Just got back from Disney World and wanted to share a few things

B-Ball Vol

New Member
Golden Rule

I know this is wishful thinking and it won't happen (& I certainly don't want to start a church/religion thread run), but how about a simple sign everyone sees before everyone enters the parks: "Please follow the Golden Rule". Something along those lines that just reminds people about common courtesy.


New Member
I'm glad you had a great trip. TOT is my favorite ride, so I am always glad when it gains a new fan!

One thing that I wanted to add is to be careful how you judge people. The last time I was at the world I had horrible blisters on my feet the last day of the trip. It was to the point that I could hardly walk without being in pain. Whenever I stood in one spot without moving the pain was unbearable. I did not give up a seat on the bus back to the resort that night b/c of my situation. Being a young guy (24), many people probably assumed I did not care about others. Obviously it wasn't the case, as I would normally give up a seat. I realize a lot people aren't compassionate but just be careful how you label everyone who doesn't give up a seat. You never know what the whole story is. :animwink:
I totally agree with Krankenstein on don't be too quick in judging people. My husband and I are in our 30's. I have very bad feet and my husband has back problems. We will stand in line and let 2 or 3 busses pass go by letting other folks go ahead that don't mind standing before we are assured to get a seat. We take the time out of our vacation to wait for a seat on the bus to make sure we are comfortable and not have to be in any pain when standing. Everyone has the right to wait for the next bus to be assured a seat, and in my opinion should not expect people to give up their seat. Others could have let people go ahead and wait for the next bus so they could sit down if they wanted or needed to. I would not call folks being rude for doing so. Some folks have severe disablities and cannot stand on a moving bus. I have seen a family drag there grandma on to a packed bus. Why would anyone do that? I doubt there vacation time is a higher priority than the comfort of they're elderly family member. I am glad you had a great vacation otherwise. :) Just keep in mind just because a person looks well on the outside that may not be the case on the inside. I have read other posts on discussion boards where people have given them a hard time for not giving up the seat they were in for a mother with a baby or the elderly. When in fact the one gentleman had multiple sclerosis and could not stand on the moving bus. One never knows the situation. So if one does want a seat the best thing is probably to let people go ahead who have no issues with standing on a bus. They will be greatful and probably thank you because they can get back to their resort sooner. So your not being rude you just made someones day a little more magical. After doing so it does not feel very good to finally sit in your seat that you have waited for, for the past 20 - 30 minutes so you would not be in any pain. Only to have other people on that bus sit there and give you dirty looks because you will not give up your seat to someone who wouldn't take the time to let others go ahead so they or they elderly family member could be assured a comfortable pain free ride back to the resort they are staying at. I guess what I am trying to say is don't judge a book by it's cover. Everyone deserves to be comfortable, they just might have to wait a little while to be guarenteed it. In my opinion no ones vacation time is more valuable than someone elses. Sorry to ramble on about this...it just can be disappointing when you have some type of physical limitation and right away you are labled as being rude. The truth is that...sometimes that is not the case at all. Even if a person has no disability and they just want to be comfortable and they want a seat. If they waited for it they should be able to be comfortable as well. If the mother with the baby don't want to stand and don't want to wait for another bus then perhaps they may want to consider renting a car but they are still going to have to wait for the tram. In the parks they are still going to have to wait to get on an attraction or to meet one of the characters. It's WDW and one will always have to do a little waiting.:wave:


Well-Known Member
I agree about the rude guest part. It's getting bad.

It's one thing I noticed between WDW and Disneyland in CA. The guests in DL were happy, nice, friendly. It was like a totally different experience. I still love WDW but the guests at DL were much better than those at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I am glad you had a good time, and am even more pleased to see someone thrilled with what WDW is, instead of what it isn't.


I just got back from the parks, and I have something to share....


How does someone STILL run me over when there is 8 feet between me and a wall and 30-40 vacant feet on the other side of me(And no apology)?? Is it gravity or what!??!?!?:brick:

At least the Brazilian tour groups behaved, but seeing so many 15 year olds with implants is quite bizarre(And we are talking more than a few!):eek:...


New Member

I don't want to start a fight, BUT you have to stand to wait for the bus so sometimes it better just to stand on the bus to get to the resort so you can sit faster... does that make sense? We were there in May and our friend who was 6 months pregnant had to stand on the bus because she just wanted to go back and what annoyed me was that there were PLENTY of people who were fine in the park who wouldn't stand AND there were small children in their own seat whom could have a lap seat instead... and then the one father sitting next to her fell asleep and let his stroller hit my friend and when i took it to prop it back up he woke up and gave me a nasty look like i was going to steal his stroller, where would i have taken it?


New Member
I just got back from the parks, and I have something to share....

Does WDW require any training before someone can rent one of those motorized ECVs?
There are people who need them but not all people on them seem to know how to operate them correctly.

