Just my two cents about the YEAR OF A MILLION DREAMS


Well-Known Member
These discussion boards are not only about what you think is important. They're a place where we can have a discussion. We all love Disney, that's why we're on the site, but because we love Disney we should be able to or even feel an obligation to point out things that could be changed to make Disney even better. I agree that this contest is great and will provide alot of joy to many people, but it could be better and this is the place to express that thought. I base my assumptions on what an earlier member said about the choosing process -- be at adventureland at 4:00pm and find someone with a funny hat -- obviously all prizes are not choosen this way, but it is undeniable that there is some ambiguity here, what constitutes a funny hat? What if there is more than one person with a funny hat? etc. You may think this is trivial, but there are those of us who do not, (I'm not talking about those who feel entitled to a prize, that's a very different issue and wrong from my standpoint) and we should be able to express ourselves without being labled as whiners, or greedy, or not deserving of a disney vacation (give me a break). If this is trivial, then would a ride in disrepair be trivial as well? Should no one say anything about the Brer Rabit animatronic on Splash mountain that works only intermittently because most of the guests won't know the difference? Of course not, by bringing that to Disney's attention, it allows them to address the concern and improve it. As a shareholder that's what I like to see done in a company. As a Disney fan, that's what I expect from Disney because their customer service is second to none and a main thing that makes them great. If you feel this is a trivial issue, then why do you feel the need to post? If you haven't read the rules than what gives you the ability to write with any authority when trying to disprove our concerns? Only time will tell how this contest plays out, I just hope that you don't try to shut down any poster that may have a negative experience by trying to pin a negative label on them.
You are more than welcome to share your opinion here... I've never said otherwise. But when you share that opinion publically, you also should be aware that others will agree or disagree. Just because I disagree with your views doesn't mean it's not a discussion. In fact, that's a prime requirement for a good discussion. It also doesn't mean either one is right or wrong or that a label has been applied. If you don't like it that someone doesn't agree, then maybe you shouldn't post. It's that simple. I could care less that you don't agree with me, and I NEVER said that only "what think is important."

I have read the contest rules and I have seen the extremes that promotion administrators go to make sure a contest is as fair as humanly possible. The last thing they want is to worry about ticked off customers or the controlling jurisdictions to become involved. If a prize requires a Dream Squad member to use their judgement on a "funny hat" then so be it. That just further randomizes the contest since there are many DS members with differing judgements.

I'm not trying to shut you down in the least... however, your post seems to take just that standpoint. Pot... kettle... black? :wave:


Well-Known Member
Man, I'd just let it go. Let the unhappy people be unhappy. They're beyond stubborn, and even if you prove thhem wrong they'll argue to the death. It makes NO difference if they like the promotion or not. Their extreme minority opinion is worthless when it comes to this celebration.

I can just see them sending emails to Disney abouut how "unfair" this promotion is. Then I can see the person recieving it, and showing everyone else in the room how the emailer doesn't have a clue. Then they laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

I'm sure it would make great conversations. "Got an email this morning and they were complaining the family next to them got a fastpass, but their Stitch hat wasn't as funny and cute." :D

And you're right... enough is enough.


I think it's a great idea that Disney is doing this "Year of a Million Dreams" thing. When I go in a few months, do I hope to win something..sure. Will it ruin my trip or make me bitter or angry if I don't win....of course not! There are always contests and giveaways going on, and what makes it so neat when you win is that NOT everyone gets something and you aren't expecting to win. If you do get chosen, the thrill and excitement would be unbelievable. I've never won anything, and I don't expect to win anything on my upcoming trip. Disney World is a great place as it is, people should be happy that they are there and able to experience it and make memories. No one is entitled to win anything, nor is it owed to them. Think about how many people have never even been to Disney World or felt the magic that the place brings. Maybe this promotion is another marketing scheme to increase park attendance, but who cares? The prizes are intriguing and the idea of possibly being tapped on the shoulder at anytime makes it fun. Just enjoy your time there, do your thing, and if you win, all the better for you. And if not, at least you can say you had a great time anyway!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You are more than welcome to share your opinion here... I've never said otherwise. But when you share that opinion publically, you also should be aware that others will agree or disagree. Just because I disagree with your views doesn't mean it's not a discussion. In fact, that's a prime requirement for a good discussion. It also doesn't mean either one is right or wrong or that a label has been applied. If you don't like it that someone doesn't agree, then maybe you shouldn't post. It's that simple. I could care less that you don't agree with me, and I NEVER said that only "what think is important."

