Kali River Rapids - what is it like?

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just wondering, it was one of the few things we didn't do at Animal Kingdom. Do you get soaked on the ride or just merely wet? For some reason the ride I think about is the one at Islands of Adventure at Universal (Popeye's Rapids) where you get absolutely drenched. So is it kind of like that one?

I heard that there is a pretty steep drop on that ride


Well-Known Member
You can definitely get soaked, not from a steep drop necessarily but mainly from the jets that go off. If the timing is right- or wrong in that case- you will get drenched.

It really isn't that exciting of a ride, but if you want to cool off on a hot day I suppose it can hit the spot. My kids like to ride, I would rather not get my hair wet. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you go down the big drop and your seat is positioned in a certain way, you will get drenched. I have been on 4 times, and I am 4 for 4 getting drenched each time. Now I only ride if it is a very hot day because I have terrible luck.


Active Member
It all depends. I've been on it a few times, and every time I've gotten drenched while everyone else was lightly wet, or not even wet at all. As a result I've cursed that ride to Hades and do not plan on visiting it any time soon. :fork:

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
It's water roulette. Most of the Guests in the boat will get a little wet. One or two will get absolutely drenched. I've been that one person a little too often and don't ride Kali any more.


Active Member
My husband and I wondered about the parents and teenage girl who got on the ride in ponchos, with plastic bags on their shoes. Then I got drenched and we totally understood.

Had to buy a beach towel (from a stand located suprisingly near the ride exit ;) ) to dry off somewhat and then walked around the park the rest of the evening in damp clothes. It was warmish so I wasn't uncomfortable, but you bet we have ponchos ready to pack for our next trip! It's a fun ride, if you're ready for it.


Well, this is me the last time we went on Rapids and got stuck on the raft going down the incline at just the right (or wrong depending on how you look at it) time and side. We got drenched, but also brought along out Mickey Mouse ponchos.


One of our friends has some very nice camera equipment and she made sure to bring her special waterproof stuff that day.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Let's just say there's a reason for the plastic-covered container in the middle of the "boat," and why so many people break out ponchos about five minutes before they board.....:)


Well-Known Member
The ride is a complete waste of time. My husband and I waited in line for almost an hour when we were there in late September. Honestly, the queue was the only interesting thing. The ride itself basically consists of you sitting in raft while getting buckets of water dumped upon you. Everyone in our raft got drenched. The ride is extremely short and there is not a whole lot to see. It is seriously a ride whose number one purpose is to get you wet. They don't even try to make it interesting. My husband and I both agreed it would be our one and only ride ever. Unlike Splash Mountain where there is a chance you may just get splashed, on Kali you will most defintely get soaked no matter where you sit.


The ride is a complete waste of time. My husband and I waited in line for almost an hour when we were there in late September. Honestly, the queue was the only interesting thing. The ride itself basically consists of you sitting in raft while getting buckets of water dumped upon you. Everyone in our raft got drenched. The ride is extremely short and there is not a whole lot to see. It is seriously a ride whose number one purpose is to get you wet. They don't even try to make it interesting. My husband and I both agreed it would be our one and only ride ever. Unlike Splash Mountain where there is a chance you may just get splashed, on Kali you will most defintely get soaked no matter where you sit.

I could agree with that. It is waaaaaay too short.


Active Member
Great photo! yes you are going to get soaked. I can hardly ever get anyone in my group to go on this ride with me. It seems like the ride used to be longer than it is now?


Very true. Only ride if there is REALLY no wait. Late in the afternoon is usually good, as fewer people are willing to get soaked after the heat of the day.

We usually make this our last ride at DAK (for us, DAK is a half-day park). Even with the poncos, you still get soaked, but are pretty much dired by the walk to the bus depot.


Well-Known Member
It is a blast. My wife and I went on it during our honeymoon. We got to the park VERY early. It was supposed to open at 8AM, but didn't open until 9AM. We were there about 7:30AM. A CM saw us and invited us to breakfast at Donald's Breakfastsaurus for free. At about 8:30AM, a CM came in and asked if anyone wanted to ride Kali River Rapids before the park opened. We were done and so were a few others. We rode it about 4 times before park opening. We were soaking wet from head to toe. It was a blast.


Well-Known Member
If I even mention Kali around my wife, she gets mad all over again.

She does not like to get wet. Sprayed is okay, but drenched is definitely not okay.

On our honeymoon, we decided to ride Kali. She asked where she could sit and not get drenched. The answer to the question is that no place is safer than any other seat. But I reasoned that whatever seat was the driest seemed the least likely to get wet. So she sat in the driest seat.

For most of the ride, no one got more sprayed a little. But suddenly, my wife got positively dunked into a wall of water. It was like it was happening in slow motion. She looked like a drowned cat. All the strangers on the ride with us started laughing hysterically.

As we walked away from the ride, everyone we passed pointed and laughed. This only served to make my wife more and more angry. She was still wet and did not yet see the humor in it.

This was our first ride of the day and we actually had to leave the park so she could get changed. So, be warned!

(It was kind of worth it though.)

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
I don't mind the ride, but it is not worth waiting over 20 minutes in line for. As many have stated, it is way too short. Popeye at IA was a blast, even though everyone gets absolutely drenched...no matter what!

Not sure if you have ever been on Grizzly River Run at DCA, but that is a much better water ride than Kali, IMHO.

Dave Disney

Active Member
Definitely is all about where your sitting in terms of getting wet. The raft turns so your chance of getting soaked is as good as anyone else. I think it's a great attraction and a lot of times the queue isn't to long but it's got great theme anyway. Cast members will even let you stay on for a second loop from time to time!

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