We were walking along in Animal Kindgom, with many other people, and a lady on an ECV got mixed up on the controls.
Instead of using the brake, she used the accelerator and slammed into the legs of a lady in front of her, hard. Then the lady on the ECV almost did it again.
Another lady came over to her and said, 'Mother. Just stop! Stop!'.
Don't know what happened after that because we had walked on.
The lady who was hit was just an innocent guest who happened to be there at the wrong spot.


Does WDW require any training before someone can rent one of those motorized ECVs?
There are people who need them but not all people on them seem to know how to operate them correctly.

We were walking along in Animal Kindgom, with many other people, and a lady on an ECV got mixed up on the controls.
Instead of using the brake, she used the accelerator and slammed into the legs of a lady in front of her, hard. Then the lady on the ECV almost did it again.
Another lady came over to her and said, 'Mother. Just stop! Stop!'.
Don't know what happened after that because we had walked on.
The lady who was hit was just an innocent guest who happened to be there at the wrong spot.

As far as I know, no.. And a lot of people bring their own. The one that hit me was a personally owned one. I seem to get hit or run over EVERY time I go, and I go out of my way to avoid the darned things, grrrr!!!


and taking the bus,,,when it was crowded, me and my husband would sit and put the girls on our laps and when it was really croweded like standing room only, i would sit with both girls on my lap and my husband would offer his seat to someone....but there were many others who took up all the seats even with little kids, wouldn't even offer their seat to an elder person or someone with a baby...just pure rudeness....
I can't tell you how many times I WASN'T offered a seat when I was PG! I agree with some other posters who say sometimes you have a physical ailment that prevents you from giving up your seat, but what irked me was the people who let their young kids get a seat of their own, or their bags or strollers get a seat while a PG women (with a 2 and 4 year old of her own and bags and a stroller as well) had to stand!


New Member
Original Poster
Believe me I fully understand that there are plenty of people with disabilities or who are injured and who cannot stand on the bus, and when there was a bus that was overcrowded and it was standing room only, we sucked it up and stood or simply waited for another bus, but it just seemed like there were more people who were rude than I can ever remember in the past.

And also, i am not saying that everyone should give their seat up, i just was shocked that there were some people who were not as consierate of others...that is all...We still had a great time, i was just mentioning the one small gripe that I had...

Here is an example....we were havin dinner at Cinderella's Royal table and my daughter who is 4 had her back to a man sitting at a table with his family behind us.....his chair was pushed up against my daughter's chair and his daughter who was a teenager kept getting out of her seat an climbing over the chair my daughter was sitting in without saying excuse me and kicking her in the head with her foot at least 3 times during dinner. I didn't want to cause any fight so we didn't say anything, but everytime my daughter was hit in the head by this girl, she cried....and it wasn't nothing - - it was not polite and no excuse me or i'm sorry ever came out of their mouths and they witnessed it happening each and every time.....


New Member
I don't want to start a fight, BUT you have to stand to wait for the bus so sometimes it better just to stand on the bus to get to the resort so you can sit faster... does that make sense? We were there in May and our friend who was 6 months pregnant had to stand on the bus because she just wanted to go back and what annoyed me was that there were PLENTY of people who were fine in the park who wouldn't stand AND there were small children in their own seat whom could have a lap seat instead... and then the one father sitting next to her fell asleep and let his stroller hit my friend and when i took it to prop it back up he woke up and gave me a nasty look like i was going to steal his stroller, where would i have taken it?
For some people I am sure it is possible that may be the case. I guess in all fairness it may be hard to notice the differance of standing on a bus or on ground if you had never had back,feet, or leg problems. We have found that it is much more difficult to stand on a moving bus that is stopping and going then it is on solid ground. It takes much more balance. The first thing in the morning when going to the parks I will get very bad cramping in my feet before even getting there if having to stand. I see your point if you don't have any physical limitations getting back to the resort to relax would be much better. However in some cases that is just not an option. It is either let people go ahead, or be in a great deal of pain. And don't worry Elcodfish I am not here to start no fight either. :) Just to state an opinion. I am not saying that my opinion is right, but it's my opinion none the less. We rented a car for a few days last year, and found it to be alot more suitable to our needs. So on our next trip we will be renting one for our entire stay. I guess the good news is there will be, extra seats available to those of you who want or need them.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
We rented a car for a few days last year, and found it to be alot more suitable to our needs.

Once I started driving myself I never looked back.

I know for some people they prefer not to drive on vacation, and that is fine, but when I'm at WDW I am concerned about time and comfort. I can either be herded like cattle onto a bus, or ride in the comfort of a personal vehicle. It's not a hard choice for me. :)

I also find it quicker in general, and a whole lot less walking/standing, than the busses. It may be hard to believe, but if I am at the MK, it's still faster for me to drive myself to, say, MGM than to take a bus there, and it's much more comfortable, I have control over the A/C, music, etc.

