Just my two cents about the YEAR OF A MILLION DREAMS


Well-Known Member
This past weekend trip, I was among a few others who recieved a free lanyard in the ToT preshow. It was neat. Sunday at mgm was dead so we rode ToT twice, after the first visit, I noticed a DS member walking toward the HTH. Once through the lobby, I noticed another DS member posted up by the cm collecting fastpasses. And finally in the library, there were two DS cms at the "hidden door" and after the preshow said something similar to, "Congratualtions everyone, as a part of the year of a million dreams, you all have one a special prize" He didnt go off and say we won the lanyards, so at first I was thinking something a little bigger, and before that I thought he was going to give it to the last person who walked out of the preshow. They both pulled out the lanyards and said please collect them on your way out. I was so happy, of course I wished it was something more, like a castle stay or a dream pass, but I was surely thankful for the little prize I won.


New Member
Ha, you still don't get it. Someday, you'll learn. Or, maybe not. Whatever. You're 19 years old. You've got a long way to go, little one. :lol:

Look your really ing me off, you simply don't get it and for fuher more I actually show more signs of maturity ya know.

Look I have dealt with alot in my life already.
1) I had to deal with my great grandmothers death when I was 6
2) Now I have had to deal with another thing in my family, my cousin I was really close to who has been brought up about 3-2hr outside of NY city. We have been friends since I was really about 5. Shes been involved in an accident, and has been rushed into hospital, I carn't even get out there because of my uni course.

So don't you tell me I have a long way to go. :mad:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
This past weekend trip, I was among a few others who recieved a free lanyard in the ToT preshow. It was neat. Sunday at mgm was dead so we rode ToT twice, after the first visit, I noticed a DS member walking toward the HTH. Once through the lobby, I noticed another DS member posted up by the cm collecting fastpasses. And finally in the library, there were two DS cms at the "hidden door" and after the preshow said something similar to, "Congratualtions everyone, as a part of the year of a million dreams, you all have one a special prize" He didnt go off and say we won the lanyards, so at first I was thinking something a little bigger, and before that I thought he was going to give it to the last person who walked out of the preshow. They both pulled out the lanyards and said please collect them on your way out. I was so happy, of course I wished it was something more, like a castle stay or a dream pass, but I was surely thankful for the little prize I won.

Congratulations!!! It is great to hear the stories from those who have been awarded a Dream....it sounds so exciting. We are possibly planning an April trip to DL so hopefully we will be able to see the Dream Squad in action.


Well-Known Member
This past weekend trip, I was among a few others who recieved a free lanyard in the ToT preshow. It was neat. Sunday at mgm was dead so we rode ToT twice, after the first visit, I noticed a DS member walking toward the HTH. Once through the lobby, I noticed another DS member posted up by the cm collecting fastpasses. And finally in the library, there were two DS cms at the "hidden door" and after the preshow said something similar to, "Congratualtions everyone, as a part of the year of a million dreams, you all have one a special prize" He didnt go off and say we won the lanyards, so at first I was thinking something a little bigger, and before that I thought he was going to give it to the last person who walked out of the preshow. They both pulled out the lanyards and said please collect them on your way out. I was so happy, of course I wished it was something more, like a castle stay or a dream pass, but I was surely thankful for the little prize I won.

That's very cool! Congrats!


Well-Known Member
Look your really ing me off, you simply don't get it and for fuher more I actually show more signs of maturity ya know.

Look I have dealt with alot in my life already.
1) I had to deal with my great grandmothers death when I was 6
2) Now I have had to deal with another thing in my family, my cousin I was really close to who has been brought up about 3-2hr outside of NY city. We have been friends since I was really about 5. Shes been involved in an accident, and has been rushed into hospital, I carn't even get out there because of my uni course.

So don't you tell me I have a long way to go. :mad:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Don't let it get to you. There are a couple of posters here that seem to like to try to push people's buttons. They're the equivalent of the kids in school who say, "I know you are but what am I?". Just ignore them and you'll be better off. Right now you're just playing to them, besides very often people like this have few accomplishments in real (non-internet) life and are unhappy so they try to put down others.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Don't let it get to you. There are a couple of posters here that seem to like to try to push people's buttons. They're the equivalent of the kids in school who say, "I know you are but what am I?". Just ignore them and you'll be better off. Right now you're just playing to them, besides very often people like this have few accomplishments in real (non-internet) life and are unhappy so they try to put down others.
Then there are others who attempt to be the voice of reason on an internet forum, hide behind an identity they wish they could uphold in real-life, judge others whom they don't even know, and look for acceptance by posting stories about people who like to stay in value resorts to save money.

I am, of course, referring to no one in particular. ;) :D


Well-Known Member
Then there are others who attempt to be the voice of reason on an internet forum, hide behind an identity they wish they could uphold in real-life, judge others whom they don't even know, and look for acceptance by posting stories about people who like to stay in value resorts to save money.

