Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!


Well-Known Member
So they (allegedly) broke after being left outside in the rain to rust for years and they tried to spin it as its "obsolete technology?" Is that about right?

.... that would be typical of Disney, IMO. Just a drive backstage here and there and you see all sorts of things that you wonder "Why isnt that in a warehouse? Why is it just out here rusting?"

Exactly my thoughts. I know they're rather large to store, but WDW has warehouses full of holiday decorations. If I left my lights out all year long they would be obsolete pretty soon as well (case in point, those people who do leave them up all year long and expect them to work). :lol:


Exactly my thoughts. I know they're rather large to store, but WDW has warehouses full of holiday decorations. If I left my lights out all year long they would be obsolete pretty soon as well (case in point, those people who do leave them up all year long and expect them to work). :lol:

That was really surprising to me as well. The Lights of Winter has a lot of meaning to me, and I was not expecting to see them just sitting outside looking like they were in a junkyard.


Well-Known Member
For me, it's not about just one thing getting pulled. It's about TDO continually diminishing the guest experience while simulataneously charging more for things that used to be included with admission. Or, as Kevin Yee puts it, Decline by Degrees. I've been to WDW more times than I care to admit and after visting Disneyland for the first time ever last month, I just don't see where WDW even comes close to offering the value per dollar that Disneyland does. It's just my opinion though.

It isn't just DL, although you are right. It's DLP too! And in many ways, HKDL. And most certainly TDL.

And years before Kevin came up with 'Declining By Degrees' I was decrying the Walmarting of WDW.

I wish all the Defenders of Mediocity (to use Al Lutz's term) would wake up.

It isn't about any ONE thing, even if this particular one has pi$$ed off a whole lot of folks.

It's a decade-plus pattern of cutting more, offering less and charging more (even if they discount more as well).

You can't advertise yourself as a Nordstrom quality product, while in reality offering Walmart. That's largely what TDO does now.


Well-Known Member
Just as an aside, it's an entirely different discussion, and there are more than a couple threads about this subject, but some people don't want these layovers during the holidays, and there are reasons why they don't do them in FL.

Let's not hijack this thread with this subject, just wanted to throw it out there as it's something that's not seen as 'good' by a majority of once a year, holiday tourists.

BS. Pure and simple.

I'm tired of reading it. Tired of hearing it. Tired of seeing it trotted out as an excuse for a staler/blander product.

There is nothing to it.

Disney has never surveyed those tourists you speak of and found out they didn't find holidays and seasonal events/overlays to be magical. But when folks on fan sites throw it out, it sticks, and you have folks like Jason Garcia of the O-Sentinel using it (today his blog had a similar excuse for why Space Mountain basically got a nothing redo vs. DL and I am pretty certain he got it from reading crap like this and parroting it).

If the whole idea of ever switching out anything for the holidays so upsets the apple cart of the infrequent guests then I'd suggest they drop all seasonal events and entertainment. I am sure people are upset by seeing Christmas lights on Cindy's castle and are having their dream magical WDW vacation absolutely ruined by seeing Holiday Wishes or the Christmas Parade when they want regular Wishes and the This Parade Will Last 100 Years at MK ... hell, I'm sure just having holiday music piped into the parks is too much. People don't want Jingle Bell Rock dammit!

Yeah ... dumb.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
I really, REALLY don't think the LOW was abandoned this year because of the Christmas theme (too much religious music, etc.). There is a gospel group there now, and that would tend to be more religious, not less.

Ya think?

Seriously, I don't believe anyone should lend credence to that theory because it is 100% inaccurate.

Gospel groups and telling the story of Jesus (the famous one, not the guy who cuts my lawn) are a wee bit more religious than an archway of lights ... and I am reasonably certain that much of the music played under them will still be played.

And the D23 promotion - again, it could just be one segment of Disney not communicating properly with another.

Well, even in the best of times, that's always been the case with Disney. But in the 21st century ... well, there's no excuse.

I sent a letter to Dan Cockerell letting him know I'd be in the park a lot less than normal, since Epcot has been scaled back for Christmas. And I do wish I'd booked a Disneyland trip - it's AMAZING at Christmas, even with real reindeer!

I hope you reminded him about how important you are in the fan community and that your legions of fans can be turned against The Mouse with one simple comment!:drevil::goodnevil:eek:

Remember, as Spidey was told by his about to be killed uncle (and Disney owns Spidey now) 'with great power, comes great responsibility'.:)

As to DL, airfares are really cheap Sunshine. And those reindeer are very kewl, even if the lawyers keep you pretty far away.:xmas::xmas::xmas:


Well-Known Member
I'm completely in agreement with you.

In hindsight, I'm really kicking myself for booking this WDW trip that's coming up in a few weeks. If I could have changed it, I would... But we used free airline miles for tickets, so I'm pretty stuck.

Hey now ... there are certain Spirits that will only be at WDW this holiday period (although one I know is thinking about a FF mile run to LA the week after X-mas).