I have read the contest rules and I have seen the extremes that promotion administrators go to make sure a contest is as fair as humanly possible. The last thing they want is to worry about ticked off customers or the controlling jurisdictions to become involved. If a prize requires a Dream Squad member to use their judgement on a "funny hat" then so be it. That just further randomizes the contest since there are many DS members with differing judgements.

I'm not trying to shut you down in the least... however, your post seems to take just that standpoint. Pot... kettle... black? :wave:

Right back at ya!


New Member
Whats the difference between a competition and a "sweepstakes lottery" its the same thing you enter the competition or "sweepstakes lottery" by entering the park then getting picked if you base it off computer logic then you get a fair and reasonable split of the prizes over the parks. And I know you seem to think that 33% of people entering a park gets a prize but I mean over a course of time, but they could give you a tokenor a free mickey badge/ rice crispie treat or whatever it makes it fairer. Look if I won a free or see other people getting badge(s) then I would believe the promotion was genuine. However if you only see one person every few days winning a prize, just feels slightly odd.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Whats the difference between a competition and a "sweepstakes lottery" its the same thing you enter the competition or "sweepstakes lottery" by entering the park then getting picked if you base it off computer logic then you get a fair and reasonable split of the prizes over the parks. And I know you seem to think that 33% of people entering a park gets a prize but I mean over a course of time, but they could give you a tokenor a free mickey badge/ rice crispie treat or whatever it makes it fairer. Look if I won a free or see other people getting badge(s) then I would believe the promotion was genuine. However if you only see one person every few days winning a prize, just feels slightly odd.
What you see and what is actually happening are two different things. You guys simply have no base for an argument. Everything you argue is based on nothing more than something you all conjured up in your heads.

What makes it more obvious is the continuous statements about how YOU didn't win anything. You just wrote "Look if I won a free or see other people getting badge(s) then I would believe the promotion was genuine." That's a pathetic statement and it means nothing.

We have people upset that the Dream Squad is too out in the open and that it disappoints other guests when they see someone else win, THEN THE SAME PEOPLE CALL SHENANIGANS WHEN THEY DON'T SEE A PRIZE GIVEN AWAY!! :lol:

Un-freaking-believable. Some of the funniest hypocrytical posts I've ever read on these boards. Thanks for the entertainment, complainers! LOL


New Member
What you see and what is actually happening are two different things. You guys simply have no base for an argument. Everything you argue is based on nothing more than something you all conjured up in your heads.

What makes it more obvious is the continuous statements about how YOU didn't win anything. You just wrote "Look if I won a free or see other people getting badge(s) then I would believe the promotion was genuine." That's a pathetic statement and it means nothing.

We have people upset that the Dream Squad is too out in the open and that it disappoints other guests when they see someone else win, THEN THE SAME PEOPLE CALL SHENANIGANS WHEN THEY DON'T SEE A PRIZE GIVEN AWAY!! :lol:

Un-freaking-believable. Some of the funniest hypocrytical posts I've ever read on these boards. Thanks for the entertainment, complainers! LOL

I haven't been to disney this year, all I'm saying this competition is just a sham - marketing exercise to boost park attendence globally, cos everone likes to win stuff

E.g. Two families are walking along in the mk, you get told as a cm to give one family a meal in a table service restaurant. Who do you pick?
Do you pick the familiy who are wearing jeans & t-shirts(non disney), or the family who are wearing jeans & t-shirts(disney)?

E.g.2. Another two families are walking down in mk they need to pick one family to get lanyards and pins. As a cm you have to pick one family, who do you pick? The family who look 'large' or the family who are dead 'thin', who would you pick?

