Let the job hunt begin...


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UPDATE (to the updated update)!

Just had an interview with a company in Sanford, FL that produces sports websites for college and pro teams. Very cool, and they seem pretty interested I think it's another "what are the financials" scenario. I'm also not sure what the living conditions are like within a reasonable driving distance of Sanford.

Anyone have any insights? Or maybe live out that way?



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Well, I accepted a job offer today and the house is up for sale. I'll have to watch for the next WDWMagic.com meet after the house sells and we move down there, :lol:


Well-Known Member
Congrats....let me know if you need the name of a good realtor in the Orlando area.

It may not be an official meet, but there will be a get together for the Epcot Food and Wine fest in Oct/Nov.


Well-Known Member
congrats!! I read this whole thread and im totally excited for you! After I graduate in January, Im thinking about making that move as well. My parents also want to move to florida because they say the house is getting to be too much work (my dad's pretty sick right now and we need to stick close to nyc until he gets better) anyways, keep updating this thread because i cant wait to hear about your new living arrangements!
:) again congrats!


Well-Known Member
Villainess said:
Congrats! I am planning on moving to Orlando in about a year... next July/August. Keep us updated on what's going on!
with all of us planning on moving to florida... do you think there's going to be enough room for us?

lol maybe we'll all sink it or something :)


New Member
Congrats. My house is up for sale and I'm down there 8/16 my wife and kids will follow after the house is sold. Now I have 4-6 weekends to kill by myself. My disney AP and fishing gear will be in the car for the trip down :)

Michael C

AliciaLuvzDizne said:
with all of us planning on moving to florida... do you think there's going to be enough room for us?

lol maybe we'll all sink it or something :)

That's a good one. :lol:

Even though my wife and I haven't made our final decision yet, we do get anxious about "missing out". It's not that there won't be any room left, but we just hope that the kind of housing we like in the area we are attracted to (west of Orlando) will not skyrocket, at least not to a greater degree than our own property does here in Plymouth. It would really stink to make plans, work towards those goals for a couple of years and then get shut out. I guess that's why they call these things 'risks' or 'adventures'. :animwink:


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spr0m said:
Congrats. My house is up for sale and I'm down there 8/16 my wife and kids will follow after the house is sold. Now I have 4-6 weekends to kill by myself. My disney AP and fishing gear will be in the car for the trip down :)

Thanks for the congrats. Did I miss which part of FL you were planning on moving too? How are the kids taking the idea of moving? What kind of fishing do you do up in NJ?

I've got the bass baits all bundled up and ready to roll. Can't wait to drop my line onto a good 10+ pound largemouth.

I also want to thank everyone on this forum who's contacted us one way or another. For those of you in and around Orlando, thanks for giving us an idea of the different areas and what to expect, where not to look, etc... For those of you thinking of moving down, thanks for the friendly encouragement as we went after our goal. Hopefully my aggressive attitude to the move will help you when you finally decide to come on down.



New Member
Looking at houses in Tuskawilla (winter springs) just south of sanford. I'll be renting a 3 br in Oveido for a few months while the search goes on. Fishing is mostly for Stripers and Blues on the coast and trout in PA all on the Fly Rod. I can't wait to get to FL and chase big reds and snook around Indian River Lagoon not to mention big bass in the greater orlando area :). The wife said once we close on a new house I can get a flats boat if she gets her benz wagon :) .


New Member
MichRX7 said:
I don't think it's that large of a growth spurt. :)

Or course, she is making me give up two of my RX-7's to move down there. But I told her I wanted to sell the 79 and buy an 85 with the bigger motor, and I only drive the convertible 91 in the winter (because it's an automatic) so this is no big loss.

Had she asked me to give up my 94 she might have been very lonely... j/k

How about an 89 in Naples fla. for sale???


New Member
Congrats MichRX7!!

I've been following your "saga" :animwink: and I'm so happy it worked out for you!!

My husband and I are from MI too....and in the same boat. He's a programmer but can't get his foot in the door down there to save his life....they all want local apps.

We actually lived down there from 1999-2001.....he worked at home for a company in MI (but that was going to end) and I was a FT CM. Then we got pregnant with our first child and decided to move back to MI to be near family. What were we thinking???!!! :hammer:

Unfortunately I can't support the three of us on what I'd make going back FT (I'm currently a seasonal CM...and can't wait to work again during our Oct vacation!!) So we have to wait for him to find something. You getting a job gives me hope that it's possible from out of state!:)

Congrats again!!! :sohappy:


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Well, here's some advice...I was aggressive, very aggressive. And in the end I had two jobs to choose from (and took the lower paying so I could work from home).

some of the resources I used to locate the job...


