Leave a legacy tiles being moved?


Well-Known Member
I would be in the group that does not have much to compare it to. My first visit was 1992 and my second was 2001. So I did not have much time with the original entrance.

I do find many of the pictures I see appealing and we do have photos on the walls. So do must of may family and friends. We always go look each other up when we go. So we have a bit of mixed feelings about the current configuration. We find it ok, but can see where it could look better. But we do like checking out our tiles. I do not think we would care if they move them as long as they are reasonably access able.

I think you'll find that most people that dislike the tombstones, don't dislike the idea of them. It's more about the presentation, and what they replaced that gets such a strong reaction.


Active Member
I'm not saying they have to be put in a parking lot, but them moving somewhere a little less odd would be great. I was never a hater of the wand, but it does seem like Epcot loses some of its class with these odd visual choices.


New Member
why not comprimise. keep them there but get rid of or fill the empty ones, and maybe make them a bit smaller. I have one that i recived on my first visit to disney when i was about 2o years old and id like to keep it there. However they are rather lage and there are alot of empty stones. so they should make the m shorter leaving them where they are and maybe start the program so that others can add a touch of them selves to the magic? I mean i understand both sides as I vist often. what do you think?:wave:


Well-Known Member
A thought has just occurred to me that Disney could be using this situation to gauge the amount of complaints they get from Guests whose tiles have been moved to collect data pertaining to the viability of moving/removing Leave a Legacy.

Really? You think that most people on those tiles will still be alive 60, 70, 80 years from now? Let's say that the age of the average person on the tiles is 30 or so, assuming the majority of them got their tile about ten years ago, even 40 or 50 years is pushing it. Death isn't the most pleasant of topics, but it is the reality of the situation.

I don't know how likely this is to happen, but if it becomes common for Guests to leave flowers or such tributes in Leave a Legacy for loved ones that have passed away, I'd imagine that Disney would move or make the whole thing go away real quick.

While what you say is true, I don't call 6, 7 or 8 decades "a few". To me (at least) "a few" means 3 maybe 4 tops. I plan on being around then - Ill be 70 or 80, so not too sure about WDW touring at the time, but I hope to have this mortal coil still intact at such a date.


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