Why have a dream squad when you could say the the 5000th person to get into the MK in a day wins a prize, they don't have to be pins and lanyard type prizes. Just a coupon to get maybe a free drink or something.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I haven't been to disney this year, all I'm saying this competition is just a sham - marketing exercise to boost park attendence globally, cos everone likes to win stuff

E.g. Two families are walking along in the mk, you get told as a cm to give one family a meal in a table service restaurant. Who do you pick?
Do you pick the familiy who are wearing jeans & t-shirts(non disney), or the family who are wearing jeans & t-shirts(disney)?

E.g.2. Another two families are walking down in mk they need to pick one family to get lanyards and pins. As a cm you have to pick one family, who do you pick? The family who look 'large' or the family who are dead 'thin', who would you pick?

Why have a dream squad when you could say the the 5000th person to get into the MK in a day wins a prize, they don't have to be pins and lanyard type prizes. Just a coupon to get maybe a free drink or something.

This is NOT a competition.

It IS indeed a marketing campaign.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I haven't been to disney this year, all I'm saying this competition is just a sham - marketing exercise to boost park attendence globally, cos everone likes to win stuff

E.g. Two families are walking along in the mk, you get told as a cm to give one family a meal in a table service restaurant. Who do you pick?
Do you pick the familiy who are wearing jeans & t-shirts(non disney), or the family who are wearing jeans & t-shirts(disney)?

E.g.2. Another two families are walking down in mk they need to pick one family to get lanyards and pins. As a cm you have to pick one family, who do you pick? The family who look 'large' or the family who are dead 'thin', who would you pick?

Why have a dream squad when you could say the the 5000th person to get into the MK in a day wins a prize, they don't have to be pins and lanyard type prizes. Just a coupon to get maybe a free drink or something.
That's not how it works, which proves my post above. You simply don't know how it works, so you make up a situation that won't happen to support your incorrect understanding of the topic.

It's been posted and verified several times that the instructions to Dream Squad people are ultra specific, leaving very little, if anything at all to be decided by the DS person. Yet, those who are upset never seem to argue against that specific point, because it completely ruins their argument. Both of your examples above are useless, because instructions such as that are never given. It's too vague. It won't happen. There will never be a choice like that to be made by any human person. I'm sure, though, that you'll all read this and just gloss over it, because it proves you wrong.

You can have a different opinion about this celebration and how it works, but you'll be wrong. It's that simple.


New Member
There ya go again. The Dream Squad is not responsible for "picking" anyone. Wrong again. Nice try, though.

Right so then smart , even if the dream squad get given uber specific instructions like pick a familiy in jeans must be no more than 2*females and 2*males. And one set are fat the others are thin. They still have to pick with even uber specific instructions.

They, the dream squad must still pick someone it doesn't matter if its a disney exec, or a cm they are still picking someone. The only way they are picked random and I mean completey is if you give it to a computer and pick people entering any park.

All I can say is your name isn't Main Street USA, but has a total of 7 characters and begins with 'd' and ends in 's'


Well-Known Member
Right so then smart , even if the dream squad get given uber specific instructions like pick a familiy in jeans must be no more than 2*females and 2*males. And one set are fat the others are thin. They still have to pick with even uber specific instructions.

They, the dream squad must still pick someone it doesn't matter if its a disney exec, or a cm they are still picking someone. The only way they are picked random and I mean completey is if you give it to a computer and pick people entering any park.

All I can say is your name isn't Main Street USA, but has a total of 7 characters and begins with 'd' and ends in 's'
It is done through a computer, and then printed out and given to the Dream Squad, as a computer can't walk around and select winners.

No need for name calling.


Well-Known Member
Here's the official selection process from Disney's own website. A little ambiguous for my taste -- see the part where it talks about the first person being to the randomly selected area, if there's a bunch of people there, who was there first? But it is what it is. I still contend that a number selection would have been better but the contest is still cool.