I am, of course, referring to no one in particular. ;) :D

I'm not sure who you're referring to, but it appears that you are speaking about yourself, except for being a voice of reason, that is:lol:. You might consider changing your name to Main Troll USA. Have a great, albeit small, life.
For anyone who is not bitter or fighting there are some great stories over at allearsnet about people who have received dreams and magical moments.


New Member
ON my trip next month I will follow every DS CM & bother them for my entitled free stuff because I'm special. :D

Seriously......when I planned my trip I had no idea what promo was going to be going on during my time there......and still don't care.....just looking to get away from Joisey for a week & have a good time. :drevil:

The only thing that would disappoint me is if, since we are 2 families going together, each with a dd, that one would get something and not the other as well. I would just rather see both win, if anyone does in our group. ;)


New Member
The rank-and-file CMs have been told they are to make more Magical Moments for guests than ever before...

we just spent 8 nights at WDW... and our family experienced several Magical Moments throughout our stay. This sentence reminds me of one particular moment at the Studios that really left me feeling a little "eh" about the promo. We were waiting for the Stars & Motorcars parade - there were several kids interacting with the cast members, playing with hula hoops, jump ropes, etc. having a ball. A few minutes before the parade started, a different CM appeared from backstage with a clipboard filled out MM forms for the kids that were playing. He never told them why they got the certificate, and seemed like he was more interested in meeting a quota of certificates filled out than making a memory for the kids.

Aside from that, our Magical Moments were just that, magical. My daughter (dressed up in her Sleeping Beauty gown for the princess breakfast)was SO proud to sign a cast member's autograph book at the International Gateway, especially since she had just perfected writing her name in preschool not too long ago. :) A different CM at the Studios awarded my son and another boy buttons that named them Citizens of the WDW resort because they jumped up and helped him take up the tape from a hopscotch board on the sidewalk without being asked. He made a big deal about the button, and other CMs commented to my son throughout the week about being an honorary citizen.

We didn't win a physical prize, nor did we see anyone else winning one. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little disappointed, LOL... I would have loved a pair of the special Mickey Mouse ears or a free ice cream. But, we had another fantastic trip and didn't really focus on what the Dream Squad was doing. In fact, we didn't see them out much, other than at the Magic Kingdom. I know they were at all the parks, we just didn't see them.

One thing I did notice - early in our trip (Oct 5-6) the DS was wearing the white vests and were easy to spot. This week, it looked as though they had stopped doing that, and were blending in a little (probably not much) with everyone else.


New Member
One thing I did notice - early in our trip (Oct 5-6) the DS was wearing the white vests and were easy to spot. This week, it looked as though they had stopped doing that, and were blending in a little (probably not much) with everyone else.
Sorry to hear you felt your "Magical Moment" wasn't exactly magical... AFAIK, there aren't quotas per se in play, but the CMs were told to step-up the MMs.

As for the Vests: The two DSers I watched earlier today give out "Dream Ears" were indeed wearing the vests.


New Member
Oh and I just read this...thought I might like to point out that, having spoken to many members of the Dream Squad who pass our breakroom each day...they don't even know when dreams will be given out. It's classed as a form of gambling, and by law, they must not know until a certain time, and they must be given out in a certain place...yes even the Fastpasses.

I agree with V...You're in Disney..enjoy the time you have there...many people would give everything to be in a guests position.


New Member
We just felt upset ,because I spent thousdands and won nothing!
Couldn't help myself---this quote Sounds like a promo for Vegas....not WDW (LOL). Either way, you STILL get something for your "thousands" expended in WDW if you look at the glass as half-full once in a while. You have enjoyed:

*Time with your family (priceless)--just ask those who lose a loved one/two on any given day in this world.
*Time in Florida which is known as the wonderful sunshine state
*beautiful sunrises and sunsets (really pink skies, etc).
*music and fountains and attractions with cool lights
*wildlife indigenous to the area (from gators to bunnies)
*hotels and resorts which are themed and designed years in the making just for your visual enjoyment
*great restaurants serving delicious food worthy of mentioning
*adults dressed in whimsical character costumes bringing joy to the masses gathering around them everywhere they appear!
*fun transportation options such as monorails and air-conditioned boats...(where else is there such fun?)
*miles of "smiles" on the faces of the people you pass...
*immaculately clean surroundings
*shops filled with shelves to browse and window-shop
*oversized mylar balloons in massive bouquets for sale
*every treat imaginable...from cotton candy to candied and carmeled apples, massive over-sized rice krispy treats, all fresh and delicious made daily just for you!
*the PRICELESS escape from the REAL WORLD, where you are always under pressure to "get something for nothing" (or in the least, much MORE than your monies worth).
*Time shared with loved ones. This is the key factor. The "setting" should be unimportant, the "time shared together" is the main point here.
*As many wise posters here mentioned, be HAPPY just to be in WDW! Most persons spend their entire lives dreaming of visiting, and never actually make it (true). Just being there...is GIFT enough for me!!

