Just got back from Disney World and wanted to share a few things


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My family and I just got back from Disney world and I just wanted to share a few things.....we went from 6/23 to 6/28 and we did have a blast! We stayed at Pop Century and was overall, very happy with the hotel, although I have a few gripes, I won't share them now....Anyhooooo......we waited until we got to the airport to tell the kids and they were flipping out excited (they are 4 and 3).....they loved being on the plane and getting to the hotel...there is so much more now at disney than the last time i was there...(i was there last in 1993). but this site, and a couple of others helped prepare us..

Here is my top favorites of the trip:

1. Donald's breakfast at tuskerhouse....this was such a great breakfast for the kids and us parents. the parade they do is soo cute.

2. expidition everest...the best ride in creation.....

3. Kilimonjaro (sp) safari..that is the most amazing thing i have ever experienced....

4. Dinner with cinderella at the castle...this was a great meal and the entertainment was fantastic.both girls had a great time.

5. High school musical show at dhs....this was great. my one daughter actually got picked to dance in it...

6. Tower of terror....Holy canolli...this was a great ride.

7. the day parade at magic kingdom...wow. it was so nice...

Now for my gripes...

1. I never remember the people at disney (not the cast members but the guests) ever being so rude in my life....this is the only bad thing i can say about our whole vacation...there were so many rude guests and slobs out there....when we were on it's a small world and taking the boat in at the end of the ride, so many people getting off the ride and waiting on the ride were throwing their trash in the water from above us....and taking the bus,,,when it was crowded, me and my husband would sit and put the girls on our laps and when it was really croweded like standing room only, i would sit with both girls on my lap and my husband would offer his seat to someone....but there were many others who took up all the seats even with little kids, wouldn't even offer their seat to an elder person or someone with a baby...just pure rudeness....and there were a lot of cutting lines....it was always where a cast member wasn't watching and it was always on line for a kiddie ride and i would be waiting with my kids and like 7-10 people would just hop in front of us after we were in line for a while....

that is my only complaint (i know it is a big one) but it did not ruin our fun...and the fact that we had such a fantastic vacation.....!

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Glad to see you had a great time! :wave:

I agree with you about the declining standards of courtesy towards others nowadays. It does make me wonder about our society sometimes... :(


Well-Known Member
I never remember the people at disney (not the cast members but the guests) ever being so rude in my life....this is the only bad thing i can say about our whole vacation...there were so many rude guests and slobs out there....when we were on it's a small world and taking the boat in at the end of the ride, so many people getting off the ride and waiting on the ride were throwing their trash in the water from above us....and taking the bus,,,when it was crowded, me and my husband would sit and put the girls on our laps and when it was really croweded like standing room only, i would sit with both girls on my lap and my husband would offer his seat to someone....but there were many others who took up all the seats even with little kids, wouldn't even offer their seat to an elder person or someone with a baby...just pure rudeness....and there were a lot of cutting lines....it was always where a cast member wasn't watching and it was always on line for a kiddie ride and i would be waiting with my kids and like 7-10 people would just hop in front of us after we were in line for a while....

that is my only complaint (i know it is a big one) but it did not ruin our fun...and the fact that we had such a fantastic vacation.....!

That's been a problem for a quite a few years now and it's only getting worse. The good part about it (if there can be a good part about it) is that it's not only at WDW but everywhere. People in general seem much more greedy, pushy and angry than they they did years ago. I blame society, the media and government for a lot of things as I see it only getting worse. Freedom is taken advantage of and people are simply being stupid because no one will do anything about it. I think it's more of a difficult bite to take while at WDW though where the purpose of the place is to let your hair down and be a kid. It's a shame that this is the norm anymore. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you had a great trip. TOT is my favorite ride, so I am always glad when it gains a new fan!

One thing that I wanted to add is to be careful how you judge people. The last time I was at the world I had horrible blisters on my feet the last day of the trip. It was to the point that I could hardly walk without being in pain. Whenever I stood in one spot without moving the pain was unbearable. I did not give up a seat on the bus back to the resort that night b/c of my situation. Being a young guy (24), many people probably assumed I did not care about others. Obviously it wasn't the case, as I would normally give up a seat. I realize a lot people aren't compassionate but just be careful how you label everyone who doesn't give up a seat. You never know what the whole story is. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you had a good time - now to start planning the next trip!:lol:
Good to hear about Donald's Breakfast - we have reservations there in December and am really looking forward to it. My nephew is dinosaur crazy, and Donald is his favorite character.


Well-Known Member
I have been to WDW 4 times...two times during peak season and two during off-peak. I have to say that it seems the level of service as well as the common courtesy factor of fellow travellers seems much better off peak. The CM's don't seem so overworked and the heat is not so opressive which I think contributes to people to be irritable and rude. We are going again in September and I look forward to travelling once again during off-peak season.

Just my $0.02...


So true about rude people. I am constantly being pushed, and to be honest I don't know why people want to do that, because I'm not a small person. If I was a more confrontational person they would be in trouble.
But it is the same at home in the UK too these days.