1. Each day of the Giveaway, numerous prizes will be awarded randomly (subject to a minimum of 1,551 prizes per day) (see prize details in the Appendix at the end of these Official Rules). Prizes may be awarded individually or in groups (for example, one hundred (100) DREAM FASTPASS badges or 100 Pin & Lanyard Set prizes may be awarded at a single time) (each such group referred to below as a "Batch"). Some prizes will be awarded at random on any day during the Giveaway Period (such as the Disney Vacation Club Memberships or the Disney Cruise Line trips) while other prizes are pre-determined by Sponsor to be given away either every day (such as DREAM FASTPASS badges) or on certain days (such as the one-night stays at the Cinderella Castle Suite on the night the prize is awarded and attendance at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on the day the prize is awarded). Although both attendees and mail-in entrants are eligible to be selected as winners, certain prizes are Disney Property-specific (for example, DREAM FASTPASS badges, events and overnight stays) and may require same day use, and therefore, are only available to participants present at the California Disney Properties or the Florida Disney Properties (or certain parks or locations within each), as applicable. Mail-in entrants selected to receive a Disney Property-specific prize will be awarded an alternate prize. See Section 3(c) below for additional information. For each prize or Batch of prizes, the Sponsor must first randomly select the pool of entrants from which a winner or winners will be selected. The randomly selected pool of entrants for a particular prize or Batch of prizes will be either: (i) the pool of mail-in entrants received that day; or (ii) the individuals visiting a location that is randomly selected that day from among the many locations within the Disney Properties suitable for that prize or Batch of prizes. When there is a prize that will be redeemed at a specific Disney Property on the day it is awarded, only locations at that Disney Property, plus the pool of applicable mail-in entries, will be included in the random selection. See below for how eligible mail-in entrants will be included in the random selection process on Sundays, U.S. postal holidays and UK postal holidays.

2. If, on any given day, a location in a Disney Property is randomly selected: a time for awarding of the prize will also be randomly selected. As mentioned above, Sponsor anticipates that potential winners will be selected at the Disney Properties between opening and 5 pm local time; however, certain prizes (for example, Mickey Mouse Penthouse and Cinderella Castle Suite) are likely to be awarded early in the day to help ensure that a winner will be able to claim the prize and Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to select winners at the Disney Properties during any operating hours. Then, Disney Dream Squad Members ("Dream Squad") will arrive at the randomly selected location and: (i) in the case of a single prize, subject to Sponsor's initial verification process, the first person present at that randomly selected location and time will be notified that he/she is a potential winner of the prize; or (ii) in the case of a Batch of the same prize being awarded at the same time, subject to Sponsor's initial verification process, the first number of people matching the number of prizes in that Batch at that randomly selected location and time will be notified that each is a potential winner of one (1) of the prizes in the Batch. For certain prizes that are only good for an event at a Disney Property on the same day or evening as the day the prize is awarded, the potential winner may be required to tell the Dream Squad members(s) (or, if the winner is a Minor, his/her parent/legal guardian must tell the Dream Squad member(s)) whether or not he/she wants to claim the prize won within two (2) hours of being selected as a potential winner. The prize descriptions at the end of these Official Rules contain more information about event and day specific prizes. Decisions as to the selection of winners and the identity of the first person or persons present at a randomly selected location and time are subject to the Dream Squad's sole discretion and the Dream Squad's decisions on these matters will be final and binding. Only Dream Squad members can designate a potential winner at the Disney Properties.


Well-Known Member
Right so then smart , even if the dream squad get given uber specific instructions like pick a familiy in jeans must be no more than 2*females and 2*males. And one set are fat the others are thin. They still have to pick with even uber specific instructions.

They, the dream squad must still pick someone it doesn't matter if its a disney exec, or a cm they are still picking someone. The only way they are picked random and I mean completey is if you give it to a computer and pick people entering any park.

All I can say is your name isn't Main Street USA, but has a total of 7 characters and begins with 'd' and ends in 's'
I'm sure your post will cause this thread to be locked... but I have to say that your point of view is being poorly represented by your analogies and posting style.

