Leave a legacy tiles being moved?


New Member
I like them, they frame SSE as you enter the park and yes, my first experience in Epcot was without the stones. It's not hard to "navigate",(if you can even call walking around giant stones through a large pathway navigating :rolleyes: ) certainly not hard enough to warrant the removal of stones that would likely require the walling off of a majority of the Epcot entry which could easily ruin first impressions of the park for those who may only have one trip in their entire lives.


Well-Known Member
Cuz I paid a lot of money to be on TWO of them. One was with a very good friend who I wish I met earlier in my Program as she and I would have had a very good chance at a long relationship. I like 'em where I helped pay for them to be. Bah Humbug. :brick:

Same here!!

My wife and I made a couple of tiles during the week that I asked her to marry me. That was an awesome week.... and 11 years later, I hope it stays in place. I am looking forward to visiting the parks again on the 11th year anniversary of the proposal.

So I am not just thinking of mee..... but I am also thinking of my wife too.

If you want a self centered comment... then here is one for ya:
Post # 1,800


A Heavy Legacy

The drawings and paintings of the Leave a Legacy stones looked attractive, but the reality feels sometimes oppressive. Is it possible the weight of the stones, when viewed in real life rather than a painting, changes the feel for how they look when you actually see them? Walking around them you feel boxed in so the line of sight with the structure of Spaceship Earth kind of gets lost.

I don't know, maybe from a distance it is fine, but up close they feel sort of heavy and in your face. Also, because of their height, it is hard to appreciate the pictures higher up.

Just a thought.


New Member
The drawings and paintings of the Leave a Legacy stones looked attractive, but the reality feels sometimes oppressive. Is it possible the weight of the stones, when viewed in real life rather than a painting, changes the feel for how they look when you actually see them? Walking around them you feel boxed in so the line of sight with the structure of Spaceship Earth kind of gets lost.

I don't know, maybe from a distance it is fine, but up close they feel sort of heavy and in your face. Also, because of their height, it is hard to appreciate the pictures higher up.

Just a thought.

That's a very good point.
In practice they look cold and stark, like a grave yard.
Like a Holocaust memorial. Not a warm place to remember good times and people.



Le Meh
Premium Member
The drawings and paintings of the Leave a Legacy stones looked attractive, but the reality feels sometimes oppressive. Is it possible the weight of the stones, when viewed in real life rather than a painting, changes the feel for how they look when you actually see them? Walking around them you feel boxed in so the line of sight with the structure of Spaceship Earth kind of gets lost.

I don't know, maybe from a distance it is fine, but up close they feel sort of heavy and in your face. Also, because of their height, it is hard to appreciate the pictures higher up.

Just a thought.

For me when I am viewing the tiles I have purchased, I'm not really looking at them with the thought of how they relate to SSE. I think that from an overall perspective they look fine with SSE in the background. Up close your focus is on the display of tiles, not SSE.
I have one, and would support them being cut up and sent to their owners. Will that happen, no, but it would be nice.

I figured they would be around 10ish years. If they go anytime soon, I won't be too sad, although it is neat to go back year after year and see the differences.


We need time for things to happen.
Exactly. Guests purchased the tile not the location they are currently located in from my understanding. So they could be relocated around the perimeter of the entry plaza, for example, and the hideous stonework removed. Then everyone wins.

Exactly! Great idea and well put.


Well-Known Member
Hey, guess what, Adam? The stones are ugly, obtrusive, and unpleasant. They block the sweeping vista of the plaza once enjoyed by all, and their construction meant the loss of a lot of trees and nice greenspace. It reads visually like a bunch of stone walls...not exactly what you'd want in a plaza that's supposed to be inviting.

I personally find that the majority of pro-tilers are people who are relatively new fans, never visited the park prior to 1996 (or whenever LaL was installed), and therefore have ZERO basis for their opinion. I'm guessing you fall into this category.

"They look nice" is your opinion, and a LOT of us have the opposite opinion. Deal with it. Go out and run around or something, get that energy out of your system.

First I want to say your sarcasm is not needed. If you believe that the stones are ugly, then fine. You have some good points, but they get blurred by the negative response.

Lets see, you are bashing people about their opinions and you come back with this about pople never seeing the original entrance. I have to assume this in not based on any facts what so ever?

I have seen it before and I have seen it after and I like the way the entrace looked before and I like the way the entrance looks right now also. Could the current entrance have been better planned? I would have to assume yes! Now if the entrance was never changed from it's original look, I can only imagine the complaints that would be comming from people that this 25+ Y/O entrance with it's boring flower beds as never been changed. At some point in the future you know it will change and most likely it will revert to something similar to the original entrance style.


