Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!


Premium Member
The Irony here is that they're not really that complex, I'm shocked a company with the resources of Disney wouldn't be able to repair/make new ones if that's true.


New Member
The worst part is...


Do they think people are stupid!?

They lie alot now adays. In the orlando sentinel somebody from Disney claimed that the reason they weren't updating space mountain is because guests would be "upset" if they didn't keep it the same way (saying it was classic the way it was). When the fact was they were just being cheap.

Funny thing is on one end they don't want to upset the fans by not making too many changes to Space Mountain yet on the other side they have no problem upsetting people by replacing TTA narration with a new childish watered down version, swaping out alien encounter/timekeeper for stith/monsters, replacing Journey into Imagination with the imagination institute, etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
everyone, remember one job of PR is to make the company or decision look good.. In a way they spin the truth to have a positive outcome...

they did it in the Lights of winter tweets (first was bad the second said what was replacing them) and they did it in the space mountain article.. thats just what they do.. It's up to the reporters but more importantly the guests to make a decision based upon what info was provided...


New Member
everyone, remember one job of PR is to make the company or decision look good.. In a way they spin the truth to have a positive outcome...

they did it in the Lights of winter tweets (first was bad the second said what was replacing them) and they did it in the space mountain article.. thats just what they do.. It's up to the reporters but more importantly the guests to make a decision based upon what info was provided...

No the Lights of Winter wasn't. It said something new was coming. Didn't say if that was the Choir or not. If they had said that there was an issue preventing them from being shown (not obsolete tech as no one believes it) then admit it and tell us that and say that they will be back or a new and improved display will be back next year.

Anyone have any idea when the choir was booked? Can someone ask them if they are allowed to mingle?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The trouble is EPCOT does not have much in the way of decor to celebrate the holidays this year. Sure those lights only covered a small part of the park but it was the only set of lights you got in that park!!! Decorations have been fairly sparse at EPCOT for a while now.
I know. EPCOT is very hard to decorate for this kind of stuff.
When I went this past year you noticed a huge difference between Magic Kingdom decor and EPCOT. I first noticed at Flower & Garden. MK had just as much if not more flowers. Then this past October, MK assaulted your eyes with Fall Festival decor as soon as you got off the bus/boat. It was everywhere down Main Street from shimmering jack-o-lanterns to orange/brown/red banners. Meanwhile EPCOT had some very sterile-looking statues in lieu of topiaries and lots of F&W kiosks. It made the park seem stark and all metal-y.

Now we come to Christmas. MK has been transformed from Fall Festival to Winter Magical. They've spent months redoing MGM to give it the incredible holiday transformation (pictures of MGM this last week have been so enticing). But EPCOT looks just as barren as it's been all year.
It's almost as if the same folks who dissed the wand are behind this current vision for EPCOT. It's become the same old concrete and steel park with very little personalization because that's the original concept way?

It's very disturbing to regular visitors.
I agree in for the Wand. The Wand just didn't fit the theme. It clashed thematically.

Here, they are just not decorating the theme. There's a difference.

wait, what? People who dissed the wand are the ones who want to preserve the magic, not ruin it the way they have been.

Wand = Ruining SSE

It's holding together the SSE descent.

Broke it unpacking it.. Can't be fixed before the holiday season.. It may be fixed or replaced by the holidays 2010
I doubt that. Get a lighting tech on them, they'll be fixed in a day.:rolleyes:

everyone, remember one job of PR is to make the company or decision look good.. In a way they spin the truth to have a positive outcome...

they did it in the Lights of winter tweets (first was bad the second said what was replacing them) and they did it in the space mountain article.. thats just what they do.. It's up to the reporters but more importantly the guests to make a decision based upon what info was provided...
Still does not make it right. That's a terrible excuse.