Final thing... competition = compete --- nobody is competing for anything.

This is a sweepstakes... and to be registered in the state of Florida, the rules had to be reviewed. Accordingly, they considered it fair to all participants. :wave:

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended
I'm sure your post will cause this thread to be locked... but I have to say that your point of view is being poorly represented by your analogies and posting style.

Causing trouble again are we?

It seems like every thread is locked as a result of you making snide remarks or being argumentative.


New Member

I want to give you a hug for SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many reasons!!!

I can't believe people could be so rude to you or your friends. I want to give you a hug because you work in Disney World. I want to give you a hug for telling people "Please don't be so rude to the Dream Squad." I want to give you a hug because you made someone ELSE'S day (whoever it may have been). I want to give you a hug because I want to make someone else's day, and would LOOOOVE to have a job like that. I want to give you a hug because when I come back in December, it will be special for me just to see others extremely happy and special.

I come to Disney World ALL the time. I love it there because it's like my second home. It's my home away from home (if you will) and I know so much about the bad points and good points of working there because of friends who work there, and I know so many little stupid trivia things about WDW, and I LOVE making a Cast Member feel special just because I know how I would want to be treated if I were a character.

Just being there is special for me. Being able to work there will be amazing for me, and most importantly... if I could give away a dream, I probably wouldn't be able to find anything else more amazing.

You're wonderful, you're lucky, and those other people are lucky to BE in Disney World during the celebration.


As for YOU, MissionSpace! You may have spent thousands of dollars to come to Disney World, but think of the many OTHER people out there who have never gotten a chance to come to Disney World, and may never get a chance to come again. You may have saved up for forever and ever amen to come to Disney with your kids during this amazing celebration, but you have no idea what the meaning of Magic is behind Disney World. Walt's dream wasn't to have spoiled rotten children or parents to come to Disney to demand for someone to make their dream come true! That's like complaining to the "Make A Wish Foundation" because your "ADHD" kid wasn't chosen for a prize, and the Cerebral Palsy child was!

So how dare you come to Disney and claim you can take home a piece of the magic. If anything, not only did you take a piece home, you stole it! You attempted to steal something that cannot be stolen!

So go ahead and leave the Kingdom and never come back. Because those who take AWAY from the magic aren't wanted, so don't bother. Remember, you can always be replaced by someone who WILL want to be there, who WON'T be spoiled, and who will probably win at LEAST a pin because their attitude is so much better than your's, and they'll make a cast member's day by saying "Thanks so much, Wendy, for taking time to chat with my daughter, you've really made our stay special."

This summer, BEFORE the Year of a Million Dreams celebration even started, I took my friend Stephen to Disney World for the first time in his life. He is twenty-three and has dreamed of coming, but never got the chance until I came along, and I wanted more than anything to show him the most magical and special time. Cast Members noticed it was his first time, they ADORED it, and they made it even more magical for him.

Before you think of yourself, think of the others who are having a better time than you WITHOUT the Dream Squad prizes. Because for them, being in Disney World itself is a "Dream Come True"

WOW! Talk about passion! That's a whole pirateship load of it. I appreciate that!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Causing trouble again are we?

It seems like every thread is locked as a result of you making snide remarks or being argumentative.
Yes, you are

I was going to leave it alone... but you really need to get over whatever problem you have or take it somewhere else. If you have a problem with my posts, report them or put me on ignore.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Right so then smart , even if the dream squad get given uber specific instructions like pick a familiy in jeans must be no more than 2*females and 2*males. And one set are fat the others are thin. They still have to pick with even uber specific instructions.

They, the dream squad must still pick someone it doesn't matter if its a disney exec, or a cm they are still picking someone. The only way they are picked random and I mean completey is if you give it to a computer and pick people entering any park.

All I can say is your name isn't Main Street USA, but has a total of 7 characters and begins with 'd' and ends in 's'
Ha, you still don't get it. Someday, you'll learn. Or, maybe not. Whatever. You're 19 years old. You've got a long way to go, little one. :lol:

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