Le Meh
Premium Member
First I want to say your sarcasm is not needed. If you believe that the stones are ugly, then fine. You have some good points, but they get blurred by the negative response.

Lets see, you are bashing people about their opinions and you come back with this about pople never seeing the original entrance. I have to assume this in not based on any facts what so ever?

I have seen it before and I have seen it after and I like the way the entrace looked before and I like the way the entrance looks right now also. Could the current entrance have been better planned? I would have to assume yes! Now if the entrance was never changed from it's original look, I can only imagine the complaints that would be comming from people that this 25+ Y/O entrance with it's boring flower beds as never been changed. At some point in the future you know it will change and most likely it will revert to something similar to the original entrance style.

Well put. I've been going to EPCOT since it opened. I have no problem with how it looks then or now.


New Member

Ugh!!! That is hideous!!! I prefer the stones! They have a much more futuristic feel to them, and fit what EPCOT is supposed to be!


Well-Known Member
Hey, guess what, Adam? The stones are ugly, obtrusive, and unpleasant. They block the sweeping vista of the plaza once enjoyed by all, and their construction meant the loss of a lot of trees and nice greenspace. It reads visually like a bunch of stone walls...not exactly what you'd want in a plaza that's supposed to be inviting.

I personally find that the majority of pro-tilers are people who are relatively new fans, never visited the park prior to 1996 (or whenever LaL was installed), and therefore have ZERO basis for their opinion. I'm guessing you fall into this category.

"They look nice" is your opinion, and a LOT of us have the opposite opinion. Deal with it. Go out and run around or something, get that energy out of your system.

I am a park visitor and fan since before the 1982 open. I have seen the entrance before the stones, and after. Both designs were good.

Yes they are (simplistically speaking) stone walls.... but if you look at the design of the stones, the angles they create... they compliment and properly frame SSE from a view at the entrance.

Also you are exaggerating on the "loss of trees" and your negative attitude really does nothing to influence your readers.

I'd like to end with a quote from someone in the past:
"It's (the Park) something that will never be finished, something that I can keep developing, keep 'plussing' and adding to. It's alive. It will be a live breathing thing that will need changes."
~Walt Disney 1953


Well-Known Member
I would say that overall I liked the original entrance to the LaL version, though if they did away with the stones I would want something different than the original. For example, I really liked the transparent monoliths at the base of SSE, however if the flowerbeds full of annuals didn't come back I wouldn't be too disappointed. I would like a fountain/water feature/reflecting pool of some sort. A lot of my beef with the LaL stones is not so much their appearance but rather how they are arranged is completely against the regular front-to-back flow of traffic. The original arrangement didn't have this problem.

That being said, I honestly would prefer the money that would go into moving/improving the main plaza to be used for attractions first, before they do anything with LaL. I could live with the park appearance as it is (even tarps :hammer:) if they could just get the attractions up to spec.


Well-Known Member
Not at all....have tiles as well dont want them moved either :brick:
I have two tiles and so do many of my family members...they were buy one get one, and cost me like $12.50 apiece (bought them on a couple different trips). I know it's 'to each his own,' but I personally would rather see a clutter (and yes, tombstone) free entrance. Just my opinion though.

The program was never designed to be permanent. At some point in time the tiles and their displays were going to be moved.......:shrug:

Exactly. I don't know where the little printout thing is they sent me after buying my tiles, but I specifically remember it saying they will be displayed, but could be moved. So move em! If I really want to see them, I'll go wherever they are...as long as they're on property, I don't see how there could be any complaints.

Exactly. Guests purchased the tile not the location they are currently located in from my understanding. So they could be relocated around the perimeter of the entry plaza, for example, and the hideous stonework removed. Then everyone wins.

Yup! And while there are other matters that may seem more pressing, this is a seemingly inexpensive way to assist in the beautification of Epcot, something I wholeheartedly support :D

I have a tile and I haven't visited it in 2 years as the picture adds 10 pounds which is not so flattering.....however I would suggest they take down the tiles and just scatter them around the park into predesignated locations that rotate on a yearly basis.....so that one year your picture could be somewhere in England, or the following hanging out outside Mission Space...and then it becomes a fun little thing each year you visit to see where you now reside.

I LOVE this idea! It reminds me of the 50th at Disneyland. Guests submitted pictures of their various trips to Disneyland, which were used to create murals of various characters. They were all around both of the parks. Five or six of our family's pictures were accepted (so cool). It was so much fun looking for our pictures in each of them...great memory!


Well-Known Member
Does anybody have the language of the contracts? I cannot remember for long it was stipulated that the images would be displayed, and I believe the length of time started with the first tiles being sold and not the last. It might just be that moving could be a way of actually preserving the tiles for longer than agreed upon instead of just tearing them all out and sending them to the scrap heap when the clock finally runs out.

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