Having spirits with him is worth boring, stale, tired, old WDW!:drevil:
That being said, we'll still have a good trip. Being there and watching my kids enjoy themselves and sharing some good bonding time will more than make up for the disappointments I view at WDW. My spending habits will be different this trip though, of that I'm SURE.

Mine as well. Don't know where you're staying, but after trying for CM and AP discounts and being frustrated by availability (when companies like Travelocity and Expedia are showing rooms at almost every resort), I cancelled my one 4-day WDW resort stay and opted for 10 days off-site at a VERY high end hotel for an incredible price.

So far, I only have four WDW meals planned (two at non-Disney owned establishments) and I doubt I'll add any others.

And merchandise? Might buy something at Property Control/Character Connection or Mouse Surplus. But Disney won't get anything close to retail from me.

But you can be CERTAIN that next year, we'll be visiting DL at the holidays for the first time. Why the heck haven't we before??? I have NO idea, which is what's frustrating me. :lol: We've done DL a number of times, but never during the holidays to see the overlays. That, in combination with the World of Color show... I think SoCal will be our Winter destination for the next few years!! :sohappy:

DLR at the holidays is spectacular. I used to do it annually, but of late it's been more like every other year. It seems to get better annually ... but you could say that about every Disney resort on the planet ... well, with one exception.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
The majority of Guests who visit WDW during the holiday season are there for Christmas, not anything else. The HM overlay could be done during September to coincide with Halloween and Christmas; the CBJ overlay requires just a few days (not even a whole week) and could be done in late October/early November; in my opinion, only the IASW overlay wouldn't be worth the hassle because of the lousy prep time-vs-show ratio.

FWIW, LoW was not canceled to avoid offending anyone. Epcot is adding a Gospel choir as a replacement. It is ironic, however, that the only Disney theme park squarely in the Bible belt has the fewest seasonal events worldwide! :mad: The only consistent Christmas event is an overpriced party at the MK that "features" special entertainment which, with the exception of the 360° fireworks, could easily be folded into normal operating hours.

There's no conspiracy theory. It's simply bad management.

Quoted for truth ... through and through.:xmas:

captain marvel1

New Member
i found this really nice Afghan blanket at the disneyworld magic kingdom at the pirates gift shop right next to the pirate makeover near the tim burton stuff. this bag of a cashier kept telling me its special and i had to pay over 50 dollars to get it for 29.95 or about that i was willing to pay for the thing right then and there i didnt care if their was a line behind me. seriously why the hell would i pay the extra money on pirate merchandise if i wanted to get the christmas blanket. unless the merchandise is autographed by Johnny Dep himself.:mad: i think Disney is being Mr Scrooge and not in a good way.:mad:


New Member
Money and attendance seem to be the only thing that the higher ups at WDW seem to understand. If we want to send a message to them the only way to do it is not to go to WDW or more to the point Epcot this Christmas. Like most we already have Christmas trip planned and I am seriously considering not going to Epcot at all. At most we will go for Illuminations.

I agree with all what you have said, however to cancel now would cost me $9000, and 14 nights in WDW and not go to Epcot is not very practical nor enjoyable for us. Epcot has the most Table service, and for us provides a place to go at night in replacement to Pleasure Island. In fact we seem to spend more and more time at Epcot with each vacation.

I have joined the LOW facebook group and got a number of friends to support, I have blogged on the Disney blog, I have reply tweeted to every tweet that Disney Parks has done with regards to promoting something Christmas at WDW and mentioned how nice .... is but what about the LOW (i.e new Osbourne pin, Gingerbread House store, Sleigh Rides at FWL, Lights on Castle ect..) and I will wear a T shirt with the Bring Back the LOW logo when I do the Yuletide tour. I've been reading this board for years now, but this subject and a final straw has made me start posting posts.

Reading back what I have just written made me think, has Disney "got me right where they want me?"

:xmas: I'm still going to have a fantastic time while I'm there though, if you see someone having spent too much time drinking round the world, climbing the Christmas tree, removing the lights, trying to make their own LOW, that'll be me :animwink:


Active Member
i found this really nice Afghan blanket at the disneyworld magic kingdom at the pirates gift shop right next to the pirate makeover near the tim burton stuff. this bag of a cashier kept telling me its special and i had to pay over 50 dollars to get it for 29.95 or about that i was willing to pay for the thing right then and there i didnt care if their was a line behind me. seriously why the hell would i pay the extra money on pirate merchandise if i wanted to get the christmas blanket. unless the merchandise is autographed by Johnny Dep himself.:mad: i think Disney is being Mr Scrooge and not in a good way.:mad:

If you are talking about the Cinderella Castle covered in lights blanket, I wanted it too! I saw it at $15.95 with a purchase of $40 or more at the Emporium, but there was no way I was spending $40 for the priveledge of purchasing the blanket. Maybe someone will throw it up on ebay.


New Member
I just don't get it. When WDW does not refresh stuff or make new stuff all here are up in arms. When they remove something and add something different all here are up in arms. You can't have it both ways.