It may not be for everyone, but never again will I haul out to the bus, stand and wait, get herded on, etc. Thankfully this also coincided with my choice to stop flying to WDW and instead drive, so it doesn't really cost me anything extra - the gas down and around while I am there about equals the plane ticket. If I did fly, I think I'd still think about renting a car though - I'm so over the Disney busses LOL.



New Member
Believe me I fully understand that there are plenty of people with disabilities or who are injured and who cannot stand on the bus, and when there was a bus that was overcrowded and it was standing room only, we sucked it up and stood or simply waited for another bus, but it just seemed like there were more people who were rude than I can ever remember in the past.

And also, i am not saying that everyone should give their seat up, i just was shocked that there were some people who were not as consierate of others...that is all...We still had a great time, i was just mentioning the one small gripe that I had...

Here is an example....we were havin dinner at Cinderella's Royal table and my daughter who is 4 had her back to a man sitting at a table with his family behind us.....his chair was pushed up against my daughter's chair and his daughter who was a teenager kept getting out of her seat an climbing over the chair my daughter was sitting in without saying excuse me and kicking her in the head with her foot at least 3 times during dinner. I didn't want to cause any fight so we didn't say anything, but everytime my daughter was hit in the head by this girl, she cried....and it wasn't nothing - - it was not polite and no excuse me or i'm sorry ever came out of their mouths and they witnessed it happening each and every time.....
I am glad you still had a great time! Thats what it's all about. Yes there are alot of inconciderate people out there these days. My reply was not aimed directly towards you. Just a general reply. I wasn't even going to post a reply at all and then I thought if it helps even one person out there understand why someone who looks physically able may not be giving up their seat, than it was worth my time to post. I actually enjoyed reading your post. I just wanted to give my opinion on the one topic. :)


New Member
Once I started driving myself I never looked back.

I know for some people they prefer not to drive on vacation, and that is fine, but when I'm at WDW I am concerned about time and comfort. I can either be herded like cattle onto a bus, or ride in the comfort of a personal vehicle. It's not a hard choice for me. :)

I also find it quicker in general, and a whole lot less walking/standing, than the busses. It may be hard to believe, but if I am at the MK, it's still faster for me to drive myself to, say, MGM than to take a bus there, and it's much more comfortable, I have control over the A/C, music, etc.

It may not be for everyone, but never again will I haul out to the bus, stand and wait, get herded on, etc. Thankfully this also coincided with my choice to stop flying to WDW and instead drive, so it doesn't really cost me anything extra - the gas down and around while I am there about equals the plane ticket. If I did fly, I think I'd still think about renting a car though - I'm so over the Disney busses LOL.

I totally agree. We rented our car last trip for about 3 daysI believe it was. Right in the middle of our trip just to get a break from the busses. Then to have to return the car and get back on to those buses was not fun change. We decided right then and there that next trip renting a vehical is what we wanted to do. It is actually very nice to drive around WDW. You notice so much more than you do riding the buses.


Well-Known Member
When we wer there in Dec last year there was a woman that had to stand for over 30 minutes on a bus with her 1 1/2 year old trying to hang on because the bus driver was so wild. I would have given my seat to her except I had to stand as well. There were 4 boys about 17-19 years old that sat on the seat the whole way. I know that they weren't suffering from anything because when the bus stopped to get off they pushed and rushed by standing people to get off the bus then when they got to the step they just flew off. Talk about rude. But then again rude kids generally grow up from Rude "you owe me" parents. I think the bus rides show people at or for what they are when they are at home. You know the ones that wouldn't hold a door for you much less help anyone if they needed assistance.


But then again rude kids generally grow up from Rude "you owe me" parents. I think the bus rides show people at or for what they are when they are at home. You know the ones that wouldn't hold a door for you much less help anyone if they needed assistance.
You mean like the person who saw me this morning trying to herd my 4 1/2 year old, my 2 1/2 year old and my 4 month old (in the stroller) into the chiro's office and closed the door on me? Would it have hurt her to hold it open for me? OK, back on topic! LOL


And don't even get me started on the Brazilian woman who decided to lay down on a bench of one of the TTC/MK ferries while the boat was filled to capacity, taking up a good 3 or 4 seats, simply because she was 'tired':fork:. Why is it always the Brazilians:veryconfu??


ANd there was the arrogant *&%$# that worked the bus areas at MK that was there Oct. '06 when I was there with my family. It was after the MNSSHP, and kids and adults alike were exhausted after a long day. I was near the front of the line to go back to POP and a few people near the front opted to wait for the next bus to get a seat, as they have small children, and let others pass ahead that wanted Standing room only. The Arrogant (You know what) that worked there, hearding the cattle onto the bus, got annoyed, jumped on the radio, and told the next bus to Hold. He said, to the bus, to hold because we didn't want to get on, and he wanted to teach us a lesson. Yeah well, the lesson he taught us was to rise up, call him out and have multiple people, myself included raise havoc to his supervisor about the situation. If I'd not been there myself, I'd have a hard time believing it.

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