Also in the cover letter of my resume I clearly spelled out the fact I was looking to relocate. But I also said I was not looking for relocation funds. I had a ton of offers to do contract work.

What sort of programming does your husband do? XOS Tech out in Sanford, FL is looking for someone with good Cold Fusion experience (this is the job I had to unfortunately turn down). It sounded like a really good opportunity for someone doing college and pro sports websites.


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Moonshadow1 said:
How about an 89 in Naples fla. for sale???

If it's an N/A it's too slow. ;)

Actually, my stepson will probably get a 89 GSL when he turns 16. But, we'll rip that motor and tranny out and drop in a Tii motor/tranny just for fun.

Right after I give him the "If you get a ticket you'll pay your own insurance" speech.


Well-Known Member
For those of you moving to Florida, have any of you thought about moving to Celebration? It doesn't get any better than living there. You're 5 minutes to a Disney park, you live on Disney property, and you're close to Orlando. Just a thought, I'm moving to FL next summer and I think I want to move into Celebration. I will be going to school in Ft. Myers though so that might make a difference. I'll just rent and get a place in Ft. Myers too, I can't give up a place at Disney!


New Member
Thanks MichRX7!

He does need to get more aggressive....and he knows it.
And we too aren't looking for relocation assistance (although we wouldn't turn it down if it was offered :p )...I'll ask him if he's mentioned that in his cover letters.

I just IM him and he says he has experience in Visual Foxpro, RPG, some VB6, some ASP.NET and VB.NET; some HTML. So that company you mentioned wouldn't work...unless they were willing to train.

And I know that he has used the links you gave to search. I just have to keep reminding him of the cold winter that's approaching and hopefully the job hunt will kick into a higher gear! :lol:

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
For those of you moving to Florida, have any of you thought about moving to Celebration? It doesn't get any better than living there. You're 5 minutes to a Disney park, you live on Disney property, and you're close to Orlando. Just a thought, I'm moving to FL next summer and I think I want to move into Celebration. I will be going to school in Ft. Myers though so that might make a difference. I'll just rent and get a place in Ft. Myers too, I can't give up a place at Disney!
just about everyday ;) i keep looking in on apartments.com and sites like that and they have BEAUTIFUL apartments for rent the im interested in, but i wont be moving for a while so i need to stop looking until im ready.

today i told my trainer that i want to move to florida and she got all excited and told me her and her boyfriend are looking to move to Naples and I could have the third bedroom LOL who knows now!
I have to look up where naples is on google...i know its on the gulf and the gulf is beautiful. im getting excited like its really going to happen!!!!


Well-Known Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
just about everyday ;) i keep looking in on apartments.com and sites like that and they have BEAUTIFUL apartments for rent the im interested in, but i wont be moving for a while so i need to stop looking until im ready.

today i told my trainer that i want to move to florida and she got all excited and told me her and her boyfriend are looking to move to Naples and I could have the third bedroom LOL who knows now!
I have to look up where naples is on google...i know its on the gulf and the gulf is beautiful. im getting excited like its really going to happen!!!!

Naples is a beautiful and expensive city to live in, but it is about 3-4 hours from WDW. I'd suggest you stay with your gut instinct and live in Celebration. Don't be upset if you see one of the apartments on there gone next summer though. :animwink: I don't know if I want an apartment or get one of the executive houses, that way I can have my parents move in and live in the guest house. I absolutely love that town and would do anything to move there right now!


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
For those of you moving to Florida, have any of you thought about moving to Celebration? It doesn't get any better than living there. You're 5 minutes to a Disney park, you live on Disney property, and you're close to Orlando. Just a thought, I'm moving to FL next summer and I think I want to move into Celebration.

I once thought the same thing. I moved here in 1997, before the apartments in Celebration were open, and I lived in the "tourist" area. Although you may think this is ideal, it does put you further away from the necessities, like doctors, gas (that you don't have to finance), groceries (that you don't have to finance)....

By the time my 12 month lease was up, I was more than ready to move a bit out of that area.

Don't get me wrong, I love Orlando, but beware that living right in the middle of the attractions does have a number of drawbacks. You may be much happier 10 miles away. (still closer than you are now :D )

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