I have been to DL for the holidays and I love the overlays. I can see why they will never be at WDW and I am fine with that. I do not want DL and WDW to be the same but just on different coasts. Both serve different needs and as such should be different experiences.

I am sad that Mickey's Night Before Christmas is now gone. Would I be happy it if got moved to a theater in DHS, sure!!!! I will give the new show a try and then decide. I do not love everything at WDW or DL for that matter. What I may not like others love. WDW is a different experience for each person. That is the magic of them. Each can make of it what they want. I was not a huge fan of the LoW. They were hidieous in the day time and nice at night. I will not cancel a trip over either of the above. We will attend MVMCP this year and visit Epcot too.

Many are now saying they will show WDW and go to DL for the holiday. Guess what they are the same company. We spend way more per day at DL than WDW. A WDW trip is cheaper for us.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
i found this really nice Afghan blanket at the disneyworld magic kingdom at the pirates gift shop right next to the pirate makeover near the tim burton stuff. this bag of a cashier kept telling me its special and i had to pay over 50 dollars to get it for 29.95 or about that i was willing to pay for the thing right then and there i didnt care if their was a line behind me. seriously why the hell would i pay the extra money on pirate merchandise if i wanted to get the christmas blanket. unless the merchandise is autographed by Johnny Dep himself.:mad: i think Disney is being Mr Scrooge and not in a good way.:mad:
(heading off topic) Unfortunately, Purchase with Purchase items (like the afghan) are only available with the specified dollar amount purchased. The cashier can get in lots of trouble if he or she sells the item without the appropriate purchase. Now, sometimes if there are unsold items at the end of the promotion, they'll be put out on sale without any purchase requirement. Also, if they're having the promotion at Pirates Bazaar, then it'll probably be the same promotion at the Emporium, Uptown Jewelers and Mickey's Star Traders, along with other, similar stores in the other parks.


Well-Known Member
Kurt over at inside the magic stated the following:

Originally Posted by kurt
I have received word through back-channels that they were planning on putting them up this year, they just broke on install and are too costly/old to repair.

This jibes with what I read on one of the CM boards recently. Sounds more like laziness than obsolescence to me.....

But how did they know they were broke if they weren't moved from their storage spot? They're still sitting where they're stored, right!?!

Sooooo, did they break last year (maybe when they were taking them down) and then they decided this year (at the last minute) that they didn't want to fix them!?!

It's still weird that it's in D23... that almost indicates it was a last minute decision... unless of course there's absolutely no communication there (which wouldn't surprise me either)!


Active Member
Many are now saying they will show WDW and go to DL for the holiday. Guess what they are the same company.

If people don't know they're the same company, then they shouldn't be visiting boards like these. It's not a matter of "let's spite WDW", it's a matter of getting more bang for the buck. As far as I can tell, when it comes to Holiday events, Disneyland presents the better value.

FWIW, a Disneyland trip is cheaper for me. :xmas:
a lot of people seem to still be searching for the reason WHY they arent coming back. its kind of like when youre little and you ask your parents why you cant do something and all they say is "because i said so." i feel like disney is just playing the "because i said so" card. they may not have a good reason at all, but they just dont feel like explaining it and they arent going to. so we can pout and hope that they will feel bad later and buy us a mickey bar.


Active Member
BS. Pure and simple.

I'm tired of reading it. Tired of hearing it. Tired of seeing it trotted out as an excuse for a staler/blander product.

There is nothing to it.

Disney has never surveyed those tourists you speak of and found out they didn't find holidays and seasonal events/overlays to be magical. But when folks on fan sites throw it out, it sticks, and you have folks like Jason Garcia of the O-Sentinel using it (today his blog had a similar excuse for why Space Mountain basically got a nothing redo vs. DL and I am pretty certain he got it from reading crap like this and parroting it).

If the whole idea of ever switching out anything for the holidays so upsets the apple cart of the infrequent guests then I'd suggest they drop all seasonal events and entertainment. I am sure people are upset by seeing Christmas lights on Cindy's castle and are having their dream magical WDW vacation absolutely ruined by seeing Holiday Wishes or the Christmas Parade when they want regular Wishes and the This Parade Will Last 100 Years at MK ... hell, I'm sure just having holiday music piped into the parks is too much. People don't want Jingle Bell Rock dammit!

Yeah ... dumb.:xmas:
I think this post, as well as some others here, are way off the real point of holiday overlays at WDW. Of course the people who visit during the holidays would like to see them. It would be really nice for them, and especially nice for those people who live nearby and can go to the parks whenever they feel like it.

But what about those people whose regular visit falls in Sept/Oct or January? Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't setting up and taking down the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay at DL take about a month? So the people whose annual visits fall during these times would NEVER be able to go on the Haunted Mansion, as it would be closed for the switchover. That would really ________ me off.

At DL such annual closures don't make a big difference, as the locals who frequent the park can easily go back at a different time. But that doesn't work at WDW which is a vacation destination.

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