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I am sorry you experienced that and hope whatever happened doesn't recur.
Thank you! It was one the most bizarre things I’ve ever experienced. He showed up to my hotel and hid so I couldn’t see him. He then followed me in the van I was riding in all the way to the airport. He took videos of the van and photos of me at the airport and sent them to me. That’s the only reason I discovered I was being followed. Once he sent me the photos of myself, I turned around and there he was, standing there and smiling. He then had the nerve to tell me that he wasn’t crazy and that he loved me.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! It was one the most bizarre things I’ve ever experienced. He showed up to my hotel and hid so I couldn’t see him. He then followed me in the van I was riding in all the way to the airport. He took videos of the van and photos of me at the airport and sent them to me. That’s the only reason I discovered I was being followed. Once he sent me the photos of myself, I turned around and there he was, standing there and smiling. He then had the nerve to tell me that he wasn’t crazy and that he loved me.
Yikes! I hope he's been prevented from harassing you or others in the future.


Well-Known Member
That’s the thing. Why get angry over a comment like that? If people disagree that he’s a stalker, so be it. There can be lighthearted debate over that. Why are we getting angry over this? And I’m saying this as someone who was actually recently stalked by a man a few weeks ago.
Sorry to hear about the stalking incident! 😱As to why people get angry and offended online… don’t know, but it’s pretty universal, I don’t think it’s limited to this topic by any means. I’ve heard if you make lighthearted criticism of Beyoncé or Tay Tay online it will… not go well. 😂


Premium Member
That’s the thing. Why get angry over a comment like that? If people disagree that he’s a stalker, so be it. There can be lighthearted debate over that. Why are we getting angry over this? And I’m saying this as someone who was actually recently stalked by a man a few weeks ago.
Nobody cares about her comments in a vacuum, they care that her comments clearly indicate what kind of film this is going to be.

I don't care what Rachel Zegler thinks about Snow White (1937) but her comments ABOUT Snow White (1937) tell me that Snow White (2024) is going to suck.


Well-Known Member
Nobody cares about her comments in a vacuum, they care that her comments clearly indicate what kind of film this is going to be.

I don't care what Rachel Zegler thinks about Snow White (1937) but her comments ABOUT Snow White (1937) tell me that Snow White (2024) is going to suck.
What have her comments told us that we wouldn’t have known anyway? Who among us didn’t expect an updated Snow White quite different from her 1937 predecessor? It’s hardly a revelation or surprise that the character will now be a strong woman more interested in leadership than love; that’s been Disney’s revised approach to princesses for some years now.


Premium Member
It’s hardly a revelation or surprise that the character will now be a strong woman more interested in leadership than love
The fact that you think a "strong woman" is one who is more interested in leadership than love is gross and exactly the problem we're talking about.

Old feminism: Women and men are equal. Yes! Cool! Right on!

New feminism: Women and men are the same. No. Stupid. Denies all reality of biology and evolutionary psychology.

Girls are not just boys in dresses.


Well-Known Member
The poor Zegler teaser interview commentary and sad looking pictural leakage aside, it would only be fair to wait until an actual teaser release occurs or a trailer or two to get a better feel for the production.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you think a "strong woman" is one who is more interested in leadership than love is gross and exactly the problem we're talking about.

Old feminism: Women and men are equal. Yes! Cool! Right on!

New feminism: Women and men are the same. No. Stupid. Denies all reality of biology and evolutionary psychology.

Girls are not just boys in dresses.
Please don’t put words in my mouth. I was describing how Disney itself has portrayed strong woman in recent films, not offering any thoughts of my own about what does and does not constitute a strong woman. I’m perfectly aware that there is no monolithic definition of any category of human being, and I don’t require lecturing from you on the topic.

If you have a problem with Disney’s approach to its recent female characters, your anger would be better directed at those making the relevant decisions, not at me or Rachel Zegler.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the stalking incident! 😱As to why people get angry and offended online… don’t know, but it’s pretty universal, I don’t think it’s limited to this topic by any means. I’ve heard if you make lighthearted criticism of Beyoncé or Tay Tay online it will… not go well. 😂
Thank you! I’m just glad I got out of that situation safely.

You’re right, people get super offended and infuriated over pretty much any and everything, no matter how minute. Social media and the internet in general amplifies folks’ feelings because of the echo chamber. And maybe you were a bit perplexed and a little irritated by Rachel Zegler saying “this isn’t 1937 anymore,” but now that you’ve been around people who are even more irritated and outraged, now you are, too.

Off topic, but I will go after overrated, untalented “Tay-Tay” any day of the week. Swifties, come at me.😂


Well-Known Member
Lemme get this straight. She thinks the man in the animated *fairy tale* behaves in a way that isn’t socially acceptable for men to behave in contemporary times? Traditionally actors had some degree of awareness for how movies and narratives function, but…uh, does she understand a fairy tale takes liberties with action and plotting because, y’know, it’s a fantasy-based fairy tale?
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