Another thing that bugs us, is people who like to get really up close and queue practically on top of you. My sister was getting really annoyed at one of the water parks where some dude kept getting closer and closer and kept touching her. I was ready to flip the sod over the stairs to be honest. No one has respect for a persons personal space anymore, and its quite disturbing if you have some half naked person rubbing up against you.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
2. expidition everest...the best ride in creation.....
yea this ride is awesome! Its no splash mountain though.:lol:

1. I never remember the people at disney (not the cast members but the guests) ever being so rude in my life....
I put the blame for this directly on Disney. They just dont want to offend anyone, even the bad people. If you let people walk all over you, then they will.


Well-Known Member
So true about rude people. I am constantly being pushed, and to be honest I don't know why people want to do that, because I'm not a small person. If I was a more confrontational person they would be in trouble.
But it is the same at home in the UK too these days.

Another thing that bugs us, is people who like to get really up close and queue practically on top of you. My sister was getting really annoyed at one of the water parks where some dude kept getting closer and closer and kept touching her. I was ready to flip the sod over the stairs to be honest. No one has respect for a persons personal space anymore, and its quite disturbing if you have some half naked person rubbing up against you.

It depends on who the person is.:lol:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I have noticed the rudeness as well, but not really towards me. I guess it might be because I'm 6'6" and 230 lbs, some people think twice before trying something, but I'm not the way I look, I'm pretty tolerant in most cases, but don't push the matter.


Well-Known Member
So true about rude people. I am constantly being pushed, and to be honest I don't know why people want to do that, because I'm not a small person. If I was a more confrontational person they would be in trouble.
But it is the same at home in the UK too these days.

Another thing that bugs us, is people who like to get really up close and queue practically on top of you. My sister was getting really annoyed at one of the water parks where some dude kept getting closer and closer and kept touching her. I was ready to flip the sod over the stairs to be honest. No one has respect for a persons personal space anymore, and its quite disturbing if you have some half naked person rubbing up against you.

I know exactly what you mean about the people behind. Its not like the line is moving any faster lol or worse though is at firework time (IDK if MK has this problem but DLR does) is how rude some people can be to the CM's working crowd control in front of the castle. yikes.

With that though there are a handful of great guests out there maybe a bunch of Disney fansites should rent out the park one night actually that might be a bad idea people would be having arguments over the Disney/Pixar rides :D.

Glad you had a nice trip though. Wow you haven't been since 93! How was it with kids this time?


New Member
I can appreciate your problem with the people...I was once young, as most of can attest to, but I always respected other people's feelings while still trying to have a great time. Today, I don't see too much of that. We are in a "me only" phase and all I can do is raise my children the way that I was.


New Member
Hubby and I just got back yesterday and we didn't really notice any really "rude" people while we were there. There are always "those" people that you run into..... We sat next to a mother and daughter at the San Angel Inn and all I can say is bless that mother. The daughter I am guessing was between 19-22 and the only word to describe her is "rotten". Then there again it was probably because the mother had always given her everything she could imagine wanting that had made her that way. The mother even made the comment that she was making dinner for everyone around her unbearable. I don't know if I would go that far but it was entertaining to say the least. She was very demanding with the waitress and once she got her appetizers she got up and left to go smoke leaving her mother there to eat her entree alone. Then came back and proceeded to lay on the table and make all these crazy noises and faces. Who knows........... :eek: Oh yea, they were from Florida so it wasn't another culture or anything.... :rolleyes: We made the comment that we always seem to run into someone or something that gives us something to talk about on the way home...


Well-Known Member
3. Kilimonjaro (sp) safari..that is the most amazing thing i have ever experienced....

It is awesome. They did such a good job.


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The kids had a fantastic time....we wanted to wait until the little one was completely potty trained and out of diapers..and we did not bring a stroller, we just rented the double one and it worked out fine. I had to carry the little one from the bus to the entrance of the parks and back agai, but it helped me work off the calories from eating those dole whips!

the girls were just amazed at everything! they really did not want to leave..i did not want to leave...but it gives us something to look forward to to go next year!


New Member
I can appreciate your problem with the people...I was once young, as most of can attest to, but I always respected other people's feelings while still trying to have a great time. Today, I don't see too much of that. We are in a "me only" phase and all I can do is raise my children the way that I was.

SO TRUE! It saddens me to see this behavior in today's society. I think part of it is that yes, we have freedoms, but we have forgotton common coutesy. Additionally many people don't say anything, because they are afraid of what type of confrontation may occur (as we have heard about in other threads).

To the OP - glad you had a great time despite the gripes you experienced. Hopefully you won't have so many years between trips this time!


Active Member
"Another thing that bugs us, is people who like to get really up close and queue practically on top of you. "

Its funny you should say this, the last time we were in Florida (1999) we went to IOA (not Disney I know) we were queing for Incredible Hulk this young lady kept going really close to my DH and brushing herself up against him......when we got on the ride, I was laughing and saying I can't believe what that girl was doing....completely forgetting that the ride shoots you off at 60mph....so it sounded more like I can't believe what that girl aaaaaaaaaaaaagh! We still laugh about it now, I think DH is looking forward to the return trip in October!:ROFLOL:

Glad you had a great time though, we're taking our kids for the first time since 99.

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