Arrived at Mexico Pavillion, parked the stroller and proceeded to follow th instructions on the Mission phone, we headed inside... We have never been inside before!!! It was so dark, and then our eyes adjusted and oh my its really lovely. Why have we never done this before? I asked of my DH, closely followed by him looking at me and shrugging his shoulders!!
So we wandered around the market area doing the little mini mission, laughed at the skeleton one. When we'd finished we went on Grand Fiesta Tour, love Donald so this was great. Everyone enjoyed it, we then had a wander around the shops and stalls, and went back outside. WOW how hot must have been at least 90-95 WOW. Just as we started to walk towards Norway, the Mariachi Band came out so we stopped for a while to have a listen.
They were really good, enjoyed the music immensly but the little darlings didn't want to stand still for too long and it was incredibly hot, so we walked on up to Norway.
Where another first (I think i'm going to changed my title to Monsters and 1st's trip report lol) we went onto Maelstrom,
Awesome ride and learnt alot about Norway too. Ethan hid his face in my shoulder when the Trolls came up but other than that really enjoyable, went through the shop on the way out and found @
prfctlyximprct favourite, Ethan decided to reinact her pose
Lol however he decided to pull a really silly face

Great time had by all. Went in to Kringla Bakeri but didnt see anything we fancied, I think that Germany was calling.
We moved on.
Heading in to Germany we restrained ourselves, instead of rushing into the sweetie shop, we calmly walked around the shops looking at all the lovely christmas decorations and tankards and such, deciding not to buy the christmas decorations as we are actually going to Essen, Germany at the end November beginning December this year and we will probably get some there. Did take some nice pictures of the Steins and Goblets though.
Okay so enough with the souveniers Karamell Kulche couldnt resist any longer, we brought a big bag of caramel popcorn for m-in-l as she hadnt come today and it is her favourite. I had a chocolate covered caramel square, see below, Ethan and Jordan shared a caramel filled chocolate cookie and Darren had a caramel and marshmallow swirl, oh so so so good,but so sickly and sweet wanted more but 1 really was enough. Lol

We sat and ate these outside the shop in the sun thinking life just doesnt get any better

Yum Yum Yum Yum
Sated for the moment we strolled slowly to Italy, and joy of joys the mime juggler was there performing (another 1st) Ethan was absolutely mesmerized we stood and watched, laughed clapped oohed and aahed until he had finished and then decided to get a slice of pizza, only to find that they dont have a slice window anymore, denied

So we carried on wnadering until we reached Japan.
We were so hot by then, well thats what we told our DD we had to go into the pavillion, we wandered over to where the pearl counter was and feigned interest until Jordan wandered over. And then we told her that we were buying her a pearl for her birthday which was the next day. We paid for the pearl at the desk and then the ceremony began it was absolutely fantastic. Jordan was really overwhelmed, and she really enjoyed the attention, the pearl she chose was a 8mm pearl which according to the lady was really quite big. They put it into a bag for us and Jordan has still yet to decide what she wants to do with it. Me thinks shes holding out for next time and maybe she could then have a pair of earrings.
We headed onwards and upwards, the call of France was rather strong from this distance, everyone decided they didnt want to go to morroco so to Vive La France, we again went to Halles as the kids werent with us the last time and got so afternoon desserts. We ate inside as it was too hot!!! On the way out I partook in my new favourite drink Slushies yay me. DH insisted I had my picture taken on the bridge by France as we were walking down to England, which they do look nice but waiting for the photopass cd to arrive. Wlaked on down through Canada and on to go on Figment, a 1st for DH, everyone loves Figment

By this point we were exhausted so we got the Monorail back to TTC and then headed back to the villa for a swim and change of clothes ready for our evening out to MK for ELP and Wishes.