I revel in passing families at the end of a long day, when daddy is carrying a sleeping park-warrior or two, and mom is pushing the stroller which has transformed into the over-flowing shopping cart/everything transport. Such a scene evokes the best of our American way of life. We work hard, so we are also able to play hard to enjoy life once in a while. No other prizes are needed or expected.

FAMILY---is it's own reward. :wave: :)

I actually believe the ADULTS are more obsessed in winning a prize or receiving something from the Dream Squad than the children. If the children act in the same manner, it's because the adults have already tainted their innocent minds and passed on their anxiety to the kids (sad). Children should be taught early on life is not always fair, and people do not win all the time. Yet, when someone wins something, be happy for them. You never know...you may be next (somewhere down the path of life). This is what HOPE is about! Most children are giddy with joy merely to be inside the parks and MAGIC! They want for nothing else, but to spend time alone with their parents and siblings. Children have the right attitude when it comes to such things in life: "EXPECT NOTHING. THIS WAY YOU ARE ALWAYS SURPRISED!" ;)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
^ I SO agree with you.

I tried to get some of these very same points across earlier in the thread, however I gave up.
:brick: :brick: :brick:

You simply can't change the minds of some of these people. :wave:

It makes me sad. :(


New Member
^ I SO agree with you.

I tried to get some of these very same points across earlier in the thread, however I gave up.
:brick: :brick: :brick:

You simply can't change the minds of some of these people. :wave:

It makes me sad. :(
Thanks. I read your earlier (eloquently written) posts, and felt compelled to post again myself. I would never wish to change anyone's mind, just hopefully shed some light on the darkness. Everyone here seems like a great group, with similar values and desires.

BUT, where DOES this sense of "entitlement" come from? Isn't it enough to have the funds to purchase a park pass or ticket, walk through those hallowed gates and set yourself FREE for the day? Isn't the sense of excitement you still get in the pit of your stomach as you near your favorite attraction a glorious "prize/reward" enough? When did we all have to receive something tangible to feel indemnified? Adults need this economic remuneration...not children.

We all know most of us would likely go home and toss the "prize" in a drawer somewhere anyway (or sell it on eBay), so what is the big deal here? Is it the competition? Because some other family was selected, we feel inadequate? This is not the way we should feel, at all. It is not healthy. Life...just doesn't work that way. We need to take better stock of the situation, and count our blessings.

I've stood on the sidelines with a friend and witnessed soccer games where they hand out trophies to every single child who plays the game or participates. The same thing goes for the cheer/dance squads, etc. When I grew up and engaged in competitive sports, this was NEVER the case. You learned to lose, and lose with dignity and grace. Losers were not rewarded.

There is NO shame in losing, as not everyone can win. This is where the term "losing gracefully" hails from. When one team loses the pennant or Cup or Superbowl...the other lines up to shake their hands (MLB & others). Thank God the Olympics only hands out three top medals to this day, no matter how many competitors enter each sport! Losing, is part of the game.

This was part of the lesson Ilearned associated with sports.There are winners, and losers. Not everyone is going to win in the game of life either---and pretending by honoring/rewarding everyone to avoid any hurt feelings is not necessarily a good thing. Children must learn to deal with rejection. They will receive rejections from universities, and girls/boys, and jobs they apply for.

Adversity makes people stronger. Learning to take the lumps in life, brings out positive character traits. It brings out the BEST in the human spirit. People must learn to effectively deal with the "highs and lows" no matter what it pertains to.

McDonalds is currently in the midst of their famous monopoly game. Not every piece plucked off the side of the fry or burger box is an instant winner, or a million-dollar game piece. Yet, this is what makes it even more interesting. We hold-out for HOPE! That glorious feeling we used to have on Christmas morning, as we gathered around the tree with our siblings and parents...HOPING the one gift we longed for the most (for me...the quinnesential PONY..LOL)...was somewhere under those branches, wrapped in holiday paper and bows. We couldn't wait to dig-in.

This, represents the best in all of us. Hoping we are chosen to receive a special pin or prize while visiting WDW, is like the extra frosting on the cake. It should be enough, even more than enough. Just visiting the parks for the afternoon with our blessed children and loved ones is the grand prize. The most important lesson remains in teaching our children these values. It's not whether you win/lose...it will always be about HOW you play the game.

So Please, explain the rules to your children accordingly before entering the park...placing emphasis on the "not everyone wins" part. Then, lose the ADULT mumbo-jumbo baggage & competitiveness inside you by becoming a child once again. Simply shuck the monkey-suit at the turnstile--and LET LOOSE! You will soon forget about all the silly prizes, and become more focused on who can beat who in the race to space mountain! :sohappy: HAVING FUN...is the main objective. Let's not lose sight. ^_^ And...it's always when you LEAST expect it, YOU MAY ACTUALLY WIN!!!! ;)

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