Active Member
Yes, but my spending habits are going to be DRASTICALLY altered. After all, with RFID-based credit cards now available, my old magnetic stripe ones are now obsolete. :lookaroun

And if mag stripe credit cards are obsolete, I'm sure Disney has no interest in cash money. That stuff has been around forever. Its been obsolete for years. :hammer:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
My friends are doing it as a speech and debate piece this year. The script has been stuck in my head for a while.

While it was pretty much panned by the critics and the studio never got behind it, I still find the movie quite funny and have watched it about 5 times. A lot of pretty funny quotes in the movie!


Well-Known Member
The evidence just does not support the argument that the Lights of Winter were broken/defective on installation. That photograph of the lights in storwage shows equipment that doesn't appear to have been disturbed for some time, but there is also the matter that the Lights of Winter do not appear in most of the promotional materials for WDW or Epcot this Christmas (exceptions: D23 and Birnbaum 2009 and 2010). If they were actually planning on having the lights, given the apparent lead time to prepare such materials, I would have expected a similar situation to "Murphy the Dragon" at Disneyland, which indeed appeared in Fantasmic promotions for many weeks before he could be repaired.

Further, while I wouldn't expect Disney to admit publicly they broke the lights, were that the case why not just use the 'standard excuse' of 'technical difficulties' to explain the lights absence, or even give us a non-reason such as "the lights will not be available this holiday season"? They didn't do that - instead we are told the Lights of Winter are 'obsolete' and thus discontinued. While they always put a positive spin on things (big business fails to realize that a little honesty would go a long way towards building respect and trust), there was no reason to 'invent' the obsolete story when 'technical issues' would have sufficed, been far more believable, and probably been readily accepeted by most guests (avoiding all the backlash they are currently - and deservedly - recieving).

To use the lights are 'broken' excuse now is just a little too convenient. While it is not impossible that this is the truth and the lights really were broken on installation, this certainly begs the question of why the lights could not be repaired in time for the holidays. You have to allow time to correct unanticipated problems - so who is responsible for not discovering the problems (or beginning installation) in time to have something go wrong and still complete repairs for the Christmas Season? It doesn't make sense, unless as has long been assumed, that this is actually a budget matter - the Lights of Winter were axed (or not repaired, as the case may be) just to save a buck.
Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party...

Talk about money-grubbing. I was at DW last week (partly for a conference... partly to hang out). Thursday night was the first night for MVMCP and I wanted SOOOO BADLY to go, but just could not justify the $60 ticket price!! I am SHOCKED by that price!

And, talking about lights, etc,. what about all the lights on the Castle? I'm sure they look beautiful, but talk about a money- grubbing investment? (Although, for an extra $60 ticket, I suppose they can afford it, right?)

And, finally, something someone mentioned here earlier, I wasn't aware that the "Holidays Around The World" don't happen anymore. I LOVED that the one time I saw it. I loved going from country to country to hear their stories about how their countries celebrated the holidays. What a great educational experience -- without realizing you're getting educated!! (That's how Epcot CENTER always was... very educational without being "in your face" educational... I miss those days...)

OK... sorry... this sucks, Disney. All I can say is, please PLEASE bring back Mr. Eisner!!! :ROFLOL:



And, talking about lights, etc,. what about all the lights on the Castle? I'm sure they look beautiful, but talk about a money- grubbing investment? (Although, for an extra $60 ticket, I suppose they can afford it, right?)

Judy - everyone can see the lights. They are shown at 6:30pm, and the party starts at 7pm (of course, the Very Merry Christmas Party is mentioned in an announcement right before the lights). I preferred the lights when they went on a little earlier, with a pretty dusk sky.

I think that the Santas are still around the World, it isn't like Disney has nothing at Epcot. But it is greatly scaled down this year, and I will greatly miss the Lights of Winter.


Well-Known Member
So they (allegedly) broke after being left outside in the rain to rust for years and they tried to spin it as its "obsolete technology?" Is that about right?

.... that would be typical of Disney, IMO. Just a drive backstage here and there and you see all sorts of things that you wonder "Why isnt that in a warehouse? Why is it just out here rusting?"

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