KODAK Wanting Out of Imagination?


In 1997, Fujifilm, (Kodak's biggest rival at the time) came to Disney with an offer: make Journey into Imagination into a thrill ride that had nothing to do with imagination. Kodak's sponsorship contract was almost up, and Fujifilm knew that when the contract ran out, Disney would need someone to sponsor the building. Kodak, however, wished to stay with Disney and continue the contract. Kodak realized that in order to compete with Fujifilm, they too must come up with a new attraction to go into the building. Their proposal was to make Journey Into Imagination, already an E-Ticket attraction, into something more scientific. The ride would also be shorter and have cheaper special effects. At the time, Journey Into Imagination was the most expensive ride in Epcot to keep running, despite the fact that it got more visitors in a day than Epcot's flagship ride Spaceship Earth. The guests made it all worthwhile for Disney to keep it running, but Disney still wasn't satisfied with it. It was the most technologically advanced dark ride in history. A roller coaster would mean much more money to build and keep running, and they feared it wouldn't be nearly as popular as Journey Into Imagination. Therefore, by the end of 1997, Disney accepted Kodak's idea.
you can read about this here

I don't really remember the original ride, or most of the original EPCOT really, I'm not even sure of everything I've ridden, but do you know what made JII so expensive? I watched a video of it on Youtube, and that probably doesn't really show much, but I didn't see many scenes or effects that were too out there.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
( raises hand) I know i know!

Film - One of the many items that made the original JII so expensive to keep running ( someone was asking a couple of posts above...)

It was all the film cameras cranking away in the attraction...up to 30 or so i beleive...or along those lines. Running all those cameras, paying for all those camera bulbs, upkeep, and replacing all those worn out film loops cost BIG BUCKS. No wonder when they gutted the original joy that was JII did they dump all the film reels and cams....

Film - Something i think i am the only person left on Earth that still uses to take pictures with...exspecially at WDW. ( yes....really!)



becareful what you wish for......whose to say that if kodak pulls out, that the new sponsor would want anything to do with restoring Journey into Imagination? For instance Apple, (which i'm a huge fan of) why would they want to "tie" themselves to something that kodak was a part of for 28 years.....If I was investing a huge sum of money into something, I would want to alot of "input" in what it was, and not just some rebuild of an attraction that once was......I want JII to be restored to it's former glory as much as everyone else, but a new sponsor may not feel the same, and want nothing to do with an old, unimaginative, dead attraction....which is what it is now. To them, moving forward may be something totally new.....just like Fugi wanted years ago.....though back then the attraction was still one of the best dark rides ever created....it may have needed some updating.....but it certainly didn't need to become the disaster is now, Fugi wanted a trill ride in it's place. Kodak is still there.....I would try and sell them on restoring it (with 2010 technology) and being apart of becoming the #1 most visited pavilion again in EPCOT. You still may have some of the original Kodak staff left who believed and saw what the Pavilion once was...and may believe again. In this time, keeping Kodak around would probably be easier then finding someone new that's willing to invest a ton of money...just my thoughts.

I have no expectations or even hopes that the old imagination ride will return, so I would love to see a new company take over and do a complete new thing (though, I'd hope they keep the building or at least the pyramid.)

sounds kind of like what we get when World of Motion is replaced by Test Track, and Horizon's is replaced by Mission Space. The new sponsors want something completely new.

At this point, with the state of the current imagination, wouldn't this be a good thing?

If we do lose Kodak I fear the current ride will run as is for eons without a sponsor or they will just shutter it all together because so many people hate it anyway.

As much as I think its time for Kodak to go (since they dont seem to have any love for the place) and a new one come in, Im thinking it could also be the worst case scenario in the present because I dont see Disney actively looking for sponsors anymore etc. But who knows what they do behind the scenes regarding that.

The last time they removed figment it was the revolution and outcry of WDW history, I doubt they want to make that mistake again.

So A, Kodak will step in and save it and remain
B, Kodak will drop and the pavilion will stay awful as is running
C, Kodak will drop and a new sponsor will come with new attraction hopefully with figment somehow included.
D, Kodak will drop and it will be closed all together.

I cant help but think in these current times B is what would happen. Unless there might be a company waiting in the wings to step in? Crayola sounds so perfect!!! Can you imagine Imagination with Crayola?? :wave:

I love Figment as much as the next guy, but at this point I'd be willing to let him going into Disney History provided something GREAT was done with the pavilion (I know heresy). What Figment is the face of now just doesn't make me love him anymore. He's become a throw away character because of the attraction he's now attacted to. I will add, if he's not "owned" by Kodak, and a new sponsor comes along, I'd hope they could appropriately fit Figment into a new attraction.

