Kingdom Keepers


Wilt Dasney said:
The factual errors and historical boo-boos I can overlook, since as you say, it's fiction. It was the author's descriptive presentation and lack of real character development that really detracted for me.

I think it's a neat concept, all the same, so I may pick up future installments.
I think the author did a good job of describing things in the book and as far as character development - kids don't care about that. They care about what happens. They want action, adventure.


Active Member
Enderikari said:
Oh god, you're becoming a college student, which is even worse in the know-it-all sense.

Very funny, and unfortunately true so many times.

I have a saying: the only thing worse than a lawyer is a law student. ;)


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marksniles said:
I think the author did a good job of describing things in the book and as far as character development - kids don't care about that. They care about what happens. They want action, adventure.

I don't read Harry Potter because i think its neato and action packed. I read it because I identify with the changes and problems and developments that Harry, Ron, and all the other male characters go through. Why do adults think that kids are simpletons?


New Member
Had a chance to meet with the author Friday as he was signing copies of the book at the Contemporary. It is a work of fiction, he has been on several tours and he admitted to the one mistake that bugged the crap outta me without even reading the book! And that it will be fixed in the sequal which is being written. Sooooo.........

It's fiction people aimed at teenagers!

Have fun with it but don't take it seriously. I doubt they are. (and I can't put my copy down. Something about homicidal IASW animatronics hooked me.....)


Well-Known Member
I have to say this is the most entertaining thread I have read anywhere in ages.

It's not an historical work, it's not a how-to book. It's a fantasy novel for young adults.

Young adults are much, much more savvy than most people realize. If you think them knowing that a character has a human inside is so disturbing, I pray you don't find out what kinds of things most middle schoolers are talking about, if not doing. It's shocking - much more so than knowing that there is some girl inside the mouse costume.

As an adult who knows full well, I still enjoy the characters - the magic isn't in ignorance, it's in illusion.



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GenieGirl said:
he has been on several tours and he admitted to the one mistake that bugged the crap outta me without even reading the book! And that it will be fixed in the sequal which is being written. Sooooo.........

Which was? I'm interested. lol


New Member
Oh....the one thing that bothered me the most about the book is that Maleficent is referred to several times as being a witch....and she calls herself that as well. Anybody who has seen the movie or is familiar with any of the stories out there about Sleeping Beauty knows that she is a Fairy....except in one version where she is a "wise woman."

Also, I am mostly through the book (I just got it yesterday) and there has only been one mention of there being a performer in a costume and that was at Fantasmic (which he calls Fantasmics, but whatever) when the dragon sets Mickey on fire and the performer is ok after jumping in the water. Maybe it comes up again at the end, but it seems that the other mentions of the characters are of the CHARACTERS. (ie 4 ft tall chipmunks vs the 5 ft whatever reality in the parks).

Just remember it is Sci Fi for kids. Not worth going to war over.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
GenieGirl said:
Maybe it comes up again at the end, but it seems that the other mentions of the characters are of the CHARACTERS. (ie 4 ft tall chipmunks vs the 5 ft whatever reality in the parks).

The part that inspired most of the discussion here is a brief passage toward the end of the book, in a scene set in the Utilidors.


New Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
I don't read Harry Potter because i think its neato and action packed. I read it because I identify with the changes and problems and developments that Harry, Ron, and all the other male characters go through. Why do adults think that kids are simpletons?
Well said, kids are ALOT smarter than most ppl realize.


New Member
Ok, I have finished the book (yeah!) Easy read and I recommend it. I can see how the mention of characters is disturbing.....but at the same time Maleficent is real and her role is Fantasmics (his spelling, not mine) but the princesses are fake. And yes it is slightly disturbing, but the age group knows better. And if people are peeved on his description of the Tunnels....yeah, whatever. They don't spend enough time down there. :)

All in all, it is a good book, it is a work of Fiction/Fantasy and worth getting from the library and from there making the decision to buy it. I enjoyed it--with the exception of the glaring errors about my fave villian!!


Active Member
GenieGirl said:
All in all, it is a good book, it is a work of Fiction/Fantasy and worth getting from the library and from there making the decision to buy it.

This is the thing most folks are overlooking that it is a work of Fiction/Fantasy, not a guidebook to the WDW MK. I lent my book to a few friends who enjoyed it very much and I have now donated my book to the library where my aunt works in Milltown, NJ, so they don't have to buy it for their collection.


New Member
i loved it, the only REALLY blatent error was the Splash scene- before you get to the final drop there is a portion where there is no water, like a rollercoaster, adn they would have fallen into the pit. then, there is a conveyer system, the water does not push the cars over the edge.


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Original Poster
Once again, I would like to further clarify my reasoning for evaluating the book the way I did, so I am not lumped into the Your-Being-To-Harsh-It's-For-Kids category.

As a young adults book, it seemed adequate. I will post more when my wife, a 2nd grade teacher, would has more contact with this type of book, lets me know what I should think (because that's how marriage works).

I was critiquing the book for the standpoint that I perceive the members of this board have; namely, adult Walt Disney World fans who would pick up interesting books, fact or fiction, regarding Walt Disney World. Therefore, the purpose of my nitpicking was to inform this fan base of what I found interesting, be it positive or negative, in the book.

I understand completely that I am not the target audience and the target audience most likely will not notice any of the things that others and I have pointed out. The simple fact is, on this board, it would seem that other adults may notice these things as well.

I am not bothered by the backstage information that is revealed in the book, it just seemed out of place. To me, it is somewhat of the equivalent of Harry Potter whipping out a calculator in potion class. Did it take away from the story? Not really. Was it odd? Yes.

I agree completely, and have stated previously, that the intended age group for this book would not be surprised nor have any of the “magic” ruined by what is in the book.

I think most everyone agrees that it book is at least average, if not above average, for a youth book. I also believe that we are well within our right to point out inaccuracies. It is a fiction book, but it is set in a real place. Although there are several things that are fabricated, this should not give the author liberties (knowingly or unknowingly) to be inaccurate in his description of the physical surrounding (i.e. the Splash Mountain scene).

Perhaps we should speculate what is to come in the future volumes, and state what we did and did not like, as adults reading the book.


Well-Known Member
I am in the middle of the book now and looked up this thread to see other people's opinions of it. :eek: It certainly runs the gamut!

So far I am enjoying the book far more than I thought I would. I'll give you my final opinion when I am finished. In the meantime I thought it would be fun to reopen this can of worms!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Uponastar said:
I am in the middle of the book now and looked up this thread to see other people's opinions of it. :eek: It certainly runs the gamut!

So far I am enjoying the book far more than I thought I would. I'll give you my final opinion when I am finished. In the meantime I thought it would be fun to reopen this can of worms!:lol:
I hope you enjoy it!:wave:

I am looking forward to the next one!

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