Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Honestly, this also has me seriously considering about renewing my AP this year. Prices for tickets constantly go up, while the entertainment in the parks comes down. I love Disney, don't get me wrong. But when I'm paying more for less, and could be getting better deals elsewhere rather than getting the same thing year-in and year-out, I think it's time to go elsewhere. The only factor that's keeping me from saying I won't renew is that my family has had our APs for 27 years. I dunno right now. :shrug:
TELL THEM.:lookaroun:lol:

I sounds like a broken record, but it's true. I know they read here, but I don't want to take any chances:lol:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The whole thing about the technology being outdated is absolutely rubbish.

UPDATE the technology or find something else that will work

I KNOW the technology is out there to run this. If people can do similar things in their yards, then surely Disney can find SOMETHING to run this show.


Well-Known Member
The technology might be obsolete but Disney seems to be becoming obsolete themselves sooner than most would have thought. Who needs Imagineers when people can do in their front yards what Disney cannot.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The whole thing about the technology being outdated is absolutely rubbish.

UPDATE the technology or find something else that will work

I KNOW the technology is out there to run this. If people can do similar things in their yards, then surely Disney can find SOMETHING to run this show.
That's what makes it so foolish. Disney thinks we are stupid.:rolleyes:


New Member
Didn't see this mentioned, but the same lame response was posted on the Disney Blog - under the first entry by Gary. How pathetic.....

"Thomas Smith on November 11th, 2009 at 5:49 pm

Yes…the Lights of Winter canopy has been enjoyed for years. But the technology to operate the lights is obsolete, prompting us to retire the lights and find a new experience."


Well-Known Member
Thats it....I just cant see having the same feelings about WDW at Christmas anymore. Im sick of the cuts, and the lame shows....the prices keep going up, and the quality down during one of the most visited times of the year. If I go again, It wont be at Christmas....I will be happily going to Disneyland tomorrow to kick off my holiday magic!


Active Member
Didn't see this mentioned, but the same lame response was posted on the Disney Blog - under the first entry by Gary. How pathetic.....

"Thomas Smith on November 11th, 2009 at 5:49 pm

Yes…the Lights of Winter canopy has been enjoyed for years. But the technology to operate the lights is obsolete, prompting us to retire the lights and find a new experience."

The technology to operate the lights was obsolete? What technology was that? An outlet? I'm not sure how they can feed us that line of bull when they have have the same technology in use over at DHS.

And when do they plan on finding a new experience? Because the recent Disney trend is to just shut it down and never replace it.


Well-Known Member
Great! I can't now,but can someone make a disscussion and post these in the Save LoW Social group?

I have comments on the blog,tweets coming,a letter and a visit!

The response to this is bigger than PI!

If we can dream it,WE can do it!
Posted the FB thing. I didn't post the cafepress thing because it seems kinda self-serving for me to do so. If anyone else deems it worthy, feel free to post it there and on FB.


New Member

This excuse is the pits.. I've been going to WDW at Christmas time for 15 years. This decision just plans sucks!!!! The people at Disney only care about the dollars they can suck from us while offering less each year. Christmas at WDW gave me and my family a place to go and enjoy the spirit they had there. Scrooge has taken over....maybe this is a tie to the new movie I won't be seeing. The Disney guests are willing to put up with so much. People work hard to get the money that Disney so dearly wants. Some one needs to tell them that just because they built it people will come. We are going to WDW in 2 weeks but not to Epcot. Why bother!


New Member
Are people aloud to complain about Lights of Winter, but not Space Mountain?


Hope, in the end, they DON'T put up these lights and they see the fan's uproar which may drive them to create an even better show to make up for the absense of them this year.... a stretch, but not impossible.

It would be great if folks would also spend the energy complaining to Disney about the lackluster Space Mountain refurb. Maybe it could lead to a better show down the road


New Member
The lights

P.S. So what if the technology is old... It worked but the Imagineers must not.. Time for some brain power I think.... Iger, your guests are not happy or does in not matter anymore!


Well-Known Member
OH - and by the way, if you guys haven't noticed, we were quoted in the Sentinel's "Daily Disney" Blog section, specifically Nemo14 and DMC:

Disney World holiday lineup
A Mom and The Mouse, Kristin Ford — By Kristin Ford on November 11, 2009 at 11:12 am

Epcot's Lights of Winter were last seen in 2008. Disney World announced Wednesday the lighted holiday arches are being retired. (Walt Disney World photo)

Epcot's Lights of Winter were last seen in 2008. Disney World announced Wednesday the lighted holiday arches are being retired. (Walt Disney World photo)

Walt Disney World officially announced late Wednesday it is retiring the Lights of Winter holiday arches at Epcot, ending this week’s speculation on several Disney-related message boards.

The note from DisneyParks twitter reads, “Note: The Lights of Winter at Epcot has been enjoyed for years. But tech to operate the lights is obsolete, prompting us to retire the lights”

The 30,000 lights in the arches that cover the walkway connecting Future World to World Showcase “dance” to synchronized holiday music, along with the Fountain of Nations. The Lights of Winter are a favorite of many guests, who were disappointed to learn of the change.

On the forums at, upset commenters took more than 46 pages to air their grievances and speculate on the reason the Lights of Winter won’t be seen this year. The most popular school of thought suggests the move was done as a cost-saving measure because the lights are not LEDs.

Nemo14 wrote: “Sounds like the “green” they mean might be more like $$$ green.”

DMC-12 points out: “And cost should NOT be an excuse. Sylvania/Siemens is a top tier sponsor at Epcot. The cost of switching these out to LEDs would not be a problem at all!”

The explanation of “tech to operate the lights is obsolete” rings hollow for me, too, given that Disney parks have all kinds of antiquated attractions. Do you think the Magic Kingdom trains are going to be retired? How about Haunted Mansion or Space Mountain? They are all old and based on old technology, but Disney refurbished and/or updated them. It looks like this is a case of not wanting to spend the money on Lights of Winter, which is understandable in a difficult economic climate. But let’s call the cancellation what it is really is: a cost-saving move.


Have any of the executives themselves gone through any Disney Institute training?!

Do they themselves not know their own service theme?!


"We create happiness by providing the finest in entertainment for people of all ages, everywhere"

Really?????? are you guys not steering away from your core principle? Do you guys not teach other major corporations, organizations to be true to themselves and stick by their misssion statement or as YOU call it, "service theme"?

"There is corporation-wide obsession with attention to detail at Disney. Founder Walt Disney was famous for his eye for detail and he made sure that everyone paid the same attention to detail that he did."

I truely believe Walt would be rolling over in his grave if he were to know how things are being managed in WDW today.

And i will leave you with this.... according to Disney themselves in Be Our Guest:

"Quality service means exceeding your guests' expectations and paying attention to detail"


New Member
Remembering LoW

Here's a video I shot in 2007... I'd hoped to go there with a tripod and my HD camera this year and get some really good vids... guess that won't be happening now :(

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="">Lights of Winter Christmas 2007</a> from <a href="">Liz Matzelle</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.


Well-Known Member
TDO hasn't given a damn about exceeding guests expectations since ________ Nunis left the company and WDW became an Al Weiss fiefdom.

WDW is all about paying lip service to meeting guests much lower 21st century expectations.

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