Finally, the pavilion really could use a new sponser that could bring it back to life (or by Kodak, but I have little hopes of them doing so). I have loved the idea of either Apple or Crayola as a sponsor for very different reasons (just two different approches). One of the top camera companies would be fine too.

Another possibility for sponsorship would be one of the toy companies. Although I wouldn't want a brand/character specific "toy" ride (ie. Barbie, Thomas the Train, Little People, Toy Story) or the giant toy store at the end that this kind of sponsorship would produce. How general toys promote imagination would be okay (generic blocks, trains, crayons, dolls, dress-up, etc...).


Well-Known Member
Crayola would be a really great sponsor for the Imagination Pavilion. I'll take a ticket for the Crayola band-wagon, please.
Does anyone know when Kodak's current contract ends?


Well-Known Member
I love Figment as much as the next guy, but at this point I'd be willing to let him going into Disney History provided something GREAT was done with the pavilion (I know heresy). What Figment is the face of now just doesn't make me love him anymore. He's become a throw away character because of the attraction he's now attacted to.

It's because the current ride is Figment's revenge after what happened in 2000. Thinking of the ride as the current chapter in some meta-story that's basically the history of the pavillion keeps me able to tolerate it for now. Dumping Figment for a BUY ALL OUR PLAYSETS AND TOYS AVAILABLE IN THE GIFT SHOP pavillion like you're suggesting is a bad idea.


Active Member
Great Imagination sponsor?


Grab Fuji and give World Showcase the E-ticket Epcot and the rest of WDW has been waiting for for decades.


Well-Known Member
I have no expectations or even hopes that the old imagination ride will return, so I would love to see a new company take over and do a complete new thing (though, I'd hope they keep the building or at least the pyramid.)

At this point, with the state of the current imagination, wouldn't this be a good thing?

I love Figment as much as the next guy, but at this point I'd be willing to let him going into Disney History provided something GREAT was done with the pavilion (I know heresy). What Figment is the face of now just doesn't make me love him anymore. He's become a throw away character because of the attraction he's now attacted to. I will add, if he's not "owned" by Kodak, and a new sponsor comes along, I'd hope they could appropriately fit Figment into a new attraction.

Finally, the pavilion really could use a new sponser that could bring it back to life (or by Kodak, but I have little hopes of them doing so). I have loved the idea of either Apple or Crayola as a sponsor for very different reasons (just two different approches). One of the top camera companies would be fine too.

Another possibility for sponsorship would be one of the toy companies. Although I wouldn't want a brand/character specific "toy" ride (ie. Barbie, Thomas the Train, Little People, Toy Story) or the giant toy store at the end that this kind of sponsorship would produce. How general toys promote imagination would be okay (generic blocks, trains, crayons, dolls, dress-up, etc...).

Oh I definitely agree that it would be a good thing! Especially because I am not biased since I do not remember riding the original Journey Into Imagination (although I do remember the color lab stuff). in this case I think I am fortunate to not be clinging to nostalgia because anything at this point would be better than the 2 attractions currently in Imagination.


the Crayola Factory in Easton. Pa. is very cool, and even has their own take on the Imageworks concept, with alot of interactive things to use your imagination.

They even have an interactive show where they make crayons while you watch.

In my opinion, they modeled it after the original Imageworks concept.

They would be a great sponsor, but they already have this great facility!

kids love it.


Well-Known Member
I know everyone loves Apple nowadays, but I just can't see Apple becoming sponsor. I just really don't see what it would offer Apple. The company gets great results from free advertising and its legion of fans, so how much could it gain from its name being attached to Imagination? While it would potentially be great for the pavilion and fans, I don't think Apple would see it as a huge benefit.

Conversely, I think Microsoft/Google would really benefit from the protrayal as "imaginative" companies. Microsoft still suffers from the antitrust issues (despite Apple now being the more coercive company--funny how it's positive PR helps people completely ignore that), and the exposure might really help its image in that regard. Moreover, I think Microsoft/Google have a much more diversified portfolio of tech offerings that could be displayed in an Imageworks setting. The only issue--would Jobs "prohibit" Microsoft/Google from sponsoring a Disney attraction? My bet is that he has bigger priorities, but who knows.


New Member
I know everyone loves Apple nowadays, but I just can't see Apple becoming sponsor. I just really don't see what it would offer Apple. The company gets great results from free advertising and its legion of fans, so how much could it gain from its name being attached to Imagination? While it would potentially be great for the pavilion and fans, I don't think Apple would see it as a huge benefit.

Conversely, I think Microsoft/Google would really benefit from the protrayal as "imaginative" companies. Microsoft still suffers from the antitrust issues (despite Apple now being the more coercive company--funny how it's positive PR helps people completely ignore that), and the exposure might really help its image in that regard. Moreover, I think Microsoft/Google have a much more diversified portfolio of tech offerings that could be displayed in an Imageworks setting. The only issue--would Jobs "prohibit" Microsoft/Google from sponsoring a Disney attraction? My bet is that he has bigger priorities, but who knows.
I think Microsoft could be a good sponsor. The only issue I have is what will they use for their "Imagination". Natal could work but then you'd be dealing with only whatever the launch titles are.

Google wouldn't work imo. It's a search engine and an e-mail service, they've given no real creative pieces to the world at large(special logos aside).

I think RareWare could work, they're a development studio for Microsoft. Makers of Banjo-Kazooie and the Avatars on the Xbox, they've got a generally colorful palette. Figment could fit in with any of their "younger" astetics and would work well overall.


Well-Known Member
I think Microsoft could be a good sponsor. The only issue I have is what will they use for their "Imagination". Natal could work but then you'd be dealing with only whatever the launch titles are.

Google wouldn't work imo. It's a search engine and an e-mail service, they've given no real creative pieces to the world at large(special logos aside).

I think RareWare could work, they're a development studio for Microsoft. Makers of Banjo-Kazooie and the Avatars on the Xbox, they've got a generally colorful palette. Figment could fit in with any of their "younger" astetics and would work well overall.

Microsoft and Google have a much more broad array of offerings beyond video games and operating systems & a search engine and an email service.


Premium Member
I don't get why everyone on these boards are always asking for the next e-ticket attraction. Yes it would be great to get some new out of this world exciting rides or thrill rides but Epcot is a a place that you should leave having your mind work a little bit! That is why Epcot was created it was a park that was suppose to expand a person point of view and open it to new ideas, or views!

This is not going to be done if every ride becomes a new roller coaster or dark ride. I hope that the imagineers really get back to the basics of this park and add attractions that can expand ones views! Not that I agree with all the views they preach but it is a wonderful world they create if done properly. who knows they may even get a dark ride at the same time.

So bottom line no matter who is the new sponsor for this pavillion I hope it is someone that has the balls to really force everyone to expand and think way outside the box!! If you have to pick a company that has done this the past ten years that would be Apple! And Jobs is one of the largest owners right?


I don't get why everyone on these boards are always asking for the next e-ticket attraction. Yes it would be great to get some new out of this world exciting rides or thrill rides but Epcot is a a place that you should leave having your mind work a little bit! That is why Epcot was created it was a park that was suppose to expand a person point of view and open it to new ideas, or views!

This is not going to be done if every ride becomes a new roller coaster or dark ride. I hope that the imagineers really get back to the basics of this park and add attractions that can expand ones views! Not that I agree with all the views they preach but it is a wonderful world they create if done properly. who knows they may even get a dark ride at the same time.

So bottom line no matter who is the new sponsor for this pavillion I hope it is someone that has the balls to really force everyone to expand and think way outside the box!! If you have to pick a company that has done this the past ten years that would be Apple! And Jobs is one of the largest owners right?

I don't think anyone's asked for a thrill ride of any kind to be placed in the Imagination Pavillion, just something closer to the original attraction.

Also, I would say most of the E tickets in EPCOT work to teach you at least a little bit, though I do wish more would be done like the Land Pavillion or the old Wonders of Life Pavillion, that house an E Ticket but also have a bunch of little things to do that can be educational.


Well-Known Member
I'm not asking for a thrill ride, I'm asking for Walt Disney World's first use of the trackless ride system that is used in Tokyo (Pooh's Honey Hunt), and will be used in Hong Kong (Mystic Manor) and Disneyland Paris (Ratatouille)

I just think this ride system is perfect for an out of control imagination that can then be corraled.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I think Microsoft could be a good sponsor. The only issue I have is what will they use for their "Imagination". Natal could work but then you'd be dealing with only whatever the launch titles are.
What could they use? Natal would work perfectly because you wouldnt have to use actual games that are being released. You could have have lionhead or one of the other microsoft studios develop special apps just for imageworks. Something like Milo would be cool or the painting demo they gave.

Milo demo:

I think microsoft would be a great fit. You could have "live" stations for sending interactive postcards as well. I dont believe that microsoft would want to keep the current ride type, they would want to start from scratch I think. Hey maybe they could take over the wonders of life pavilion!

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